Clan CyberCats Recruiting
I have heard that in CyberCats clan only girls r allowed
Well our leader Is a girl and so are 4 of our Lieutenants and Yes we do have a lot of Girl members but we are NOT an all girl clan. Female And male cats are welcome to join this clan. Join us.CyberCats Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
I'm one of those nouveaux bourgeois cats who only eat fancy feast and don't play crossfire
Well maybe some cream? a toy mouse? or a ball of wool? We can cater for the bourgeoisie.
We can offer the finest wines known to man. Also choice Cigars, rolled on the thighs of beautiful woman. You sure we cant tempt you back into game? Apply Now. -
Well maybe some cream? a toy mouse? or a ball of wool? We can cater for the bourgeoisie.
We can offer the finest wines known to man. Also choice Cigars, rolled on the thighs of beautiful woman. You sure we cant tempt you back into game? Apply Now.
You had me at yarn. I'll apply in 2 weeks when I'm back home. C.f. is blocked on my work PC -
bump most people i know are nice there chilled and relaxed but this antz kid dosent like letting people join so i guess a decent clan overall. apart from the joining problem
Awwwwwww shame on you DarkArtz .You said you were not going to cry about the fact that we did not let you into our clan again.You clan hopped in and out of our clan once too often.You said that you were not desperate to join us yet here you are using our clan thread to CRY about the fact that you were refused.You were refused for more than one reason and your application was discussed. Now i do not want to get personal on the reasons why as i do not want to insult you. So leave it there. Whos the KID now?
CyberCats still recruiting!!!
Now i see you have applied again? You put me down on forum and then reapply? Like what am i supposed to do? Welcome you? -
Well, i believe you are good clan guys.
i'am really happy cuze i find this post about your clan, i want really to say something to the leader, there is some members not following your rules, they are acting like kids ( or i think they are really kids ), always insulting and doing stupid things " like kicking in middle of game " and biggest thing is that " some are racists, always insulting Islam " i don't want to say names " i don't remember actully, but even if i remember the name i won't say ", please make sure your members follow your rules, #RESPECT, because it's really annoying when someone insult your religion specially in a game! cuze you are here to enjoy, you must drop all this bull****...
i just want to say that, cuze your clan really cool and i don't want this few " KIDS " destroy your respect for muslims, and maybe for the everyone in the game.
And sorry for my bad English / -
Well, i believe you are good clan guys.
i'am really happy cuze i find this post about your clan, i want really to say something to the leader, there is some members not following your rules, they are acting like kids ( or i think they are really kids ), always insulting and doing stupid things " like kicking in middle of game " and biggest thing is that " some are racists, always insulting Islam " i don't want to say names " i don't remember actully, but even if i remember the name i won't say ", please make sure your members follow your rules, #RESPECT, because it's really annoying when someone insult your religion specially in a game! cuze you are here to enjoy, you must drop all this bull****...
i just want to say that, cuze your clan really cool and i don't want this few " KIDS " destroy your respect for muslims, and maybe for the everyone in the game.
And sorry for my bad English /
Every clan has some racists and they probably had a good reason to kick people. Who cares what people think of you or your religion? Just ignore it and move on. -
I find this very hard to believe as this clan is an INTERNATIONAL clan and our members are from ALL OVER THE WORLD. I have never ever seen racism in this clan and believe me our leader would not ever tolerate racism nor would myself or any of the other lieutenants here.If what you say is true then give us the names of the offenders and they will be instantly kicked from this clan. Let us be straight here .WE DO NOT SUPPORT RACISM.
Like i say give us names because what you are insinuating here is very serious for us. -
I find this very hard to believe as this clan is an INTERNATIONAL clan and our members are from ALL OVER THE WORLD. I have never ever seen racism in this clan and believe me our leader would not ever tolerate racism nor would myself or any of the other lieutenants here.If what you say is true then give us the names of the offenders and they will be instantly kicked from this clan. Let us be straight here .WE DO NOT SUPPORT RACISM.
Like i say give us names because what you are insinuating here is very serious for us.
i can't really remember it happens from 1 month almost, but i still don't want you to punish him, i just want you guys to warn your members about this issue, i don't want to destroy their happiness like kicking them or something. I believe he likes your clan, your family i don't want to punish him to be away from his GAME FAMILY, it's sucks i believe, i just hope you warn your members about this issue, and really thank you for care about my post. -
i want really to say something to the leader, there is some members not following your rules, they are acting like kids
I'm afraid to say I'm not online as much as I want and as a result of some of other LTs being away the clan doesn't get regulated. Don't get it twisted we do enforce our rules. It's not like we can go around to every room to see if our members are being disrespectful, I have absolutely no control of what a member says if I'm not in the room.
I don't like to think it happened, but i'll take your word for it and apologise on behalf of those individuals. Hopefully it doesn't happen again. -CyberLilly
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