CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • Hello

    Why not they create a in game mod or gm? he can kik from game hackers or ban 4 example in metin am a SGM and i ban all hackers when i play
    crossfire can do this too whit some comands and serius people
    if z8 will create these im disponible to be a in game mod .
    good day :)
  • WOW that's a lot of text [GM]

    I know that there is a great deal of work Z8 does to ensure a good game , recently I've had the pleasure of personally speaking with a few [MODS] which has given me a better understanding how things operate here , and Proven to me that with good customer relations and the help of the community we can all enjoy ourselves .

    thanks guys , you know who U are ...
  • TheNeXus9 wrote: »
    Ban Egyptians they hack a lot

    Ban egyptians and Turks...every turk s%%% hack...and try change your xtrap its s%%%,anways,fix the buggs that allow another player push you in wall soo easly and get error its stupid as f%k Thanks.
  • [MOD]Rex wrote: »
    All moderators currently help with reports. Our jobs with hack reports have changed over time, from helping actually watching the reports to sending them directly in for banning.

    When we're in game we keep records of every cheater we come by and as mods we're a bit more trained to be able to tell a cheater apart from a skilled player. We also do not make assumptions after one kill that looks sketchy like many people do.

    Need a way to reduce the error reports.
    Need a way to make the review faster.

    Otherwise, no matter how many MoD are involved in review the replays, there will be still a problem.
    [MOD]Rex wrote: »
    I'd like to see those dozens you've been playing then. I'm sure My Little Pony and Hello Kitty Online don't have many cheaters, but if you look at the big MMOFPS F2P games out there you will find numerous games with a worse hacking scene than ours. Combat Arms and WarRock being only two named. And if you want confirmation ask our former Moderator Greycloak, he used to also be a Moderator for WarRock.

    Last months the percentage of hackers in game in CF can compete those in Warrock 2 years ago. I switched from warrock to cf. And it seems that warrock can not block them at all. However, it is different from game to game. And crossfire is different from warrock in the hacker popluation pattern --- I felt the hackers keeps increasing in warrock, but in CF there is some periodic effect --- a strong proof that z8 and xtrap has been trying to block hackers.
  • finally we have some solid info about how Z8 doing against hackers.
  • govno213 wrote: »
    Ban egyptians and Turks...every turk s%%% hack...and try change your xtrap its s%%%,anways,fix the buggs that allow another player push you in wall soo easly and get error its stupid as f%k Thanks.

    You and the guy you quoted should go play tetris
  • (Recently we have noticed a lot of threads on our Community Forums with regards to the hacking situation within Cross Fire)

    Well ive been playing crossfire over 2 years and in my opinion not enough if nothing is being done about hacking, I not played TD for over a year now its so bad.

    Host's being able to kick players from there own rooms would solve the problem of the more blatant hackers they would have nowhere to play will get kicked from every they hack in,
    All I play now is GM if I could make my own room and kick who I like the hacking problem would be solved for me End of storey and all the Pro players would play in each others rooms and everyone's happy plus this would cost nothing to do jus common sense
    The hacking problem on this game is a disgrace to say the least high ranking players using blantant hacks in CW and in PUB room with no fear of loosing there accounts because they know nothing gets done about it, tell it right please pfff haha
  • nice work!!! thank you GM saidin i was need to hear that stuff!!! and the new anti hack system really cool!!!!! enjoy soldiers,and dont forget to report new and old hacks
  • The work you're doing is great GM's, keep it up, especially after the huge increase in the number of hackers lately (before the last patch)...
    I just have a few things that I needed to tell you about, It is really silly when you start a kick vote against a hacker and people on his team start rejecting, I believe you need to set a temporary ban for who ever defendes a hacker (I've heared about the 3 days ban but It doesn't make a difference..., Maybe because it isn't much time? or because no one ever got it, maybe If you guys start banning them this phenomena will start to decrease...), Also I believe a hacker gets ALOT of vote kickes daily, It would be pretty easy to automaticaly detect him and ban him.
    Also it's getting VERY silly to get kicked from rooms for no reason, wrong use for vote kicks should be also bannable and the ban should be performed so this phenomena would decrease as well...
    Also I'm very grateful for activating vote kick in FFA, MM, HM, and HMX, I didn't see a good enough reason to disable them, as hackers started to get very annoying in these types of matchs...
    I'm also grateful for fixing most of the errors and espesially in clan matches, I remmember failing like 12 times in a row before trying to make a clan match with my clan mates!..

