Found bugs/issues? Post them here!
@ Voyager40,
I geuss it's only the devastaded map, because other wins are not going down .
Haven't played ZM in a few days huehue. I'll try to confirm this asap. It could very well be just server traffic. Happens with crates often.
Lol that got me thinking about the ZM crates. Pretty sure I opened every single crate that was in my storage. Logged in today and found ~15 left. That was quite a surprise. -
[MOD]Fizzeq wrote: »Haven't played ZM in a few days huehue. I'll try to confirm this asap. It could very well be just server traffic. Happens with crates often.
Lol that got me thinking about the ZM crates. Pretty sure I opened every single crate that was in my storage. Logged in today and found ~15 left. That was quite a surprise.
Lol @ crates. I have a lot unopened.
And ty for conforming, i've a friend with the same problem too. -
Been getting all of these since the Sept. patch. Got really bad today though. Almost every game I tried to play. Happened while spinning crates once too.
This happens a lot while not in game as well. Usually when I'm switching from lobby to storage, joining a room, or changing server/channel etc. Game just freezes and I have to alt+tab or ctrl+alt+del to get to desktop and force close the game client.
Did a fresh install 2 or 3 days ago. I have no other programs running simultaneously and I'm running win7x64. I dunno what the problems is.
*edit: Here's one in Wave Mode. It was funny, I got a kill with the mortar 5-10 seconds after getting the error.
I'll just keep editting SS's into this post...
Aaaaand 2 minutes later, mid-whisper, about to join a GM... gg
And then on the game winning round of an Western EM. yay! Glad this happened after the event...
Actually managed to steal a ZM win on wave 30 before I got this in the channel lobby.
*edit#10(or something): Made it almost 3 waves of this Valk Lab...
There's this weird bug in Devastated City where the boss throws the vehicles while he's doing a different attack, and the vehicles hit the ground but don't do damage or disappear. Usually they will do so in a delayed manner, this time the boss just froze in place and these vehicles remained spinning on the ground. I even got to ride one.
I've been getting a bug in ZM today where I take damage for no reason. Seems to come from the floor sort of like when Atlas heats up the floor except that's not the case and even happens on other maps. So far I've only seen it in Dinner Theater and Devastated City.
i Cant find my friends in (in-game) search !!
You can only search for players who are already on your friend list. However, any other IGN that is not associated with your friend list will not show up, and it will only say "Player does not exist" or something similar. -
Y0ungAngie wrote: »Gold Blaster doing 0 damage in Sandstorm.
^So annoying.
not only gold one.. I hate when I shoot the rocket and it obviously hits the target or hits the wall/floor near the enemy. Does 0 dmg.
Fix the xtrap it is kicking me out of the game for no reason.
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