STANDOUT. need 1 rifler
STEAMROLLBRO wrote: »Thanks for admitting that on the forums. Now stop acting as if your team is better than everyone in-game and I'll stop posting.
STEAMROLLBRO wrote: »Thanks for admitting that on the forums. Now stop acting as if your team is better than everyone in-game and I'll stop posting.
Sigh. Really? Pretty sure I don't f2 chat in game and all you do is chant and rant, DODGE DODGE. This is exactly why we "dodged", you beat us with your full team by 2 rounds *claps* Get over yourself. And my above post was clear sarcasm -
Sigh. Really? Pretty sure I don't f2 chat in game and all you do is chant and rant, DODGE DODGE. This is exactly why we "dodged", you beat us with your full team by 2 rounds *claps* Get over yourself. And my above post was clear sarcasm
Ask any gamer, any real gamer. It doesn't matter if you win by a round or a half, winning's winning. -
Sigh. Really? Pretty sure I don't f2 chat in game and all you do is chant and rant, DODGE DODGE. This is exactly why we "dodged", you beat us with your full team by 2 rounds *claps* Get over yourself. And my above post was clear sarcasm
Slaya just relax and stop trolling over a f2p game forum, it's pretty clear you guy's have no social life.
"on all day during weekends. HMU if you see me on."
If I looked anything like you I would spend my weekends and friday nights on crossfire too. -
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