CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • I have only been watching, players with ping over 135 hacking, can this be confirmed?
  • Here's my idea for you all...

    - Log into the game and ask your friends / clan mates if the hacking problem is any better.

    - If they say yes, hang around and play a game or 2 to decide for yourself.

    - If they say no, say hi to them all and then log off.

    - Wait a few days and repeat, that's if you can be bothered to wait for a fix.

    Simple as that tbh.

    There's a multitude of things you can do with your time rather than getting angry because some losers think it's funny to cheat on people who want to play legitimately.

    There's tons of other games that are free to play that don't have cheats in them, contrary to what some posters on here will have you believe.

    Peace ;)

    EDIT - The above is only applicable if the servers aren't down lmao. Same old story ;)
  • stop cf and start playing games with better company.
  • The problem of the community is the lack of maturity
  • Reporting System

    When, oh when, will the reporting system be working properly? Thank you!!! :D
  • just worried of the mistaken between pro/hacker :c....
  • What will happen with a clan if they all hack in clan war?
    This noob clan use hack, I have a replay but I dont know how to report full clan!
  • Z8Games / SmileGate / XTrap / Wiselogic or anyone else - IS NOT the Problem
    The Problem is the "Community" (if you can call it a community)

    If no one would like to Hack - they wont need to publish hacks over and over

    Why People hack? Cause they think it's funny?
    -Well yes - most hacking people seem to be stupid and got an IQ around -20

    Or are they just pis*ed because some is better then they are?
    -Yes, but sometimes non******** became Hackers because of Hackers!

    Skilled and Fair Players don't deserve this penetration and Statbashing by LowBob-Hacky-Naps!

    Each 1/50 Player is more skilled in his little finger, than someone who is using ANY Kind of hack.
    Including Wallhack, Chamming, Speedhacks, etc.

    Most of those hackers are Turks (sry - not racism - but it seems like they are)
    If i just enter a game and see "ahmenmohammedblahblah" whatever - i just wanna leave cause hes going to hack.
    You think he wont - iÄ'm just stupid right? - But just 30 Seconds more to Play its equal like 134/130 - Ahmed starts his ULTRA_MEGA_SKILLOR_***X_PROGRAMM and headshots the whole team each second god has given us.
    What the damn fu**?
    Most of the time they start a Vote while they do, - cause they are unable to get kicked!

    Not only the Hackers are the problem
    The WHOLE Community is!

    You start to vote a Hacker (99% of the time i'm the person who starts the Vote - and its everytime the other team whos crying)
    And my team starts to fire the F12 button down as hell.
    If it would be in the other direction - they wont cry - cause they are winning, no the wont kick.

    in 9/10 Matches (including Hackers) - they WONT VOTE them, and for sure never Kick them.

    So what up? Most of the people crying up here (100% i know it) aren't better! - They accept those hacking loosers! (for sure just if they are teamed up with them)

    Thats a point i'll never understand

    Free 2 Play = Tons of Hackers if Game is liked a lot
    -> It is liked a lot, so there are Tons of Hacks and a lot more Tons of Hackers!

    Z8Games Community Staff (or whatever) is fixing the issues
    -> Yes maybe - but its a lost war, while fixing the problem - the next hacks are rolling out
    --->(why? - XTrap isn't 100% updated in here - next version who patches 'Hack A' is allready released in for example China/Korea/Phiadelphia whatever - and yes - you are right - allready bypassed - so just update the ***x.exe and fully start again)

    This is an Issue i don't understand

    They should add Fees for CrossFire like Counter-Strike did (before getting VAC)

    CD (CheatersDeath) was a great tool! There wheren't much hackers (Because 10 years ago Gamer where just more fair) and it worked propperly.

