CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • ugh

    I have not seen any change in the hackers.....sad thing is most all use one or two..wallers,shooting through walls...still see aimbots..I just left a game where a player had 164 kills and 99% where all headshots.It doesnt even do any good to try and kick vote someone out when you see more approve than dissaprove and kick gets denied.I think it's almost time to put an admin in each game...and ANY hacker should be banned for life !! Not this 3 day,7 day,30 day crap !!
  • Oh well

    I guess nobody really cares about all the is getting to the point that the hackers out number legit players in a game.I find it very funny that you cant even use the word hacker during a game....must be a bad word....wish there was an admin or somebody that can answer why there are not more admins checking games and banning only takes a few seconds to into a game and find the hackers....I am beginning to hate even trying to play this game anymore and since there havent been any posts to my last post I can see that nobody cares about the hackers anymore....they control this game now.
  • This "Reduction" as you call it in hacking is not visible in any way. 4 months after your original post Speed Knife/Shooting through walls/ & flying have appeared. I like the idea of putting a GM in every game. For obvious reasons you cant do that but maybe you could make like 20 GM Rooms. You could play if you want or just watch.I swear I've seen a ghost in the game already so maybe it was you guys or maybe a hack idk.
  • We would like to make an announcement that we have introduced an update to our game and X-Trap that specifically attacks a type of hack that has been a major problem in all versions of CF for the last 3-6 weeks.

    This solution, like all anti hacking measures is a fluid process, but we are confident that it is doing it's job against this latest parasite and should help to improve the situation.

    As always, we continue to work with the developers, and X-Trap on a daily basis to battle the situation in the game with hackers and also remove and ban as many hackers per day as possible.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    We would like to make an announcement that we have introduced an update to our game and X-Trap that specifically attacks a type of hack that has been a major problem in all versions of CF for the last 3-6 weeks.

    This solution, like all anti hacking measures is a fluid process, but we are confident that it is doing it's job against this latest parasite and should help to improve the situation.

    As always, we continue to work with the developers, and X-Trap on a daily basis to battle the situation in the game with hackers and also remove and ban as many hackers per day as possible.

    Great news!!
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    We would like to make an announcement that we have introduced an update to our game and X-Trap that specifically attacks a type of hack that has been a major problem in all versions of CF for the last 3-6 weeks.

    This solution, like all anti hacking measures is a fluid process, but we are confident that it is doing it's job against this latest parasite and should help to improve the situation.

    As always, we continue to work with the developers, and X-Trap on a daily basis to battle the situation in the game with hackers and also remove and ban as many hackers per day as possible.

    nice but it will be enough ?
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    We would like to make an announcement that we have introduced an update to our game and X-Trap that specifically attacks a type of hack that has been a major problem in all versions of CF for the last 3-6 weeks.

    This solution, like all anti hacking measures is a fluid process, but we are confident that it is doing it's job against this latest parasite and should help to improve the situation.

    As always, we continue to work with the developers, and X-Trap on a daily basis to battle the situation in the game with hackers and also remove and ban as many hackers per day as possible.

    Thisw is good news but what about a new hack I have seen over the last week or so multabull handgranades comming from noware. It seems that most of the hackers I run into are in the daily mission gamesw just to day in the daily gamesw I have reported 12 hackers. If you could but a mod in some of these games you could get some of these hackers.
  • I do not belive in x-trap anymore... or cheating problem will be ever fixed...
    btw. check my anti-hack/cheat solution:
  • i was out for a week and returnet to read that the new patch sorts some problems.
    happy to read that started playing.... two games i've quit becouse of loads of wallers, no one willing to kick them out. no hope left. blow this, i'm not good enough to fight few wallers at the same time.
  • I noticed that hacking went down for a while... but now its right back up... i did save a replay that almost the entire team was hacking... and when we said something about it they just said "so"... shooting through walls, aimbots, no recoil... all of them were being used... when you cant do anything because by the time you respawn and start to move your dead again, it makes you want to complain and quit playing... i know that they work hard at what they do but i dont beleive the percentages are right... when i am in a random room and almost the entire other team is hacking... makes me say bs to what he said... and like i said... i know they work hard but dont lie to us... and i beleive that the number of hackers is going up... once one gets it they put it on youtube and let people download the hack for free... i think there should be a way they could sue these sites and all people connected to running those sites for making money off of companies like z-8... just like when you own a bar and it has a juke box in it you have to pay a fee for the number of seats in the building every month just to play music... and it is because you are making money off of the product of the record companies... so you have to pay... why cant this be the sme way... that would give z-8 more money and stop these other sites from making money off of z-8... these are just my opinions... and i am sure people are going to have theirs about my post... i do hope that you guys can bring it under cotrol... good luck and thanks for the game... i love the game but i HATE the hacks...
  • Good job so far for keeping out the hackers - keep it up.

    LOL - i remember a time when every 2nd game you joined had someone hacking,
    ahhh...the not so good old days.
  • XD2Kool4U wrote: »
    Good job so far for keeping out the hackers - keep it up.

