Current Server Issues on EU and MENA



  • All ranked Matches have no players on all servers
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Celestine;n6939199]I don't have any news to share yet but we might have a solution very soon.

    This is currently still a work in progress and all teams are working hard to provide a good fix for everyone.

    Players who saw errors when trying to join matches on EU, should no longer receive those errors and be able to join matches if there are no other connection issues.

    As soon I can share more with you, I will update this thread.[/QUOTE]

    i hope that the errors got fixed, to try to join a lobby and be in the loading screen until after 1 minute the engine realize and sends a error code out and throw you from the loading screen into the lobby is annoying, and same when you was lucky to get into a room after 1-2 minutes you get a lagg spike all in the room and most of them get then an error code too and get moved out from the game, i hope its fixed at least now
  • YRURUNNiN wrote: »

    Keep in mind the longer CF lasts, the longer you will keep your job. When CF EU closed, not all GMs were transferred to CF West. Probably they got fired? They were moved to other games? I don't know. What will happen when CF West close too? Because one day this will happen. The sure thing is that you will not be GM in CF anymore and who knows if the company transfer or fire people?
    It's your choice. Either work hard to keep people playing this stale game and keep your jobs as long you can, or let it die. People will eventually come back, but the damage is done.

    nah i think that part thats gone now, will wait for the cf hd release for their regions, now its just China region, but will soon come out for other regions too, and i can say for me when z8games will do be a provider too, i will go on and wait until a diffrent company provides it, just of the lack of communication, and treating playerbase it was just too long this time, where this problems are, and will be. just example player support all the years same, i got last weekend 2 hours done, got for merc pass the 3 levels but no crates, did a ticket with a copy paste answer that i should have gotten them, but for freaking sake i would do then open a support ticket....its not that i already needed on sunday to complete last 5 minutes 3 whole 14 round games, just that the server realised that i got the last 5 minutes done....but back to topic that damage done couldnt be repaired, not with that many problems over the last 7-8 years happening and still present today.

    Sure it can cost their jobs but we can be safely we are the players and there gonna be everytime a replacement game for it, i would have left long time ago too when i didnt spend so much money in the past in my account, and sadly i'm not allowed to sell mine so, im stuck here waiting for a upgrade/problem fixing time, but will probably never happen
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Celestine;n6939199]I don't have any news to share yet but we might have a solution very soon.

    This is currently still a work in progress and all teams are working hard to provide a good fix for everyone.

    Players who saw errors when trying to join matches on EU, should no longer receive those errors and be able to join matches if there are no other connection issues.

    As soon I can share more with you, I will update this thread.[/QUOTE]

    Well that's sadly not true, the EU servers crashed again and everyone got kicked out.
    Went to NA servers and there were also some lag issues there with people randomly teleporting due to server lag.
  • Another day passes and a solution is yet to be seen. It's really sad that you treat players this way, especially when you try to convince them that you are working hard on a solution. Laughter in the room.
    Maybe just say "Europeans, we don't care"? At least have a little courage to be honest.

    #CFEU_Was_Better #GameRage_come_back_please
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Celestine;n6939199]I don't have any news to share yet but we might have a solution very soon.

    This is currently still a work in progress and all teams are working hard to provide a good fix for everyone.

    Players who saw errors when trying to join matches on EU, should no longer receive those errors and be able to join matches if there are no other connection issues.

    As soon I can share more with you, I will update this thread.[/QUOTE]

    For those expecting a compensation.

    What is a compensation good for, if the game goes bankrupt.

    Z8 logic once again.

    Z8 Gms: Everyone, tomorrow we are giving you a super compensation

    tomorrow: we are regret to inform you, this game down and going bankrupt today, no compensation for anyone, transfer your account or you lose your account, "slave".

    My solution: No Thanks, just end its misery
  • I would not be at all surprised to bankrupt the game with such incompetent management - stupid events, uninteresting missions, stupid weapons (GP), insignificant% of profit from the boxes, rotating weapons and items that can not be removed.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    I'm from Europe and out of disinterest in the game I only play on the weekends, NA just doesn't play with this ping.
  • I've been away for an entire year and I come back to this? The situation is embarrassing, you are embarrassing, you have never cared for this game, it is full of bugs, glitches, errors and cheaters. But there is always time for a new VIP or ZP packages, right? xd I would say "fix this game" but let's be honest, you had years to do it, but never did. You'll get what you deserve one day. Pathetic!
  • me and my clan deleted the game the game earned us heaps of money but gms ignored the players some players have put a lot of money into this game and if you still have Pesch you will be banned for no reason time is the most valuable Thing there is, I am humbled that I have spent my pretiös time Here
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Celestine;n6939199]I don't have any news to share yet but we might have a solution very soon.

    This is currently still a work in progress and all teams are working hard to provide a good fix for everyone.

    Players who saw errors when trying to join matches on EU, should no longer receive those errors and be able to join matches if there are no other connection issues.

    As soon I can share more with you, I will update this thread.[/QUOTE]

    Yeah its nothing fixed, tried first game got into it after 2nd Round whole Game Room got Massive Lagg, and then all got thrown out from the room, so yeah, even its doesnt shows error codes, its one since we got message "you been moved due to inactivity" and that even we all were playing
  • All ranked Matches have no players on all servers

    i know right my rank is gona because of fuuucking gm jerking their dicccks around fucccking Indian Chinese fat rats
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Celestine;n6939199]I don't have any news to share yet but we might have a solution very soon.