    Uff - sry for this long text AND for my bad english (I'm from Germany)

    Kind Regarts
    VisM.OwnZ - aka everyoneisgosu (YouTube)
  • VisM.OwnZ wrote: »
    Z8Games / SmileGate / XTrap / Wiselogic or anyone else - IS NOT the Problem
    The Problem is the "Community" (if you can call it a community)

    If no one would like to Hack - they wont need to publish hacks over and over

    Why People hack? Cause they think it's funny?
    -Well yes - most hacking people seem to be stupid and got an IQ around -20

    Or are they just pis*ed because some is better then they are?
    -Yes, but sometimes non******** became Hackers because of Hackers!

    Skilled and Fair Players don't deserve this penetration and Statbashing by LowBob-Hacky-Naps!

    Each 1/50 Player is more skilled in his little finger, than someone who is using ANY Kind of hack.
    Including Wallhack, Chamming, Speedhacks, etc.

    Most of those hackers are Turks (sry - not racism - but it seems like they are)
    If i just enter a game and see "ahmenmohammedblahblah" whatever - i just wanna leave cause hes going to hack.
    You think he wont - iÄ'm just stupid right? - But just 30 Seconds more to Play its equal like 134/130 - Ahmed starts his ULTRA_MEGA_SKILLOR_***X_PROGRAMM and headshots the whole team each second god has given us.
    What the damn fu**?
    Most of the time they start a Vote while they do, - cause they are unable to get kicked!

    Not only the Hackers are the problem
    The WHOLE Community is!

    You start to vote a Hacker (99% of the time i'm the person who starts the Vote - and its everytime the other team whos crying)
    And my team starts to fire the F12 button down as hell.
    If it would be in the other direction - they wont cry - cause they are winning, no the wont kick.

    in 9/10 Matches (including Hackers) - they WONT VOTE them, and for sure never Kick them.

    So what up? Most of the people crying up here (100% i know it) aren't better! - They accept those hacking loosers! (for sure just if they are teamed up with them)

    Thats a point i'll never understand

    Free 2 Play = Tons of Hackers if Game is liked a lot
    -> It is liked a lot, so there are Tons of Hacks and a lot more Tons of Hackers!

    Z8Games Community Staff (or whatever) is fixing the issues
    -> Yes maybe - but its a lost war, while fixing the problem - the next hacks are rolling out
    --->(why? - XTrap isn't 100% updated in here - next version who patches 'Hack A' is allready released in for example China/Korea/Phiadelphia whatever - and yes - you are right - allready bypassed - so just update the ***x.exe and fully start again)

    This is an Issue i don't understand

    They should add Fees for CrossFire like Counter-Strike did (before getting VAC)

    CD (CheatersDeath) was a great tool! There wheren't much hackers (Because 10 years ago Gamer where just more fair) and it worked propperly.

    Uff - sry for this long text AND for my bad english (I'm from Germany)

    Kind Regarts
    VisM.OwnZ - aka everyoneisgosu (YouTube)

    Da hast du absolut Recht aber noch dazu braucht sich kein türke zu wundern warum er gehasst wird.


    There u are Right and say some too so no wonder why are the Turks are Hated so much.
  • The entire text of this gringo are pure words of a politician, and we all know about the politicians.
  • I sure would like to see those so called in game staff that are claimed to be out there....the hacks today are just to much to even play....I would like to actually see one...I dont think there are any....They could go to any Egypt game and see lots of in point,just tried to play a game...a player had 177 kills,all challenge the staff of this game to prove there are in game people banning players.....has anyone seen one ????????
  • lmao @ people who say it's the community that is the problem.
    such a weak and lame argument.
    like when you have an issue and you say that people are the problem. :o:o
  • What the hell is wrong with this game? I get whispers about kicking Ace, I get kicked a lot because I get 1.0 K/D a round or a lucky headshot, there's a ton of wall hackers in GM and most of them have pay to use items. z8games, what the hell? Your community and lack of control disgusts me.
  • GrieverV wrote: »
    What the hell is wrong with this game? I get whispers about kicking Ace, I get kicked a lot because I get 1.0 K/D a round or a lucky headshot, there's a ton of wall hackers in GM and most of them have pay to use items. z8games, what the hell? Your community and lack of control disgusts me.

