CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • hi cf member: i got video hacking is glich hak can u help how to report this tnx very much
  • redcass wrote: »
    hi cf member: i got video hacking is glich hak can u help how to report this tnx very much

    On the top bar, click Support, then on the right sidebar click Web Form and fill out the form and attach the replay.

    I'd usually give direct links, however I am on my phone, so its too complicated.
  • Saidin we need better anti hacksystem better is: (in game) with cmd /report IGN: reason
    this is the best anti hack system of the world and u see how many hacker down on 1 day
  • Xtrap seriously is failing against speed knifes / wallshot / aimbot , or rather seeing them face to Z8 lol
  • allGoat wrote: »
    The cons outweigh the pros greatly in this suggestion. The system could be easily abused, spammed even, along with the time it would take a GM to review the whole replay and find out if the player was actually hacking or not. Its a time consuming process, and I think the current one that's in place is actually just fine because its difficult enough to do so it won't be spammed, but is easy to understand.

    We definitely want to acknowledge the cons, so thank you. I must point out, that I STILL have no clue how to report a hacker. When I do a Search in the FAQ, I type the words "report hacker".... no results. I type "hacker"... no results. I still have no idea how to report a hacker. And the problem is ridiculous because I've been accused of hacking... both by other players, and by the "foolproof" (not) autoban system. And yet I hate people who cheat because they pollute the fun of the game. Your point about making it not "too" easy is a very good one. But there really should be a button somewhere that at least leads me to step 1 of the process. And furthermore, we really SHOULD be able to have an omniscient view of other players to see if they're hacking or not... during those moments we are not personally in the game. Perhaps for limited amounts of time.
  • This game is too good! New patch, TODAY... 7v7 in the new map, 5 of them hack! WOHOOOOO so exciting man, seriously. K/D goes down, one more Desertion and guess what ? Turks, etc can still create acc each day and use h4cks! Why dont u ban IP's from creating more than 1 acc? Said that too many times, but no one gives a ****. Sorry about the words, but I feel ****ed because of this
  • Ridicolous. Yesterday I got kicked by your Auto-Kick-Function, it said "Hack detected" or something. I never hacked... and in this game where so many hackers and non of them get kicked ever by this system.
  • D3N1ZP1 wrote: »
    Saidin we need better anti hacksystem better is: (in game) with cmd /report IGN: reason
    this is the best anti hack system of the world and u see how many hacker down on 1 day

    After playing the game on a smurf account to check on some of the hacking situation, a /report IGN command wouldn't be very useful, everyone in the game I was in was convinced I was "walling". I started with a low score, on a TDM map and ended up spraying enough players to finish the game with the high score.

    This is a prime example of the fact that the game has less hackers in it. It's easier to get high scores cause the average skill of the game is down. Now everyone thinks people are hacking, kicking from games because of it when he player actually isn't hacking.

    All we would get by adding this would be flooded with hundreds of thousands of reports (beyond what we already get through the web) of names of people who are likely not hacking.
  • DonRickels wrote: »
    We definitely want to acknowledge the cons, so thank you. I must point out, that I STILL have no clue how to report a hacker. When I do a Search in the FAQ, I type the words "report hacker".... no results. I type "hacker"... no results. I still have no idea how to report a hacker. And the problem is ridiculous because I've been accused of hacking... both by other players, and by the "foolproof" (not) autoban system. And yet I hate people who cheat because they pollute the fun of the game. Your point about making it not "too" easy is a very good one. But there really should be a button somewhere that at least leads me to step 1 of the process. And furthermore, we really SHOULD be able to have an omniscient view of other players to see if they're hacking or not... during those moments we are not personally in the game. Perhaps for limited amounts of time.

    To file a report go to the suport tabe put your mouse pointer over it a list opens up and pick report. from in forums just click suport and it will go to the report page.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    After playing the game on a smurf account to check on some of the hacking situation, a /report IGN command wouldn't be very useful, everyone in the game I was in was convinced I was "walling". I started with a low score, on a TDM map and ended up spraying enough players to finish the game with the high score.

    This is a prime example of the fact that the game has less hackers in it. It's easier to get high scores cause the average skill of the game is down. Now everyone thinks people are hacking, kicking from games because of it when he player actually isn't hacking.

    All we would get by adding this would be flooded with hundreds of thousands of reports (beyond what we already get through the web) of names of people who are likely not hacking.