    This is currently still a work in progress and all teams are working hard to provide a good fix for everyone.

    Players who saw errors when trying to join matches on EU, should no longer receive those errors and be able to join matches if there are no other connection issues.

    As soon I can share more with you, I will update this thread.[/QUOTE]

    go fuuuck yourself please with fat Indian rats
  • 18 days only fixing the servers? why mother fuckkkers get poeple to work with brain fucccking assholes
  • kss omko my rank gone 55555555555555555555555555555555555555
  • Rip my ranked in snd :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
  • Our problem that our staff don't have backup plane ( honesty )
    like we don't have emergency servers for this situation .
    If you keep clan war servers AS emergency servers , at least switching all players to it . And take your time for fixing main servers . Not to let us playing in mess and suffer ....

    How you will compensate WHO LOST POINTS in ranked sd .
    How you will compensate WHO JUST BUY ZP and wait BF .
    How you will compensate WHO PAY INTERNET to play your game.

    To all players .
    Even if they give us free good weapon . It's useless
    coz we are facing theses problem's after all patches .
  • delta empty as the desert, mena stops loading at 45%, na keeps booting players out from rooms. this has been going on FOR ALMOST A MONTH NOW!!! permanent damage has been done and the second to last nail in the coffin for cf has been hit in
  • Been playing this game for 11 years now... its so sad to see that it just died... the damage is so immense, even if the game recovers, it will never be the same... RIP cF ._.
  • I went to z8games games once into their office and when I saw the fuuucking management is Chinese i know that this game is fuuuuuccccked up so hard. and I'm sure this will go to bankruptcy
  • VN7DR wrote: »
    Been playing this game for 11 years now... its so sad to see that it just died... the damage is so immense, even if the game recovers, it will never be the same... RIP cF ._.

    Same feelings. Game will never recover out of this blunder. It's entirely the management's fault but GMs shouldn't support the management of this game. They get soo much money but can't replace servers with new servers. It's been 20 days since their servers are down and it's not a joke. Dead servers for Online game means death for the game. there is no second opinion. I don't know how the GMs will have the courage to introduce black friday event to steal money out of the pockets of the players.
  • Pls give Gamerage Crossfire back. They knew to run a online Shooter Game
  • clock is ticking for merc pass and weekend crates but game is still unplayable lmao
  • Errors everywhere... 3 weeks now and nothing solved! RIP
  • Na also broke down after that, yes down when?
  • Starting to get depressed.:( Looked around for some comparable alternative online just now, to have something to play until this is fixed or jump on too if it isn't fixed. The problem is, there is no real comparable alternative for the parts I want from this game.
    1.Free to play
    2.FFA (or Death Match as it is called in almost every other game)
    3.Many different permanent weapons to collect (at least around 100 and skins don't count)
    4. Skins or customization of said weapons.
    5.More than a handful of player-characters.
    6.ZM (any mode that is pve with bosses)
    7.Fairly non competitive (I would like to be able to eat or drink between kills, play without sound and put in some new snuff under my lip, when i want to)
    8.It must be first-person, no 3rd person/behind the player crap for a shooter.
    9.Preferably, have at-least 10-12 more modes, to not make it boring in a week.
    10.Not be needing a super-computer to play.

    Looks like I'm still at "stop playing online if this crap closes down".
    And no, I don't want to start playing MMORPG's again, it's way to time consuming.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »
    Starting to get depressed.:( Looked around for some comparable alternative online just now, to have something to play until this is fixed or jump on to if it isn't fixed. The problem is, there is no real comparable alternative for the parts I want from this game.
    1.Free to play
    2.FFA (or Death Match as it is called in almost every other game)
    3.Many different permanent weapons to collect (at least around 100 and skins don't count)
    4****ins or customization of said weapons.
    5.More than a handful of player-characters.
    6.ZM (any mode that is pve with bosses)
    7.Fairly non competitive (I would like to be able to eat or drink between kills, play without sound and put in some new snuff under my lip, when i want to)
    8.It must be first-person, no 3rd person/behind the player crap for a shooter.
    9.Preferably, have at-least 10-12 more modes, to not make it boring in a week.
    10.Not be needing a super-computer to play.

    Looks like I'm still at "stop playing online if this crap closes down".
    And no, I don't want to start playing MMORPG's again, it's way to time consuming.

    why not combat arms? crossfire copied everything from that game
  • Its been 3 weeks and situation is getting worse for everyone. Its quite sad actually.
  • This is actually sad, i've been playing this game for 11 years, and i understand things can go wrong, but in all seriousness, the Crossfire, and by that i mean every installment of it, West, Chinese, Russian, and whatever more versions there are, is a multi-million, if not billion dollar franchise, how can you guys not hire a server specialised team to solve these issues? This version of Crossfire is taking serious hits the last weeks, i'm sure some of the people that have quitted, did so with the intention of not coming back, and i dont know what kind of ' compensation ' you guys have in mind, but i hope you guys realise it will have to be more than just a free temporary vip, otherwise people will not be happy, at all. Personally these problems do not mean i will quit the game, but thats my opinion and i know some other ' og ' players have the same mindset, but we've taken some serious *poop* lately and still continued to play and spend money on this game, even when we are completely left in the dark, information-wise.

    So i hope you guys realise, the longer this will take, while telling the playerbase as good as nothing, you WILL lose players, and those that do stay, will not be happy with a temporary VIP in return for 3+ weeks of unplayable servers.