[Suggestion] Open discussion regarding kick vote system



  • svanced wrote: »
    From my POV,the solution is pretty simple and based mostly on who kicked me so far:

    Make the vote cost 10000 GP or more for 1 use. I mostly get kicked by low rank accounts with item shop guns who probably never won anything from black market yet and I don't think they would spend GP to vote someone just because that person killed them or he/she made 3-5 kills or more as soon as he/she entered the room.

    And maybe,the higher your rank,the higher the cost for the vote(just like how missions work)

    INB4 people who votekick alot will complain about this ^

    Temporary stuff( AT least):
    Remove the vote from zombie modes(MM/HM/HMX/MKM/ZM)
    Why not, GP is east to get nowadays.
  • stop making afk votes count as f12

    higher your rank, higher the numbers needed to kick seems nice

    500 gp a kick or something
  • svanced wrote: »
    From my POV,the solution is pretty simple and based mostly on who kicked me so far:

    Make the vote cost 10000 GP or more for 1 use. I mostly get kicked by low rank accounts with item shop guns who probably never won anything from black market yet and I don't think they would spend GP to vote someone just because that person killed them or he/she made 3-5 kills or more as soon as he/she entered the room.


    I don't have that amount of GP on my alts and not everyone has millions of GP on their accounts.

    Also why do I need to pay that amount of GP to have a better gaming experience (by kicking a hacker)? If anything GP-related, I should get paid for kicking a hacker.
  • MoeDeta wrote: »

    I don't have that amount of GP on my alts and not everyone has millions of GP on their accounts.

    Also why do I need to pay that amount of GP to have a better gaming experience (by kicking a hacker)? If anything GP-related, I should get paid for kicking a hacker.

    Do you think I have millions of GP? I barely even spend ZP.

    What hacker? You mean the "hacker" who kills you or has a good k/d? Are you one of those who go on a kicking spree daily that you dont like my idea?

    LE: CSO has the vote ability as a item with ingame points,since I started playing the chinese version up till the Steam version,I dont think I've seen more than 5 votes being issued while in Crossfire you see at least 1 vote each match.

    Spare me of the "hacker" bullsh* would ya? If you really know what a hacker looks like and how he reacts,then you can spare some GP to kick him. If everyone is a hacker for you,then obviously you cant spare GP

    Z8 needs to limit the abuse of the FREE votekick system,so put a price on it.
  • svanced wrote: »
    Do you think I have millions of GP? I barely even spend ZP.

    What hacker? You mean the "hacker" who kills you or has a good k/d? Are you one of those who go on a kicking spree daily that you dont like my idea?

    Z8 needs to limit the abuse of the FREE votekick system,so put a price on it.

    I never said you have millions of GP. I stopped spending ZP and still managed to collect enough GP to go on a kicking spree, assuming I do that.

    By "hacker," I don't mean the person who is better than me in CF. I mean the person who is actually cheating. I don't know who you are but if you know me, you should know I don't kick anyone who isn't hacking for any reason.

    Z8 doesn't need to limit the amount of free vote-kicks. 2 is more than enough, assuming other players will vote in a fair manner. Z8 simply needs to make some changes to the system, that's all.

    Edit: it seems like you're raging because I -1ed your post. What if I don't have 10k GP to kick? What if I'm saving for a weapon?
  • MoeDeta wrote: »
    I never said you have millions of GP. I stopped spending ZP and still managed to collect enough GP to go on a kicking spree, assuming I do that.

    By "hacker," I don't mean the person who is better than me in CF. I mean the person who is actually cheating. I don't know who you are but if you know me, you should know I don't kick anyone who isn't hacking for any reason.

    Z8 doesn't need to limit the amount of free vote-kicks. 2 is more than enough, assuming other players will vote in a fair manner. Z8 simply needs to make some changes to the system, that's all.

    No,I don't know you ingame,never met you before and I dont know alot of forumers ingame since not everyone has the same name ingame and on forums.

