CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • all report any hack to Clean CrossFire

    We need Crossfire Pro

    100% Pro
    0% hacks
  • krethi wrote: »
    Downloading update ... i am so curios!

    If there would be a solution for the ha/cks, more than good.
    If not the reputation is ruined.
    I do see signs of the number of cheaters decreasing yesterday. Hopefully more of them will be gone soon.
    Darn I miss my sniping Egypt days T.T
    brodiki1 wrote: »
    My topic is closed by [MOD], so - i write my opinion here:
    Smilegate programmers works very bad. IMHO, they don't use a good beta-test of the code before use it for updates. Yes, they fix old bugs, but sometimes, the new bugs is more terrible, when previous

    For example:


    You're not the only one lmao, those bugs/glitches/errors have been there for ages, unless you're new to this game.
  • Who can write all gamer with Like a Bawss Ribbon ?

    Me, but 10 k zp 1st
  • So sad, update changed the settings, could not save. 8 ha/ck on only one game. Unfortunally i did not left before the game ended.

  • It seems that most players hate the cheats (they're not hackers though, just cheats), it would also be impossible to place a moderator in every game. What about Z8 recruiting a volunteer security team amongst the regular players with the power to kick and ban instantly - they'd need to be accountable and report back every action. They'd need to be able to tell the difference between a good player, a lucky shot or two, a bit of lag and the blatant cheats. They could be anonymous too, known only to Z8 then cheats wouldn't know who they were and therefore more difficult for them to avoid bans.
    Has this been suggested before? Is it not possible? just a thought...
  • ThR1LLk1LL wrote: »
    It seems that most players hate the cheats (they're not hackers though, just cheats), it would also be impossible to place a moderator in every game. What about Z8 recruiting a volunteer security team amongst the regular players with the power to kick and ban instantly - they'd need to be accountable and report back every action. They'd need to be able to tell the difference between a good player, a lucky shot or two, a bit of lag and the blatant cheats. They could be anonymous too, known only to Z8 then cheats wouldn't know who they were and therefore more difficult for them to avoid bans.
    Has this been suggested before? Is it not possible? just a thought...
    Maybe u should post this in the suggestions instead? anyway i like this idea =] but it may be hard to get it to work
  • I have seen a major decline in hacking during the last week, I just wanted to say thank you for the hard work and ask the community to read the entire post. Reporting system works. Please take the time to fill it out properly. I like to add the time of the replay. ie. 1:20 replay time, making it easier for the viewer to pin point the exact time and IGN hacking without viewing 25 min of replay for nothing. Keep up the good work cross fire team and Thank you for the valuable information.
  • ThR1LLk1LL wrote: »
    It seems that most players hate the cheats (they're not hackers though, just cheats), it would also be impossible to place a moderator in every game. What about Z8 recruiting a volunteer security team amongst the regular players with the power to kick and ban instantly - they'd need to be accountable and report back every action. They'd need to be able to tell the difference between a good player, a lucky shot or two, a bit of lag and the blatant cheats. They could be anonymous too, known only to Z8 then cheats wouldn't know who they were and therefore more difficult for them to avoid bans.
    Has this been suggested before? Is it not possible? just a thought...

    Yes, it has been suggested before.

    In-game moderators, promoting players with special powers, more GMs in the game, etc.
    Not going to happen, they understand the situations. Give them time to do their job.
    I have seen a major decline in hacking during the last week, I just wanted to say thank you for the hard work and ask the community to read the entire post. Reporting system works. Please take the time to fill it out properly. I like to add the time of the replay. ie. 1:20 replay time, making it easier for the viewer to pin point the exact time and IGN hacking without viewing 25 min of replay for nothing. Keep up the good work cross fire team and Thank you for the valuable information.

    I 100% agree with this .
  • PepsiT*** wrote: »
    Maybe u should post this in the suggestions instead? anyway i like this idea =] but it may be hard to get it to work

    Thanks for the suggestion about Suggestions, I have suggested. :)
  • Seeing lots of different blatant hacks now.
    Aimbot, Shoot-through-walls, Flying, Speeding, Fast melee, and Long knife...
    No surprise that nearly every single hacker I've seen has more then 150 ping.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    Seeing lots of different blatant hacks now.
    Aimbot, Shoot-through-walls, Flying, Speeding, Fast melee, and Long knife...
    No surprise that nearly every single hacker I've seen has more then 150 ping.

    There were way more of them a week ago.
  • I was under the assumption that "Time when hacking occured" was for the actual time, not the time of the replay..

    If it is meant for the "time of the replay that the hacker would be best seen" .. it should be edited for all intents and purposes.
  • 'A wrote:
    Teardrop;3387158']There were way more of them a week ago.

    I was seeing an average of 7-9 per room...
    There were more a week ago!?
  • dont let them to come again dont ban hak4rs for 3 days or 13 days ban them for ever............................
  • I've only seen like three hackers the entire morning. I don't know if I just have good luck, but it's nice to play without hackers for once. I haven't seen a single hacker in ZM either.