    How ever I noticed some errors after the new patch, I got a client error, It was an EM match, I had P90 last round, and suddenly at the next round I got the error, I pressed oh and tryed hitting with my knife, the funny thing is that my knife shooted P90 bullets lol, I guess that was the reason, I can see the knife but some how I was holding P90?
    Also I'm sick of getting pushed by other players into walls, It causes elient errors as well, another error caused by grenades, at a moment a grenade fell right below me, the second moment I fell under the map and died? also got a client error...
    also the error at the Sewers TD was not fixed, at sometimes when you jump to the buttom, you die, even fall under the map..
    And there are 2 glitches that need to be fixed at both Venice and Unearth ZM games, watch youtube vids for players performing these glitches..
    And an there is some error at the replay mode that causes the termination of the CF process, Hope you guys can find it and fix it, would be really nice if you guys enable text chat and kick votes and HP of players to be viewed in the replay mode..

    Also I like the idea of the Z8 team searching the internet for hacks, BUT I'm sure some hacks are not being published, some "Hack creators" must be saving some hacks for them selves, not publishing them, Hope you guys can solve that issue too.

    And there's one more point I have here, The Crossfire team NEVER shows up in th game (GMs), Maybe some appearence from time to time as spctecators in games would scare some hackers and aswell cause some hackers to get banned, I'me sure the GM team will detect alot of hackers, trust me, we players see them DAILY..

    Also I have like 5 or 6 replayes containing about 10 hackers, wanted to report them but don't know how, would be nice if someone tells me..
  • woahh...

    Woah... good to see CF here having a great progress against hacker. I hope our CF publisher here in Indonesia do the same thing, cause they sucks bad against hacker, and no comunicating skill to build a great relationship between the publisher and the the player community. me and many of my friend has send many report with a replay about hacker, and they done nothing at all! all they care is about the money they make!

    i wish u a good luck...
    GM, Smilegate, X-trap, and all CF community player here may become a great example for us player and the CF publisher around the globe.

    continue ur great job guys ;)
  • I get client error over the stupidist things now. I always crouch on top of the rails on top of Lab and wait for GR to come up and whenever I run or jump down to the water, I get client error. I was planting the bomb on top of the boxes in Metro and got client when I jumped off. I even got client error one time just bhopping down the hall.

    Is there anything that can be done about all these Client Errors? It's especially annoying in Ghost Mode where you have to jump about a lot as BL.... constantly getting errors and forced out of the match. Sometimes get them right at the start when spawning and haven't even moved yet!
    Please can you do something about this............
  • ...It is really silly when you start a kick vote against a hacker and people on his team start rejecting...
    I could not agree more. The person being kicked does not get the option of voting for themselves, so this means that there will always be an odd amount of votes to ensure no "ties" or "draws" in voting. The majority should always win, because typically people don't get elected for a kick unless they are hacking anyways.
    ...I believe you need to set a temporary ban for who ever defendes a hacker...
    Whilst this sounds like a good idea; it simply isn't effective enough of a method to use. There are too many circumstances in which this rule could be abused. Not to mention it's just plain ineffective. There have been times where I have seen people fly in the air and I was ready to call them a hacker right out the gate, just to find out I was lagging and the game was just trying to catch up. If I had called "***" and people were to have "defended" they would now be banned.

