CF Event Pass Exploit Issue Resolved – Actions Taken & Compensation

Attention Mercenaries,

We were made aware of an issue regarding Season 3 of the CF Event Pass. The issue has since been resolved, and the Pass is now working as intended. Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that a number of players exploited this issue to gain unreasonable amounts of CF Event Pass EXP, levels, and rewards. As a result, we have rolled back most of the levels and rewards deemed to have been obtained by illicit means.

After reviewing the number of times that this issue was exploited, it has been determined to place temporary bans on some of the more unreasonable amount of exploits. For the players we have determined to clearly be purposefully exploiting the issue, rather than doing so by accident, we have placed temporary game bans anywhere from 3 to 93 days - dependent on the severity of the violations. Rest assured that this decision was not taken lightly, and the ban durations are the result of much deliberation. These penalties may seem harsh in some cases, but they are necessary to ensure that the game rules are being followed.

Additionally, we acknowledge that this exploit was made possible due to an error on our end. We deeply regret this issue occurring in the first place, and as a gesture of goodwill, will be awarding 30 Gold Coins to all players, who logged in between March 1st and 11th, as compensation.

We appreciate your understanding in this situation, and we hope to see you on the battlefield soon!

-CrossFire Team



  • hahahahahahahahahahaha The rules say you can't take advantage of mistakes in the game, and of course they deserve that punishment.
  •                                                                      LOL                                                         
  • LetMeChoose
    LetMeChoose It will be like this, what do they think they are so smart? They make mistakes, there are a lot of games.

  • SuperStyLee
    edited March 20
    Bundan sonra 3 gün içinde bu yasaklar kalkmazsa oturup kendi başınıza oynayacaksınız. Eğer kendi hatanızı oyunculara yükler ve onları oyundan soğutursanız, oynayacak tek bir kişi bile bulamazlar ve tüm işlerinizi sonlandırırlar.!! OKURSANIZ AÇIK VE NET BIR ŞEKILDE YAZDIM.....
  • MrCCough
    edited March 20
    It is understandable as long the decision was made. The only reason why everyone kept that exploit bug because CF pass levels were too expensive, and it makes sense they could get items they wanted to... and now everyone or half the community has banned. You could just take away items and back where it begins levels after fixed bug... but I understand this is way best you guys can do. I hope it won't happen again in the future. May god bless you
  • Good work and Good start for bans.
    Is time to start ban macros/wallers/etc cheat system
    Is time to start away from keyboard players in ranked zm 
    Is time to start fix servers issues lag/ping spikers/freeze screen/freeze at 1st log in game
    Crossfire is the best game. 
    Thank you Gm for your work and your game, i hope play with you in game. 
  • Hello,

    You have taken back the items that were taken with the bug, you should show this as a warning and lift the bans. Of course, the players who take advantage of this bug are not right, but we are the ones who suffer from this game, we are fighting against cheats, macros, etc., we abused this bug, yes, but your attitude on this issue was very bad before, there were times when you ignored most bugs. This attitude of yours is very good, and I hope you show this as a warning and lift the bans. From now on, most people have clearly understood that the bugs discovered will not be abused.