[Suggestion] Open discussion regarding kick vote system



  • This is taken form another F2P MMOFPS which recently added these changes to their game. The red dots=what I like and the red underline=what I really like about them.


    These are mainly for more ideas and ways to reduce the abusing usage of the vote kick system in CF.
  • A player can only vote kick if they have been in the room for more than 3 minutes.

    An easy change and it would stop those who keep rejoining just to kick someone they hate.

    The ability to withdraw from a vote also sounds really good.
  • This may have been suggested before, but it would help if the one being kicked also saw the vote.

    This would discourage some people from kicking others and it would also help telling us whether the kick will succeed or not. I get kicked from around 50% of the S&D and about 70% of the FFA rooms I play in. In many cases I don't even know that I'm being kicked, since noone says anything in the chat. They just kick me without a word.
  • Working the Warehouse achievment, i start to experience it also in FFA now.

    The case of "rage joiner" wich take the time to leave the game, come back in game, kik, leave the game, join the game again ... just for the kik war is for me incredible. How one can spend his playing time to that ?

    This MMO is a good inspiration, it open some serious paths.
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4271492']This may have been suggested before, but it would help if the one being kicked also saw the vote.

    This would discourage some people from kicking others and it would also help telling us whether the kick will succeed or not. I get kicked from around 50% of the S&D and about 70% of the FFA rooms I play in. In many cases I don't even know that I'm being kicked, since noone says anything in the chat. They just kick me without a word.

    I think it was,but something similar is on my image(the 2nd line) where you can actually defend (or argue/swear) with the person who wanted to kick you for a few seconds before the actual vote starts.
  • svanced wrote: »
    I think it was,but something similar is on my image(the 2nd line) where you can actually defend (or argue/swear) with the person who wanted to kick you for a few seconds before the actual vote starts.

    Now that you say it I remember reading something like that, but I didn't like this part of it. It wouldn't change the outcome, just prolong the vote. Even implementing it would be harder than simply making the vote visible for everyone.
  • the top third or fourth only in both team can kik
    and kik who in the other team too

    and all players vote

    if will vip players unkikable it will be not fear
  • I totally agree with Majority of Crossfire Community about the frustration of been kicked for no logical reason.

    I know they made a thread for Kick vote system suggestion which i have added my suggestion however the thread seems dead as the GM have not updated us on the progress of that vote system remove or accept our suggestion.

    My suggestion was as follow;

    In order for any player to use the Kick vote system they must earn a Vote kick by the following;

    *Complete Fever Bar Level 1 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 2 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Fever Bar Level 3 100% = 1 Vote
    *Complete Your daily mission = 1 Vote

    Allowing a player to have a maximum of 4 votes per day not only, once the player used their 4 maximum Votes they can not use any more till the next day if they achieve the requirements to get the votes.

    That suggestion will removing the following issues on Vote kick system;

    * Prevent player from kicking every game as they have only 4 votes per day
    * Prevent Re joiners who keeps rejoining to try bully and kick player until successful
    * Prevent Player from kicking without Good reason as it waste your 4 votes per day

    This thread needs to be revived by the GM and Update us Not so difficult to change the system, We all agreed not good for it to stay this way and not a good idea to remove completely so why not make us earn our Votes per day

    What do you guys think?
  • it's ridicoulus...

    I just played some HMX to get the spins for the event (the spin the wheel event) that's up and running now. And since i played ZM as well i got the M249 and just because i didn't want to give it to another player that HMX game he kicked me. He just walked up to me, threw out his weapon one time, picked it up and kicked me...

    I think that some of the suggestions here is really good, like the one that removes the kicks at the end/last rounds of the game, that the host can choose to have kick votes ingame and some more here (too lazy to list them all :P)

    But i really think there should be a change to the kick vote system... getting kicked for the reason i got kicked is just ridiculous...
  • Why hasn't any of the above suggestions not happened yet!?
    The Kick Vote abuse is unreal, I really hope (at the latest) that CF 2.0 re-introduces a more strict and fair Kick Vote System, it would change our whole CF experience forever!
  • I think this idea might work or not if the GMs cant do it ..
    Why not put camera on each player and the camera can be able to see everything what the player do in a game like chatting and hacking and stuff like that and the camera is also able to detect hack before it is used, if it is used then in game when the camera see the player is hacking automatically kick him out of the game and make vote more equal like if it is 6-5 it is able to kick that person and if it is 5-9 then it denied
  • I
    Why not put camera on each player

    That camera, my kind sir, is called X-Trap.
    As you may have noticed, it isn't working as well as it's supposed to.

