CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • NakedMan76 wrote: »
    Lie. You never remove ZP-hаckers.

    There are many famous examples to prove you wrong here.

    Please do not accuse the GM's of telling lies.
  • I gotta say that u guys r not working really efficiently. There's still so many hac.kers in the game. I meet at least one hacker per game. I know if a person hacks or he's just good. u guys really should put more effort on it. I suggest a permanent ban for any hackers detected and post announcement of this decision. Then ppl will not hack.
  • blessory wrote: »
    I gotta say that u guys r not working really efficiently. There's still so many hac.kers in the game. I meet at least one hacker per game. I know if a person hacks or he's just good. u guys really should put more effort on it. I suggest a permanent ban for any hackers detected and post announcement of this decision. Then ppl will not hack.

    Naw, they'll still hack.
    Most hackers know they will eventually get banned, they don't care. Doesn't matter to them if it is with in a week or a day. They just make a new account and wait for a new unpatched hack to come out. The problem that needs to be addressed is preventing them from returning. There is a way but Z8 has shown to be unwilling to do it.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    Naw, they'll still hack.
    Most hackers know they will eventually get banned, they don't care. Doesn't matter to them if it is with in a week or a day. They just make a new account and wait for a new unpatched hack to come out. The problem that needs to be addressed is preventing them from returning. There is a way but Z8 has shown to be unwilling to do it.

    It would've been so easy if they would have worked on it harder.
    There was an outbreak of gun adders in ava. The devs went to the hacking site, got the hack, patched it. Now you rarely see hackers, since those who add the guns get caught.
    Its all about the laziness really
  • people should be more happy about the small ammount of hackers in crossfire
    seriously, try playing a hackshield protected game and try to play(warrock or combat arms)
    there u find teleport hacks, speed hacks, chams, unlimitited ammo and grenades, speed throw(trow grenades super fast) , invisibility and invulnerability hacks(unkillable)

    try to join warrock , 1st round starts 2 sec later 1000 grenades at your camp and dead, and when the hackers get finally detected hackshield kicks them, they find another hack and join again 10 mins latzer
  • I Belive I was waitting this Post for a long time Well said :)

    I got a idea for the Hackers who got 7 days hack and wanted to hack again. How about creating in-game Badge ot Text telling "Danger" or something, It will allow people to get more attention about this person and at the same time, it wont make his game easier he will get kicked from most of the room because of his bad move. I know Hacker get ban once, Twice and 30 days but Probebly if you left a mark for the Public, it would Stick on his reputation and would be easy target for Banning all the time.

    I also don't like the feature of creating more than one account per 1 PC, If you do it with registry permit only 1 In-Game Player on the same Machine, this will Make it not easier for a hacker to create a clean account after recieved a Ban.

    Great Thread, Things Got cleared up, Well said :)

  • first good jobs to gm/mod's.

    I played man public games and i saw many(!!!) hackers , Also i see everyday '1' man/bot spamming a hack site (-.-').

    maybe more patch anti hack shield ?? and give the people that hack IP ban.(!?)


    -> Hackers Growing Everyday Don't Give Them A Chance...
  • If you look at the top clans and look at some of there stats. it is clear they are hacks and/or farmers. some of the KD are redik. 95.3 kd, now thats a farmer and/or hack. But the legit clans keep on keeping on. Those hack clans still abuse the ranking system. they are EZ to spot. Mods need to take look and disbann these hac clans. they did it before and should do it again.
  • Hack

    how many hack in the game this days i think more than half of player hacker and why should i report them they will make other account and the new is clan war team ALL HACK AND WITH NO Honorable Soldier it like they don't care rank they are ,
    and all old hack is back for example :long knife from base to base
    wall, shot throw wall , i hope fix it fast special cw coz we need really play cw and we can't ;

    thanks for support
  • I don't think half of the people who play hack o.0

    At the present time the majority of the knife hackers are all really low ranks, obviously alt accounts. So IMO, when a ban is issued why can't all accounts related to that IP be banned also? Even take the HS ribbon off all accounts relating to the IP.

    It's just too easy for people to cheat and not get fully punished, ban ALL accounts relating to that IP and i think the Cheaters will will decrease significantly.
  • Hello,

    I'm a CF Fan, I read that the Admins goal is to Trace how the Dev Hackers Create Hacks and how to prevent it. As GM said, Some Devs Visit these hack sites and download their hack to Patch it. I would Like to involve my self and give a hand of support as a Traced one of the guys in-Game who are a Hack Developer Him Self and wanted to report with evidence But To Whom Shall I report? I Know if i Opened a case it would go into a Que and would receive probably Ignore even if I PM a GM or Mod I wouldn't reach him/her as plenty of users PM's them. I wish I was a Mod so I could have a hotline with a GM to report what I need.

    It all Happened when i was visiting some Hacking website to watch Glitches and Found that User posting a way to mod the weapons and his Nickname was so Familer like I reported this Guy Million Time. Probably the admins aware of this Dev Hacker but I Just want to report what i saw.