    Thanks for your hard woork but when I report first I watch the replay if I see I made a miss jugement I delet the replay and moove. But in the daily games I find that there are at least 3 or moor hkrs alot of flyers some helth hackers along with speedrs and wallers the helth hackers are the hard ones you need a head shot to kill them most of the time. and please just perm ban all cheaters if they do it once they will do it again. The last cople of month have been realy bad. one way to help curve the hacking is to get face book and you tub to take down all the pages on hacking.
  • @ [GM]Saidin - So where can we find the list of those who does not hack? The main problem is new or average players not only to the CF but to different modes of the game usually have a bad sense when it comes to identifying the hacks. New or average players usually kicks good players and if they fail, they keep their hackers lol.
    Since we already have a list of ppl who are not likely to hack, shouldn't we increase the numbers or percentage of votes to make it a bit more difficult for those likely legit players to get kick? That would reduce the injustice for them. Also, we have a ribbon for accounts created 2+ years, why not give them an incentive by also increase the vote percentage for these 2+ years accounts. Those who have been loyalty to crossfire, putting time, effort and money into CF would least likely to hack. I believe this will reduce the number of wrong kicks.
    @ oldhelix - it's not very effective to permanently banned ppl based on IP, because you would only ban that particular account, but not the hacker. Hacking is more of an idea, so you can't stop it unless you can change the person doing the hacking's way of thinking. Also, they can make new accounts by masking their IP, they would just come back and be more blunt about hacking to show retaliation.
    I think it would be more encouraging for ppl not to hack if when ppl earned their honorable ribbon + character is more than 1 year old, they should get some kind of cool weapon that you can not simply buy. Also it's should be encourage in text of some sort so anyone knows about this special incentive in the launch game.

    too long....

    have a nice day, kill a hacker and smile. Whatever it is keep on smiling buddy.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    After playing the game on a smurf account to check on some of the hacking situation, a /report IGN command wouldn't be very useful, everyone in the game I was in was convinced I was "walling". I started with a low score, on a TDM map and ended up spraying enough players to finish the game with the high score.

    This is a prime example of the fact that the game has less hackers in it. It's easier to get high scores cause the average skill of the game is down. Now everyone thinks people are hacking, kicking from games because of it when he player actually isn't hacking.

    All we would get by adding this would be flooded with hundreds of thousands of reports (beyond what we already get through the web) of names of people who are likely not hacking.

    Wallshots and Headshots are not always hacks... but it's kind of obvious when you get a headshot in a T.D. map in your spawnpoint from the opponents spawnpoint and the "Killer" tag is miles away... I see players flying over the obstacles of maps and speedhacks are very obvious, too. With all these obvious hacks in this recently high rate it's only natural that people begin to accuse Players with many luckshots or pro-players, too.
    You can't conclude the whole context by playing once undercover and being guiltless accused for hacking.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    After playing the game on a smurf account to check on some of the hacking situation, a /report IGN command wouldn't be very useful, everyone in the game I was in was convinced I was "walling". I started with a low score, on a TDM map and ended up spraying enough players to finish the game with the high score.

    This is a prime example of the fact that the game has less hackers in it. It's easier to get high scores cause the average skill of the game is down. Now everyone thinks people are hacking, kicking from games because of it when he player actually isn't hacking.

    All we would get by adding this would be flooded with hundreds of thousands of reports (beyond what we already get through the web) of names of people who are likely not hacking.

    Agreed that a /report command would be an utter and complete disaster.

    On the other hand, while hacking may in fact be down, your experience is hardly a "prime example" of the game having less hackers in it. It simply proves what we all know - QQing about good, legit skill is and always will be rampant in CF.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    After playing the game on a smurf account to check on some of the hacking situation, a /report IGN command wouldn't be very useful, everyone in the game I was in was convinced I was "walling". I started with a low score, on a TDM map and ended up spraying enough players to finish the game with the high score.

    This is a prime example of the fact that the game has less hackers in it. It's easier to get high scores cause the average skill of the game is down. Now everyone thinks people are hacking, kicking from games because of it when he player actually isn't hacking.

    All we would get by adding this would be flooded with hundreds of thousands of reports (beyond what we already get through the web) of names of people who are likely not hacking.

    I totally agree with this explanation. No need to put application within the game because it will only increase the number of applications without any basis that the player is a hacker. So you will not get processed reports related to the true hackers.

    What interests me is how we can check if a player we signed up over the ticket was indeed a hacker and if his account banned?
    I got an answer from a moderator that is not my concern, it's not my business right hacker banned or not.
    Hmmm ...

    All I want is just to get confirmation that I have logged a hacker and not a good player and that I must be mistaken. I do not want to accuse good players that are hackers because they do not deserve it, if you are the better they should be congratulated rather than blame.
  • Z8 Gonna Loose a lot of good Players couse of those Hackers and they make they job better then Z8 bye bye Crossfire u can Close ur Game stupid Game and i spend 2 years my money on that crap
  • H3ral3s wrote: »
    Z8 Gonna Loose a lot of good Players couse of those Hackers and they make they job better then Z8 bye bye Crossfire u can Close ur Game stupid Game and i spend 2 years my money on that crap

    I believe this fella hates hackers too... And life in general.
  • H3ral3s wrote: »
    Z8 Gonna Loose a lot of good Players couse of those Hackers and they make they job better then Z8 bye bye Crossfire u can Close ur Game stupid Game and i spend 2 years my money on that crap

    I believe this fella hates hackers too... And life in general.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    After playing the game on a smurf account to check on some of the hacking situation, a /report IGN command wouldn't be very useful, everyone in the game I was in was convinced I was "walling". I started with a low score, on a TDM map and ended up spraying enough players to finish the game with the high score.

    This is a prime example of the fact that the game has less hackers in it. It's easier to get high scores cause the average skill of the game is down. Now everyone thinks people are hacking, kicking from games because of it when he player actually isn't hacking.

