CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • The thing i'm afraid of is buying VIP weapons then getting reported (because they're very powerful weapons). One of my friends bought a brand new M4A1 Iron Beast and went into a match absolutely dominating but then got reported as a 'Hacker' And got banned... So he lost all that money in effect. I personally think there needs to be a better way of seeing who really is hacking and who isn't. Once i'm comfortable you'll be seeing quite a few buys of ZP from me! Good work and keep it up though!
  • I heard that CF china don't have hackers i don't know if that is true. How can u see if some one is hacking or not, some people are really good at Pinpointing in Ghost mode and there they are hackers who are as good as them then people say the that all hack and they report them and on video there is almost no difference between some one who hack and the one who is just good.
  • Nothing says " 2014 HAPPY NEW YEAR " like getting shot through the walls

    thanks a lot z8, good job, good job ..
  • Like yesterday afternoon when the servers went down and came back up after the xtrap update they were not filled back up for like an hour. It didn't matter what room you went into immediately afterwards you could find 3-5 hackers in each room that I visited. How hard could it to be for someone with kickban powers to go into the few rooms at the time of the server restart and clean things up? Now they have multiplied like rats in an alley behind a pizza parlor.

    Yes, very good job! Happy New Year!
  • DREAD_USA wrote: »
    Like yesterday afternoon when the servers went down and came back up after the xtrap update , immediately afterwards you could find 3-5 hackers in each room that I visited..

    z8 will "claim" that this statistic is exaggerated.
  • DREAD_USA wrote: »
    Like yesterday afternoon when the servers went down and came back up after the xtrap update they were not filled back up for like an hour. It didn't matter what room you went into immediately afterwards you could find 3-5 hackers in each room that I visited. How hard could it to be for someone with kickban powers to go into the few rooms at the time of the server restart and clean things up? Now they have multiplied like rats in an alley behind a pizza parlor.

    Yes, very good job! Happy New Year!

    True lel.
  • Going to put my 2cents in here again even though I know it wont make a difference cuz the MOD's and GM's dont care about the hackers.As long as people keep spending money for zp then they are's a business and it's the money they care about...nothing else except the competition side of the game.....if it wasnt about the money,how come there never are any new gp crates or new items for coupons ? dont have to spend money on those.They just dont care about the normal everyday players...there have been many good ideas on how to help slow down the hackers.....they dont care.....I even suggested to put a week ban on shotguns since that seems to be what the wallers are response on that long has the reporting system been fubar ? A long time...they dont want the reports cuz that means they might have to ban more players thus a loss of money....cant have that now can often do the MOD's and GM's actually go into a TDM game on the Alpha server.....I've never seen one.Only thing I see the MOD's do is close all the threads on there is a funny joke....ok,I understand the point about the so-called contract with them....not holding up their end of the deal for sure.....ok,keep xtrap but why not have a second company on board to work on the hacking....wait...nevermind...that costs money.
  • It is not exaggerated!
    PR0PAGANDA wrote: »
    z8 will "claim" that this statistic is exaggerated.

    Just came from game. was trying to do the new mission. silly me! tried FFA = immediately shot through walls, numerous people doing it. Next i tried TD = huge mistake! The ace was 61/1 and killing us in our spawn! he wasn't there, probably back in his own spawn! made half attempt to get some kills and got 2 kills and then game over. pondered 3rd mission = closed game and am just gonna go sleep and dream about hackers dying irl. its not only not exaggerated: it is rampant, over the top and ridonkulous! It's so bad right now. You can even reason with people that the hacks are taking their kills away. They ignore you! It's so bad right now :( going to sleep. pce. :(
  • It`s getting impossible to play nowadays , it`s full of hackers everywhere.
    Every room they are there , shooting thought wall. TDM forget about it , you cant play.
    The best thing is the other that won't kick them.
  • Seriously Z8, just stop non-NA/UK regions from being able to make new accounts. This would drastically lower the number of hackers by 90% easily with in 2 months. Refusing to do what is needed is causing your paying rule following customers to leave. It been 3 years since this pandemic started, only 2-3 servers are anywhere near full at any time now instead of the 5-7 it was 3 years ago. Do you want the game to become nothing but hackers?
  • only lies...