  • Why does the Barrett M82A1 only do 200~400 dmg in HMX well in other server like the Main server:China the Barrett M82A1 does 1000~3000 damage(depends on which part you hit).It makes no sense who decided on this,plus the only way of getting a Barrett M82A1 is from ZP crates or the VIP Barrett M82A1 WHICH does what a normal Barrett would do in HMX. It makes the Barrett is completely UNUSABLE in HMX
  • Whats up with the "cannot Kick" in Ranked matches? Theses rooms are overloaded with hackers and now we do not have the option to vote kick? WOW
  • oLOGIC wrote: »
    stop making afk votes count as f12

    I totally agree with this. Your vote should only count IF YOU ACTUALLY VOTED! The auto F12 for players that do not vote is ridiculous. I also like the idea of your account being older than X amount of days before you can vote, problem with that is, if you go on a noob killing spree and a hacker joins, most players in the room won't be able to vote.
  • In my opinion I suggest you remove the kick vote for all modes played against computer bots (Bots, and zombie mode) because even tho sometimes i feel like kicking them myself...it is unfair to kick a person just because they dont play as well as others or almost at the end of the game just so a friend of yours can join. However we have a hacking problem and to completely remove the kick vote system in PVP would increase desertations and make some players tired of this, if there is no solution to end the hacking there should be no action into removing the kick vote in PVP.
    I also suggest the kick button in room before the game starts remains for all modes, this helps you pick your team and remove any unwanted player without interfering with their gameplay.
  • Personally my stance on all this is basically;

    The Kickvote itself is fine. It's us who are not.
  • Here is my old suggestion to improve the vote kick system, however, it would be a little complex. To make it simple, just think of a weighed vote system based on how many each voters' history of correctly distinguish hackers and legit players. This needs the replay to record the voting details, and reviewers to record each players' decision. Player get 1 point for a correct vote and lose 1 point for a wrong vote, and use some maths to convert the score to the weight for the vote. After some time, those who make more correct decision would dominate the voting result, hacker can be get rid of quickly.

    However, this would mean more works for the reviewer. Based on the current fact that hackers can not be banned for months, I would think z8 does not have enough resource to implement this.

    A much simpler, yet much more efficient way is to improve host kicking system:
    1. Host can kick a player any time during the game
    2. Client save a temp file in host's local system to record the kick players, when a player want to join the room, the server would ask client to confirm if the player is not kicked.
    3. When the host leaved the room, the temp file would be reset to empty, to avoid the wrong kick to permanent block a player.

    This is relatively simple to implement, also low in the cpu resources. Once host does not like hackers, the hacker could be efficiently blocked, no matter if the x-trap can detect their code. Some host would abuse their power, however, the GOOD hosts' name is easy to be remembered, or a player can host his own room if he thinks he is a better host, and if others agrees with that, his room would be popular. Legit players can at least have some hacker free room to enjoy the game.

    The system can be further improved by rating -- MOD and GM can leave "Official" rating after they played in the room, and players can leave their community rating after they played in the room.
  • Here is another suggestion for the vote system (not the host kick)

    We do not limit how many times can a player to kick. Players can esc to bring up the vote menu, in this vote page, each play is listed, and player just flag the possible hackers. For example, a 6 player room might have this:

    PLAYER Your opinion (YN)
    A (BL) N
    B (BL) Y
    C (YOU) N
    D N
    E N
    F N

    The server count the result, when there are more than 1/3 of players think a player is a hacker, each player does not vote would forced to vote after their death, till they can continue to game. They can choose to skip if they do not know, so that they are excluded from the dicision on that vote.

