An AK-47...Custom???



  • Most of that post is flaming.
    He/she shouldnt behave like that.Just saying it.
  • He/she shouldnt behave like that.Just saying it.

    I think he actually complimented you and insulted you on the same time. They both cancel each other. It never happened :P
  • Anyways that was my idea.It is ur idea.I still think we dont need a 7th one since we have 6versions of the same gun.
  • Anyways that was my idea.It is ur idea.I still think we dont need a 7th one since we have 6versions of the same gun.

    All AK47s are unique. Not the same.
  • ''Why do u think Scar Light doesnt take skill or its for noobs?''I said.
    Anyways babe ur blind or idiot...I was trying to ask something friendly but u mam dont get it.Get some brain and knowledge about communication then come here again and we talk about it.
    Personally i dont think we need 1 more version of the ak.U should have some respect and just say thats not a good idea and say the reason instead of callin me a dumb or he/she.U idiot get urself a gf/bf and spend some time with ppl learn to listen.Now u dummy,i hope u know its a game and we should have fun.I thought scar light would be cool.oww ur mad cuz they own u with the scar light now i get it.Get a life huh babe.

    Hmm okais, I think I made most of that out.
    Fist off, learn English please, before you fail insult anybody here, it's kind of a good idea to get the words in the correct order sweetie ;)

    Second off, you don't know me, so I wouldn't even go there. I guarantee my social life is 100x better than yours, but that's kind of besides the point of this thread, is it not?

    Third off, I actually don't care for scrubs, as long as I have my AWM it's all good. I can pick them off before they get near me.
    Most of those had scrubs, and one was even glitching.
    If you wanna 1v1 tonight, I'll show you how to counter a scrub. PM me and we'll arrange it. You may use your scrub if you really need to.

    Anyways back to the point, this is Lolli's thread, so either contribute something worthy of debate, or go bye bye.
  • daxel123 wrote: »
    the next best weapon and unic pro weapon of CF ak gold, scope, silencer, knife, launch granade, laser, atomic. lol
    If stupidity was a skill, then you would have been a master. 26353290t.gif
    Well CF needs some new guns not same shetty guns.We have like 10 versions of the same gun.And i dont think ak-47 with a silencer would be good I love aks bcz of their sound.If u cant kill without a silencer I mean if u need them to not hear you use an m4.We all want some new guns not a new version of the same gun.

    Lol.About scar light i just said that to give an idea.And it looks cool.Plus i love scar light.Maybe we could get the an-94 which we dont have right now.Stop suggesting same guns.Ak gold, silver, scope, camo , 47 ,74 umm knife.You suck with them all? Need a new one?
    U shouldnt play then.


    Wow u guys are pathetic.That was an idea calm down.Its just a game.Chill babe ^.^
    The reason why most people consider the Scar Light a gun for noobs: Because the Power/Recoil ratio is way off. Not to mention, that it has a tight spray pattern to boot. Take the AK for example. For its high Power you pay in high Recoil, causing you to miss most of your shots if you hold your fire button just a fraction too long. Now with the M4A1 its the other way around. For its low recoil you are stuck with low power. Meaning that even though you can stay on target longer, you also need to fire more bullets. As with the Scar Light, it has a Power that's between that of an M4A1 and an AK47. However, its recoil is hardly any higher than that of an M4A1. So even though you can stay on target practically as long are an M4A1, you hardly need as many bullets as the M4A1 does.

    It takes an AK47 2 bullets to the body to kill, but recoil sets in after the 1st bullet.
    It takes a M4A1 5 bullets to the body to kill, but the recoil sets in after the 4th bullet.
    It takes a Scar light 3 bullets to the body to kill, but the recoil sets in after the 4th bullet.

    And this why the Scar Light is called a "Skill Light". Because you neither have to aim for the head, nor have to control its recoil.

    Now the AN94 is even worse than the Scar Light, cause it has the power to kill in 2 bullets to the body, like the AK47, but has the same recoil as the Scar light.

    Also, the AK74 is as much an AK47 as a M16 is a M4A1. Is fact, if you consider an AK74 the same as an AK47, then you should do the same with the Dragunov, the RPK, and the AN94. Because they were all originally modeled after the AK47.

