Clan CyberCats Recruiting
Any English out there still? or English speaking at least. We are about to purge our clan and are looking for some new members. Send application to CyberLilly and do us the honour of sending a message at least with your application. Our aim is to just have fun and go with it so we dont need tryhards. Interested? Apply now.
hello everyone
clan cybercats are recruiting new people who would like to join to an very friendly and fair clan?
for anyone who would like to join cybercats clan read the rules to understand what our clan is all about!
1)no hacking - kick!
2)no glitching - play fairly
3)no farming - that's cheating
4)no clan hopping - you can't rejoin
5)be active - earn at least 15 clan points a month
6)no light tricking - leaving clan wars
7)check news & messages pages regularly
8)sense of humor - very important
9)be always friendly with everyone
10)have fun
about the clan*
this clan is an international clan, so you have to be able to talk english!
we encourage competition however don’t say things you shouldn’t.
We are a friendly clan who aim to have fun whilst playing this great game.
This clan is perfect for friendly and fun players.
We also use raidcall an easier program to communicate while we are in clan wars or in pub rooms, just download it and you'll find the id room in our clan messages. So what you waiting for? apply now
for any players who want to join cybercats clan please include some information about yourself when applying.
Tell us if you know any existing clan members.
Information such as: Where you are from / how old are you / why would you like to join us?
Also, players without honorable solider ribbon will need to explain why you’ve lost it.
Easy if you like to make new and good friends, and staying in a fair clan, then don't lose any more time and join us
here's our clan page:
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