CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • Hackers will always be here as long as the majority of players allow them to play.
    Far to often do I see a blatant hacker get put up for vote kick multiple times only for it to be denied because the only ones F11ing them are the kickers. All 8 players on the other team pressing F12 for the hacker that is flying around headshoting them.

    I've seen it time and time again, High ping players simply refuse to kick ANYONE with high ping no matter how blatant they are hacking. The only ones that kick blatant hackers seem to be the low ping players. But since high ping players like to kick any low ping player for any reason, more and more are quitting CF and becoming a minority in this game.
  • there is still hackers in crossfire CF failed again
  • lazimf wrote: »
    uhm, speak for yourself buddy...the rest may not think like u do. We dont like hack that is true, but quitting because of some **** heads not likely. There's still enough decent players on there to play with. May be you should make some friends or join a clan which has the same interest as you do and play together with them. Enough complaining about the hackers, try and complain about stupid idiots who calls everyone a hacker lol. The hackers gets all the heat, but what about these QQ nubs. They ruined the game just as much as hackers if not more.

    It is true hacking has been increased, and bluntly displayed. The hackers dont even hide it anymore, when this happens it could only means that 'anti-hack' tool and report has failed. Been playing a few hours almost everyday (mostly GM and some ZM if tired of getting kicked :D), and seen it so often that it has become something normal for me lol (that is not good). I haven't contributed much in submitting the replays lately because: 1 - there's already too many reported I believe. 2 - I think the process (I do not know nor care) is currently inefficient if not a total fail. 3 - barely have the time to play (and reporting is a long process, gotta do it 5 or 6 times for one replay). 4 - more than half of the games that I played have illegitimate players.

    The one thing that myself and my clan will contribute in this 'anti-hack' is everytime we see a hacker we will vote, and of course with concrete evidence and after observation.
    lol. Saidin wrote a few paragraphs and left. I hear no replay to any ideas or concerns posted by others here. So you guys are effectively talking to each other. And guess what... Its not going to produce any meaning full result.

    You think its that hard to reduce hackers? there is hardly 4 servers with say 10 channels (each with say 30 rooms). If the GM appoint one say one "game sage" per server whom the in game players can contact, then they could easily reduce hacking to minimal levels. I am not saying you can completely remove hacking. All I am saying is that you can reduce it to manageable levels if you put effort.

    But that will not happen. Why? Because there are still noobs that fill surveys and get z8 money. As long as that money flow is not affected, there is no reason for z8 to worry. They are in it for the money. Not for creating an fun filled game for you. And believe me, even if its you who manage this server, you wont put all your revenue fighting hackers. Who knows whether your efforts are actually going to make people spent more.

    So if you want to make a difference, stop filling our surveys, stop paying money to z8. When the decision makers see their money flow drying up, they will take the right action. And believe me it will make a difference.

    Until then, what ever idea you post or what ever displays of rage, disappointment, anger or concern you show here, its just you wasting your time.

    They don't have enough resources to ban all the hackers. And you think they read all you write? Stop wasting your time.
  • No more money from me, when not resolved ... bam!

    If you use only one account, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a positive K/D.
  • krethi wrote: »
    No more money from me, when not resolved ... bam!

    If you use only one account, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a positive K/D.

    Before I started farming I was getting a solid 1.8 KDR, this isn't true go pratice on a different game, come back and you'll be better, or play at specific times on different game modes. If you're from the UK go into UK4 and play S&D you'll rarely see hackers in that server and game mode, try avoiding mutant based game modes and TDM.
  • krethi wrote: »
    No more money from me, when not resolved ... bam!

    If you use only one account, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a positive K/D.

    I only have 1 account and have a 2.31 KDR in total and have been getting 3.0+ for months.
    Most hackers struggle to even get a positive KDR because of how bad at the game they are (If they were good at playing, they wouldn't hack). The only hacks that are hard to beat are Aimbots and shoot through walls, they the only hacks that can compensate for how bad most hackers are at the game.
  • Just make servers you have to pay to play in. A lot less cheater, there will still be the few people that will pay and cheat but then they will be banned and have to pay again. I wouldn't mind paying 20 or 10 bucks to play with legit players.
  • CANFGreen wrote: »
    Just make servers you have to pay to play in. A lot less cheater, there will still be the few people that will pay and cheat but then they will be banned and have to pay again. I wouldn't mind paying 20 or 10 bucks to play with legit players.

    We don't have to pay for a problem z8 can't deal with. And a server as this wont garantee you wont get kicked. 11 years old p(l)ay too.
  • yarrH wrote: »
    Before I started farming....
    Disqualified ... farmer. I have one account, never farmed and i play ONLY S+D.

    try bingo for the next rank.
    VATAV wrote: »
    I only have 1 account and have a 2.31 KDR in total and have been getting 3.0+ for months.
    Most hackers struggle to even get a positive KDR because of how bad at the game they are (If they were good at playing, they wouldn't hack). The only hacks that are hard to beat are Aimbots and shoot through walls, they the only hacks that can compensate for how bad most hackers are at the game.

