CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • Pay to Play

    If people had to pay to play,that would eliminate the trash that keeps getting back on an ha,,king again,those of us that spend alot of money on this game,it is very unfair to have to deal with them.Its gotten so out of control.
  • Yo u cant ban hacker cause they might make a lot of them and people will sell for cash
  • Crossfire

    We should make everyone know how to kick so they can kick hacker in there team
    I don't like kicking cause some noob will kick u back
  • It'd go a long way to just Permanently IP Ban ANY player to be found 100% hacking. That solves half the problem.
  • Welcome to Nr. 2 Highest Hacking Game after S4 League this makes nonesense to play that crap 5 Games today 10 wallers
  • Even if you are able to stop 99% of the hackers out there, the 1% that does get through will ruin up to 500 players game experience within an hour
  • hacker still in game i was reporting but now i don't report because nothing happen
  • we need to let crossfire know that they need to kick all hackers and ban permanetly from the first hack no chances just kick them and be done with it. Once a hacker allwase a hacker.
  • RMSour wrote: »
    I read the whole thing. And I've always said to people that hacking isn't something that can be dealt with easily.

    Yeah maybe it is very difficult to take care of, but with a good enough dedicated team, they should get the job done.

    Also, the reason why I never say stuff like ''Oh Z8 can't ban these hackers cause they have a bad team'' or however you want to put it, is cause I've never really been behind the scenes, and I'm pretty sure most people haven't either.

    Which brings me to the fact that, you guys just keep trying and we'll keep reporting =)

    Sometime I play pro they thought I hack but I don't
  • 3amoury wrote: »
    hacker still in game i was reporting but now i don't report because nothing happen

    It depends if a lot of people report then they are ban perm
  • v_TeaM wrote: »
    Good, but still there are hackers ! :3

    I know but who don't know?
  • i still see the same amount of hackers. its almost impossible to play sometimes
  • It's just luck imo if you run into them or not.

    Yesterday i saw 2 hackers and they were promptly kicked once some decent players come into the rooms ( not mentioning the Captain who refused to kick them -.- ) yet the day before it felt like every room had cheaters walling in them.

    Just got to get lucky to miss them.

    On a side note about kicking legit people. Nightfall yesterday and the Ace on our team was being accused of walling by a Major and a few Lt's and asking to kick him. I always watch the person before i kick them to make sure they are cheating. He wasn't and they were just crying because he was pinpointing them and pwning them.

    Then a vote kick goes up for this guy and it's successful, so i press tab and see the guy who voted him was a lower rank and had only just started the game, score 0-1. So i asked in team chat why he kicked him? He said " Oh, they were saying he was walling and 1 pm'd me to kick "

    People need to watch the accused before they make their mind up and not listen to the QQ'ers. It wasn't the voters fault, he actually thought he was doing a good thing but unfortunately he believed the QQ'ers because of their ranks.

    Anyway rant over :D
  • I just watched a video on how to report hackers, very useful. Sadly I did not know about saving a replay, so this mega-hac.ker is walking off this time... :-(

    Anyway, after sending my report - how do I know if the player was banned?
  • MatejkoSK wrote: »
    I just watched a video on how to report hackers, very useful. Sadly I did not know about saving a replay, so this mega-hac.ker is walking off this time... :-(

    Anyway, after sending my report - how do I know if the player was banned?

    You must save the replay and send it in along with that hack report ticket. They don't reply to hack reports. You can only find out if they've been banned is to simply check out their last play date and if or not they still own their honorable soldier ribbon.
  • Thanks for answer. Now I have a video of a hacker saved, where can I report it? There is no button saying "Hacker Report" as they do have in Gamerage server site.
  • the idea is simple we need to make a server for 2nd Lt or higher ranks (because most players who play with hack are ranked as trainee ~ staff sergeant and I do not say that the higher ranks are not hackers they do but I will not waste my time to report a staff sergeant he can get the same rank after 3 or 4 days but I will report 2nd Lt which if any hacker can't get that rank before 2 or 3 months) I know that idea has been suggested before but I think it's going to be an effective way to reduce the number of thread which taking about hackers , right. (CAN NOT TYPE question mark sorry )
  • good god... when do these hackin kids go back to school... every room i went in to there were atleast 3 hackin... i came in to Egypt TD about half way through the time(this is the worse one) and the Ace had 122/3. I stayed in spawn and just watched him.. he would just run in and spin around killing everyone around... people shooting him, and nades going off at his feet and it was like he just would not die..#2 had like 40/5... i mean really...our highest at that time was 10/22 i have seen some people sayin that hackers have taken too much heat... well what do you expect... you hack you take heat for hackin... you can tell the diff between people that can play and hacks MOST of the time... and the ones that just know how to play i joke with them every time they kill me.. just so they know i dont think that they are a hack... and i have had some even say thank you... and now when you start a vote kick, right at the end of the vote it jumps from say 8/1 to 8/7.. and it does not go through... even the people on their team are sayin what the hell... I am guessing it is an anti-votekick hack that i have read about... i know that cf is getting tired of hearing about hackin but we are getting tired of having to deal with it... i still vote for having a GM at the least bounce around in the rooms that are doing the day to day missions and watch for hacks... we need a live person watching and not an automated anti hack. obviously that isnt working...and this is all just how I feel... I have no idea what goes into all of that... but if i could help in any way that i am not now i would... i love the game just not the hack... just dont understand why they hack... is it cause they just cant play without it?? do they suck that bad??
  • For everyone that is saying ''make server..'' ''still hackers''


