CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • hackers are always in games. X-Trap cant stop them and this is so sad. Legit players know this.
  • ElseHD wrote: »
    kaykay, I will hack into the game, to put in the guide there.


    So what's about 1vs1 Knife Only? ;)

    he admits to being a hacker. Ban his IP.
  • he admits to being a hacker. Ban his IP.

    nono me no hac no ip plz ban no
  • Well this thread got very active since I last checked on it.
    Rizlah wrote: »
    Not necessarily. I have seen loads of high rank accounts blatantly cheating and high ranks don't always kick.

    For example, today I played a GM game and it went the full 25 rounds, of which a waller was in the game for 18 of them. There were majors etc on his side and not 1 kicked him when it was blatantly obvious he cheated.

    Before anyone says "maybe he was pro and your just noob" he wasn't pro, he cheated, i even watched the replay and he constantly stared at the walls and prefired corners.

    For the record, 2 of these high ranks were in a clan that people say " Pro clan at GM ". If they are so pro they would tell he cheated and kicked him, not 1 vote kick.

    There might not be as many high ranks cheating and letting others cheat as there is low ranks but there is still a crap load of high ranks cheating and letting others cheat.

    As for the hack situation, i have seen it miles worse, that's not my point. It's the losers who won't kick ( even high ranks ) that help ruin this game as a whole. If people kicked the cheats then maybe the game would be a lot cleaner, but they won't.

    Odd, I play GM for about 3 hours a day and rarely ever see any high rank hackers. What time do you play at? I noticed that hacking is much more common during 2:00AM-5:00AM EST in Alpha (Are you playing Alpha, UK servers, or a different server?).
  • VATAV wrote: »
    Well this thread got very active since I last checked on it.

    Odd, I play GM for about 3 hours a day and rarely ever see any high rank hackers. What time do you play at? I noticed that hacking is much more common during 2:00AM-5:00AM EST in Alpha (Are you playing Alpha, UK servers, or a different server?).

    I play in the UK servers 1 and 4.

    @ GGM
    As i stated in my 1st post i realise that there are many many more low rank cheats in the game than there are high ranks, i was just making a statement that high ranks also cheat and don't kick blatant cheats.

    I wrote the post after being kicked at the very very last second of a 25 round GM game where i got kicked for having 26-7 on soldier side, not even impressive as i had been in the game for all 25 rounds and that was by a FIRST LIEUTENANT who pm'd me lol i love kicking people blah blah blah and i am tired of being booted for playing fair. I also had 2 clan friends in the game but obviously the others felt the need to kick me.

    The very next game i endured 18 rounds of a waller when i was ghost and no 1 kicked him, like i say he was blatantly walling and no high ranks offered a vote.

    You get used to being kicked and just move on without feeling butt hurt but the fact remains that high ranks also cheat and let people cheat on their team with no vote kick.

    This morning i reported a FIRST LIEUTENANT 5 for using speed knife. Maybe i am just unlucky and run into these kids quite often.
  • I was talking to some friends about this thing with hackers, and many of them said that you should Steam the game... which I think is stupid but, every game that I ever bought on Steam has absolutely no hackers, and yeah that would mean that we would have to buy Crossfire from there, but I think that this game is worth it, its definetly one of the best FPS games I've played:) and if you ask me it even beats CoD xD
    so yeah, Steaming the game seems the fastest way to get rid of the hackers...
  • It seem's that most of the hacking I have seen is in FFA or MM games. hacks from the 360 to tanking hack and yes ther is a helth hack I have run into it many time's one of the players just stood ther untill I used all amo and granade then killd me I was only a cople of feet from him. And yes I did revew the replay and report him and many outher hackers too.
    Does the auto ban pick up the hack in game or after the game? If it is suposed to pick up a hacker in game it dose not work in FFA mode becas a player was speed hacking and wolking throu wall during the hole game. I did report that player.
  • oldhelix wrote: »
    It seem's that most of the hacking I have seen is in FFA or MM games. hacks from the 360 to tanking hack and yes ther is a helth hack I have run into it many time's one of the players just stood ther untill I used all amo and granade then killd me I was only a cople of feet from him. And yes I did revew the replay and report him and many outher hackers too.
    Does the auto ban pick up the hack in game or after the game? If it is suposed to pick up a hacker in game it dose not work in FFA mode becas a player was speed hacking and wolking throu wall during the hole game. I did report that player.

