CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • VATAV wrote: »
    The top ten got there by farming (killing uncontrolled players to get EXP and kills).
    It rarely involves any deaths and easily gets KDRs into the hundreds.
    The top ten are organized based on EXP not skill.

    I see your point, most of them have even the honorable soldier ribbon. I was wandering if farming is enough to achieve such scores. The top 10 player list looks silly. My consideration applies to the top 10 clans and their members too, where farming should be less of a factor.

    Another consideration, the honor statistic is obsolete, since people mostly leave the game when hackers get in, not when losing. Maybe it should be inverted: To be inversely proportionate to other players desertions while one is playing. :)
  • VATAV wrote: »
    The top ten got there by farming (killing uncontrolled players to get EXP and kills).
    It rarely involves any deaths and easily gets KDRs into the hundreds.
    The top ten are organized based on EXP not skill.

    Exactly. All they do is spray at afk accounts and get kills in TDM. Then repeat until the level they want. It's quite sad someone would do this everyday. I'd imagine it would get very boring.
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    The short form:

    We ban hackers.

    Is all over the boards in a million posts already. I should have added that to our daily duties; come to forums and answer obligatory post about us not banning hackers.

    Saiden, Do you send mods in games to catch hackers now and then? It would help the community even more!
  • ihoov wrote: »
    Saiden, Do you send mods in games to catch hackers now and then? It would help the community even more!

    MODs do the same thing that the average player who reports a hacker does: play a game, save a replay, send a ticket.
  • aRusher wrote: »
    MODs do the same thing that the average player who reports a hacker does: play a game, save a replay, send a ticket.

    yes i know i ment other admins so they could just ban them save the time :D
  • So I guess you got tired of waiting for me to make that thread? xD

    I was working on it earlier today, just saw this post now lol

    edit* Oh and by the way, awesome info here. I just wish you had gone into further detail on the proper ways to report. You mentioned some filters, what can we as players do when submitting the reports to make it as easy as possible for them to successfully get through the filters to support?
  • WIll some1 explain this to me cus i cant read it its too long for me xD!
  • WIll some1 explain this to me cus i cant read it its too long for me xD!

    Here's the op in a nutshell:
    [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    The short form:

    We ban hackers.

    Is all over the boards in a million posts already. I should have added that to our daily duties; come to forums and answer obligatory post about us not banning hackers.
  • the first time i patched( like a day or 2 after the patch came out) and played, i was amazed. In 42 different TDM matches not ONE hacker. a KD of 2.6 in the day.
    You can see they are true to thier word. Hopefully people who are conserned about the hacks will read this and stop posting Completley false information.
    You guys are doing GREAT. keep up the good work and hopefully the community gets better along the way.
  • Nice post [GM]Saidin.
    I believe you can catch these hackers.
    But on the other side. If you find any hack on the internet and reported that to Xtrap, people there will make the source to prevent it.
    But on the sametime, a lot of people are making a new hack too! and if the one is done the other hack is ready for using. This will be a circel of hack -> detect -> new source -> new hack.
    What Xtrap needs is a nice black and white list of programms. If they can make that there will be a lot less hackers ingame.

    to the [GM]s and [MOD]s, your doing a great job now to ban all these hackers!
  • put kick system in FFA mode. 3 to 6 aimboter in every rooms and we tired of it. pls this is a major problem coz we cant play our MISSION FFA mode if theres someone ruin our games.
  • .

    BAam them by ip! and delete all the accouts who had log from the same Ip!! I hate hak
  • You should of saved this post until the game was crawling with hackers again, at the moment there are only a few hackers and the game can be considered "clean".

    I already knew everything contained with the post but good read nonetheless and thanks for the code (500 gp scrooge:mad:)

  • It's good to know that the GM's always do their best to ban those hackers.
    People who doesn't appreciate their work should shut up and read this.
    We should thank them.
  • Is the recent xtrap update the cause of the "Client Error", when you fall along the side of a box?
  • ihoov wrote: »
    Saiden, Do you send mods in games to catch hackers now and then? It would help the community even more!

    All moderators currently help with reports. Our jobs with hack reports have changed over time, from helping actually watching the reports to sending them directly in for banning.

    When we're in game we keep records of every cheater we come by and as mods we're a bit more trained to be able to tell a cheater apart from a skilled player. We also do not make assumptions after one kill that looks sketchy like many people do.
    VATAV wrote: »
    True that all games have hackers, but I have NEVER played a online game where the problem is anywhere near this BAD. Over the dozens of F2P MMO's I've played over the years, this one by far has a way more hacker percent then any other.