    turks and arabs ruined this game....high lvl players use hacks ,and nothing will z8games ban a player who spend a lot of money on zp?
    good job guys...atleast shut the **** up with the xtrap .garbage
  • A helping hand

    Just read through the above material on anti-hacking measures.
    I believe the Z8 games staff are committed to doing their best to eliminate as many
    hackers as they can. My response is, Open a room with the Resort Map and watch what happens within 5 minutes of the start of a 17 round game.
    Any attempts at vote-kicking are laughable at best, as I have personally experienced games
    where the person starting a vote-kick is subsequently ejected by the hackers, who blithely f12 for each other, so none of them get kicked. I believe that there is a workable
    solution. Player Moderators. There are simply not enough GMs to adequately police the game.
    Why not recruit players to help?
    A sub-class of player moderators to watch over the game, and with the power to hand out, say, temporary bans of up to 24 hours, after first warning the offender to stop cheating.
    As I said, I applaud the efforts of the Z8 staff, but there are so many hackers, and so very few of you. There are a lot of players who are frustrated by the hacking they see taking place.
    I say that those of us in the community who are not cheating are a resource you can tap.
    I love crossfire, I hope you find my suggestion helpful.
    Sincerely yours:
  • Helleo
    what you say z8games about i will volunteer to you in my time to do one thing upload reports this new carrier i want work with you i want nothing my carier uploader reports but i want one thing banned every hack i catch him if iam wrong banned me this cause i report many But they are in good health and superior in mortal and they are the most happnies people in the world what is this I've become desperate for upload reports
    Does this make sense
  • They say in medicine, prevention is better than cure and this is true, but does this benefit with the patient is nearing death, of course, does not
    I am, if I can not solve the problem from the beginning has to be considered in the foreseeable end and save what can be saved and do not want a say in the end that the operation succeeded, but the patient died
    What do you think if some faithful players are help to treatment within the first game of their name uploadrs reports and can not any one kick them of and roam within the game and raise their reports and will train two birds with one stone will join you clean player and will be afraid the other Does this fit .
  • there is a difference, trust me.
    simsic wrote: »
    I heard that CF china don't have hackers i don't know if that is true. How can u see if some one is hacking or not, some people are really good at Pinpointing in Ghost mode and there they are hackers who are as good as them then people say the that all hack and they report them and on video there is almost no difference between some one who hack and the one who is just good.

    Most wall hacks are not bright enough to do other than go directly to each enemy even if they are across the map. you can literally see them tracking the enemy in the replay from across the map through many walls and they head directly to the enemy. This is easily identifiable. A pinpointer often stears clear of the herd of spraying noobs and usually have $60 headset. When you watch the replay you can clearly see they are honing in on the ghost noise. with a good headset and directional sound pinpointing isnt hard. the only exception is an expert bunnyier 4th gen or higher or a macro bunnier. namely because they are moving so fast you literally only hear them a second b4 your dead. I've played with some of the best bunnyiers and I gotta tell you, you have to play alot different to have a chance. Once in my clan we had a guy who could flawlessly bunny in any direction and was visible once in a blue moon when he was drunk. in one clan match, this is hilliarious btw, he would drop the bomb in the middle of lab and the other team would procede to spray the hell out of the area... by this point hes at the end of b site watching it. then, when they calmed down their spray he would bunny in, pick up the bomb and then drop it nearby. He did this at least 8 times and we still have the replay in our archives lol. u had to be there, it was hilliarious. I usually went 1/1 with him but i had to play with alot of intuition because i never saw him and rarely if ever heard him.

    Aimbotting is even easier to spot: their upper torso pivots a bit when they shoot but the lower portion of their body doesn't pivot. A player who is reacting fast and pulls a seemingly 360 hack will have his entire body turn.

    I could go on, but trust me u can tell. what is more, watch youtube videos of the hacks, they are very informative. just don't click on any links or go to any websites advertised or you can kiss your account goodbye.