    This game is DEAD. Xtrap updated...and still tons of hackers. They say staff are ingame banning people...why don't they just look at HS % and see people with 65%HS Rates and up. You don't see many aimbots that only hit body. The staff have failed and they know it. They have lost their community and the game to hackers.

    Hackers with paid guns and VIP status...seen about 30 of them in less then an hour of game play today. Not a one with a ping lower then 120...but wait...can't say that...because someone will flame racism.

    How about...I don't know...making this CrossFireNA like its suppose to be and you might just win back some of the community. At this point its the only thing that will save this game. The community knows it...and most gamers in the US/Can don't need to hack. Some due...but we weed them out fast.
  • Well....the waller hack is in full force again..had not seen that one in awhile but just played a game where there were actually of them ended up with 171/15 K/
  • as bad as it is between two and six this weekend I can only imagine how hack infested it's gonna be for halloween
  • PR0PAGANDA wrote: »
    as bad as it is between two and six this weekend I can only imagine how hack infested it's gonna be for halloween

    The Halloween patch usually fixes the hacks for about 2 weeks and then it gets bad again. Not really getting my hopes up though.
  • Meanwhile, you can do this:

    - Create a server only for High Rank players (Echo Server is not used)
    - Increase to 3 or 4 the number of reports that can be done in one day.
    - Those most used hack are the people who create new accounts and want to nominate their original accounts, want to level up quickly.

    I will strive to continue to report hackers and thus contribute more with you.

    Create a High Rank Server, it coul be the Solution to less the reports :)
  • ' wrote:
    Danny[;3748983']The Halloween patch usually fixes the hacks for about 2 weeks and then it gets bad again. Not really getting my hopes up though.

    +1 Truth has been told
  • +1 Truth has been told

    Content patches do not always correlate to Xtrap patches.
  • permanent ip ban

    isn't permanently banning the hackers ip an option, i think this might be a little bit extreme however i just went to 5 different egypt td servers and all of them had hackers, i went to uk4 and there were also alot of hackers.
    it is really frustrating and i think you've lost alot of serious players just because of this.

  • There are like 4-5 hackers in every game I play and this is getting excessively out of hand. I joined a couple of Egypt TDM games and in every one of those games, there was at least one hacker in the game, if not more. I would suggest having maintenance/patches every few days or so. This may/may not decrease the amounts of hackers there are, but from what I've seen, we haven't had a maintenance in quite some time and the amounts of hackers have grown to astronomical numbers as it is.
  • I really hope that this new update will get rid of a good portion of the hackers so that TDM is at least playable on the seasonal map. I enjoy playing that map and I would like to enjoy playing it without hackers if at all possible. Thanks to Z8 for figuring out the problem and implementing a solution with this Halloween update.
  • What a joke.

    Patch has done absolutely nothing or made it worse, literally 4-5 hackers in every game, not including the ones that join after they've been kicked.
  • Is it that hard to clear all these hackers? I just don't understand how there are 2 hackers in every room.

    You have made several announcements based on anti-hacking improvements but the hacking situation now is just absurd.

    Hackers will ruin your business model so please put more effort on it.

    Also, submitting hacking report does not work. Fix it.
  • What is going on with this game. I didn't play for a while` and now when I entered it's impossible to play fair , all players are using hacks and illegal programs in this game. Seriously, it's a shame !
  • ..........and nothing changed, except for the h.ackers who are breeding even moreday by day.

    Saidin even if you write a 360 page extended essay on this NOBODY CARES.

    What we players need is EVIDENCE.

    And right now, there's more h.ackers, so whatever you are doing right now DOESN'T WORK!
  • charmichel wrote: »
    What is going on with this game. I didn't play for a while` and now when I entered it's impossible to play fair , all players are using hacks and illegal programs in this game. Seriously, it's a shame !

    Yeah its pathetic. They are taking EXTREME measures to FIGHT HACKERS. Yet you can't submit a hacker report without it error'ing & can't even create a ticket to submit it there without a failed to connect to server error. Great anti hacking measures. This game is getting ridiculous. Its to the point where you have to play fully with your own clan, or get a hack yourself.