CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • i cant report a hack,page not found......

    Thanks captian obvious.

    It is back up now.
  • ' wrote:
    SKoRM;3692594']It is back up now.

    Not for me it's not. Still times out.

    Saves me wasting 30 minutes of my life reporting i suppose.
  • I got kicked by the cheaters, many times. What's up with that?
  • H3ral3s wrote: »
    Reporting a User makes no sense couse when he get Perm Banned he just pay 50 Euro then his ACC is open again so failed

    Z8 is just a peace of crap nothing more to add

    That's the dumbest thing i've heard. You pay 50 euro and your accounts get unbanned. You hack again, get banned again and pay another 50 euro..
    and on and on and on
  • A new Flag system, beside ur name in the game.(just like VIP logo)
    which means:
    A green flag for ppl who own Honorable ribbon.
    A yellow flag for ppl swearing or pay issue.
    A red flag for ppl who were using tool etc.
    So we kno who was a, and kik them right away.

    And also we should able creat a room only allow green flag and yellow flag in.
    just like add one more check box as free mode (like shootgun mode , but now its free mode)
    Plus after 1 yr, if that account did nothing wrong, they will gain their honorable ribbon back.
    give everybody a chance to play legit.

    by this way. wont play in game anymore.

    how u guys think?

    If z8 Game take my ideas , Can u guys plz give me some free zp as reward !!!
  • For GM-saidin:

    Stop talking nonsense, you seem a politician ( I see you so), Only speeches and speeches without reason, where reality is another.

    "You reap what you sow", you sow wickedness (Evil), reap evil. as same happens in the game, if you sow mediocrity workers; lack of commitment with the players, you will reap same how is happening just now.

    I've spent years in this community and see only of your mouth promises and promises where have been not met; happened same with the update of the website, where is it? Oh! wait, I am blind, I do not see. Where is the award of winners roccat gaming?
  • you talk like they don't care. But they do care.
    Stopping hackers is their biggest priority for ages. That's why the little stuff gets ignored..... for ages ;)
  • Coming from a program developer that creates hacking prevention software... It is extremely hard to ensure 100% someone is not hacking. Now and days hacking has become so much more extreme, it is easy to get a hold of hacks in general. The question is relying on the software and quite personally, there are always method to try to bypass things (one script can out do another script, moto). Saying this, what we do at OCG to prevent that is to regularly update our software on a weekly basis, to ensure no bypass or cheaters. To get back on topic, I can pretty much assure you that as a partner of Z8Games, that they are working hard to provide legitimate game play for the community. I can understand your frustrations, but just be patient while measures are being taken.

    Hope that helped.

    OCG President
    Online Competitive Gaming, Inc.
  • Do z8 really hates hackers? then why dont just block turkey , egypt..and..oh well...guess thats enough for now..90% of the hackers r from those 2 ..countries! me i give a damn? thats the freakin truth anyway! THEY A L L HACK!
  • New server

    Please make a new server only SECOND LIEUTENANT 1
    and higher rank can play so we can have fun playing im tired of playing with hackers all of them are all low rank please make a server where only second lieutenant 1 or higher LVL can play only without low ranks please that would make CF better for people who buy ZP
  • Do z8 really hates hackers? then why dont just block turkey , egypt..and..oh well...guess thats enough for now..90% of the hackers r from those 2 ..countries! me i give a damn? thats the freakin truth anyway! THEY A L L HACK!

  • moctezuma wrote: »
    Please make a new server only SECOND LIEUTENANT 1
    and higher rank can play so we can have fun playing im tired of playing with hackers all of them are all low rank please make a server where only second lieutenant 1 or higher LVL can play only without low ranks please that would make CF better for people who buy ZP

    Now this is a sensible idea. Instead of the company doing the same useless crap over and over again why not try something new. Clearly the game guards they use are not up to par so maybe it's to try other methods.

    1. New server for higher ranking players
    2. Revise vote system (non voters should'nt have any bearing on the vote at hand)
    3. More GMs or long time players with elevated rights
    4. Logic filters (if a brand new player comes in the game with 20-30 kills in less than 2 minutes obviously something is suspicious)
    5. Permanent IP and MAC address bans
    6. Offer incentives to players to report hackers (otherwise some players won't report them or even vote then out of matches)
  • I guess it gets boring to some of you, and I know, there are many of this posts, but I think we can not go on like this...

    I just want to say that it is impossible to play the game anymore...
    I started a few years ago playing CF, but I stopped playing because of too many hackers. Now I started again and what do I have to see, even more hackers than two years ago...

    Now I hope that some GMs or Moderators also post some answers why there are so many

    Almost every game has hackers, but an amount like this in CF..... is unbelievable. Even CA (which I do not like as much as CF) has only 1-3% hackers.

    But whenever I join a game, there is at least one hacker. This one kills you, 7 rounds, every time with headshot and through the wall... And in the last round and with the 5th kick-vote he get kicked.
    After that game the next game starts with three hackers and every of this hackers has some friends in the same room denying the kick-votes.
    When there is a Daily Mission, the hackers are evereywhere. Teams do not kick the hackers because they make them win...
    The reportingsystem seems to be much too difficult for most players...
    But I can't hold them anymore...You are able to meet up to 7 hackers per game!

    Shell that be fun?

