[Suggestion] Open discussion regarding kick vote system



  • "bump"

    express your opinion people,otherwise dont complain about the vote system anymore
  • Just commenting on the overall thing so far:

    This is exactly why we posted this thread, we want people's opinions. Please keep the discussion as healthy as possible so we can get useful feedback.

    This is not a thread to waste your time, your opinions matter, much more than you think!

    Personal opinion, ZP purchased or spent will never be a factor.
  • [GM]Odeeb wrote: »
    Just commenting on the overall thing so far:

    This is exactly why we posted this thread, we want people's opinions. Please keep the discussion as healthy as possible so we can get useful feedback.

    This is not a thread to waste your time, your opinions matter, much more than you think!

    Personal opinion, ZP purchased or spent will never be a factor.

    In my Opinion the kick system is good enough, too many people abuse it as is, only suggestions I make is 2 kicks per game per person, and any kick vote after that costs a certain amount of GP.
  • There is many bad Egyptian kick withot reason I think to make the kick voting start from certain rank or make kick voting for 500 GP like S4 league did. I was playing it and if U want to kick one its for 500 GP
  • DS365 wrote: »
    In my Opinion the kick system is good enough, too many people abuse it as is, only suggestions I make is 2 kicks per game per person, and any kick vote after that costs a certain amount of GP.

    Where is your IGN?! -:)
  • DS365 wrote: »
    In my Opinion the kick system is good enough, too many people abuse it as is, only suggestions I make is 2 kicks per game per person, and any kick vote after that costs a certain amount of GP.

    Recebtly I played with that KAC chainsaw on a few HMX rooms and I've been kicked directly without anyone complaining by low ranks just because I didnt wanted to share the gun with them when they were throwing their guns infront of me(they could've just asked in chat -.- )

    I said the vote should cost 10000 GP,then I revised it a bit and said maybe 2000-5000GP. Under any circumstances the vote shouldnt cost 150-500GP because you can easyly make that ammount in 10-30 minutes so the whole price thing on vote would be useless

    I'm still hoping to see the day when the votekick will cost...untill then..
  • svanced wrote: »
    Recebtly I played with that KAC chainsaw on a few HMX rooms and I've been kicked directly without anyone complaining by low ranks just because I didnt wanted to share the gun with them when they were throwing their guns infront of me(they could've just asked in chat -.- )

    I said the vote should cost 10000 GP,then I revised it a bit and said maybe 2000-5000GP. Under any circumstances the vote shouldnt cost 150-500GP because you can easyly make that ammount in 10-30 minutes so the whole price thing on vote would be useless

    I'm still hoping to see the day when the votekick will cost...untill then..

    I want U to rember some days the hackers full the server and no one can stop them so I U have at least 4 what will U do and I want U to know there is many people can't get GP easily and inactive players may join 1 time in the week for fun how will he kick hackers.
  • HAWK456 wrote: »
    I want U to rember some days the hackers full the server and no one can stop them so I U have at least 4 what will U do and I want U to know there is many people can't get GP easily and inactive players may join 1 time in the week for fun how will he kick hackers.

    Dude,really? What hackers? Those with good score? Those who spray with VIP's? Those you infect only you? Go to the damn CFEU if you want to see what a true hacker looks like,learn from there.

    I'm gonna said it again,you get the bloody 150-500 GP in 10-30 minutes with the 300% GP bonus the game has now,even if you suck to death in game,you still get that GP. I can play for like IDK 5 hours/day in random modes and get enough GP to spin 10 crates at Black market,like really cut the crap.

    Putting that low price is like putting no price at all.
  • Riddle15 wrote: »

    Here we go:
    my suggestion is :

    1- You cant kick anyone without kick ticket!
    2- To get this kick ticket you must complete the fever bar!
    3- Every time you complete it you gonna rewrd by 1 or 2 or 3 kick ticket (depends on how many hours you play or your RANK)

    .: I hope this suggestion help you :.

    By: 124ahmed124

    Regards ,


    best suggest ;)
  • +1

    best suggest ;)

    gj +1 your own suggestion i really do pity you.
  • darkartz wrote: »
    gj +1 your own suggestion i really do pity you.

    انتا مال امك
  • انتا مال امك

    typical kid. wanna try talking english?
  • mrkabsh2 wrote: »
    OR just like CF china, vip people have 2x kick deny each game , means for 2 times they get a vote kick approved it will deny , and HERE IS AN IDEA make this deny amount increase as the amount the vip use buy mmore vip weapons m so 1 vip weapon =increase 2x deny amount.