    And finally, the Ak47 Camo and Silver are practically the same, just like the M4A1 Advanced and Silver are. So by my calculations, you only have 4 different types of AK47s;

    (1) AK47 Camo or Silver (+5 ammo)
    (2) AK47 Scope (+5 ammo, scope)
    (3) AK47 Knife (+5 ammo, knife)
    (4) AK47 Gold (+8 ammo)

    And even if you would count the Camo and the Silver separately, you would STILL only have 5, and not 10.

  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Personally I wouldn't mind it being semi-automatic when scoped in, as long as it is semi-automatic like a PSG-1, and not bursting like the XM8 Adv. 26353290t.gif

    Of course it would be like the PSG-1, semi-automatic, one shot at a time, not that useless XM8-Adv three-shots burst.

    I'm not an AK maniac, and I don't have that much ZP... but imagine that in your hands :

  • TheFin wrote: »
    Can it be pink please?
    I know that with my font on the forum I don't sound very convincing when I say this, but I do not condone the use of pink on the battlefield. 26353290t.gif

  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Yes, an AK47 Custom.



    Power: Has been reduced from 96 to 95.
    Accuracy: Has been increased from 95 to 98. (AK47 Scope, Silver and Gold are all 97)

    Automatic: Has been reduced from 52 to 50.
    Recoil: Has been reduced from 76 to 75.
    Weight: Has been increased 49 to 50


    +5 Ammo bonus.
    A red-dot scope similar to the M4A1 Custom.
    A suppressor, that lowers the sound level of the AK47 by 2/3.


    Now I think that AK47 fans have a right to an AK47 Custom, since the M4A1 fans have their M4A1 Custom, Advanced, and recently even a Silver with suppressor. It's the only AK47 that we are really missing in CrossFire, and since the M4A1 got similar changes to become the M4A1 Custom, I do not believe that the AK47 Custom concept would be too overpowering to be considered.

    Please leave your thoughts below. 26353290t.gif


    AkScope is the coustum ...
  • Darkz0 wrote: »
    AkScope is the coustum ...
    You are the 5th failing noob that didn't bother to read before infecting this thread with his stupidity. Read the rest of this thread, especially THIS POST and you'll see that the AK47 Scope is not the same as an AK47 Custom. If you can't be bothered, then done bother coming back. 26353290t.gif

  • If any of you have used the one-shot function with an AK-47 reflex scope, on Vegas 2, you'll know this is destined to be an excellent addition to the game (would probably be in my 'Bag 2', behind the AWM)
  • If any of you have used the one-shot function with an AK-47 reflex scope, on Vegas 2, you'll know this is destined to be an excellent addition to the game (would probably be in my 'Bag 2', behind the AWM)

    You mean behind your noclip hack. Replacing your aimbot.
  • You mean behind your noclip hack. Replacing your aimbot.

    No silly my one hit kill hack ;) that's why I only needed one bullet per kill :p
  • No silly my one hit kill hack ;) that's why I only needed one bullet per kill :p

    Oh em gee >.> What other kind of hacks do you have?
  • In my opinion, no, just no. You can all keep on complaining that the AK47 is the signature weapon of the game, but that doesn't mean we have to make more versions of it. I would say right now, people only agree because it looks nice. This weapon won't get implemented, now you can all drop your fake intellect, because this is just another little gadget a bunch of dumbasses will spend their ZP on.

    It's just idiotic how bad you want a stupid weapon in you would argue with people like that. They also have an opinion, and if that isn't exactly yours, you get mad and try to argue. Opinions can't be wrong, they can be bad, but everyone is entitled to their own. My opinion is that this weapon stays out. Too much AK47s already, no need for more. You'd rather focus on other weapons.
  • MEDI0CRE wrote: »
    In my opinion, no, just no. You can all keep on complaining that the AK47 is the signature weapon of the game, but that doesn't mean we have to make more versions of it. I would say right now, people only agree because it looks nice. This weapon won't get implemented, now you can all drop your fake intellect, because this is just another little gadget a bunch of dumbasses will spend their ZP on.