    The fact of the matter is that "banning" is such a sensitive subject. The more you manage others, the more you realize that banning is a "last-resort" method. You really want to give people as much "benefit-of-the-doubt" as possible, because it's just unknown. In online gaming, there are just simply too many gray areas to resort to a ban-hammer. Let, the anti-hacking programs do their job. Almost all of the hacks out there can be reverse-engineered, and banned. An automated banning system is far better than a personal one, because we are humans, emotions get involved, and computers don't have them... yet that it ;)

    Also I believe a hacker gets ALOT of vote kickes daily, It would be pretty easy to automaticaly detect him and ban him.
    Girls hack too ya know ;) On a more serious note, I am sure this is a method already being used. Statistically speaking, if I were a GM, I would want to know who my high-priority targets were so I could stabilize my gaming-society first and foremost. What I mean by this is, say I have 2 players. Player A has 100 reports for hacking, and player B only has 25. Naturally, I would investigate player A first and foremost, because it would appear that he/she is causing the most havoc.
    Also it's getting VERY silly to get kicked from rooms for no reason, wrong use for vote kicks should be also bannable and the ban should be performed so this phenomena would decrease as well...
    I agree, it is silly, however there is just no proper way to control this. Kicking is a feature given to players on the honor system. It is just expected that we will all be responsible and use the feature properly. However, there is no real way of monitoring it, and even if there was, who is to say those players didn't have reason. The truth is, everything operates under a "innocent-until-proven-guilty" law. When I am kicked from a room for nothing, I just go to another room and play with a better collection of people :)
    Also I like the idea of the Z8 team searching the internet for hacks, BUT I'm sure some hacks are not being published, some "Hack creators" must be saving some hacks for them selves, not publishing them, Hope you guys can solve that issue too.
    This is true. It's hard to find something if you don't know what you're looking for. However, it can be monitored the more you report. Who know's? Maybe the "hack creator" might be talking in-game to a clan-mate about the name of the program, or discussing how it works (not likely, but I've said that about a lot of things and been proven wrong), I'm sure the server has a log system which files each whisper or general chat into a log that is used for monitoring.
    ...The Crossfire team NEVER shows up in th game (GMs), Maybe some appearence from time to time as spctecators in games would scare some hackers and aswell cause some hackers to get banned, I'me sure the GM team will detect alot of hackers, trust me, we players see them DAILY..
    You never know what the GM's do. Truth is, when GM's show up IN-GAME, it disrupts the community. People stop playing and want to start shooting or talking to GM's; it just isn't a good idea. You don't wanna make people forget why they are even playing in the first place. And GM's already admit to having their own accounts, I am sure they do a lot more than monitoring. I am sure they all play and see people hacking, but just how many people do you think they would find hacking if above their name it said [GM] Arcalypse. I doubt anyone would hack if they knew they were playing a map with a GM.
    Also I have like 5 or 6 replayes containing about 10 hackers, wanted to report them but don't know how, would be nice if someone tells me..
    PM YouTube links to GM's, if that isn't allowed, make a topic posting the videos. You're GM's listen to you alot more than you'd think.
  • Man, that's no work at all! So so so many year of same stupids players.. Im tired to play in room with hackers. Z8games and X-Trap need to development a new form to block the hackers, for example, you can block the MAC address of the players, that way they never cant enter in the game anymore, and less the buy a new network card. Please Im beging you, do something about it!!
  • yes its true for the first time i ve been able to enjoy playing cf.i havent meet any hacker yet so that means you ve done a good job with the update(aslong it concernes the hacking because there are some bugs again :D). I hope you keep up the good work and remove as much aspossible hackers from the game.
  • A few considerations on the topic