    I like this idea, for each vip weapon that you owned you get 2 x kick deny if someone try to kick you. This means for me, i own 3 Vip weapons, i would have 6 x kick deny each day. If the day is over, you have again 6 x kick deny, you can not save them or use at the other day, only each day the amont of 6. ( If you own 3 vip weapons. )
  • 1- Only people with LT rank or higher are able to kick
    2- Their KDR should be higher than 1.0 in order to be able to kick (If it is lower than 1.0 then he is a noob and he is kicking pros who kills him) *
    3- You can vote for kicking someone only once! Which means that if you attempted to kick him once, you can't kick him anymore and the other players in room can't kick him as well.
    4- Adding a new kick reason (Accusing someone to be a ha.ck) and whoever gets kicked for this reason, gets a disconnect then ban for 10 minutes (This should teach him to not accuse professional players). [This should really get implemented]
    5- If someone has been idle for 3 minutes while he is in a round and this round is working, he gets moved to the lobby for being idle, and remove the kick reason Idle.
    6- Whoever gets kicked for "Reason #4" will get 10 minutes ban then 2 hours then 6 then 12 then 24 then 7 days (This will force them to stop being reta.rded)
    7- You have to pay 3k GP for each kick vote you do.
    8- Add a new vote for kick reason : Inappropriate language.
    Finally, 9th suggestion is : You get a 1 hour penalty that does not allow you to kick anyone if you attempted to kick someone and your kick vote gets denied.

    Trust me, if everything mentioned above got implemented in-game, All those who left CFNA will come back and leave all other CF.
  • }Zombie wrote: »
    I like this idea, for each vip weapon that you owned you get 2 x kick deny if someone try to kick you. This means for me, i own 3 Vip weapons, i would have 6 x kick deny each day. If the day is over, you have again 6 x kick deny, you can not save them or use at the other day, only each day the amont of 6. ( If you own 3 vip weapons. )

    +1, one more reason to get a vip
  • A few possibilities I think would work best:
    1. Increase the number of "yes" votes required to kick back to the way it was shortly after last Halloween, essentially nearly every room size required one more vote than it does now.
    2. Remove the kick vote system from Zombie Mode in particular, it's ONLY abused in this mode. In over 6,000 games of ZM I've seen a hacker get kicked by kick vote less than 10 times.
    3. If kick vote is not entirely removed from ZM, at least change the required votes to kick in rooms of four and five people to be unanimous agreement, when it was like this after last Halloween abuse of the kick vote system in ZM wasn't even 10% of what it is now.
    4. Remove the kick vote system from FFA, Mutation and ZM. Before the kick vote system was added to Mutation not being able to kick hackers was aggravating but at least Mutation modes were playable, with the kick vote system I can barely manage to finish one game of Mutation a day without getting kicked.
    5. Finally the nuclear option as another version run by Z8 has adopted, with each patch the GM's should have the ability to turn the kick vote system on or off depending on whether there's an ongoing hacker wave that has yet to be resolved by Xtrap. So far it's working beautifully in the other version.
    stop making afk votes count as f12
    -1, it should remain the way it is now. How many votes are started in the average game of mutation as of late? And how many of those votes are legitimate use of the kick vote system? I shouldn't have to stop playing, look down at the keyboard, find the F12 button and press it 20 times in a 9-round game to prevent people from being kicked because others are abusing the kick vote system.
    Riddle15 wrote: »
    1- You cant kick anyone without kick ticket!
    2- To get this kick ticket you must complete the fever bar!
    +1 but the "tokens" to start a kick vote should be reset daily, weekly, or monthly. They should not be saved forever like intrusion coins or there would be very little reduction in abuse of the kick vote system.
  • voyager40 wrote: »
    A few possibilities I think would work best:
    1. Increase the number of "yes" votes required to kick back to the way it was shortly after last Halloween, essentially nearly every room size required one more vote than it does now.

    At first I thought it was an intended change and I was disappointed when it was changed back.
    voyager40 wrote: »
    2. Remove the kick vote system from Zombie Mode in particular, it's ONLY abused in this mode. In over 6,000 games of ZM I've seen a hacker get kicked by kick vote less than 10 times.

    3. If kick vote is not entirely removed from ZM, at least change the required votes to kick in rooms of four and five people to be unanimous agreement, when it was like this after last Halloween abuse of the kick vote system in ZM wasn't even 10% of what it is now.

    +1, the reasons are clear and sound.
    voyager40 wrote: »
    4. Remove the kick vote system from FFA, Mutation and ZM. Before the kick vote system was added to Mutation not being able to kick hackers was aggravating but at least Mutation modes were playable, with the kick vote system I can barely manage to finish one game of Mutation a day without getting kicked.

    I know that currently there are very few hackers, but if a wave comes in, all of these modes would be ruined.
    voyager40 wrote: »
    5. Finally the nuclear option as another version run by Z8 has adopted, with each patch the GM's should have the ability to turn the kick vote system on or off depending on whether there's an ongoing hacker wave that has yet to be resolved by Xtrap. So far it's working beautifully in the other version.

