CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • voyager40 wrote: »
    I've only seen like three hackers the entire morning. I don't know if I just have good luck, but it's nice to play without hackers for once. I haven't seen a single hacker in ZM either.

    Edit: I did see one hacker in ZM a while ago but he got disconnected before the end of the game, hopefully Xtrap is starting to detect them.
    Your getting extremely lucky then.
    I'm always seeing at least 2 per room unless its GM, then its usually 1.
  • my antivirus found these hacks as harmful and block them
    i use a free Avast antivirus and i downloaded all the hacks i found for CF in my pc
    I install avast and surprise ; block 90% of them
    it was my experiment and seemed more effective than x-trap
    The game comes with x-trap be binding and would need to come with a mandatory antivirus.
  • WOW.....this game sucks !!! The amount of hackers is soooooooo bad and I see tons of complaints here but why is it there never is any response from an admin or a mod ? At least we would know they at least read some of this crap.I have seen a few good ideas posted here but I guess the higher ups like the cut of zp money....that must be it cuz I sure dont see any changes except for new weapons to try and get.....never any changes to make the game better.You would think it would be better to make the game to where you can play....this might lead to more zp points being bought and everybody is would just like to see someone from the higher ecelon respond on here......I like the idea of having a game mod. in the room with instant ban power.Trying to play Td in Egypt rooms is almost impossible to play now the hackers out number the legit players........maybe all Egypt games need to be closed until a fix can be made to stop the wallers........To me it's looking more and more like the admins and mod's dont care anymore about the hackers since they cant seem to be able to or want to stop them..........
  • i dont know if admins/z8 discusses things here

    i dont know statistics - how many of the banned hakkers have spent $ on zp
    but if the majority of them (i presume) do not spend money on the game then why not have f2p accounts and vip accounts, atleast until there is some kindof a breakthrough with this problem.
    vip accounts just have to spend a small $$ amount on zp, for that they get access to non f2p servers where reports are also a priority over f2p servers reports.
    obv if the majority of the cheaters indeed do spend money on this game then its pointless but it would be interesting to know these statistics, also where theyre from.
    and atm the cheater just makes a new account and this means wasted time reporting+wasted time banning, cant you i dno... make it so the client recognizes the pc and tags it if its used by a cheater. to stop most of these new accounts you would only have to make it somewhat harder for them.
  • it's a really sad start to 2013 , let's see if it gets any better this year , I have my doubts
  • i think this is all conversation...what u want is $$ and u dont invest $$ in something important like find and ban haks...every time i play has more and more haks...u should get ways more simple to report and see saved videos replay of haks and ban right away...u will loose lots of players like me...this is an easy game to hak because u want to...keep up the bad work
  • they dont even see our posts...they dont care while its getting $$ in
  • I'm please to know we continue to have 24 hour protection.

    Good work.
  • I'm really hoping that there will be a significant fall to the amount of hackers soon because I stopped purchasing zp awhile back, but I would like to buy some more now, however with all the hackers I don't see the point.
  • been playing this over 3 and a half years putting money into it every month. think its time to stop putting money into this game and look for another game. not just the hacking its the servers too takes so much to kill people and its not just the high pingers either. i hate this crouching bs that makes them instantly bullet proof. don't matter if your standing up or crouching you should still die the same. most of the members in my clan have moved on months ago to other games cause they got tired of the bs in this one so i guess i will too.
  • Death37 wrote: »
    been playing this over 3 and a half years putting money into it every month. think its time to stop putting money into this game and look for another game. not just the hacking its the servers too takes so much to kill people and its not just the high pingers either. i hate this crouching bs that makes them instantly bullet proof. don't matter if your standing up or crouching you should still die the same. most of the members in my clan have moved on months ago to other games cause they got tired of the bs in this one so i guess i will too.

    Crouching makes the hitboxes smaller but also condenses them, it also increases your chances of hitting other body parts for less damage.