    All we would get by adding this would be flooded with hundreds of thousands of reports (beyond what we already get through the web) of names of people who are likely not hacking.

    Have you considered of making uk4 for second lt. and higher?
  • Any possibility of using peer based cheat detection?

    I mean anyone can see when a player is running too fast.

    Is there no way to allow each client to detect this and "silently" vote kick the speeder?
    if 15/16 clients say 1 person is speeding then autokick.

    It would save the overhead on server checks and could only be circumvented by having a room with a majority of cheaters.

    And in that case legit players can just leave the room.

    no bans required.
  • thanks for the few hours of no deaths this weekend during our latest spawn kill outbreaK
  • Not one game today without flying cheaters....

    I played many team death matches today and not one game was without people flying and/or shooting through walls.
    There were also speed cheaters and aim bots that killed one hit every time. I am a long time player and its really frustrating... as I am the one who loses honor when I leave a game full of cheaters.
    I know its possible to kill in one hit with head shot(look at my stats), but thats not what I am referring to when I say one hit killers. I mean people who are sometimes facing the ground or other direction and still kill in one "hit" even though they are not even facing your direction.
    I saw them both on my team and the other team... people in spawn against wall shooting other team through multiple walls and people flying anywhere they please.
    I love the game please save it and get some sort of effective control on the cheating... its worse the last 2 days than I have ever seen.
    There needs to be a report function in the server chat so when people start spamming cheat pages over and over they can be reported and banned. Other wise the "free cheat" spamming will continue and destroy this otherwise great game.
  • One of the best "reports" I've read Saidin. It is clear you put lot's of effort in that. You put everything in an excellent way, easy to understand and the additional humour made it enjoyable read.

    To bad that the people that actually need to read this won't get past the first paragraph.
  • Saidin, I don't know when you were playing but I've been here off and on since 2009 and the hacking right now is at the worst level that I've ever seen.

    IF you're playing in a full game you can guarantee the at least 4 of them are hackers the amount of aim botting is incredible.

    How about redoing the honor system so when you hit very bad you get an automatic 7 day ban, when you come off the ban your honor is reset to bad and if you hit very bad a second time you get a 30 day ban and if you do it a third time you get a permanent ban.
  • << sick of it !!!

    shooting through the walls seems to be the nubs hack of choice at the present time

    no less than six hacks per team death match makes CF less than enjoyable
  • so i played today and the first time i played there were hacks in evey room... atleast 5 per... then i played later and i am not sure what was done but 3 of the rooms i went in there were no hacks... and others had one maybe two. i was so used to playing against hacks i started to mop the floor with them... the norm for me is to have my k/d ratio very close... example lets say 22/20 or 22/25... this time it was 56/14... i havent done that since the first year i played... granted im just an average player and not a pro but still... that was a big deal to me... not sure if i just got lucky on the rooms but it was a better time for me without the hacks... i did loose big in a couple of the other rooms but still it was a much better time for me even getting the loss... no one was shooting thru walls or flying or aim botting.. and you could tell a major diff... so thank you for atleast one day of that... i could tell a big diff...
  • H3ral3s wrote: »
    Z8 Gonna Loose a lot of good Players couse of those Hackers and they make they job better then Z8 bye bye Crossfire u can Close ur Game stupid Game and i spend 2 years my money on that crap

    uhm, speak for yourself buddy...the rest may not think like u do. We dont like hack that is true, but quitting because of some **** heads not likely. There's still enough decent players on there to play with. May be you should make some friends or join a clan which has the same interest as you do and play together with them. Enough complaining about the hackers, try and complain about stupid idiots who calls everyone a hacker lol. The hackers gets all the heat, but what about these QQ nubs. They ruined the game just as much as hackers if not more.

    It is true hacking has been increased, and bluntly displayed. The hackers dont even hide it anymore, when this happens it could only means that 'anti-hack' tool and report has failed. Been playing a few hours almost everyday (mostly GM and some ZM if tired of getting kicked :D), and seen it so often that it has become something normal for me lol (that is not good). I haven't contributed much in submitting the replays lately because: 1 - there's already too many reported I believe. 2 - I think the process (I do not know nor care) is currently inefficient if not a total fail. 3 - barely have the time to play (and reporting is a long process, gotta do it 5 or 6 times for one replay). 4 - more than half of the games that I played have illegitimate players.

    The one thing that myself and my clan will contribute in this 'anti-hack' is everytime we see a hacker we will vote, and of course with concrete evidence and after observation.
  • D3N1ZP1 wrote: »
    Saidin we need better anti hacksystem better is: (in game) with cmd /report IGN: reason
    this is the best anti hack system of the world and u see how many hacker down on 1 day

    denizpac my hero!!! Long time no seeeee...thought you dont play no more. So happy to see ya still active.

    sorry got too excited.

    regardless, I concur!
  • I played 17 games today... ONE of them didn't have Waller cheats killing players basically in THEIR SPAWN the other 16 games had people shooting through walls killing legit players as they wished.
    DON'T LIE and just pretend its not happening.... Waller's, flyers, and head shot aim bots have taken over this game.... worse than ever before... and no one seems to care.