    After 5 years, it is rare that I cannot 100% accurately identify a hacker and I know for a fact the Saiden and others know too. trust me, they and the mods are well aware what sites are distributing, what is available, etc. I still have a disagreement with a decision of Saidens but i respect his right to make a decisions. Saiden is a good guy dealing with an overwhelming situation. I have always though that the best way to combat this scourge is to recruit some of the willing vets from the community that have spotless records to act as limited policemen in game. because there will always be hacks butr someone who has played the game for 5 years, knows what I, and the gm's, etc. know. what is hacking and what probably isn't. most hacks are easily identifiable. I won't say more because i might reveal something that few know so I'll leave it at that.

    I hope I answered at least some of your question.


  • Biggest cause that leads to hacking is high ping. High ping gives a disadvantage, making the game harder for those that have it and makes things look like hacks to inexperienced players. Z8's biggest mistake is leaving the game open to the international markets but not having any infrastructure to support it.

    For a new player with high ping, they have four options.

    1. Work hard at getting better at the game for a long time before they even start standing a chance against low ping or more experienced players, during which they are unlikely having any fun.

    2. Use hacks to overcome the ping disadvantage right away and have fun.

    3. Use hacks to even the odds because they think everyone is using them and have fun.

    4. Quit the game and find a different one.

    Options 1 and 4 lead to not having any fun for a while and options 2 and 3 lead to ruining everyone's fun for their own sake. Is it any wonder why so many players hack in this game?

    The hack makers have far to many customers demanding hacks to make a reactive solution work any more. The only method left to reduce the hacking amount for any significant amount of time is to remove the demand. To remove the demand, the reason for the demand needs to be solved.

    If Z8 wants to seriously reduce the hacking they need to address the ping issue. If they add a ping test to the account creation process and deny any accounts that get a 100+ ping response from being made, they would drastically lower the hacking amount and make X-traps auto bans actually be effective rather then it being a speed bump for them. With in a two months I would guarantee that the hacking amount would be reduced by 80% if the high ping hackers couldn't make new accounts anymore.

    Z8 please consider adding a ping test on the account creation to stop the flow of high ping hackers.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    Biggest cause that leads to hacking is high ping. High ping gives a disadvantage, making the game harder for those that have it and makes things look like hacks to inexperienced players. Z8's biggest mistake is leaving the game open to the international markets but not having any infrastructure to support it.

    For a new player with high ping, they have four options.

    1. Work hard at getting better at the game for a long time before they even start standing a chance against low ping or more experienced players, during which they are unlikely having any fun.

    2. Use hacks to overcome the ping disadvantage right away and have fun.

    3. Use hacks to even the odds because they think everyone is using them and have fun.

    4. Quit the game and find a different one.

    Options 1 and 4 lead to not having any fun for a while and options 2 and 3 lead to ruining everyone's fun for their own sake. Is it any wonder why so many players hack in this game?

    The hack makers have far to many customers demanding hacks to make a reactive solution work any more. The only method left to reduce the hacking amount for any significant amount of time is to remove the demand. To remove the demand, the reason for the demand needs to be solved.

    If Z8 wants to seriously reduce the hacking they need to address the ping issue. If they add a ping test to the account creation process and deny any accounts that get a 100+ ping response from being made, they would drastically lower the hacking amount and make X-traps auto bans actually be effective rather then it being a speed bump for them. With in a two months I would guarantee that the hacking amount would be reduced by 80% if the high ping hackers couldn't make new accounts anymore.

    Z8 please consider adding a ping test on the account creation to stop the flow of high ping hackers.

    Indeed. Players often hack because of their ping and they should support other countris if they allow them to play this version ( even if that means to have 300 ping + )

    I have tons of videos of hackers but cannot upload one of them. I am more than frustrated and mad because of all this hacking! This is one of the main reasons why I do not spend any money on Zp. What's the use? Especially when the main site can't even function or run properly?

    Maybe i will submit a ticket for every time someone hacks. see if z8games likes that??
  • milfs2 wrote: »

    I have tons of videos of hackers but cannot upload one of them. I am more than frustrated and mad because of all this hacking! This is one of the main reasons why I do not spend any money on Zp. What's the use? Especially when the main site can't even function or run properly?

    Maybe i will submit a ticket for every time someone hacks. see if z8games likes that??

    For over a year that players can't report properly. What you can do is upload your CF replay ( ) and then send the link via a complaint with the detailed information.
  • 2 games today.

