Current Server Issues on EU and MENA



  • Quake444 wrote: »

    wait, i lost the point, where was any compensation event running?

    The GM implied that there was an Event of that kind, so ppl assumed it was the clear Damage Control they made, by "generously" giving out the Ranked Points ppl lost due to being unable to play at all for way too long and 25 Merc. Pass level. So technically you could say they gave something "back" to the player. So stay tuned for more "AWESOME" Compensation Events like the "last" one :)
    okay "joke" aside, i think even a 6 year old could handle and fix a MInecraft Server he is Hosting over Hamachi for his Kindergarden Friends better than this Team of Overpayed Salesmen/women for unlicesed nondisclosed Online Gambling.
  • Shinonimu wrote: »

    The GM implied that there was an Event of that kind, so ppl assumed it was the clear Damage Control they made, by "generously" giving out the Ranked Points ppl lost due to be unable to play at all and 25 Merc. Pass level. So technically you could say they gave something "back" to the player. So stay tuned for more "AWESOME" Compensation Events like the "last" one :)
    okay "joke" aside, i think even a 6 year old could handle and fix a MInecraft Server he is Hosting over Hamachi for his Kindergarden Friends better than this Team of Overpayed Salesmen for unlicesed nondisclosed Online Gambling.

    for me at least the Battle Pass 25 Levels werent a "compensation" since it would have been fraud, if they didnt make a way for that people that bought the Premium pass in order to get the Perm Gun, and when there wouldnt been a way to get the Stuff you paid for, they would have to close that company since then would have been a mass legal proceeding could have been taken against them, when there wouldnt be the way possible to obtain what you paid for, so it was more a way to save themselfes then a "compensation".

    Yep in this Months now even a Kid that never set up a server could do it, and even set up Plugins/Mods in too xD
  • And still problems. It's pretty much embarassing at this point that they can't fix a game this old to run okay for atleast 1 week straight.
  • Is just embarassing how you guys cant fix all this problems. Servers still so unstable like for 2 months now. Is just ridiculous.
  • And still problems. It's pretty much embarassing at this point that they can't fix a game this old to run okay for atleast 1 week straight.
    0IQ wrote: »
    Is just embarassing how you guys cant fix all this problems. Servers still so unstable like for 2 months now. Is just ridiculous.


    Even getting disconnections in NA alpha now too
  • Servers broke again, unstable connection. Rubberbanding like crazy even though I play in EU ranked with a stable, unwavering 160 ping. Fix your doo doo servers, how tf y'all get so much money from VIP buyers but can't use that money to hire more server technicians, better yet FIX IT. Such a lmao moment O_O¡
  • Servers are not working properly again and the symptoms seem to be similar to those when this thread was first created. It would help if we could connect to the MENA servers since they seem to be quite stable for the most part.
  • The servers are working very bad for about 4 months!4 months and you did nothing to have a normal game play!Try to do your work better cause till now everything is worse and worse!
  • Servers seems to be Frozen! Annoying as hell for players who paid recently.. RIP my favorite game.
  • fix the servers....... again...... and give us information about it........
  • the ranked match is not working again???????????????? Is it only me or all of you guys
  • Please Z8 sell this game to developer who cares about players PLEASE
  • Maybe it's time to put up new servers (don't change the name and say it's a new one) .
    If you have no idea and you can't manage to sell this game to someone who will invest and not only add new caps and new events.
  • It has been 3 months, still nothing has changed. All servers have become worse. You really make fun of us, I don't think you care about the players. Who would want to play such a bad game? I hope you have a real maintenance. Because the care you have done for 3 months is just like make-up.
    It will be a bother to you, but it would be great if someone inform us.
  • Attention Mercenaries,

    Thank you all for your patience. We are aware that the last days were not always a good experience with our servers.

    We have made some progress on our new servers EU Alpha and Bravo and you should see the improvements most likely from today on. The testing is not completed yet but we are hopeful that this will be very soon. In the meantime, we are keeping the other EU servers as a backup but currently, we are not able to reopen EU Delta until we made further progress.

    If you are experiencing disconnections or other connection issues on the EU Alpha and Bravo test servers, please send us a ticket with your IP address, and screenshots should you get error messages.

    Unfortunately, our MENA test servers are currently experiencing more issues than before, and we had to put them on maintenance until further notice to give the local server team time to find a solution and to avoid that you are experiencing those issues while trying to play on MENA.

    Thank you all for your support!

    We will update you hopefully soon with more news.
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Celestine;n6942662]Attention Mercenaries,

    Thank you all for your patience. We are aware that the last days were not always a good experience with our servers.

    We have made some progress on our new servers EU Alpha and Bravo and you should see the improvements most likely from today on. The testing is not completed yet but we are hopeful that this will be very soon. In the meantime, we are keeping the other EU servers as a backup but currently, we are not able to reopen EU Delta until we made further progress.