    Edit: I did see one hacker in ZM a while ago but he got disconnected before the end of the game, hopefully Xtrap is starting to detect them.
  • Hackers Suck


    I am an avid gamer, and I'm 43. I hate playing in games where there are hackers. I don't even try to play the Team Death match modes anymore because there are tons of hackers in those rooms. I try to stick to FFA , which seems easier to boot the hackers out. I just wish there were multiple boot options available. I mean i get to try to boot one hacker out and if it works or not i can't try and boot another hacker out and have to rely on the other players in the room to help out and boot players. This doesn't always help out because sometimes there are groups of friends in the room and they are all hacking so they don't try and boot anyone else.

    I really would spend more real money on in game purchases if there were less hackers in this game. I actually pity the hackers, i guess because they suck so bad they need to hack to win a game. I don't understand where the fun is in that.

    I will try and play for another 2 weeks or so, but if the anti hacking methods don't improve , i will have to look elsewhere to quench my thirst for fps games.

    Hackers suck. Grow up and play with the natural skills you have or go play somewhere else.
  • I really would spend more real money on in game purchases if there were less hackers in this game. I actually pity the hackers, i guess because they suck so bad they need to hack to win a game. I don't understand where the fun is in that.

    I will try and play for another 2 weeks or so, but if the anti hacking methods don't improve , i will have to look elsewhere to quench my thirst for fps games.

    Hackers suck. Grow up and play with the natural skills you have or go play somewhere else.


    I would spend so much money on that game if there were no Hackers and Kick Votes, but thats just impossible,
    Crossfire is a great game but we need to deal with that community.
  • dont let them to come again dont ban hak4rs for 3 days or 13 days ban them for ever............................

    Hackers don't care. The autoban systems bans a temporary time. like hackers are going to wait until they can get in again.. they just create a new account. so like i suggested before.. add a dam e-mail approval in registration. Only then will you keep them out easier. The fun gets spoiled once they see they have to do the steps all over again.
  • Keep an eye on the vote to kick a hkr they are using anti kick hack I have seenwhen the full number of votes add up to moor players in room then there are. You know they are using a anti kick hk. Over the last cople of days the hkr level hade droped then yesterday and today most rooms ffa hade 3 to four hkers per room tankers speedrs flyers and so on. I some time type to them saying they are being hack too with a key logger and so on becas most of the time they wont be kicked.
  • oldhelix wrote: »
    Keep an eye on the vote to kick a hkr they are using anti kick hack I have seenwhen the full number of votes add up to moor players in room then there are. You know they are using a anti kick hk. Over the last cople of days the hkr level hade droped then yesterday and today most rooms ffa hade 3 to four hkers per room tankers speedrs flyers and so on. I some time type to them saying they are being hack too with a key logger and so on becas most of the time they wont be kicked.

    What? Anti kick?
  • Here were so may purposes, never happened something, but a update, which helps for two days.

    See you next week CF, again one without money from me.
  • Yes, report like hell, but you have to leave the game, before it ends.



    Everyday a try ... makes me cry
  • English please... z8 is doing its best for the hacking situation. You guys have to deal with it. Its a F2P game. I do think that the money from ZP can be invested in better hack detection,though.
  • L_HJ wrote:
    Since last friday, it seems like I couldn't find a room without a hack. And some hack is even with a high rank. I reported a lot but seems like none of those hacker had been banned or what eles. The truth is CF is the first FPS online game I had ever played since 2005 that is full of hackers.

    If Z8 still let the hacker out there without a efficient way to punish them, I think I and most of my friends will quit CF forever.

    We spend a lot in CF and it did give us some joey, but the hacker situation since last years really made us crazy.

    Some of my friends still believes that Z8 will handle it, I can only say that I'll sit and wait.

    My friends already gone.. simply quit playing CF
    Cheat Fire - they say - is no longer game they want to play.
    Recently yes, the hackers population has seemingly grown greatly, but times like these we must hold still and wait for the best. And they will probably compensate us with some sort of "No death event" or a 100% exp.
    You know why? becouse they feel untouchable - penalties are too lenient and and reporting system simply limps.
    I've repeated this several times - HS ribbon withdrawal and temporary ban is no punish at all.

    Compensate with "No death event" or a 100% exp/gp will only attract more cheaters
    - easy money, easy exp, easy ranks.
  • I just want the shooting through the walls to stop sometime soon

    hey , look @ it this way , it's only tuesday , maybe by the end of the week there will be a xtrap patch ....... hopefully
  • dont read this if u dont need my qq-
    erry fking day i log on and rage quit when i cant find a single fking room without hakkers, after a while log back on and repeat (this game is highly addicting)
    this is ridiculous. getting worse and worse with popularity and i dont believe in xtrap anymore.
    so imo just give up on cleaning f2p from hakkers and make a separate server for people who r willing to pay (singe purchase) a small amount to play on a p2p server, priority reports too
    just a crazy idea