CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • I'm sorry to have to say this but ... " this weekend the hacks are _______ ridiculous "

    waaaaay too many
  • nice..but when u see a hacker is it possible that you BAN HIS IP ADRESS?and could someone explain me how can I report a hacker ...couse I really want to do that ....and I am ready to report every hacker I see playing...
  • whykick996 wrote: »
    nice..but when u see a hacker is it possible that you BAN HIS IP ADRESS?and could someone explain me how can I report a hacker ...couse I really want to do that ....and I am ready to report every hacker I see playing...

    Perm Bans through support result in IP bans, X-trap doesn't IP ban. (IP bans tho are very easy to get around)
    Here is the link:

    Fill in the categories:
    Game: Crossfire
    Category: Hacking Report
    In Game Name: The Exact name of the hacker
    Hacking type: The hack they were using
    Rounds when hacking occurred: Put in the total rounds that they started hacking (a SND game where the rounds were 5 and 8 in a 13 game when the hacker started would be 13)
    Time Hacking occurred: The time int he replay that the hack is obvious or started
    Comments: Just fill in a description of how they are hacking and any other hacks if more then one. be polite, support isn't the cause of hackers so you don't want to make them ignore your report through rudeness.
    Replay File: The replay that you saved after game. You need this otherwise the report will be ignored. Only CF replays will count, no fraps, youtube videos, or etc...
  • Needless to say I'm so sick of these hackers, two or three people in the room. kick all - not real.we can doit report on each,but - also a bit of fun. May look different? Let's select a server for the players who play for a long time in this game. I mean the rank of the player or at least his prescription registration in the game. After all, to go to the Uk-4 to get to the rank of staff sergeant. Lift the threshold to enter the server or goin by prescription register and we'll see the difference - I think there will be less of a much!
  • Ypu know i been hearing this for six months. this weekend u gms opened up the door for every ha,cks with the 100 percent point system what a failure.You guys still talking about what ur doing. I dont care what u guys say iplay everday. There r more ha.cks now than ever before evidentally ur system is failling. it is getting redicullous these ha.cks.If u guys cant fix the problem maybe u have the wrong career
  • gms and there anti hacks

    I have heard u guys 4 6 months now about ur ha,ck plann Its a failure guys. I all im seeeing is a bunch of post u guys putting up.U say ha,ckers have decreased lol. I play everday for 4 years and there r more ha,cks today than i have ever seen.This id fck rediculous.Stop talking gms and show us all i seen is a bunch of smoothing things over
  • Ha.cks

    Well .I just say enough talking Hire someone experienced in these issues obviosly u arent saidin u say there only 1 or 2 ha.cks in a game where u been.There we go again making exscuses.It only takes 1 or 2 to screw the whole game up for the fair players.Do something quit making exscuses
  • I don't know what's going on but lately it's a big mess. Often there are so many hackers that the kickvoting does not work because they all support each other. It's hard to play and even harder to have fun with the game this way. Just have a few undercover GMs online (more often?) who ban all of them until you can handle a reliable anti-hack software.

    And I've got to ask: What's the point in hacking in a game like this? Everybody sees it and knows that he has earned nothing. It can't be fun because it's no challenge... are they making real money with this in some way or what is the point in this?
  • U are 100% right about this....i cant belive how daily u meet more and more haker's....someone should work as much as they do to make them!!
  • Team z8 and your eyes and show us that u do something about you play this game?
    I play daily this game and i see more and more hakkers........
    Woke-up before this game will becom an old and stupid game because of what other's do here!!!!!!!
  • My friend,u are asking your self what im asking my self,there is no answer to your question's,i start to play counter-strike back in 99...then i fall inlove for this kind of game...and now i found my self at 24old in the seame situation,after 10years of playing this game im still asking my self why ppl hak.......back in 99 they made more anti-hak then hak' in counter-strike u still can found anti-hak progrmas more then cf hak' counting on z8 and x-trap that finaly they will manage to do something.
    If not i will belive that z8 and x-trap make the hak's because they do anything about this!!!
  • Exactly ... the hackers support each other in the vote system AND even the none hacking support them. I'll give you an example. Today's mission Escape Mode 7 Wins. I'm in UK4 and we all can see there is an hacker in the other team. It's sad when in the other team we can see Majors, 2nd and 1st LT's that doesnt kick for the simple reason and I Quote:
    "Im sorry, I want to make the mission :)".
    REALLY? What kind of stupid people is playing this nowadays ? It gets bored I made 14 matches. 3 Wins, 11 Loses because of the hackers. When is this going to stop? When everyone stop playing? You must get a serious solution to this ...
  • Agree
    I don't know what's going on but lately it's a big mess. Often there are so many hackers that the kickvoting does not work because they all support each other. It's hard to play and even harder to have fun with the game this way. Just have a few undercover GMs online (more often?) who ban all of them until you can handle a reliable anti-hack software.