    If you are experiencing disconnections or other connection issues on the EU Alpha and Bravo test servers, please send us a ticket with your IP address, and screenshots should you get error messages.

    Unfortunately, our MENA test servers are currently experiencing more issues than before, and we had to put them on maintenance until further notice to give the server team time to find a solution and to avoid that you are experiencing those issues while trying to play on MENA.

    Thank you all for your support!

    We will update you hopefully soon with more news.[/QUOTE]

    Hope you can do better. Hope
  • But i cant play with my friends zm ranked or ranked snd at EU Alpha or Bravo :/
  • I think we should wait a few more months. I started playing this game in 2009. I have no hope that these problems will be fixed.I hope I'm wrong.
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Celestine;n6942662]Attention Mercenaries,

    Thank you all for your patience. We are aware that the last days were not always a good experience with our servers.

    We have made some progress on our new servers EU Alpha and Bravo and you should see the improvements most likely from today on. The testing is not completed yet but we are hopeful that this will be very soon. In the meantime, we are keeping the other EU servers as a backup but currently, we are not able to reopen EU Delta until we made further progress.

    If you are experiencing disconnections or other connection issues on the EU Alpha and Bravo test servers, please send us a ticket with your IP address, and screenshots should you get error messages.

    Unfortunately, our MENA test servers are currently experiencing more issues than before, and we had to put them on maintenance until further notice to give the local server team time to find a solution and to avoid that you are experiencing those issues while trying to play on MENA.

    Thank you all for your support!

    We will update you hopefully soon with more news.[/QUOTE]

    Good to hear you guys are making progress on the test servers, do keep it up! Will MENA players be able to play on the test servers too since their server was closed?
  • Hey! I left the game on november due to this. I uninstalled and haven't spend a single second on crossfire since these errors started. I just entered the forum bc i was wondering if the errors had been fixed.
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha how could I be this FOOL, it's smilegate west who we are talking about, the people who care the last for the playerbase.

    Lol, 3 MONTHS already and you guys continue to play? I think this is unacceptable. If big gaming companies would be the ones to fail like smilegate west is failing, everyone would be complaiming as hell and the company would be embarrassed. But as we are used to being ripped off by this company...

    Well, I'll read the thread again in a month or se, let's see what changes! (I bet nothing)
  • I just can't play ranked matches. writes "failed to join the group". and now I can't play any of the rating matches, always writes the same error. what to do in this situation.
  • and still problems. It's pretty much embarassing at this point that they can't fix a game this old to run okay for atleast 1 week straight.
    zb 1000000000000000
  • Yo, fix the servers. I wanna slap some braindead EU players in ranked >_>
  • Gonna de-rank from Diamond this season and got deranked from Mythical last season. This is all your fault, Z8. I better be compensated for this. (Yes, I am entitled) :3
  • olpers wrote: »
    Does anybody notice that GM Celestine made an announcement about the recovery of servers on z8games forum on 25th November, same day when they introduced Black Friday sales event. I am really shocked to see that they don't care about any of us and they are so selfish and mean that they never bother to update us in normal days. But they made 10 paragraph long announcement when they need the players to buy stuff on Black Friday. It just says a lot about their mentality. We, players, are always at the bottom of their priority list.

    Mark my words, they will not fix servers until at least 2 more weeks and the players who are so eager to invest in Black Friday sales will be the ones to lose the most. It will not be a surprise if they wrap up the entire game right after the Black Friday. First, they didn't buy new servers when their decade old rusty servers crashed and stopped working. Now they are planning to introduce new servers to make us believe that they care about us. When it comes to solutions, they always go for the cheapest option. They are still trying to fix servers which used to crash a lot and gave a lot of random errors. It's been 4 weeks and the situation hasn't been changed. Servers are so empty that I can't seem to finish a single mercenary pass task. How's that fair? They never let us question them about the servers, they shun us, they mute us on discord. I can't wait to see players being disappointed to see overhyped compensation events in the future.

    Their website is so broken that I can't post a message without encountering 2 or 3 errors. The white eye sore black ground of the forums hasn't been changed despite countless appeals being made to change it. Not to say about the hackers who ruin every ranked season. How long is this supposed to happen? or should I just quit this game like many of my friends and other players did ?

    I told you guys that servers will not be fixed and I stand true. It's been 3 months and they haven't 'identified' the cause of the issues with their MENA and EU servers, let alone fixing the issues.
    EU Charlie is better than EU Alpha as it is more stable and provides better ping to me although EU Alpha is said to be a new server which I don't believe. You guys literally destroyed your own game. I don't know why are you doing it. Why don't you buy replace servers with new ones? don't you guys have money? It doesn't take 3 months for online game to have stable and reliable servers!