    The amount of hacking reports that are coming in per day is huge, way to huge for all z8 staff to control it directly since it needs alot of inspections and look-backs on the account to see additional info to it.


    Why on earth would they make an server for 2nd LT and above only?
    There is no need for that, in UK4 there is almost none hacker.
    Im not playing on Delta, but I guess there isnt much there either.
    Go play a complete hack/bot free game and bring back proof.

    z8 are working with this alot, not just saying.. They really are!
    But there is still a huge amount of tickets that are flowing in per day, so be patience, the game will never be hack free, but there are more legit players then hackers.
  • Piiixl wrote: »
    For everyone that is saying ''make server..'' ''still hackers''
    There is no need for that, in UK4 there is almost none hacker.
    Well thats not actually true. I play always in UK4, there are still too many hackers. Yesterday was escape teh daily mission and ofc the hackers were there, it was very irritating. One shot kills, aims and so on. 6 escapes was the goal and guys had scores like 69-4
    Thats just an example of one game.
  • jarmov wrote: »
    Well thats not actually true. I play always in UK4, there are still too many hackers. Yesterday was escape teh daily mission and ofc the hackers were there, it was very irritating. One shot kills, aims and so on. 6 escapes was the goal and guys had scores like 69-4
    Thats just an example of one game.

    Still, less hackers then UK1-2-3-(5)
  • Piiixl wrote: »
    Still, less hackers then UK1-2-3-(5)

    Well maybe, I play usually only in 4
  • most of hackers are turks...
    if they will have a limit like europe...we cant create more acc...
    CF will have less hackers
  • ****Yo wrote: »
    most of hackers are turks...
    if they will have a limit like europe...we cant create more acc...
    CF will have less hackers

    Why so racist?
    I met a whole bunch of turks that doesnt hack.

    But yes, the majority of hackers are turks.
    But you can't say that all turks are hackers.
  • Its nice to know all the effort that z8 and GMs are putting in to removing hackers from the system. My intention is not to criticize you. I am just trying to see if the issue can be addressed in a different and more effective way.

    From an end user's perspective the solution offered is at best "reactive", "slow" and "passive" instead of "proactive", "quick" and "customer involved".

    While banning the hackers are important, doing that in a way that creates a delightful user experience is equally important. If you ask me, I would rate the "user experience" part more than actually banning hackers.

    It doesn't matter how many hackers are in the game as long as people don't feel annoyed about them. I have seen many free main stream games loosing lots of customers because of lack of attention to user's needs. And I have seen even private servers amassing a number of users just because they are able to show they care.

    I am not going to make any direct suggestions. All I request is:
    Keep aside your current thoughts for a while. Think from an end user's perspective.
    1. Are the users really able to have a delightful experience?
    2. Are you able to "wow" your customers?
    3. Would I have addressed the hackers issue in a different way?
    4. Can I increase customer experience in any way without creating too much overhead work for the developers?
    5. Are you able to provide what users want? (Ex: Keep your marketing hat ON. The game advertise people who win crates, but what does the game environment provide in terms of showing the users 'in game' that hackers are indeed getting banned)
  • Dear CF team,
    almost all your anti-hack improvements are only temporary solution. Every time you did something, hack developers change code and all cheaters are back. Please implement one easy function to your game and many regular players will be happy. My suggestion is to implement option to set up a game room for choosen rank. All above choosen rank may entry the room. It's globaly known that cheaters are almost low ranked players. This small improvments very help regular players. Sry about my EN but you sure understand what I meant.

  • if you want to ban the hackers why not just put a ping cap at like 120. most of the hackers on this game have over 120 ping due to the fact the hacks make them spike.
  • no wonder you cant stop hackers because your looking at peoples k/d lol

    (Hackers exist in our game. No one wants to admit it, but there it is. The main problem however is that no one knows for sure how many hackers there are. Not everyone with a positive kill/death ratio is going to be a hacker. And this is where the main problem with all of this lies.) no the k/d dont mean s**t plz step it up you lot make loads of money so why dont you invest in some more programmers to stop them
  • bring some mods into the game so they can ban there ip there and then on the spot because your game is failing atm and i can only see it getting worse for you lot you need to sit down and spend some of this money you make and something new