    OT:The point is,the system is abused because it is free to votekick someone,and I stand my ground with the CSO example.I had a way more ruined gaming experience in Crossfire getting kicked for nothing than I had with the few hackers in CSO that actually were eventually votekicked if you start to yell(voice chat)

    And their report system was brilliant.Aside from CS's ability to record a demo,you were allowed to record a player ingame,post the video on youtube as private link and sent it to GM's. Most of my videos had 2-3 views,meaning the GM's saw the videos.
  • Accounts have to be older then X ammount of days to Kick
    and possibly higher ranks mean more kicks??? like a LT would get 2 a smiliey face would get 0 a marshal could get say 5.
    id rather trust a higher rank with more kicks then any low rank egy lol
  • Just remove the vote kick overall

    why do we even need vote kick system after the game is free from hackers?

    Hack?there is no hackers
    Bug?all the gliches was patched
    Insult?just use the block chat button


  • NickTran1 wrote: »
    Disable the kick in mutant mode (HM,MM,HMX) for players who have more than 200 ping. They can still f11, f12, but they can't start the vote kick themself. Note that ~200 ping players are almost all egys kids. If you're worried about being fair with them then read below.

    First: All they do is kicking other player when they get owned or who don't trade them guns (we all been there). They don't even kick hacker so what's the point of them being able to start the vote?

    Second: nobody would want to kick a ~200 players since none of them could get ACE, if they hack or they troll in game then they deserve to be kicked by other players.

    If you're thinking about what if a room full of ~200 ping players and there's one hack in there and they want to kick the hacker, then z8 could add that they can kick people who have the same ping range as they do. Example: 200 can kick 200, 100 can kick 100, below 100 can kick below 100.

    I like this idea

    Mutation modes shouldn't even have a kick option

    People are always kicking ace in these modes
  • ruspro9292 wrote: »
    Bug?all the gliches was patched

    This was taken like 6 hours ago:


    (to GM's: I failed to save the replay,can I report this guy with just the 2 screenshots I have?)
  • Suggestion? Kinda
    Here is a probably incomplete collection of previous suggestions and comments regarding the kick vote system.
    - Kick System - 06-30-2014
    - Can we just remove the kick system? - 07-03-2014
    - Kicking problem - increase the rank of UK4 serv and remove kicking from that room - 07-03-2014
    - Kicking in ZM!!! - 07-12-2014
    - Kick system upgrade - 07-14-2014
    - Vote kick system - 07-24-2014
    - My Big Suggestions List - 07-29-2014
    - Change how to Kick Vote - 07-29-2014
    - Improvements of the Voting System - 07-01-2014
    - Rebalancing Votekick - 09-02-2014
    - [SUGGESTION]Kick voting in MM/HM/HMX - 09-07-2014
    - Show who is kicking when a vote is put up against you. - 08-28-2014
    - Please Remove vote kick or Improve it on Hero Mode - 10-07-2014
    - Vote kick on HM !!! - 10-08-2014
    - Happy kicking - 10-18-2014
    - Rant About Kicking - 11-22-2014
    - Pathetic Kickers - Big Rant - 12-10-2014
    - Crossfire kick system - 12-12-2014
    - Not a suggestion - 12-30-2014
    - Why Don't We Keep Gp And Exp When Kicked? - 01-04-2015
    - Can we have an option? - 01-07-2015
    - Is the vote kick really necessary? (MM,HM,HMX) - 01-18-2015
    - Read the full message please - 01-29-2015
    - Replace vote kick with host kick - 01-27-2015
    - About kick system x Mutation Mode - 03-25-2015
    - Should the kick vote system stay in zm/mm/hm/hmx? - 03-23-2015
    - Some Ideas For The Voting System. - 03-30-2015
    - Kick system... again. - 04-05-2015
    - Is the kick vote still an idea? - 04-07-2015
    - Vote Kick System - 04-09-2015
    - Kick Vote Option Hero Mode FFA - 04-14-2015

    You might have noticed that I had to dig deep in all sub-forums. It would be easier if everybody would use the suggestion forum more. Please let me know if I missed a few previous valuable ideas, so I can update the list.

