CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    1. We do ban by IP. But you can get around them.

    2. Our current mods do look and report for hackers in game. At the moment making yet another group of players to report hackers would create trust issues and redundancies that are not going to be efficient at the moment.

    Guys like me? :D I would to this work :D

    Back to Topic: I never heard from these IP Banns s:
  • Guys like me? :D I would to this work :D

    Back to Topic: I never heard from these IP Banns s:

    Wow. Did you even read the article? Evidently not.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    FYI the point was people outside make up numbers. 5% is based on our internal data so there is some fact behind it. It's been higher, though never as high as 50%.
    Never said that there were 50% hacking.
    I don't think 50% of the game were hacking. But at least 20%.
    [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    There has rarely been a game where 8 of 16 people are hacking, and even if that was the case that game would be a rare instance and certainly not indicative of the rest of the server.
    Oh dear, there was.(not sure when tho')
    [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    All that being said, we're striving to keep moving that number in a downward direction.
    I know that, and what i was saying wasn't ment to be correcting you in any way. It just sounded like there were 5% hacking a month ago, what's not correct.
    The number of hackers decreased rapidly after the patch, quite good work you did there once again. Keep up the good work with that.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    Our hacking numbers, estimates we'll call them to be safe, are based on more than just auto detections.

    They are based on player reports over time, game population, website traffic, account creation stats, auto detections plus in-game physical playing and watching of the hack networks and websites.

    Sorry I should have used a different word, I was trying to say a lot of players wall/cham and some what hide it.

    Also if you can release such information, do you calculate the 5% based off of the total number of accounts created in CF or how does that work exactly?
  • zxq1231 wrote: »
    I was trying to say a lot of players wall/cham and some what hide it.

    Not alot of players wall/cham its quite rare in public hacks but, you can easily spot them out.. they will always camp and wait for the kill to come to them, always perfectly prescope and accidentally shoot the wall :P (trick them go left and right near some doors and wait for them to prefire dont actully show your self though, most cheaters avoid players like these but bleh >.<)
  • zwarhawk7 wrote: »
    Not alot of players wall/cham its quite rare in public hacks but, you can easily spot them out.. they will always camp and wait for the kill to come to them, always perfectly prescope and accidentally shoot the wall :P (trick them go left and right near some doors and wait for them to prefire dont actully show your self though, most cheaters avoid players like these but bleh >.<)

    Any player that is remotely smart and willing could easily hide that they are walling/chamming.
  • havent noticed a decline in hackers, just that they are no longer shooting me thru walls, just crouch speeding (and not very fast)
  • But try not to jump on the statistics bandwagon, because most of the time its completely fabricated.
    Auto bans are treated as hackers 100% as the auto ban system doesn't make mistakes. Perfect example of a fabricated statement troll
  • Such a small company, z8 should get more staff against the hacks. And i think the autobans should be 1hour,2hour,3hour,Perm. (To ban hacker faster)
  • And just now u are taking the action? ;s

    reply: No we have been doing this since it started.

    - i dont rly think so.

    reply: some people just dont know the facts.

    - i do... ;(
  • There is no more ribbon for 25 forum posts
  • Patch every 10 days to have less hacks?
    First 3-4 days after patch are without hackers.. and it is cool
  • BadLT wrote: »
    There is no more ribbon for 25 forum posts

    Wasn't it 30 =.=
  • oihyiuyyu wrote: »
    cxbcxxc xb xx bxbxcb xcb xc cxbxcb x bxcb xc xcb xcb xc xcxc xcxc cxbcxxc xb xx bxbxcb xcb xc cxbxcb x bxcb xc xcb xcb xc xcxc xcxc

    HE must be egyptian !
  • MD_AnGeL wrote: »
    HE must be egyptian !

    He's still spamming till 25 posts ?
  • namenkoo wrote: »
    Wasn't it 30 =.=

    First it was 1,000.
    Then they lowered it to 250 due to spamming.
    Then 25...
    Finally they removed it because nearly every post was spam or a short "I agree/disagree" comment.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    First it was 1,000.
    Then they lowered it to 250 due to spamming.
    Then 25...
    Finally they removed it because nearly every post was spam or a short "I agree/disagree" comment.

    Or "for ribbon".
  • You say you first ban the accounts for 30 days, but my friend was banned permanently when his friend used a Zombie Mode hack on his account once. lol Way to go on your word, Z8.
  • TurkeyFury wrote: »
    You say you first ban the accounts for 30 days, but my friend was banned permanently when his friend used a Zombie Mode hack on his account once. lol Way to go on your word, Z8.

    Must have been reported.
  • [MOD]9 wrote: »
    Must have been reported.

    Who actually report ZM hackers...what a dumba...$$
  • Bacider wrote: »
    typical country for h.ack... Anyway dont tell me he was just using it on zm... i will not believe it..