    Dear [GM]Saidin,
    I'm quite happy to have gone through all the post (tho I'm ashamed to admit that despite having played for long time I do not know where the redeem page is X( hahaha)
    No, I'm really happy cause you explained clearly and openly the whole problem and actions taken against ha.king.
    There you go, I wrote it in a not censorable way and there's a good reason: I'm used to write it that way and that's the thing I disliked most of all this story.
    Up to now even simply talking about hacking could have led to banning: you cannot write it in game, you cannot talk about it on the forum ow you might get banned.
    Now, I understand that you have lots of ppl just flaming or accusing you to create hacks and I totally agree on closing those posts; problem is I've seen admins closing posts just because they were simply talking about hacking even if without any flaming. Like if not talking about the problem at all would help solving the problem itself.
    There has been a time where GM kept on posting "everything is alright, just few hackers left, huge improvements" and then you log in the game and you get at least a couple of hackers per game....that was really frustrating and undermined the credibility of the GMs' team.
    Censorship is never the right path to follow and this is why I'm extremelly glad for this post: let's talk about it, keep up posted on your successes and your failures as well, you'll get all of legit players' support whatever you do while fighting hackers.
    We'll try to do our part like the change of mentality: let's be honest, the huge amount of hackers was leading to a point where everybody killing more than two enemies in a row was thought to be a hacker. Sometimes I find myself yelling on vent with my friends "the bloody hackers shot me from nowhere!!!" but after few secs I realize it could have been the lag, a lucky shot, a lucky spray in the smoke or simply his great skill. Good thing is it usually take some "strange" kills before I call someone hacker in pub well as I usually apologize after a while if I did realize that was a letig player.
    So thumbs up for the hackers' fight, thumbs up for the full explanation, thumbs up for the honesty of this post.
    Let's go guys, kick their a$$es out of this game, we'll never finish to thank you for giving us back the pleasure of playing this wonderful game!!!
  • Special Code

    i think it would be cool.. if u can give Z8 a Special Code like
    or smth >.<
    and if u write it on support u can get ur acc back...
    maybe an advise :P

    anyway good job guys :)
  • I've seen so much improvement on the hacking situation lately. You guys are doing an awesome job and keep up the good work :)
  • Reaction Anti hacking measures


    I'm glad that you guys told us all this stuff. One of the problems I had with Crossfire N.A. was that we didn't really get informed or anything. I've reported some hackers and I had no reaction. Just a small auto message back that you read the report is enough.

    What bothers me too is that you censor the words: 'hacking' or 'hacks' in game. Like you said it's a fact that there are hacks in any game. So why would you censor this? The censorship will not reduce the hackers.

    A true thing is that when a game gets more popular, more people will try to get hacks on the game. Me (Melody..) and the whole clan Noverca started playing Crossfire Europe because it has way less hackers. But if you guys fix the massive hacking problems we might come back.

    Small note: you said 5% of the community is a hacker. An average game (16 players) makes it 1 hacker per game. Which can be very annoying already because he ruined your score ;) Just saying.

    So... I want to thank you for saying this to clear some things up. I also would like you to uncensor the words 'hacking' and 'hacks' in game, because it is useless. Keep this work going and be the hackers one step ahead. Good luck!

  • Nice Comment Saidin and Little bit good Work but now the Hacks are back not only Shoot Threw Wall now is more Aimbot the main Hack hope u gonna make it my other reason to post some like this here i wanna ask what u do about the laggers on Uk Servers the Pings are Increased badly just see PPL with ping from 130-500 and i hope u will think about it to make a Ping Limited Server for a Better Game Play

    So Far H3racl3s
  • vn

    Very nice post Saidin. Read it all. Thanks 4 the cookie. Keep up the good work.
  • Savierbt4 wrote: »
    So so so many year of same stupids players.. Im tired to play in room with hackers.
    That's understandable, we all are. I, personally would like to thank you for speaking up, because it takes players doing just that if you'd like to see any resolve on the topic.
    Savierbt4 wrote: »
    Z8games and X-Trap need to development a new form to block the hackers, for example, you can block the MAC address of the players, that way they never cant enter in the game anymore, and less the buy a new network card.
    Hypothetically Speaking: What if you and your little brother shared the same computer. What if he was a hacker and you had no idea, and one day you went to log in to the servers, and it read "Sorry but your MAC Address has been flagged for hacking, you have been banned." How do you think that would make you feel? And beyond that, is it right? No, no it's not. You should not have to be punished for your brothers actions. And let's take it even a step further. What if you had spent $50+ dollars on your account getting all these awesome customized items? Imagine how infuriated you would be.