    So If a Mod can reply me of a Fast way to report what I have it would be nice :)

  • Yesterday i saw something new(for me) players flying.... OO. now we have full hack activity. into wall(Egypt map, int o the colums) and Flying in Chinatown....
    More security plz. This is going Un-Playable
  • Anyone noticed a increason of knife longrange hacks?
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    The short form:

    We ban hackers.

    Is all over the boards in a million posts already. I should have added that to our daily duties; come to forums and answer obligatory post about us not banning hackers.

    hey saidin, i just discovered like 1 month ago, a group of chinese hackers, that only accept chinese plp in their group, witch requaires photo, identity, name and speaking test(to prove ur chinese) since there is no chinese in the GM team (i think ) im chinese, and i can defenetly get in the group and send the hacks to you via the support ticket section. however, to get in the group, you will need to pay 20$, chinese or not, so im asking for ur help to hack into that group (if possible) and get the hack out. can you do that?
  • DoTncRy wrote: »
    hey saidin, i just discovered like 1 month ago, a group of chinese hackers, that only accept chinese plp in their group, witch requaires photo, identity, name and speaking test(to prove ur chinese) since there is no chinese in the GM team (i think ) im chinese, and i can defenetly get in the group and send the hacks to you via the support ticket section. however, to get in the group, you will need to pay 20$, chinese or not, so im asking for ur help to hack into that group (if possible) and get the hack out. can you do that?
    Definitely no.
  • uDream wrote: »
    Definitely no.

    then in that case....guess ill let them hack the game, cant do anything >.<
  • DoTncRy wrote: »
    hey saidin, i just discovered like 1 month ago, a group of chinese hackers, that only accept chinese plp in their group, witch requaires photo, identity, name and speaking test(to prove ur chinese) since there is no chinese in the GM team (i think ) im chinese, and i can defenetly get in the group and send the hacks to you via the support ticket section. however, to get in the group, you will need to pay 20$, chinese or not, so im asking for ur help to hack into that group (if possible) and get the hack out. can you do that?

    Are you so poor that you don't have $20?
  • Are you so poor that you don't have $20?

    dude...they are hackers...and they want my credit card to pay...will you trust a hacker? probably not. and i aint gonna take the risk just to reduce the hacking by 0.01% in the game. -.-
  • DoTncRy wrote: »
    hey saidin, i just discovered like 1 month ago, a group of chinese hackers, that only accept chinese plp in their group, witch requaires photo, identity, name and speaking test(to prove ur chinese) since there is no chinese in the GM team (i think ) im chinese, and i can defenetly get in the group and send the hacks to you via the support ticket section. however, to get in the group, you will need to pay 20$, chinese or not, so im asking for ur help to hack into that group (if possible) and get the hack out. can you do that?

    Hahaha... you got guts, I admit that.
  • Hahaha... you got guts, I admit that.

    whut you mean? o.O
  • DoTncRy wrote: »
    whut you mean? o.O

    Don't you realize this looks like you're trying to scam Z8 out of 20 bucks? If not, then this "chinese group" figured you'd be naive enough to try to pull that scam on you.
  • Don't you realize this looks like you're trying to scam Z8 out of 20 bucks? If not, then this "chinese group" figured you'd be naive enough to try to pull that scam on you.

    i didnt want z8's money, i ask them if they could HACK IN the group, without paying... -.-
  • Don't you realize this looks like you're trying to scam Z8 out of 20 bucks? If not, then this "chinese group" figured you'd be naive enough to try to pull that scam on you.

    but anyways, were going off topic right now, lets put an end to this: ill let them hack this game. end of story
  • Don't you realize this looks like you're trying to scam Z8 out of 20 bucks? If not, then this "chinese group" figured you'd be naive enough to try to pull that scam on you.

    and btw, i SAW THEM HACKING IN GAME, having a fast knife, long knife, wall hack and so on. but as i said. were going off topic so lets shut our mouth up k? :D
  • DoTncRy wrote: »
    i didnt want z8's money, i ask them if they could HACK IN the group, without paying... -.-

    You can't "hack into a group", at least not without breaking some laws.
    The way you said it, it means you want them to join the group, by paying the 20$, because of the part where you say "i can defenetly get in the group and send the hacks to you via the support ticket section".

    EDIT : edit your posts instead of double/triple posting.
    If it's about obvious hacks like fast knife and stuff, there's no need to worry, they most likely already know where the source is and are working with Xtrap to patch it.
  • You can't "hack into a group", at least not without breaking some laws.
    The way you said it, it means you want them to join the group, by paying the 20$, because of the part where you say "i can defenetly get in the group and send the hacks to you via the support ticket section".

    do you rly think ill give my credit card number to some bunch of unknown hackers that will probabbly steal my credit card? answer is no...just wanted to reduce hacking..dats all...and as i said, and will say it again, we are going off topic, so we better stop talking bout this, unless u want a forum ban XD

    and thx fur the edit thingy :D gonna start using it

    PS: can you find 1 hit kill bullet, no reload, no weight, unlimited ammo in internet? probably not....