    That is not the point, the point is: There are tooooo much ha/cks.

    And in consequenz good players get kicked cause of their k/d in one game ... happened yesterday to me. 25-6 and got kicked only for general suspect. I will never get a positive k/d with that character.

    NO MORE MONEY and this will be resolved soon ...
  • Ridiculous - tried to play a minute ago ... till we kicked mostly all ha/cks i had six deads. On the 7. i left.

    So i get bad honor, cause i dont like to play with script kiddies.
  • OK ... 2. try - same thing.

    What is with you Z8? Cant u ban the script kiddies cause they pay to much?

    You can mail me, when resolved. Wont do anymore the victim for this (better not call) hacker.

  • Boring thread!

    This is a pretty poor thread.Only exuces, sorry, sorry,sorry- BORING.
    You say you cant handle the hacking problem?
    How about some faster uptades for X-trap, or change the gameguard completely?
    Last 400% exp,gp event on the 5th.6th january-a joke.
    Every room i was joining hackers ,and you telling me 80-90% hackers getting caught.AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHh
    Next time as the only constructive critics-X-trap update directly before launching next exp-gp event.So might an usual user without hack also have use of it.
    Afterall as an really hard punishment for hacking-Take all the permanent guns from the hacker account and delete them.
    So there will be a lot of hackers gone cause of being afraid for their arsenal.
    and so on and so on............
    already bored of writing, none of the team will read anyways.
  • IP Bann

    În CF:Europe Haccers get a Permanent IP-Bann... Its True.. I know German People who Cant create New Accounts in CF-Europe... I like this very much... Is an Permanent IP-Bann for CF-NA Impossible???
  • fail_a_lot wrote: »
    În CF:Europe Haccers get a Permanent IP-Bann... Its True.. I know German People who Cant create New Accounts in CF-Europe... I like this very much... Is an Permanent IP-Bann for CF-NA Impossible???

    Is it possible for you to stop typing Like This For Ever Word? Capitalizing every word is just an eyesore an is wrong in the English language.

    This has been suggested but does come effects plays with family members who play as well.

    For example -

    I have a brother and he plays but also hacks, and he gets banned by his IP, we both share the same IP, I would then get banned.

    That example covers a lot of people with family members who play, it's not going to happen. CF EU's banning is wrong in many cases but I wont start on that.
    krethi wrote: »
    OK ... 2. try - same thing.

    What is with you Z8? Cant u ban the script kiddies cause they pay to much?

    You can mail me, when resolved. Wont do anymore the victim for this (better not call) hacker.


    Script kiddies? Are you one of them dumb CS:S players who cry at everything?
  • For Example: You Call Your Brother hacker, who uses a script wrote by another? mwuahwuah

    They are using scripts ... they are script kiddies, NOT hacker.

    Never played CS:S ... but i am thinking of playing A.V.A., battlefield for free, americas army or any other free online shooter, instead of a game where i payed a lot (for my oppinion) and get ripped off by script kiddies.
  • krethi wrote: »
    For Example: You Call Your Brother hacker, who uses a script wrote by another? mwuahwuah

    They are using scripts ... they are script kiddies, NOT hacker.

    Never played CS:S ... but i am thinking of playing A.V.A., battlefield for free, americas army or any other free online shooter, instead of a game where i payed a lot (for my oppinion) and get ripped off by script kiddies.

    It was an example dude. My brother(s) hardly play this game and they obviously don't hack.

    K. QQ.
  • krethi wrote: »
    For Example: ...

    Dude, Read My Posts, Like I Do With Yours. Got It?
  • krethi wrote: »
    Dude, Read My Posts, Like I Do With Yours. Got It?

    Actually no, I didn't get it, it was partly your bad English skills and the headache I had from reading all the capitalized letters.
  • Yes, my italian, german and french is much better. For example: In this languages i know where to set a comma ... you even dont know in your native language.

    So we are even with headaches.

  • krethi wrote: »
    Yes, my italian, german and french is much better. For example: In this languages i know where to set a comma ... you even dont know in your native language.

    So we are even with headaches.


    Oh I do, also in this language you don't know that countries need a capital letter, that should apply in ever language, I speak fluent and English, I know when a comma is needed...

    I am not going to carry on off-topic spamming, PM me if you really want to carry this on.
  • Serjoga wrote: »
    This is a pretty poor thread.Only exuces, sorry, sorry,sorry- BORING.
    You say you cant handle the hacking problem?
    How about some faster uptades for X-trap, or change the gameguard completely?
    Last 400% exp,gp event on the 5th.6th january-a joke.
    Every room i was joining hackers ,and you telling me 80-90% hackers getting caught.AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHh
    Next time as the only constructive critics-X-trap update directly before launching next exp-gp event.So might an usual user without hack also have use of it.
    Afterall as an really hard punishment for hacking-Take all the permanent guns from the hacker account and delete them.
    So there will be a lot of hackers gone cause of being afraid for their arsenal.
    and so on and so on............
    already bored of writing, none of the team will read anyways.
    Why are you calling everyone a hacker? Or is it just because you you suck at aiming?
  • krethi wrote: »
    Disqualified ... farmer. I have one account, never farmed and i play ONLY S+D.

    try bingo for the next rank.

