How to raise your FPS/Ping without purchasing a thing!
poor things with yr 15 an 20 pings.
SHUTUP wth are yu doing here trying to get even more of an advantage?
ffs get a life? imagine if you had to pay $100 a month just to ping 320 because thats the fastest con yr [pathetic country can get?
and I still pwn
You MAY pwn but it's do to the fact that laggers will always reg hits where as players with lower pings have to empty full clips into you to even do 25 damage. -
You mean Lag Booster? I hate that program, ruins my FPS by making it choppy and doesn't work at all. Did you try the 'modem booster' program? Does it work?
i think modem booster only works when browsing the web.
correct me if i am wrong. -
Game Booster not help for ping.You mean Lag Booster? I hate that program, ruins my FPS by making it choppy and doesn't work at all. Did you try the 'modem booster' program? Does it work?P0l5RdqT10z wrote: »i think modem booster only works when browsing the web.
correct me if i am wrong.AnotherFrag wrote: »It actually got my fps higher (good) Lolfred_united wrote: »nice, the gamebooster and Ccleaner works really good! but i dont know about modem booster.AnotherFrag wrote: »Modem booster isnt working for me -.- instead of getting 10 ping lower, i get 10 ping higher
..Most of these tips do work I know from past experience.
Good job
Nice 10 month necroposts guys! You brought back an ancient guide that doesn't even help. -
But Modem Booster isn't free..? o.O
It was for me, I didn't have to buy anything. Unfotunately, it didn't actually do anything for me. My ping still as high as ever, absolutely no changes after "boosting" my speed. This did however, waste 20+ MB, add 4 icons to my desktop, change my homepage (I opted out for all extra options so it shouldn't have done that) and make me restart my computer. -
As stated on my moderator application, I am experienced with FPS boosting. I know various ways to boost your FPS without purchasing anything.
How to raise FPS:
Step 1: Go to My Computer and right click it, click on properties, go to advanced settings, click on performance settings and click on Adjust For Best Performance. That should increase your FPS by 10.
Step 2: Get Gamebooster, turn it on, and defrag the game. Also, configure it to have all programs turned off.
Step 3: Go offline on Xfire and ex out any other programs running during Crossfire
Step 4: Get CCleaner and run the scan
Step 5: Get on CF, make sure your quality is on low
How to raise your Ping:
Only one step!
Modem Booster is a work of art that scans your PC to configure the absolute best settings for your internet, meaning it will lower your ingame ping by 5-10 and also speed up your internet/download speed. It is free!
Please leave feedback, this guide would have been more detailed, but I wrote it in 3 minutes.
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