How to raise your FPS/Ping without purchasing a thing!
Will the modem booster change something if I usually ping 16-20?
If so, can somebody post a link to the full version again?
I remember trying it a while back and it didnt do sht all.
( i get 15 ping )
so yeah i wouldnt.
but maybe it was just me. -
As stated on my moderator application, I am experienced with FPS boosting. I know various ways to boost your FPS without purchasing anything.
How to raise FPS:
Step 1: Go to My Computer and right click it, click on properties, go to advanced settings, click on performance settings and click on Adjust For Best Performance. That should increase your FPS by 10.
Step 2: Get Gamebooster, turn it on, and defrag the game. Also, configure it to have all programs turned off.
Step 3: Go offline on Xfire and ex out any other programs running during Crossfire
Step 4: Get CCleaner and run the scan
Step 5: Get on CF, make sure your quality is on low
hohoho if i didnt do that id have negative fps :') -
Then you obviously did something wrong. ;P
no it means his settings were better than wot the program set it as....
i used this for mine tcp optimizer from this site
it scans for best settings and uses them... might get yr old settings back
its free and a full version.. and im my opionion wayyyyyyyy better than that modem booster. ( which is weirdly named) does nothign to your modem only registry settings -
I have a concern about modem booster - but its only theory. If someone knows the brand and model of your modem, they can easily find the password in an online directory. 99.9% of all modems/routers remain set at the default password. Once someone knows your modem, then they can find the admin page, and do a lot of things to your computer from there.
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