    It works both in and out of game. It takes a while for xTrap to spot these hacks and some are more obvious then others.
  • What I saw today in a CW , you don't want to know it really. :rolleyes:

    The best thing is to report these hackers. We can't do anything else.
  • Most common Hacks I'm seeing now are No Weight hacks (Runs faster then knife players well using rifles), Speed melee (Yes, its back), and walls (The see through one, the shoot through one still rare).
  • Bunch of hakkers today on every room!!! Waste of money to buy a vest! Not fun anymore!!!!
  • They don't put a button for user to get easily report a hacker. Bunch of losers playing with their hack.
  • just out of curious, should you guys try to encourage people to play at high lvl sever, like US south 2, Delta, UK 4 so there will be less low lvl hackers ... i personally like those severs but no one plays, because people only wants to play with noobs+hackers
  • You know,thats not gonna be happening.Its usually the br's land in Delta,some people lag a lot in the uk servers.And Ive always see us south empty.
  • ok i give you in this Forum so many Cheat Pages like this i hope so you finde this hak
    end CRASH him forever ok here go :
    3:http://*** HACK) End Very hard hak whit aimbot end all stuf !!!!!

    End more end more end we finde him end all PACHED plss
    THIS GAME GO DOWN .............................¨!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Stricter punishments

    I understand that everyone should get a second chance, fine. In your post GM Saidin, you said that the auto ban system is never wrong, right?

    You also said that the punishments are 3,7,30, then perm ban, right? Lower the amount of bans. Just make it 1st offense - 7 day and 2nd offense - perm. You still gave that <insert inappropriate language here> person a fair warning about hacking. That was with the 7 day ban. Also, if the auto ban system is never wrong then the only way they could actually get banned is if an illegal program designed to "enhance" abilities on the game was detected.

    Also, all you wanna be "hackers". Hacking is an art. It's not just something you do overnight. Double clicking is not hacking. Its kind of like some of the people that play COD. They talk a good game because they are good at COD and think they could actually do it in real life...LOL. Just because you double click a program that someone else made doesn't make you a hacker.

    They call those script kiddies. All in all, I do know some of the work involved to find these double clikers. So yes, I do appreciate everything that the Z8 staff is doing. It does take time and I hope that you keep finding them. Keep up the good work.

    For all of you double clikers. Stop ruining the game just because you want to go to school the next day and tell your friends that you "hacked" a game. If you are out of school then stop being a washout. You need to feel "cool"? Go read book, go running, go do something, but stop ruining the game.
  • ok i give you in this Forum so many Cheat Pages like this i hope so you finde this hak
    end CRASH him forever ok here go :

    Shouldnt post those links in public, try giving them to support :)
    iyks2424 wrote: »
    I understand that everyone should get a second chance, fine. In your post GM Saidin, you said that the auto ban system is never wrong, right?

    You also said that the punishments are 3,7,30, then perm ban, right? Lower the amount of bans. Just make it 1st offense - 7 day and 2nd offense - perm.

    Agreed, they might aswell do buff up the autoban system, from what i've seen is different cheats,tools vary on ban times
  • One more thing/IP Ban

    I know this has been through the ringer quite often but IP Bans.

    From what I have read on the forums either Z8 staff does not want to incorporate them or they just can't right now.

    But think about it. IP Bans.

    1) Script kiddie is gone for good. What's not to like about that?
    2) Bring more new people into the game knowing that Z8 games is serious about this.
    3) Bring back people that used to play but quit because of the "outbreaks" of cheaters.
    4) With 2 and 3 said, more people usually equals more people buying ZP.

    1) That person that was banned couldnt play again. Meh, you can still give a 7 day ban like I mentioned earlier as a warning.

    Other than that I dont see any disadvantages. And thats not really a disadvantage.

    "Well, it's not fair to IP Ban them". How is it not fair?

    "Well, they spend money on this game". I already explained that IP Banning could potentially bring you lots of new players and old players back. Thus bringing you in revenue (Yes its not guaranteed that people will buy ZP but its highly likely if they see a legit game)

    As of right now, Im not spending anymore money on this game. Not until I see the cheaters go down some more. Yes, I know that Im just one person not spending my money on the game right now, but think if there were more people out there like me.