    No racism on these forums, please. Thank you :)
  • Bacider wrote: »
    if a new h.ack is out the first guys who use it have a tr and te in their name. We have some german turks in our clan *they dont h.ack of course*, and i like to play with them. So i am just a fuggin racist in this game, not in real life !

    Btw a new h.ack wave is rising, no recoil, speeder, aimbot and in game chat H.ack pronouncer are doing a fine work of destroying the game again.

    Last but not least, 3 day ban ? are u kidding me ? Like a free passport to h.ack, because a new account is made in minutes. permban and delete the detcetd h.ack account immediately.

    Idc about stolen accounts or whatever... Its time for no excuses for this stupid h.acker ******s

    Agree about a new hack wave rising. And if possible, please remove the day ban and go straight to the 7 day one. Two chances is more than enough. If some person got it who shouldn't , I have no idea what to say. It's worth it for a few friendly failures for a bigger impact. Anyone here agree?
  • TurkeyFury wrote: »
    You say you first ban the accounts for 30 days, but my friend was banned permanently when his friend used a Zombie Mode hack on his account once. lol Way to go on your word, Z8.

    Good riddance, don't use any cheats and he wouldn't get banned. Simple as that.

    I hope he was in the red zone and can't make a new account either lmao.
  • TurkeyFury wrote: »
    You say you first ban the accounts for 30 days, but my friend was banned permanently when his friend used a Zombie Mode hack on his account once. lol Way to go on your word, Z8.

    Good he was obviously reported and perm banned.I have no sympathy whatsoever.People like your friend ruin the game for others and fully deserve their punishment.If people are caught by automatic ban detection then they are banned 3,7,30 days then permanent ban.

    I can only commend Z8.Since the last patch hacking has been reduced drastically hopefully resulting in less reports.Meaning the GM's have more time to look at hack reports and clear the backlog of old reports and ban all hackers that have been reported permanently.Good Job Z8
  • my report r still unreaded or deleted

    70 days from my report (send all details, video, time of hacking occcured in game type of hack) and the player still have his account. And its for obvious hacking (1 sec defuse).
    And this is no my first report. Im stop reporting hakers cause u dont do anything and for me is lost of my time to see video replay and provide the details to u and saw hackers still in game.
    I send more than 90 reports for hackers in period from 12-14-2011 till 01-10-2012 and most of them still have their accounts. Most of my reports are for obvious hacking such as shooting through walls, 1 sec defuse, crouch speeding. Send video the exactly time that hack occured and all details to easy banned the haker. The result are to lost my time again to saw all this video and make my reports accurate.
  • prelox wrote: »
    70 days from my report (send all details, video, time of hacking occcured in game type of hack) and the player still have his account. And its for obvious hacking (1 sec defuse).
    And this is no my first report. Im stop reporting hakers cause u dont do anything and for me is lost of my time to see video replay and provide the details to u and saw hackers still in game.
    I send more than 90 reports for hackers in period from 12-14-2011 till 01-10-2012 and most of them still have their accounts. Most of my reports are for obvious hacking such as shooting through walls, 1 sec defuse, crouch speeding. Send video the exactly time that hack occured and all details to easy banned the haker. The result are to lost my time again to saw all this video and make my reports accurate.

    Do you have ANY IDEA how many support tickets the Support Team has to go through every day?!!! How about you give them a little respect and understand that what they basically do for their working hours is look at hack reports for hours on end. Now that you see the time constraint that they have, maybe you should give them a little respect and bigger priority, and thank them for even looking at your ticket. I hope this goes for everyone who reads my post. Have a nice day and respect the people that use so much of their time helping this community. Thank you :D
  • no seriously i have noticed the difference in hacking from past 2 months. decreased alot ! plus they added the kick system in all modes which is nice (Y)
  • Sorry man i dont agree with you. Is their job cause make money from game and the reason that i dont spent money for zp is that they dont respect me as customer.
    Is the third time that i send reports and no one look at them. Im an old player here. When the responsible for hack reports are SAIDIN and ask him he reply to me and told me that are too busy with tournaments and other things that running in that period and must be patient. Ok im waiting 1 year but nobody download my reports from megaupload. When the system of reports change before 12 month i start send again reports. 10 month later nothing happens. I start send new reports before 70 days.
    I send about 90 reports in 20 days period. Untill today nobody look my reports. And said again "i report obvious hakers" 1 sec defuse, shooting through walls, crouch speeding.
    When i wright in my report that player in that min and sec hack the only that people who is responsible to look the reports must do is to go in that min and sec in video replay
    and see if i'm right. Dont take over 1 min to doit.
    Now i decide that never send again reports cause its waste of my time and i dont give money for zp cause they dont respect me as customer.
    Have a nice day.