    And I've got to ask: What's the point in hacking in a game like this? Everybody sees it and knows that he has earned nothing. It can't be fun because it's no challenge... are they making real money with this in some way or what is the point in this?

    I agree with with you when you say they must have undercover GMs. Its much more faster. If they do that alot often, the hackers would vanish from the game. One more thing... In my country my IP is blocked... so we can't create anymore acc. Why don't you guys do that in Egypt, Turkye, etc ? +50% create acc to hack so ... Not everyone hacks thats true but you should block the IP after creating 1 acc, thats my opinion.
  • I hate innocent players getting kicked in-game for "hacking" a lot more than hackers not being kick-voted at all. It is better to let 5 hackers to go free than to ban 1 innocent player.

    There're way too many legitimate, good players getting reported for "hacking" in this game. I really hope that, at the very least, the GMs are doing a much better job at not banning the legitimate players for "hacking" than actually banning the real hackers. The Cross Fire community is already too corrupted as it is. The last thing we need is punishing legitimate players for something they didn't do--that only corrupts the overall community even further. Some good people later turn into criminals because of the unfair injustice that were done to them, without getting any real justice in return for being good. Not all of them were always immoral.

    "I and the public know,
    What all school children learn,
    Those to whom evil is done, do evil in return."
    -- W.H. Auden
  • I hate innocent players getting kicked in-game for "hacking" a lot more than hackers not being kick-voted at all. It is better to let 5 hackers to go free than to ban 1 innocent player.

    There're way too many legitimate, good players getting reported for "hacking" in this game. I really hope that, at the very least, the GMs are doing a much better job at not banning the legitimate players for "hacking" than actually banning the real hackers. The Cross Fire community is already too corrupted as it is. The last thing we need is punishing legitimate players for something they didn't do--that only corrupts the overall community even further. Some good people later turn into criminals because of the unfair injustice that were done to them, without getting any real justice in return for being good. Not all of them were always immoral.

    "I and the public know,
    What all school children learn,
    Those to whom evil is done, do evil in return."
    -- W.H. Auden

    Getting inequitable banned does not justify comming back hacking and ruining everybody elses fun... and that's what games have ever been about - fun.

    Besides the content of your quote and your opinion about revenge does not apply to everyone. Only the weak hearted do evil in return. I'm speaking out of practical and empirical knowledge. Revenge is an ugly thing which does no justice but brings only more devastation.

    I'm sorry for those who got banned without a reason but I'm sure that there are ways to handle this without becomming immoral.
  • User: s]-[0ck_wAvE reported for wall hacking at 17:30 GMT on the Prison map throughout entire game.

    I got kicked by other hackers in his clan for reporting, meaning I couldn't save a replay.

    This seems to happen to a lot of people, why can a replay not be saved if you are kicked? This just encourages hackers to operate in large groups, invite their friends into matches and kick those who report them so they cannot save a replay and thus not file a report.

    Either get rid of the requirement to append a replay file, or allow the saving of replays even when kicked, or else you will never get rid of these hackers.
  • i think so too. but i think this thread will make the hacking more serious and the hack developer will just continue to make hack
  • User: s]-[0ck_wAvE reported for wall hacking at 17:30 GMT on the Prison map throughout entire game.

    I got kicked by other hackers in his clan for reporting, meaning I couldn't save a replay.

    This seems to happen to a lot of people, why can a replay not be saved if you are kicked? This just encourages hackers to operate in large groups, invite their friends into matches and kick those who report them so they cannot save a replay and thus not file a report.

    Either get rid of the requirement to append a replay file, or allow the saving of replays even when kicked, or else you will never get rid of these hackers.

    ??? I think there is an option right when you press ESC it says Save replay before you get kicked.
  • ??? I think there is an option right when you press ESC it says Save replay before you get kicked.

    There's no way of telling you've been kicked until you've been kicked. And I've certainly never seen the option there, only on the scoreboard screen when you actually make it through the specified number of rounds.

    18:15 GMT Factory TD, User Pro*Mada used a wall hack too.
  • There's no way of telling you've been kicked until you've been kicked. And I've certainly never seen the option there, only on the scoreboard screen when you actually make it through the specified number of rounds.

    18:15 GMT Factory TD, User Pro*Mada used a wall hack too.