    Thank you.
    I think it would make it so much easier if you would change the kick votes to where 1 person starts it then only 3 people from there team can f11 to support it after atleast 3 teamates support it then it can go through where everyone else can also f11
  • The kick system is pretty annoying, it's mostly used for all the wrongs reasons tbh! That's why I hate it soo much...
  • G_Sus wrote: »
    The kick system is pretty annoying, it's mostly used for all the wrongs reasons tbh! That's why I hate it soo much...
    Yea, it's only just for the wrong reasons.
  • Change the votes so that it only counts the people that actually voted to approve or deny.

    Doing this will make kicks easier because it cancels out all the unused votes that automatically go into deny.
  • When I go 22-1 in a FFA.... 3 secs later the voting starts..... and 10 secs later cya you have been kicked. :( anyways idgaf coz idk if this is even going to get fixed :D
  • Change the votes so that it only counts the people that actually voted to approve or deny.

    Doing this will make kicks easier because it cancels out all the unused votes that automatically go into deny.
    This will make it easier to kick ppl for no reason as well as it will be easier to kick hackers.
  • I have two personal wishes;
    The last three minutes of every game, disable the application to start a kick vote. Most of the players get kicked in the last minutes of the game because they are ACE or MVP.
    For the Zombie Mode normal / hard mode: from the beginning of round / wave 30, the kick vote system must be disabled.

    Danah wrote: »
    Make players who spent more than 2.000.000ZP unkickable, but don't change
    the required number of voters again.
    This idea is good! We pay money and buy ZP. Because of our money this game is alive.
  • I personally think that as far as games, the kick vote system should be team decided not by both.
  • In my opinion, members who have spent a great deal of money in this game, as well as having a clean and long standing record (such as having no bans/suspensions for 3 years) should have kick vote immunity, and possibly extra power when deciding in kick votes. It is less likely that these individuals will use the system unfairly. In response to Danah's post, the $1000+ mark is well over enough in my opinion.

    Kick voting should also be disabled during the last minute of a timed game, or the last 10% of kills in a kill count game such as free for all or team death match. At the time of this post, i have no solid idea on how game modes running on rounds, such as search and destroy and elimination could be affected, so feel free to add on to this idea.

    A small gp fee should also be charged to people on a successful kick vote, and possibly the person who initiated the kick. The fee should be small so it wont hinder those using the system responsibly, but will add up to those abusing the system. A fee of around 500 gp seems reasonable in my opinion.

    As for modes such as mutation and free for all, where an individual can essentially be hated by the entire room, kick votes just cause utter chaos. It is a battle to kick the commando/ranger who kills more than half the players in the room, or to kick the person with the highest kills. It is just a mess. Again, I have no sure idea on how to change the kick vote system to ease the tension, so again, feel free to add on to this idea.

    Finally, I can say that the main problem is the player base. For those of you who read my wall of text and play in the NA servers, you should know by now that the majority of the players in the NA servers are NOT from North America. I'd hate to say this, but there truly is a battle between cultures. I've seen people get kicked out of rooms for not believing in their religion, or not speaking Arabic. I've experienced as well as seen other people get kicked out of rooms for not dropping/trading their "vip" gun, as well as for having a ping that does not have 3 digits. I have this feeling that the majority of players aren't even in the recommended age to play this game. As much as I hate to say it, kick vote abuse is mostly done by this majority player base...
  • Stop suggesting 500 gp as fee...500 gp is nothing,you can make it in 15 minutes,that wont stop the abusing votes...

    2000,5000 or 10000 would be better.
  • svanced wrote: »
    Stop suggesting 500 gp as fee...500 gp is nothing,you can make it in 15 minutes,that wont stop the abusing votes...

    2000,5000 or 10000 would be better.
    Doesn't hurt me, GP is easy to get those days.
  • I remember suggesting this a while ago. The main thread has a whole bunch of good ideas that are worthwhile to look over.

    Basically I'm suggesting that CF veterans should have a bigger influence in their votes. I remember when I was a noob, I would press F11 only if the person getting kicked was a really strong enemy.

    I was also guilty of pressing F12 even if the person was hacking; so long as they were on my team. It wasn't until I got older that my morals started to kick in (probably because of karma).