    LOL - i remember a time when every 2nd game you joined had someone hacking,
    ahhh...the not so good old days.

    the problem is that there is a bloody hacker in every game now.
    i started playing cf early enough to see how the game was changing.
  • I suggest GMs to see and play LOL (League of Legends)... check how they ban, check how they block haks... then you can have a little idea how to stop hacking in this game... and maybe u can change the way people play without so many desertions and people will start to deposit ZP again without having the feeling that will spend money on a game thats impossible to play... check this... maybe you will find a solution instead of closing servers
  • ahhh yes i do thank you guys for all your hard work :) and though im sure your already on it, theres this new floating hck? i was just playing a game HMX, 4 PEOPLE! and I got kicked! when theres that many you cant even kick them let alone play, im giving up for tonight on even playing, i really hope you guys stop these hacks
    good luck and thanks!
  • One way to find the hackers and get rid of them is to do what I did I found a web sit called multiplayer gaqme hacking and some of the users are cross fire players
    and outhers they are using a script that keeps them from getting killed by handgranades. I did report this hope that cross fire will do somthing with it. Like kick those players and go to the site get the scrip free for down load and patch it.
    So if you are in game and see a nade land next to a player and he is still standing it might be the scrip.
  • Tuesday dedicated player

    I think the gms are doing a great job. I have played this game for 4 years. I have never seen so many ha,cks. I am sure they are doing there best but they dont play regular like some of us.i am a lieutenant colonel and i cant play with some of the lower ranks for the ha.cks. when u have a 125 kill in the game of egypt that is a problem for me. All said guys gms keep up the good work i know you are doing your best and thanks. In game name Tuesday
  • Patch today. Enjoy the hack-free environment for the next 2-5 days. :)
  • the all problem is with players in td s&d gm cuz they don't kick them.for egypt map r so many hackers u scream kik them cuz u see them aim no recoil no weapon weight etc but the rest of the players don't kick them u put him trough vote they denied the vote in s&d they use wall hack same thing but here from time to time they kick them in gm they use something like fullbrite or something like that,wall and again u scream u put them trough vote and most of the times in servers like alpha bravo uk1 uk 2 sometimes they don't kick the basic problem of hackers is the players cuz in my opinion if they get kicked so many times a day or all the times they will never use hack.why use it if u get kicked all the time.the VIP hack talk other time.
  • Hacking

    Strange it seems.. i just logged in the game . 1st map Alaska: guys floating in the air and shooting, no recoil, speeders, 1 shot death..

    2nd map: Black Widow: shooting through walls.

    logged off

    now heres the best part. the guys using these hacks are not on only low rankers but u have majors, and generals doing the same , thus f12ing the haackers..

    i understand the cf team is trying to solve the hacking issue. but with all respect dont u think its high time that some thing shoyuld be done. the bans should start asap.

    cant u target the sites from where these guys are are getting the hacks.
  • amen
    corvus0070 wrote: »
    the all problem is with players in td s&d gm cuz they don't kick them.for egypt map r so many hackers u scream kik them cuz u see them aim no recoil no weapon weight etc but the rest of the players don't kick them u put him trough vote they denied the vote in s&d they use wall hack same thing but here from time to time they kick them in gm they use something like fullbrite or something like that,wall and again u scream u put them trough vote and most of the times in servers like alpha bravo uk1 uk 2 sometimes they don't kick the basic problem of hackers is the players cuz in my opinion if they get kicked so many times a day or all the times they will never use hack.why use it if u get kicked all the time.the VIP hack talk other time.

    I agree with this for the most part, if people would f11 instead of f12 the people would be less likely to hack, the 1 problem with that is that there are enough, excuse the language, Idiots that kick honest players that I would see an increase in the # of times I get kicked. as most of my clan mates, we try and run a tight ship and keep hackers out of our clan, obviously they will sneak in from time to time but they get booted as soon as they are found and usually reported.

    for that matter is there a way to switch the kick vote so that Idles and non pressers of a key count as f11 instead of f12? particularly in TD maps it is constant action so people dont always take time to read/see the votes up so they count as f12 because they dont press anything. and in GM a lot of Ghosts dont realize that you cant press f11 or f12 if you are crouched, so if your Bhopping you cant vote

    My 2 cents again, and as always Thank you for what you do do GMs I know it isnt easy.
  • Terkate wrote: »
    for that matter is there a way to switch the kick vote so that Idles and non pressers of a key count as f11 instead of f12?

    Lol how much more easier do you want to make it for the people that do actually play fair, so they aren't allowed to play at all?

    I and many others get kicked enough without adding the none voters (who don't care about the bogus kick, didn't see it and/or didn't to press anything and auto F12) to be counted as F11, along with the idlers also.

    They could just make it so all votes and none votes are F11's, including F12's that way the game can be totally destroyed. Instant kick if your put up for kick.

    The system in the way votes are handled is fine, if you don't vote you either don't know enough info one way or another (hence you don't agree to a kick) or you believe it's just yet another bs kick that isn't even worth the time of day and should be denied.

    The problem is not really the kick vote it is the players. You see this time and again when they'll kick legits in one kick for a random reason, yet when there is a hacker say shooting everyone through the walls they F12 and you can't kick no matter how many times people kick.

    Kick vote is just a complete fail because of the stupid people that play the game, changing anything will just make it easier or harder to kick people, and tbh it needs to be made harder, much harder.

    They can and still could remove hackers when require even if it was harder, if they don't (like now) then they just like hackers, nothing eelse explains the weird behaviour.
  • allGoat wrote: »
    Patch today. Enjoy the hack-free environment for the next 2-5 hours. :)

    Fixed. :)
  • I belive you are trying to do something, but nothing is working, eveyday it gets worst.
  • very nice work=)) hackers are back after patch and more dangerous :))