    The good:
    1. Hackers can no longer block the system by start a random vote.
    2. No more need to ask the beneficial side to start the vote.
    3. No more need to worry about the new players who does not care about the vote.
    4. No one get tired of hatred vote (some guy just keep rejoining the room to start new vote)
    5. Vote kick is still real time.
  • uh lol ... was not to long on forum *,.* thx for summirize celestine

    but well i didn't see a old kickvote suggestion that the vote kick can be started from a user with same lvl or above. (ribbons included)
    u can still report ... will randomize the pubs *,.*

    P.S the 1 rule for any suggestions should stay. ur suggestions should amplify a cheaterfree environment.

    cuz ur suggestions would nothing be worth on a clean game.
    every rule have exceptions, cuz critical action need critical reaction *,.*
  • Only time will tell. And yes, there are still Glitches.......
  • What about making us able to see the kick vote window while we're being kicked...also to see who is kicking us? I think this would be a fair trade off for that we're being kicked alot for no reasonable reason by angry people, right?
  • vHellcat wrote: »
    What about making us able to see the kick vote window while we're being kicked...also to see who is kicking us? I think this would be a fair trade off for that we're being kicked alot for no reasonable reason by angry people, right?

    If you see it or not, you'll still get kicked.
  • iDupree wrote: »
    If you see it or not, you'll still get kicked.

    I know afterall... but at least it will show who is kicking...they won't hide their shame wich would be rather fair if they abuse the voting system so much.
  • Hi Everybody .. hope u all doing fine ...
    I know u r sick of getting kicked in this game , it really has gone too far and it just keep getting worse , I finished my 8 games mission in more than 40 matches ... and I Think the Solution is :-

    1- Every player has a vote power calculated in points , So players who don't kick or press f11 all the time have moderately higher vote power , on the other hand vote power of kickers and f11ers is weakened dramatically so they won't affect much

    2- The ratio that makes the kick approved or denied is inconstant , so couple of things must be considered during voting time to determine the ratio :-
    a- The player's place (ACE - 2nd - 3rd .. etc) - which round or which portion of the game the kick is on (second half - last quarter of the game .. etc) because alot of kicks occurs in the last rounds or last seconds , for the ACE of course - how many rounds or how much time did he play in the game ... all these things should rule in favor to the player and make the approval ratio harder.
    b- The kicker's place (if he is too low or even still spectating (Happens alot) - or the kicker is beneath the player (Player is ACE and kicker in 2nd or 3rd) This also should make the ratio even harder to be

    3- If someone is kicking or f11ing toooo much some penalties should be applied such as (losing the kicking feature and be unable to vote for a while - getting banned for hours and days - losing mission's
    rewards .. etc)

    4- Every kick vote costs GP more (free - 500 - 1000 - 2000 - 5000 - 10000 ......)

    5- In conclusion :-
    a- When a kick is on and everyone has voted , and the ratio has been determined , the sum of approved points and denied points is calculated according to everyone's vote power , So if The ACE or high
    score player is being kicked in the last portion of the game the ratio that make this kick is approved should be for instance 2 : 1 approved , denied respectively , so kickers and f11ers won't affect much due
    to their weak vote power.
    b- Kickers and f11ers will lose their crave for kicking gradually due to the penalties (bans - losing rewards - and constant draining of their GP)

    6- I know that kick vote is based on democracy but it's not fair to give the same vote power for these lunatics - and don't tell me to play with friends , i played with 4 of my friends and got kicked , alot of times if
    someone is getting kicked and i press f12 in 2 seconds it's 12 - 4 ...... approved
  • After 3 months of inactivity and finally deciding to pick this game up, got kicked within 20 minutes. I am such a fuc.king idiot for installing this garbage.

    Yep sadly the kick vote system is still being abused, best way to avoid getting kicked is to play with your clan or friends.
  • I keep getting kicked more than 10 times a day. Just remove the KVS or block ME's IP to make the game better.
  • iDupree wrote: »
    I keep getting kicked more than 10 times a day. Just remove the KVS or block ME's IP to make the game better.

    Yea OR just give us HOST's an extra Option to turn KVS ON/OFF, before or during game (like mentioned a hundred times before), this idea would work as players would then choose their own preferences and at their own risk.
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    Yea OR just give us HOST's an extra Option to turn KVS ON/OFF, before or during game (like mentioned a hundred times before), this idea would work as players would then choose their own preferences and at their own risk.

    But blocking their IP would be the best. I am not down to play with 2000+ Pingers teleporting everywhere.
  • iDupree wrote: »
    But blocking their IP would be the best. I am not down to play with 2000+ Pingers teleporting everywhere.

    Yea true, a PING LIMIT would be awesome as well, but I don't see it happen, (maybe because we have suggested it a thousand times before and nothing was done).
This discussion has been closed.