    That's basically how every noob decides how to cast their votes nowadays. Chances are that if someone has been playing CF for quite a while, they've also had to endure the pain of playing against hackers. As a result, they will be more likely to use the kick vote system properly.
  • I remember suggesting this a while ago. The main thread has a whole bunch of good ideas that are worthwhile to look over.

    Basically I'm suggesting that CF veterans should have a bigger influence in their votes. I remember when I was a noob, I would press F11 only if the person getting kicked was a really strong enemy.

    I was also guilty of pressing F12 even if the person was hacking; so long as they were on my team. It wasn't until I got older that my morals started to kick in (probably because of karma).

    That's basically how every noob decides how to cast their votes nowadays. Chances are that if someone has been playing CF for quite a while, they've also had to endure the pain of playing against hackers. As a result, they will be more likely to use the kick vote system properly.
    This is how my friends did act when they started play CrossFire, true noops.
  • Danah wrote: »
    Make players who spent more than 2.000.000ZP unkickable, but don't change
    the required number of voters again.

    I have really mixed feelings about this.
    While I do think that someone who spent more than 2M zp wouldn't cheat, they could still insult others.
    For me, it would be incredibly helpful though.

    +1 to the idea that older accounts should have more influence.
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4216020']I have really mixed feelings about this.
    While I do think that someone who spent more than 2M zp wouldn't cheat, they could still insult others.
    For me, it would be incredibly helpful though.

    +1 to the idea that older accounts should have more influence.
    How will u know if u spent more ZP than 2M?
  • I will address the vote kick system in MM variants. The problem does not lie with the vote kick system itself, but the community using it in wrongful ways. You can't change the community so no matter how you change or improve the vote kick system, these people will always find a way to abuse it and throw other people off the game. My solution, although extreme, is to remove the system temporarily. Hacks are less apparent than before, and glitches are mostly patched by now, so I really see no major downside of this. Considering how smooth mutation knight mode went without the system, please try experimenting this solution.

    I am also going to address some people's suggestions here (with MM perspective).
    1st suggestion: "Make players who spent more than 2.000.000ZP unkickable" - Not really fair for everyone. Paying players may have better use of system, but don't forget that they also can abuse it. Also, this suggestion only helps very, very few amount of people. -1

    2nd suggestion: "change the required number of voters" - If you mean by increasing the amount of 'agrees' to kick someone, then this is just an 'ok' suggestion. It may help with some degree but I had some MM rooms where the number of 'agrees' can go up to 11~14 (if there are 16 people). Not really effective but I see no downside of this. So +0.1

    3rd suggestion: "Remove the function to kick near the end of a game, all modes." - Then people will kick before that. Simple. -1

    4th suggestion: "Change the votes so that it only counts the people that actually voted to approve or deny." -I think you should play more MM then. Here, half of people just mash their f11 button right away if a kick vote pops up. They don't care who gets kicked. -100

    5th suggestion: "Make the vote cost 10000 GP or more for 1 use." - Similar to what I said in the 1st suggestion, paying players can still abuse the system. But this suggestion can substantially reduce the amount of vote kicks available for the entire game (especially preventing low ranked players to misuse the system.) Honestly, I don't think anyone would want to open up a vote kick with this price of GP so I am fine with it in MM variants. (But not sure about non-mutation modes) +0.5

    Probably the longest post I have ever made so far.
  • ChumY wrote: »
    When ppl creates a room give them the chance to choose if they want to use kick vote system in the game or not. The first suggestion is horrible and the second sounds good.

    +1 enable or disable the kick vote system since we arent seeing that much hackers anymore... And to prevent it maybe Z8 could make little patchs in few days
  • ChumY wrote: »
    How will u know if u spent more ZP than 2M?

    I don't know the exact amount I spent so far, but I think it is around 3M, so for me the case is easy.
    Otherwise, I was hoping that Z8 has a record of the amount of zp spent on each account. If not, then the whole idea is toppled right at the beginning.
  • So the players that spent 2M+ ZP will be unkickable? WTF? They're not better than anyone else here.

    Edit: So that means I will still get kicked just because I didn't spend 2000$+? Lmfao.
This discussion has been closed.