    I'd like to see those dozens you've been playing then. I'm sure My Little Pony and Hello Kitty Online don't have many cheaters, but if you look at the big MMOFPS F2P games out there you will find numerous games with a worse hacking scene than ours. Combat Arms and WarRock being only two named. And if you want confirmation ask our former Moderator Greycloak, he used to also be a Moderator for WarRock.
  • [MOD]Rex wrote: »
    All moderators currently help with reports. Our jobs with hack reports have changed over time, from helping actually watching the reports to sending them directly in for banning.

    When we're in game we keep records of every cheater we come by and as mods we're a bit more trained to be able to tell a cheater apart from a skilled player. We also do not make assumptions after one kill that looks sketchy like many people do.

    I'd like to see those dozens you've been playing then. I'm sure My Little Pony and Hello Kitty Online don't have many cheaters, but if you look at the big MMOFPS F2P games out there you will find numerous games with a worse hacking scene than ours. Combat Arms and WarRock being only two named. And if you want confirmation ask our former Moderator Greycloak, he used to also be a Moderator for WarRock.

    I played runescape for 5 years, and the bots were more then 50% of the community (not making numbers up, people currently playing were over 200k). Then Jagex (the company behind the game) made some update that wouldnt let the bots (hacking programs) to play the game, now you dont even see 100k people playing at a time.

    Crossfire doesnt have that many hackers, at least I dont see many and recently its all been better so good job z8.
  • Should give people client error when shooting through anything that's not wood. (crates & doors)
  • dooplpk wrote: »
    Is the recent xtrap update the cause of the "Client Error", when you fall along the side of a box?

    I get client error over the stupidist things now. I always crouch on top of the rails on top of Lab and wait for GR to come up and whenever I run or jump down to the water, I get client error. I was planting the bomb on top of the boxes in Metro and got client when I jumped off. I even got client error one time just bhopping down the hall.
  • First time I entirely read an official thread. And I totaly agree to what Saidin says, and support Z8Games more than ever.

    I agree that sometimes, I stopped believing in Z8Games's anti-hacking mesures, but it is true, the number of Hackers has decreased since the last patch (record compared to previous).

    I do report hackers, and I know they'll get banned, as Saidin said "hackers can't escape".

    Thank you Saidin and Z8Games, I'm sure you'll always do your best to provide us the best of the best free to play MMOFPS game.

    Unfortunetly, the point of the scams is true, too many noobs felt for scamming websites which are promising free Zeepees & items.
    All we can hope, is the community understands the hard work that all Z8Games's staff is doing, I personally used Unreal Engine and other game-creating tools, and know how coding a game is hard.

    We have to respect their work, because if Z8Games really didn't ban any hackers, the game would be 100000000% unplayable, and people who keep posting raging threads/QQ doesn't help Z8Games at all, they do not need more complains but help, and respect.

    Z8Games is honorable, because they are doing their work, while a lot of noobs are insulting them.

    So, thank you again Saidin for those PRECIOUS informations, you had the courage to post a great thread, that helped alot of us.

    Z8 Forever !

    PS : Got da cookie :P
  • Ban Accounts

    ban accounts where replays are using traps.
    regardless of the Rank of the account.
  • There isn't a chance to remove all the hackers. There is and there will be hackers. To reduce the amount of hacker is to patch the most used hacks.
  • Hi GM,

    One more thing to say. Everyone is sick of hackers now so when they look at whoever get some multi kills or combo. They start kicking that guy. I usually get kicked by people because they think i hak all the times and that makes me exhausted. I have been playing this game for 5 years, from China to Vietnam then Z8. It feels really great to enjoy the game here. China is so lag, Vietnam has many hakkers and everyone plays AI mod and Mutants, no one play S&D or DM anymore and surely CFVN is going to crash down with hakkers. And it will be the same with Z8 in the near future if u guys don't change it soon.

    Please do this once and for all, for the best FPS game online in the world.

    From NZ
  • I get client error over the stupidist things now. I always crouch on top of the rails on top of Lab and wait for GR to come up and whenever I run or jump down to the water, I get client error. I was planting the bomb on top of the boxes in Metro and got client when I jumped off. I even got client error one time just bhopping down the hall.

    Even not being the subject here it's a good thing to be discussed. After patch this kind of error just grown up exponentially.

    I have been MOD in another game, not like CF but one on that had many many reports as well and oooohh god...its suck! But i had to do that for a better game! I appreciate that you guys are doing! ThankYou.
  • "It should also be said that hackers are not always the smartest people" they aint smart at all, many of them doesn't even use it properly so they get killed few times xD and thats the only positive thing of hacking, good players can prove them that hacking isn't right way :)
    gj guys and keep showin them who is the boss ^^