Clan CyberCats Recruiting
xStyleKicker wrote: »I will apply then I am big friend of atomantz in forum he replies to me a lot,,, my best collection of them,, its ok if I have no honrable soldier??! Its not for haker its because my kd is 12¤5 and they think I use haker so I lose the ribbon o,o but I am good player
K... Your call, Pantz lol -
International meaning close to half and half or international meaning you have like 4 NA players?
Meaning English,American,french,Egyptian,Turkish,Canadian,swedish,german.and anyone else i forgot to mention oh yea Croatian and Dutch. -
Sure.We clan war with the best of them.Not to say we win though.if we have a team on and we see then we will cw. BTW whats with the avatar?
Okay, inform me when your team is ready, hopefully ours would be too by that time. My IGN is America?
Ahh my avatar, so I guess you are the person that has sent a complaint about me huh?
It's more like a cross to Christians, wasn't a nice event at that time, but now you hold it in your heart to never forget, hold the moment and cherish those who died as result of others terrorism "belief"
The world was never the same after 9-11-2001, a date that created history and its own calendar.
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