    Aim for the head, they will die, crouching or not.
  • lol

    yeah, always aim for the head, if you can't, try turned your sensitivity down. I went from 100 to 24 and it is MUCH easier to get headshots. Unfortunately, it's harder to kill campers, as you can't turn round as fast.
  • p3n1sf4rt wrote: »
    i dont know if admins/z8 discusses things here

    i dont know statistics - how many of the banned hakkers have spent $ on zp
    but if the majority of them (i presume) do not spend money on the game then why not have f2p accounts and vip accounts, atleast until there is some kindof a breakthrough with this problem.
    vip accounts just have to spend a small $$ amount on zp, for that they get access to non f2p servers where reports are also a priority over f2p servers reports.
    obv if the majority of the cheaters indeed do spend money on this game then its pointless but it would be interesting to know these statistics, also where theyre from.
    and atm the cheater just makes a new account and this means wasted time reporting+wasted time banning, cant you i dno... make it so the client recognizes the pc and tags it if its used by a cheater. to stop most of these new accounts you would only have to make it somewhat harder for them.

    They dont care so long People Spend Money they dont care it anymore moer u spend more and more happy z8 is yeah we get rich we on the users who spend alot of money.
    Game is bad to Play every 2nd room Waller/Aimbot/No Recoil/ Long Knife or Speeder best thing is stop play this game all of us then we all will see what z8 and g4box will do then they gonna loose alot of money
  • Rather sad, Xtrap updates...more hackers. Xtrap updates again...even more hackers. 2013 looks to be the end of this game for me.

    Started a match...HS from Spawn, this continued for about 1 min. Left room.

    Started next match on new server...Speed hacker running around. Left room.

    Started yet another...HS/Speed/360...not one...but 8 of them in one room...literally having a hackoff.

    Started last match before I logged off today..."S" you not...a flyer...360ing in the air and then flew into a pillar on Egypt.

    Why bother with a game that updates...and has more hackers then before the update? Yet would rather throw out more and more content and zp items to suffice its greed.

    Z8s efforts are in vain...though they say they are doing their best...sad to say, their best is by far not even close to what it would need to be to clear up say 1/4 of the hackers right now.

    Over the past week, I've encountered in access of 100 hackers in less then 20 matches. Still oddly enough, Z8 doesn't ping limit or remove Brazil (CASH COW!!!). JAJA this and JAJA that, kika Gringo, kika mini ping...that happens to be all you hear from them. Yet they are the ones hacking a great majority of the time. Now, I have clan mates and buddies that are issue with them...but even they agree. They see it first hand in shops. 20-30 people all glitching and hacking right next to him, having a gay old time.

    Someone mentioned a VIP service, I would pay not to play with BR's and have my hack reports get top list attention. A VIP Service would need a few things: Room Master Lock, Ping lock (Min & Max), ability to kick any player from a match without voting (Sure this would get abused...but doesn't it get abused already?), Weapon lockout options (the ability to remove specific weapons from a match, Armor lockout options (No armor for this match) and anything else to let you customize a match. Oh and the ability to still invite non-VIP players to your room.

    Most people would be willing to shell out a few bucks a month to have this.

  • Rather sad, Xtrap updates...more hackers. Xtrap updates again...even more hackers. 2013 looks to be the end of this game for me.

    Started a match...HS from Spawn, this continued for about 1 min. Left room.

    Started next match on new server...Speed hacker running around. Left room.

    Started yet another...HS/Speed/360...not one...but 8 of them in one room...literally having a hackoff.

    Started last match before I logged off today..."S" you not...a flyer...360ing in the air and then flew into a pillar on Egypt.

    Why bother with a game that updates...and has more hackers then before the update? Yet would rather throw out more and more content and zp items to suffice its greed.

    Z8s efforts are in vain...though they say they are doing their best...sad to say, their best is by far not even close to what it would need to be to clear up say 1/4 of the hackers right now.