    I think the key is a easier and faster reporting system and maybe bonus points for real and positive hacking-reports.
    And many more InGame Admins witht he ability to kick and ban people.
  • bs z8 ... bs

    from how long this thread is don't expect anything to happen anytime soon to bann or stop these hackers from ruining UR game

    nothing like getting shot in spawn from under or above the map f11

    speeder nubs that fly thru the air and bot kill you in spawn f11

    ur everyday waller that is watching you through the walls f11

    the nub that every time he fires his weapon gets a multikill headshot f11

    the typical no recoil one hit nub f11

    and I can't forget to mention the kids that " think " these hacks are just pro players f11

    x-crap and z8 game's empty promises f11

    I hear now you can only report 2 hackers in a 24 hr period? ( gettin lazy z8?) , idk because I gave up reporting hacks a long time ago , It's just a waste of time imo when the end result is what we have today.

    no soup for you .....
  • I relly think your fight against the hackers doesn't work the way, you try it.
    And again, my friends and I aren't even able to send the reports:

    It always says we should attach png,etc.,zip or rar files and then it says rar and zip files will not be accepted as report O.o

    So make the report easier through screenshots and replay files...



    Please go trough the Profiles and just ban, who ever is a smiley and has a K/D of 899/10
    and 700 Headshots...
  • Or just block new accounts from Turkey, Egypt and KSA, it would reduce alot the hackers in the uk servers.

    Oh wait.. we must respect and accept them, otherways its racism against the poor kids :/
  • what happened to "reporting hackers" in ur system..? its not working anymore,. cant even play for 10 mins coz of hackers,. my list of hackers and replays are piling up
  • well thiers somethings yall don't know about such as the fact that some people don't want to hack but when every room they enter they end up 6-30 one of my dear friends and also one of the highest ranks started in 2009 but left in 2011 due to serious hacking I have been playing and making accounts to stay "fresh" since 2009 so let me tell you im pro but sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire its this simple im sorry crossfire but its this simple become a hacker or quit
  • well thiers somethings yall don't know about such as the fact that some people don't want to hack but when every room they enter they end up 6-30 one of my dear friends and also one of the highest ranks started in 2009 but left in 2011 due to serious hacking I have been playing and making accounts to stay "fresh" since 2009 so let me tell you im pro but sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire its this simple im sorry crossfire but its this simple become a hacker or quit
    You are not pro, you are just a looser like all the others kids that need it to play and btw I really hope you get your pc infected.
  • Kinda funny...I went back to my last post...which was 1-29-13 and it is sad to see that there has not been one response from anyone in the higher guess that shows that they dont care about the hacking situation in the games...I've tried to play but it is kinda hard when you have a PFC in the room with 115 kills...all sad cuz i kinda like the game but not so much anymore.I guess the hackers have won CF...they own this game...why dont you just shut the game down ? Oh...that's would loose all the zp money...what a shame.
  • Kinda funny...I went back to my last post...which was 1-29-13 and it is sad to see that there has not been one response from anyone in the higher guess that shows that they dont care about the hacking situation in the games...I've tried to play but it is kinda hard when you have a PFC in the room with 115 kills...all sad cuz i kinda like the game but not so much anymore.I guess the hackers have won CF...they own this game...why dont you just shut the game down ? Oh...that's would loose all the zp money...what a shame.

    who still spend money buy zp now?

    look at the hacking situation,bugs,errors etc...lolololol...
  • Noob Game Noob GM Staff Unplayable something more to say? GAME IS DEEEEEEAAAAD
  • Just cant play this anymore...hackers out number legit players now...pretty sad that nobody cares anymore either.You have all these so-called gm's and mod's but do you ever see them on the servers and in the games doing anything ? NO ! I have never seen one in a game banning people...cmon guys...this is just sad.....make me a mod with the ability to ban and I will actually ban hackers and not just ban a good player...not hard to tell the difference.Love seeing a PFC with over 100 kills and maybe 10 deaths......oh well......
  • Its sad that you guys dont know how to prevent hackers... you guys had such an awesome game but you refuse to fix the problems i hope you understand you lost your whole real fanbase. Plus WTF are you ******s even paying xtrap for wtf do you guys even have xtrap its doing nothing have fun losing ur **** ass game because u dont know how to run a ****ing game
  • Ok this is getting a bit over the top. I get you guys hate hackers, who doesn't, this doesn't mean you need to talk like that. Crossfire is full of hackers and this is because you have a good 2 or maybe 3 hackers making these hacks and updating them daily for their own personal use.

    If you guys really can not play with these hackers then just either play with your friends or take a break from this game. Not every single room has a hacker but many do. Just get 2-4 friends and join the opposite team, if they cheat then you can kick a good 4-8 people depending on how many players are in the lobby.

    My friends are so sick of the hackers that some of them quit. Some of them also couldn't stand it that they started to hack just to make the game half playable. Personally, I could not care the slightest about these hackers because most of these hackers really cannot play and makes it easy to kill them. You will get the occasional players which start to become unkillable but just change channels and put up with it.
  • This game is loosing clients very, very fast, due to the increase of hackers. Plenty of my friends already left this game. I wish I could stay but it's getting very annoying.
  • Jut stop Spending Money for this Game maybe 4 Month then will MAYBE a Change when they see oh Sh!t we dont Own Money and stop Play for that time