    I don't know much about this one.
    Can they do this with selected modes or are they only able to turn off the kick vote system in all modes simultaneously?
    If the former, then +1.
    voyager40 wrote: »
    +1 but the "tokens" to start a kick vote should be reset daily, weekly, or monthly. They should not be saved forever like intrusion coins or there would be very little reduction in abuse of the kick vote system.

    +1, but only with your addition.
  • ' wrote:
    I know that currently there are very few hackers, but if a wave comes in, all of these modes would be ruined.

    Please, "IF" is not something certain,what's certain is that if you dont want to trade your weapon or you are top 3 or you killed a certain crybaby,mutation modes becomes a survival and that's not enjoyable.
  • svanced wrote: »
    Please, "IF" is not something certain,what's certain is that if you dont want to trade your weapon or you are top 3 or you killed a certain crybaby,mutation modes becomes a survival and that's not enjoyable.

    I'm very well aware of this since from the last few dozens of FFA games I played, I got to finish only a very few and that was because I played together with 3-4 friends at least.

    Even so, I prefer having a good game experience and then getting kicked over not being able to enjoy the game because of being shot in the head repeatedly through walls. In the end it all comes down to which is more important to you.
    EXP, GP and scores or gameplay?

    As for the big 'IF', for the past years, summers have always been the nadir in the hacking situation and summer is almost here. If my qualms are unmet this summer, then I may change my opinion on this matter.
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4227659']In the end it all comes down to which is more important to you.
    EXP, GP and scores or gameplay?

    To be able to actually finish the damn map without having some butthurt kick me for whatever reason he imagined he had the right to do it. Irdc bout any of those 3 when I play HMX for example.
  • kik vote in zombie mode should be disabled after wave 25.
    kik vote in mm/hm/hmx... should be disabled 3 rounds before end.
  • 1. When the mininum votes needed, depending on the numbers of players in the room, is reached, the player gets automatically kicked.

    2. Stop making afk votes count as f12"/"it only counts the people that actually voted to approve or deny.

    3. Host choose if they want to use kick vote system in the game or not.

    4. Remove kick vote in ZM wave 24 and higher..

    5. Kicks for reasons that only affect the team the kicked person is on should only be voted on by that team.

    These suggestions are the best!!
    Hope soon the kick vote system will be solved!
  • Have u tired to get kick on games for nothing. İ tired of that so why dont crossfire open a new server and in this server there is no kicking, only u can report someone end of the game. And only lietunents or higher ranks can use this server .(İ'm sorry bcz i cant speak english perfectly )
  • Hey Guys Hey Gms ? How Can i Convert my Account to Rival Version... Because... I had CROSSFIRE PHILIPPINES Version ... have 2 vip, 3Lotto 8 Char. Can i Convert it in a CFNA Version ? i Am from Philippine and i live in now in Canada,Napanee ... Please Help me guys ^_^ Ill Pay For that GM ^_^ Dont Worry Thanks ^_^ ^_^ REPLY HERE:https://www.facebook.com/delunabenjie
    GMs need ur Opinion Ill Pay Ill Pay Ill Pay Ill Pay PLEASE !! HELP
  • I am not sure if our kick system can be successfully used as hack preventing system at all. I mean it is a lot more abused then it actually keep hackers away. This game is mostly played by 8 - 12 years old kids who can't decide who is hacker and who is pure experienced player or kids who just lack responsibility. I think we should leave it like it is now, we can't make it better because of the reasons I mentioned above. No matter what changes we make it always can be abused.

    If we want to protect the good, legit players we need something beyond kick system. We need to separate experienced players and noobies. But how we do that? What separate skilled player and beginner are questions for other open discussion.
  • can someone get ban for seriously harassing the vote kick? Like im playing hm, and for 7 round straight this one pereson leaves the game and rejoins to keep on kicking me. He prob did this at least 10 times. (i do have ss proof)
  • wow i submited to you abouts this subject so long a go.. and it's still not fixed :(
    at least you answered me very nicelsy
  • Bump. Not letting this thread go abandoned.
  • In-Game Room Host

    For those of you who have played Combat Arms before, you understand how effective the "Elite Moderator" aspect is. In fact it became such a positive influence, they began awarding it to all Major class 5 and above ranks to promote higher rank rewards for their work, and to promote rank leadership. Lower ranks could temporarily purchase it though. I think something like this should be added into Crossfire.

    An Elite Moderator would not only give more purpose to being the "Room Mod" besides the fact that you are able to start the game and kick in the lobby, but there is even a vote in game AFTER the Elite Mod kicks someone for the rest of the players as if they kicked someone reasonably or not. Those with a bad reputation would become red around their Elite Moderator "Host" symbol and possibly have it removed from their account after time.
This discussion has been closed.