    Over the past week, I've encountered in access of 100 hackers in less then 20 matches. Still oddly enough, Z8 doesn't ping limit or remove Brazil (CASH COW!!!). JAJA this and JAJA that, kika Gringo, kika mini ping...that happens to be all you hear from them. Yet they are the ones hacking a great majority of the time. Now, I have clan mates and buddies that are issue with them...but even they agree. They see it first hand in shops. 20-30 people all glitching and hacking right next to him, having a gay old time.

    Someone mentioned a VIP service, I would pay not to play with BR's and have my hack reports get top list attention. A VIP Service would need a few things: Room Master Lock, Ping lock (Min & Max), ability to kick any player from a match without voting (Sure this would get abused...but doesn't it get abused already?), Weapon lockout options (the ability to remove specific weapons from a match, Armor lockout options (No armor for this match) and anything else to let you customize a match. Oh and the ability to still invite non-VIP players to your room.

    Most people would be willing to shell out a few bucks a month to have this.

    This is just an updated summary of what they're currently working on trying to improve. However, they absolutely are aware of the hacking situations in the game.
  • This is great news

    But i think that you should ban hackers permanently on the 1st or 2nd incident and not wait until they hack for a 4th time.Just think logically you can cut all that boring checking of hack reports in half ,or at least double the amount that you do now. All we can do is wait to see if all your extra effort actually works and i really hope that it does.Thanks for your long and detailed report, it is really worth reading what you do. Heyyyyy you might even get me smiling again instead of swearing at the screen!!! Thanks, thanks, thanks.
  • CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!

    ...but nothing changes!!! I reported such a lot of H4ckers. The most of them still playing again. Or they say, report me, I have a lot of Accounts. So, for what a report?
  • wow totaly unplayable unless your are cheating the game is dieing really fast
  • Only managed to play one game that didn't have a hacker in it today, the rest had multiple hackers. I really don't see why you guys keep giving money to WiseLogic.
  • z8 loves hackers

    Today hackers are everywhere and kick system doesent work. I suggest to Z8 games to fix this before doing other useless things such as the improvement of web page or trying to get money from turkish comunity.
  • LOL?
    I send a hack report 5 months ago and they still open, the player still playing, so why we still reporting?
    Do something.
  • rampant hacking

    It's getting ridiculous, hacking is so rampant people are blatantly doing it. Just now some guy named vipsoona was literally flying all over the map. "Flying!"
  • 8lives wrote: »
    It's getting ridiculous, hacking is so rampant people are blatantly doing it. Just now some guy named vipsoona was literally flying all over the map. "Flying!"

    We all know the situations in the game, so do the GMs.

    Please, again, hackusations on the forums are not allowed.
  • now 9-2-2013

    unfortunately since valentine update hacks have been unbelievable please look in to it , above all thanks for ur work
  • I've been around since Dec of 08 and I must say that I have never seen it this bad before, ever. I know there are always going to be hacks and I can deal with that, but this is beyond ridiculous.

    It is quickly killing CF and if something major isn't done, it will be fatal. Sure you stated that you have and I respect the efforts, but there are no results.

    Veracity used to be super active, now its almost dead because of the hacks. I myself have been playing Mass Effect instead of CF and I haven't bought my "weekly ZP" in two weeks. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  • personally i wish i had not spent any money on this hackfire.I'm fed up with an hour of reports going nowhere.' only to hear WE ARE AWARE .BE HONEST 98% OF THE CHEATS HAVE A PING OVER 160.
  • R_STORM wrote: »
    personally i wish i had not spent any money on this hackfire.I'm fed up with an hour of reports going nowhere.' only to hear WE ARE AWARE .BE HONEST 98% OF THE CHEATS HAVE A PING OVER 160.

    I'm not sure where you're getting these figures from, but they aren't real or correct at all.

    Better give up paying for "Hackfire" before you regret it any more?