    The fact-of-the-matter is, you cannot go blindly swinging at your clients. One of Z8's most creative forms of revenue is their ZPoints. You have to pay real cash to get online cash. This gives other players a great competitive advantage, and it also allows them to be uniquely identified amongst other players. If Z8 banned even just 1 person without reason, imagine that 1 person telling 5 other friends that were going to play Crossfire, but now they won't. Z8 has just lost 6 clients. Now imagine those 5 friends telling each of their 5 friends... You see where this is going?

    nR1c0 wrote: »
    Up to now even simply talking about hacking could have led to banning: you cannot write it in game, you cannot talk about it on the forum ow you might get banned.
    Now, I understand that you have lots of ppl just flaming or accusing you to create hacks and I totally agree on closing those posts; problem is I've seen admins closing posts just because they were simply talking about hacking even if without any flaming. Like if not talking about the problem at all would help solving the problem itself.
    I am sure there was reason even if it was unbeknownst to the community as to why those posts were closed. And as far as trying to solve the problem itself, I think that's what this whole topic is about to begin with. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let your GM's know, I doubt they would ban you for helpful commentary. :)
    nR1c0 wrote: »
    There has been a time where GM kept on posting "everything is alright, just few hackers left, huge improvements" and then you log in the game and you get at least a couple of hackers per game....that was really frustrating and undermined the credibility of the GMs' team.
    After this patch I see maybe 1 hacker every couple of games. Every once in a while, you get those matches where there are 2+ hackers, and that is purely coincidental. Sounds to me like they DID fix the hacking problem for the most part. But there are always going to be hackers to no matter how state-of-the-art their security system is; there are always going to be people bypassing the security measures. Truth is, you're mad at the wrong people. You're angry at Z8 as if they aren't doing anything about it. If they weren't this game would be obsolete by now because everyone would be a hacker. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at the people who are ruining this free game given to you by Z8 in the first place.
    nR1c0 wrote: »
    Censorship is never the right path to follow and this is why I'm extremelly glad for this post: let's talk about it, keep up posted on your successes and your failures as well, you'll get all of legit players' support whatever you do while fighting hackers.
    I commend you on your open-mindedness. It's players like you that make this community a blossoming place for the rest of us.
    nR1c0 wrote: »
    ...let's be honest, the huge amount of hackers was leading to a point where everybody killing more than two enemies in a row was thought to be a hacker. Sometimes I find myself yelling on vent with my friends "the bloody hackers shot me from nowhere!!!" but after few secs I realize it could have been the lag, a lucky shot, a lucky spray in the smoke or simply his great skill. Good thing is it usually take some "strange" kills before I call someone hacker in pub chat...
    I think we all are guilty of that in all honesty. I constantly find myself doing it, but just because I didn't see my killer doesn't mean they didn't get an honest and legit kill. Thank god for the "killer" feature. It has been the source of many of my "revenge" kills ;)
    nR1c0 wrote: »
    Let's go guys, kick their a$$es out of this game, we'll never finish to thank you for giving us back the pleasure of playing this wonderful game!!!
  • where do i enter the code? noob question lol
  • Great news! :D

    Everyone should be happy now! :)
  • Instead of banning cheaters for 3 days, Why not seriously get rid of them?
    People who get caught once aren't going to be stupid to use the same cheats, They will go and download the newest/different ones... I guarantee you would get rid of a LOT more cheaters..
  • Great post!!
    I realized that the have decreased number of hackers.
    But the work is far to end. Until 1 week I often saw 4 or 5 hackers in a game.
    Now, there 1 or 2 in someones games.

    But 1 thing I didnt undertand:
    My brother never use hacker, but one day he played in a cafe and get ban for 30 days.
    After that we found they had installed hacker on that computer. But he didnt use it in game.
    That is how far you take to ban Hackers. I apreciate this, but in this case my brother get this ban (30 DAYS), lost the ribbon and almost lost the mouse pad, flash drive and bonus to ZM games of the draw in december.

    English is not my first language, then sorry for possible errors.
  • Good work,but I doubt the kids that come to rage on forums will read this before they post another QQ thread.
  • It's been almost 3 years now (QQ Subagames I miss you) and I'm still around.

    I've never doubted at least something was being done behind the scenes. People jump to conclusions too fast when they don't see any particular changes. It takes time which is something people lack (patience is a virtue).

    Thanks for letting us know, maybe this will make me stay 3 more years ;)