    That is not the point, the point is: There are tooooo much ha/cks.

    And in consequenz good players get kicked cause of their k/d in one game ... happened yesterday to me. 25-6 and got kicked only for general suspect. I will never get a positive k/d with that character.

    NO MORE MONEY and this will be resolved soon ...

    Play with clan mates and friends as much as possible and avoid any room that has lots of low ranks in it. The trick to keeping good scores is getting known by many of legit active clans as possible so they f12 you when you play with them.

    The hacker amount is a bit high right now but luckily most of them suck at this game:
    There were 4 aimbot hackers in this room and they all struggled to maintain a 1.0+ KDR with a AIMBOT. It sad that many judge if one is hacking by score rather then watching what the suspect is doing, most hackers rarely get higher then a 2.0 KDR.
    fail_a_lot wrote: »
    În CF:Europe Haccers get a Permanent IP-Bann... Its True.. I know German People who Cant create New Accounts in CF-Europe... I like this very much... Is an Permanent IP-Bann for CF-NA Impossible???

    CF NA does IP ban, but to get a IP they have to be reported.
    X-trap doesn't IP ban, only reports to support do. And IP bans are easy to get around, just requires a little know how. So IP bans aren't that effective.
  • trinity992 wrote: »
    Why are you calling everyone a hacker? Or is it just because you you suck at aiming?
    Calling the things with their names is the first thing you should learn at school little boy.
    And if there are 3pple flying around and giving everyone headshots while doing so, yes they are hackers.
    And i didnt say everyone is a hacker ,read careful next time, before saying anything.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    Play with clan mates and friends as much as possible and avoid any room that has lots of low ranks in it. The trick to keeping good scores is getting known by many of legit active clans as possible so they f12 you when you play with them.

    The hacker amount is a bit high right now but luckily most of them suck at this game:

    CF NA does IP ban, but to get a IP they have to be reported.
    X-trap doesn't IP ban, only reports to support do. And IP bans are easy to get around, just requires a little know how. So IP bans aren't that effective.
    I am not in a clan and add no friend :) But I am known at some clans. Doing just that way.

    But, like I said, there are too much. You'd said in another way ... "bit high" and that is the point.

    An IP Ban in Europe is NOT possible. Most (really i think all, lived in D, CH, I) europian providers change the IP from their clients in between 24h. So you can't ban an IP cause you gonna punish the next one who has got the IP and maybe also plays CF.

    It has to be an ID Ban. So, seeing that, you can imaging that a ha/cker don't want to lose his money by getting caught and banned and so they dont spend money on this.

    This leads me to: Most (not all, not you, not the reader) ha/cks are made through a second or a third account by someone who has a first account with some zp on, maybe just on high rank. Can you follow me again? :)

    Two solutions:
    - Make only paid playing and be hard in hackban

    - make personalized (?) downloads ... maybe a serial number ... and ban after proof this download and all ... both ... characters that are involved in THAT download. And this would be my solution.
  • Wow ... 24h without a response. I think you understand me :)

    No need to tell me, that this theorie is too absurd for a response. I know, that it is not. :D
  • The whole point is there has to be a harder punishment for hacking, 1st time 1 week bann, second permanent bann.
    You may think its too hard, but its not.Hackers are breaking the gamerules on purpose, so they are clear about the consequence.
    My idea is to give them a chance to think about worth on hacking and if they are ready to lose account for cheating.1 week is long enough for this.after this if they keep hacking bann permanent.
    You dont need to ip bann, in europe the ips change weekly, you have to bann the accounts.
  • Our Responsibilities

    Hello everybody..

    This is a free game then it is usual to see cheaters in game.
    Z8 works hard on this, first of all we all "must" believe and support them.

    Well, what we can do ?
    Report, but report it in a good way. Stop spamming on tickets because they are already few people working on this so they have limited time to watch all those replies. Even on youtube sometimes people can't agree if someone is hacking on video or not. So, it is not so easy to answer a ticket. Fill information of cheaters ign, rounds, time, BL or GR, etc..

    Kick them from anywhere, "never" support a cheater to be able to complete daily mission. Don't answer to them, don't pm them, don't waste your time.

    For clan leaders: Take care of your members and teach them how to treat.
    For adult and/or adult-minded players: Spend some time on teenagers and teach them some phlyosophic looks. I've been talking with teenagers via this game since 2 years and it is a unique taste to see them as a "gentleman" in game and life. By this way, maybe i have prevented 50+ guys from using cheat.

    Treat people's mind and never forget that this is just a game..
    Trust z8, "be patient" and have fun.
  • Another idea:

    Give the host of a game room the possibilty to BLOCK ID and so they can't enter the room ...

    There is so much you can do, but ...