CF Event Pass Exploit Issue Resolved – Actions Taken & Compensation

What's the point in giving 30 Gold Coins to all players? Free Pass players are locked out of using gold coins. It's Season 1 all over again.It would have made more sense to give everyone a few of those Encore boxes instead. At least those have a good chance of giving a reward, instead of literally unusable coins.
Do you think that this is good by giving players a ban for 93 days, knowing that this is a mistake from the game administration, because you have deleted all the weapons that we took after this pug and took the AN94 that we charged, and there are also some prizes. Most players have given you at least a 30-day ban. How can we now get the Islam that we charged the pass for, knowing that this is a mistake from the developers, not from each player. If we do not amend this matter, the game will lose its popularity, and many people because of this matter. I hope that you reconsider this matter, and thank you for your understanding.
It's kind of weird. You haven't been able to fix error 1072_10136 for half a year. And for this error you're giving a block... Or maybe we thought that this was some kind of promotion for the game's birthday???? What's the point of returning to the game?
Congratulations you did not only removed the items people got from the event but banned them for like 20 days?
Outstanding move you know that means me and a lot of people won't be able to get even a fraction of the items back right?
I would have been fine with the items removed but banning people for a bug?
Nah that's stupid and annoying also goood luck most of the people that you banned where the ones with the premium pass so you lost some of them for sure today. As for me i see you as a joke years now so I am going to have some fun playing games like dark souls. Need to finish the trilogy.
Oh and something i want to say for quite a while now: You guys suck. Alot. From buggy crappy servers, spam releasing collections, to whatever decision this is.
Bundan sonra 3 gün içinde bu yasaklar kalkmazsa oturup kendi başınıza oynayacaksınız. Eğer kendi hatanızı oyunculara yükler ve onları oyundan soğutursanız, oynayacak tek bir kişi bile bulamazlar ve tüm işlerinizi sonlandırırlar.!! OKURSANIZ AÇIK VE NET BIR ŞEKILDE YAZDIM.....
-SKY]SiMo[N] -
Administration, good afternoon.Banning players during your event for the game’s 16th anniversary is really too much, don’t you think? The mistake was on your part, yet you are banning players for it? Honestly, what’s the point of continuing to play if you ban people during the main event of the server, and the online player count has already dropped by 60%? Maybe it’s time to reconsider your approach?The mistake was yours, and you were the ones who made it. Meanwhile, you don’t ban for macros and cheats, but you do for a simple bug? Fix it, or you will lose a lot of players who truly valued your project.
It is understandable as long the decision was made. The only reason why everyone kept that exploit bug because CF pass levels were too expensive, and it makes sense they could get items they wanted to... and now everyone or half the community has banned. You could just take away items and back where it begins levels after fixed bug... but I understand this is way best you guys can do. I hope it won't happen again in the future. May god bless you
Good work and Good start for bans.
Is time to start ban macros/wallers/etc cheat system
Is time to start away from keyboard players in ranked zm
Is time to start fix servers issues lag/ping spikers/freeze screen/freeze at 1st log in game
Crossfire is the best game.
Thank you Gm for your work and your game, i hope play with you in game. -
Hello,You have taken back the items that were taken with the bug, you should show this as a warning and lift the bans. Of course, the players who take advantage of this bug are not right, but we are the ones who suffer from this game, we are fighting against cheats, macros, etc., we abused this bug, yes, but your attitude on this issue was very bad before, there were times when you ignored most bugs. This attitude of yours is very good, and I hope you show this as a warning and lift the bans. From now on, most people have clearly understood that the bugs discovered will not be abused.
These errors in the game are caused by the developers, not the players. Currently,all the players have been banned, and there is a small category in the servers.Do you want the ethics of the game or what? You took all the weapons, including the an94,for which we currently charged a pass. We have endured this game with errors and hacks,and then you banned us from the game.Thank you for this bad treatment.The ban has not been lifted. Within three days, we will delete it permanently.
Is the team willing to negotiate some alternatives?
I don't know - postponing cooldowns and such?
Have people buy certain amount of levels in order to shorten the cooldown/remove it - having removed items on temporary hold.
Most people counted on stuff being rolled back (standard in the industry) and in the end there was no real harm done - on the contrary you could argue game got hyped a bit and your sales went up, especially Pass sales.
After rollback people would buy levels regardless - certainly not to such heights but still.
Given previous bugs went on without actions against players' accounts this kind of feels like an overkill. If we are talking about garnet or coupon issues I don't remember anyone getting banned for it... -
Dear Crossfire Support Team,
I am writing to express my complete dissatisfaction with the 38-day ban imposed on my account, a penalty that I believe is unfair and does not reflect the circumstances surrounding the situation.
Recently, I discovered an error within the game that I unknowingly took advantage of, resulting in the acquisition of certain items. Once the game administration identified the error, the items were removed from my account. However, the 38-day ban imposed on me seems excessive and disproportionate, especially considering that I did not act with intentionality or malicious intent.
It is important to note that I have invested a significant amount of real money into my Crossfire account, which shows my commitment and support for the game. In this context, it is disheartening that after unintentionally using an error that was not my fault, I am being penalized with such a lengthy suspension, which negatively impacts my gaming experience and my relationship with the service.
I understand that the administration team must ensure the game functions properly and fairly for all players, but I firmly believe that in this case, the 38-day ban is an unfair and disproportionate measure. The sanction should be reconsidered, as there was no malice or intention behind my actions. I am more than willing to cooperate to clarify any questions you may have regarding this situation.
I kindly request that you review my case and consider reducing the duration of the ban, given that the violation was the result of a technical error and not intentional misconduct on my part. I look forward to your prompt response and trust that a fair decision will be made regarding this matter.
Thank you for your attention and for the opportunity to present my case.
Account ID: removed ( not allowed to share details about game account )
It's funny, I wonder when people will be blocked for dealing with a bug on ZM4 or is this adequate in your opinion?
Why should I play for years and find the maps myself when other players simply took advantage of a game vulnerability and made themselves stage 6 already..
These errors in the game are caused by the developers, not the players. Currently, all the players have been banned, and there is a small category in the servers. Do you want the ethics of the game or what? You took all the weapons, including the an94, for which we currently charged a pass. We have endured this game with errors and hacks, and then you banned us from the game. Thank you for this bad treatment. The ban has not been lifted. Within three days, we will delete it permanently.
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