    I think your client is glitched.
    I get the option to save the replay after being kick from the room.
  • Saidan quiot blowing smoke up our and do something about these ha.cks.I have heard u gms talk for 6 months trying to smooth things over. I havent seen any inprovement.YOu guys r are all talk we want something done.It is not our job to waiste our time reporting ha.cks when u guys put them rite back in the game. Hire u some help if u cant do the job.Quit making promises u cant keep. Im sick of all this talking u guys doing do something.I seen the same ha.cks over and over.Some of us that play this game r adults.Im 60 year olds and i have heard all the bull s.h.i.t. Do something take the bull by the horns.Honest player r getting fck.ed.If we leave a game with ha.cks we get penalized . if we stay in game we get fckd.U have limited voting thats fck up. Wecant kick the ha,cks help us.Take limited vote out so we can at least kick these pieces of s.h.i.t
  • User: s]-[0ck_wAvE reported for wall hacking at 17:30 GMT on the Prison map throughout entire game.

    What makes you think hackusations aren't against the Forum conduct? Even if its true, don't post it for the public to see, its degrading.
  • iSamual wrote: »
    Since you are 100% confident of the auto-ban system, there is no reason that it shouldn't ban hackers permanently on first strike. Hacking means disloyalty to the game, and kids need to learn the consequences.

    10 second of shooting through wall really does ruin our gaming experience.

    very true. is you hack take responsibilty and dont complain that your account has been banned even if its like a Captain rank. you hack = banned PERIOD not a temp but a perm ban
  • I have heard u guys 4 6 months now about ur ha,ck plann Its a failure guys. I all im seeeing is a bunch of post u guys putting up.U say ha,ckers have decreased lol. I play everday for 4 years and there r more ha,cks today than i have ever seen.This id fck rediculous.Stop talking gms and show us all i seen is a bunch of smoothing things over

    the mods are banning 100's of hackers every day and it is true. but let me guess you play a lot of TD and Escape. where the most amount of hackers play every day just to increase their K/D and level up faster. if u play other modes like SND and EM not a lot of hackers. most of them are pro's that are mistaken for hackers by dumb ass noobs (sry for the words) who get owned every round by the same person and start QQing every 2 seconds and then the "mistaken hacker" gets kicked (obviously) and it leaves a spot for another person. but wait then the real hacker starts to hack and you go "wtf' "kick him" "F11" but guess what they dont kick.

    not every one hacks some people are actually legit
  • Making people cry is one of the game's greatest features.
    Totally worth an occasional kick.
  • i hate this game-.- only hacker, every day i see min 5 hacker this game need a hackshield

    ps:the graphics is stupid ^^
  • what i dont understand is why they dont make it where the leader of group can kick in game. Or put in moderators this would help alot to keep them out of games. Just let in game ppl with atleast a year of crossfire kick suspected hacks out of game .. Its easy and will cut down the problem.
  • allGoat wrote: »
    What makes you think hackusations aren't against the Forum conduct? Even if its true, don't post it for the public to see, its degrading.

    they should make it know who the hacks are that way if you see them you can kick them who gives a sh1t if its degrading to them , they should not have cheated.
  • The Autoban system Did make mistakes. Plus a Suggestion.

    I was banned by the autoban system a year ago for no reason at all. I've never hacked the game or or done anything even remotely wrong at all. I just got banned for no reason. Later, though, it started letting me in again.

    Now a suggestion: The Report a Hacker process is too cumbersome. Why not program a button within the game that allows any person (who is not currently playing the game) to "spy" on any other person and be able to see what they see? And record it? And easily send it to your Z8? The drawbacks to this will be that strategies, hiding places, and unique moves will no longer be secret... but that's a small price to play to catch every hacker. And this could potentially catch every hacker.

    I also think the progressive punishment system for hackers is too lenient. Anyone caught polluting a game such as Crossfire with a downloaded hack... should be banned for life. What's the point in giving a person with a cheating mentality any chances at all? And a an executable code that does bad things should be sent to their computer. Of course, like you pointed out, you want to be RIGHT when you do such things.
  • DonRickels wrote: »

    Now a suggestion: The Report a Hacker process is too cumbersome. Why not program a button within the game that allows any person (who is not currently playing the game) to "spy" on any other person and be able to see what they see? And record it? And easily send it to your Z8? The drawbacks to this will be that strategies, hiding places, and unique moves will no longer be secret... but that's a small price to play to catch every hacker. And this could potentially catch every hacker.

    The cons outweigh the pros greatly in this suggestion. The system could be easily abused, spammed even, along with the time it would take a GM to review the whole replay and find out if the player was actually hacking or not. Its a time consuming process, and I think the current one that's in place is actually just fine because its difficult enough to do so it won't be spammed, but is easy to understand.