    So all in all, everyone wins. Players rejoice that the cheating percentage has dropped significantly. More people come to this game. Old players come back. You make money and we are happy.

    With that being said there will always be cheaters. But Z8 you have to make an example out of these cheaters now. 30 day or perm ban on their accounts do nothing if they just make another one. Chances are if they are cheating they just made a new account to begin with and wont be upset at making another one.

    Make an example out of the ones you find now with 7 day warning and then IP ban. I am 99.9% sure that you'll see a significant drop in the amount of posts about cheaters in a week. Either they will stop or they won't be able to play. Quite simple.
  • Not going to quote that mountain of text XD.

    Anyways, I agree that X-trap gives to many chances. Four chances is way to much for cheaters. The only reason to have so many chances is if X-trap isn't perfect and sometimes gets innocent players once in awhile (I've seen a few cases where X-trap incorrectly banned, mostly to do with unstable connection). A 2 chance system would be better and I like the 7 day then perm idea. It still gives the second chance Z8 wants but prevents the players from repeat hacking on the account for months.

    Also, Z8 DOES IP ban, it just ridiculously easy to get around. Most computers come with ways to change IP already installed.
  • I think they need to update xtrap everyday or 12 hours its ridiculous how much hackers are in the game now lol not one room without a hacker in the ones i was in
  • It's like all of a sudden there back. To me going back, lets say, a month or two, or three, nobody complained about them. Now its become extremely blatant. I just find it weird.
  • Yup, it's been bad lately with more cheaters showing up in the games. Players with 200+ ping killing left and right, and end up with scores like 140/15 kills in TDM. But tonight is great, all of a sudden everything seems to be back to normal. Z8 must did something right. Keep my fingers crossed.
  • WG168 wrote: »
    Yup, it's been bad lately with more cheaters showing up in the games. Players with 200+ ping killing left and right, and end up with scores like 140/15 kills in TDM. But tonight is great, all of a sudden everything seems to be back to normal. Z8 must did something right. Keep my fingers crossed.

    Nothing is right.
    There are hackers in 90% knife matches.
  • Valve has almost 0% hackers in theyr severs <.<
  • First thanks for all the hard work. I have 4 pages of hacker reports every thing from hiding in pillers to a new one walking on the roof of port map in ffa and mm games along with speed hkrs that also run throu walls and yes tankers. Some say there are no tanks I have gone aganist them were I emtyed all my rounds the player just stood thear and killd me. And yes I did report watching replay you could see his helth bar going down the back up some are better at it then outhers at least take care of the tankers and boters please.
  • UTRAMAXI wrote: »
    Valve has almost 0% hackers in theyr severs <.<

    That because when valve bans the steam account of the banned is as well. They have to rebuy all their games to play again. Losing $10-$60+ in games is a big incentive not to hack.
  • It's pointless, people that hack the game will continue to hack and play no matter what.
    I've seen people from rank TRAINEE to BRIGADIER GENERAL, hacking and some of them doing it all the time.
    If they were banned i don't know, but they always been around.
    And it's like an infection, I know by fact that a player named "MENDONCA" is a hacker, and long time ago he was kiked from the clan, then he made a new clan "FALLDOWN" for him self and people joined him, after a while the new members were hacking to, he gave them the hack and then the start hacking to.
    After a long time we've meet him in a room, that's when he told us that he hacked the game for a long time, got kiked for a short time, then started to hack again and still is.
  • how u idiot z8 idiots can lie to us u hate hak,,ers? how u can lie to us when we see? i tried to make mission on nightfall and guess what? ghost shoot me with m4a1. what kind of hak is this idiot saidin? f,,uk ur mother.i think that im allowed when u lie like an asholle on my money to say some prrety words to you that u deserve if u lie us like an idiot bitckch. how can an idioth ghost with melle wep to shoot me with m4a1?
  • Ghosts using guns is a glitch, everyone knows that, it's written all over the forum.
    Regardless of being a bad conduct using it, everybody is able to do that, so it ain't a hack or cheat,
    and it is a violation to the game rules, so it is punishable.