    GM as ghost, few wallers and no 1 kicking, not once > left.

    Docks knife match, 2 speeders and no 1 kicking, not once > left.

    This isn't a QQ post, it's a thank you to z8 post ;)

    Thx z8 for making me go do something more constructive with my time rather than play in a game where i get little to no satisfaction anymore. Off to spend a few hours learning a bit more about programming.

    Todays total play time - 5 mins.

    Todays KDR 2 -13.

    Win / Win eh?
  • "Stick with us, it's only going to get better!"
    Not sure if current situation is what you had in mind.
    But anyways....Can someone of authority (hopefully a GM )respond to this recent hacking situation without just saying "we are aware of the situation and are working on it." Its pretty bad, and making a public announcement would atleast give me something to hope for. Even uk4 is ultra bad to pub, whole clans of haks are appearing now with 2-3 same clan players cheating in the room, its impossible to even kick them.
    Just throw us a bone here...
  • misX1 wrote: »
    "Stick with us, it's only going to get better!"
    Not sure if current situation is what you had in mind.
    But anyways....Can someone of authority (hopefully a GM )respond to this recent hacking situation without just saying "we are aware of the situation and are working on it." Its pretty bad, and making a public announcement would atleast give me something to hope for. Even uk4 is ultra bad to pub, whole clans of haks are appearing now with 2-3 same clan players cheating in the room, its impossible to even kick them.
    Just throw us a bone here...

    Saidin has responded in recent days about it. You can click his name and search posts to find it. Idk if I'll be able to (on a phone atm).

    This thread was primarily not only to assuage people but to also give an initial insight on how the process works.

    Yea it always suck at times. I think maybe it would be best to just take it easy with the game. Let me ask you something. Why do YOU play this game? :)
  • The misconception that the game is filled with hackers when it really isn't needs to stop.

    That part really makes me LoL. Why is this still stickied? We need a new one.
  • one_9 wrote: »
    Saidin has responded in recent days about it. You can click his name and search posts to find it. Idk if I'll be able to (on a phone atm).

    Yea it always suck at times. I think maybe it would be best to just take it easy with the game. Let me ask you something. Why do YOU play this game? :)
    I checked, but i couldnt find nothing really. Maybe i missed it.
    The second one is simple, only reason i play this game is the same one im here, begging them to do something. I like it. And i honestly, like many others cant enjoy it anymore. Shotgun to the face across the map really demotivates me. It gets me to the point that im swearing and cursing at these cheating egyptians kids really bad. It seriously brings out the worst in me now.
    DREAD_USA wrote: »
    That part really makes me LoL. Why is this still stickied? We need a new one.
    Exactly what i mean.
  • xxJamesB wrote: »
    The New Crossfire Pro's Generation :D


    Farming pub?
  • War on Hackers

    In most games, the game is scripted to continuously check for conditions such as; have you been walking a distance far beyond the possible range over a given time window? Have you Head-Shot more than x amount of enemies successively over a small time window? How frequent has your weapon been executed? Alert a GM if any of these activities occur only to supervise the in game activity inside the room

    Also, the Kicking System should be revised;
    1.People initiating a vote should not be announced (don't say who did it)
    2.Players getting kicked has the right to know he/she is being kicked
    3.Votes are kept permanently throughout the Game (no repeating required)
    4.Players can take back the vote against or in favor to the the accused anytime
    5.Players who have not learned to vote (did not vote at all) should be ignored*

    *if 5 out of 15 players did not vote with "7 votes yes and 3 votes no" do not auto set them to 7 yes vs 8 no. It should be 7 yes vs 3 no. It makes no sense why the f12 button exists if their vote is made for them as no.

    Desertions should not be something kept on record due to the attempts to "flee games you've joined on the last round" and "the desperate escape from hackers"

    Hacker's being banned should have not only their account banned, but their IP address temporarily disabled from accessing Servers. This will scare them enough to not use it again when hackers find it troublesome to hack.

    GMs in most games pull hackers aside into a private room to deal them punishment. CF is not one of them but teaching them what it feels like to die 3 seconds after spawning will help prevent repeat hackers.