    It's just idiotic how bad you want a stupid weapon in you would argue with people like that. They also have an opinion, and if that isn't exactly yours, you get mad and try to argue. Opinions can't be wrong, they can be bad, but everyone is entitled to their own. My opinion is that this weapon stays out. Too much AK47s already, no need for more. You'd rather focus on other weapons.

    If you had read either mine or Lolli's posts, you'd have realized we stated the functional benefits were preferred, over the decoration of the gun.
  • If you had read either mine or Lolli's posts, you'd have realized we stated the functional benefits were preferred, over the decoration of the gun.

    There's always exceptions. You two do it for, perhaps, the functionality. About 90% of the people who said "yeyeye put it in" want it put in because it looks like something they want.
  • MEDI0CRE wrote: »
    There's always exceptions. You two do it for, perhaps, the functionality. About 90% of the people who said "yeyeye put it in" want it put in because it looks like something they want.

    Very true.
    Tbh the only guns I appreciate for the looks are the AK-Scope and the Deagle Scope, but then, they is are pretty epic guns anyways ^_^
  • I prefer functionality over looks. (That's why I never use SL) I didn't say it doesn't look nice either, though. I find it a pretty good-looking gun, except for the black skin which is kind of stupid, as M4 is black as a standard, whilst this gun isn't. It's just that there will be another gun people would be whining about and it would just cause the dev team to have much more work than usually.
  • The point is that a silencer won't work on ak 47s. The ak 47 got too much power wich makes the silence system crash!

    Look at the difference betwee ak47 camo and m4a1 adv. It's almost the same, exept the silencer. An ak47 with silencer won't work.

    I'm sorry:(
  • MEDI0CRE wrote: »
    In my opinion, no, just no. You can all keep on complaining that the AK47 is the signature weapon of the game, but that doesn't mean we have to make more versions of it. I would say right now, people only agree because it looks nice. This weapon won't get implemented, now you can all drop your fake intellect, because this is just another little gadget a bunch of dumbasses will spend their ZP on.

    It's just idiotic how bad you want a stupid weapon in you would argue with people like that. They also have an opinion, and if that isn't exactly yours, you get mad and try to argue. Opinions can't be wrong, they can be bad, but everyone is entitled to their own. My opinion is that this weapon stays out. Too much AK47s already, no need for more. You'd rather focus on other weapons.
    Like what? Another noob cannon, like an AN94 perhaps? Or perhaps the H&K 416 (a.k.a. another Scar Light)? 26353290t.gif
    If you had read either mine or Lolli's posts, you'd have realized we stated the functional benefits were preferred, over the decoration of the gun.
    Reading other people's posts always seems problematic within this community. 26353290t.gif
    The point is that a silencer won't work on ak 47s. The ak 47 got too much power wich makes the silence system crash!

    Look at the difference betwee ak47 camo and m4a1 adv. It's almost the same, exept the silencer. An ak47 with silencer won't work.

    I'm sorry:(
    Oh really? And on what profound knowledge do you base your theory on? 26353290t.gif

  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Like what? Another noob cannon, like an AN94 perhaps? Or perhaps the H&K 416 (a.k.a. another Scar Light)? 26353290t.gif
    Never said anything even remotely close to that. An AK47 custom would just be unnecessary work for the devs.
  • MEDI0CRE wrote: »
    Never said anything even remotely close to that. An AK47 custom would just be unnecessary work for the devs.
    I disagree. I think its absolutely necessary work for the development team. 26353290t.gif

  • we got this u know
    no need for new one i guesss.
  • LIFE_TAK3R wrote: »
    we got this u know
    no need for new one i guesss.
    Another noob that failed reading at school. 26353290t.gif

  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    I disagree. I think its absolutely necessary work for the development team. 26353290t.gif


    Opinions can't be wrong.
  • MEDI0CRE wrote: »
    Opinions can't be wrong.
    Tell that to a Jew that survived the holocaust, and I bet he will disagree with you on that statement. 26353290t.gif

This discussion has been closed.