STANDOUT. need 1 rifler
you make me laugh suko
sucks to suck, doesn't it?Called cheats on retro while he was on client with it working proficiently *facepalm*
he was playing on UAC3 and refused to upload the sses of the match. Ok.
You lost to deity on bandi. ok. -
sukodaBEST wrote: »sucks to suck, doesn't it?
he was playing on UAC3 and refused to upload the sses of the match. Ok.
You lost to deity on bandi. ok.
You lost to standout 14-0 on client, ok. He never "refused", still don't see where you get all your "facts" from, downyyyyyyyy
Called cheats on ethereal, zillah, and steamroll. Then tells me he has nothing to say to me, but cause im a good player.
But then again it is just a game, you only post your picture all over the forums when you run out of things to say about someone. -
You lost to standout 14-0 on client, ok. He never "refused", still don't see where you get all your "facts" from, downyyyyyyyy
Called cheats on ethereal, zillah, and steamroll. Then tells me he has nothing to say to me, but cause im a good player.
But then again it is just a game, you only post your picture all over the forums when you run out of things to say about someone.
Wasn't 14-0, and UAC3 isn't a real client, doesn't even detect cheats for cf :X
I said you're decent, you surround yourself with known cheaters though, players that NO other team wants. I don't post my picture, I post the picture of the person talking shiiit, have you ever looked in a mirror? LOLonly if i knew you. you make me laugh (in a good way)
add my xfire; oceresh
@steamroll no.. Remember when I got on mumble, and trolled you/anthony, and you were too scared to talk... over the internet? LOOOL -
sukodaBEST wrote: »Wasn't 14-0, and UAC3 isn't a real client, doesn't even detect cheats for cf :X
I said you're decent, you surround yourself with known cheaters though, players that NO other team wants. I don't post my picture, I post the picture of the person talking shiiit, have you ever looked in a mirror? LOL
add my xfire; oceresh
1. Didn't they use UAC 3 in the WCG.CA matches? Maybe it was for some other tourney.
2. I don't surround myself with cheaters, I surround myself with my bestfriends, players that don't cheat. Sure we lost to Deity when we had 2 ringers and everyone was ping spiking, (I wasn't there that's why we lost ;D) but if we're "cheaters" don't you think we would have cheated in that draft too? Get off our **** about us cheating, it just makes you look like a big ass crybaby whenever someone goes ham on your ass.
3. In that scrim you had on your team, you had, You (cheats on alts), Cody, Toasty and 2 other players whom I forget. Psst, all 3 of you have cheated before .
4. Your picture is your avatar for this forum, dumb ****.STEAMROLLL wrote: »Standout is a subpar team in crossfire, and is dumb as ****. -
Okay you get stupider and stupider everytime you post.
1. Didn't they use UAC 3 in the WCG.CA matches? Maybe it was for some other tourney.
2. I don't surround myself with cheaters, I surround myself with my bestfriends, players that don't cheat. Sure we lost to Deity when we had 2 ringers and everyone was ping spiking, (I wasn't there that's why we lost ;D) but if we're "cheaters" don't you think we would have cheated in that draft too? Get off our **** about us cheating, it just makes you look like a big ass crybaby whenever someone goes ham on your ass.
3. In that scrim you had on your team, you had, You (cheats on alts), Cody, Toasty and 2 other players whom I forget. Psst, all 3 of you have cheated before .
4. Your picture is your avatar for this forum, dumb ****.
UAC for the SSes, which they had to upload.. AND BANDI. Something your team SUCKS on.
And you can't cheat on bandi, thats why your team SUCKED. LOL. I'm still a better player, even if I cheat on alts. At least i don't have to lie about it, and hide it LOL. He cheated, blatantly, then sucked the rest of that draft, while being spectated. Lost to the team I ripped while being specated as well... FISHYFISHYFISHY.
Yes my avatar is my pic, do I go posting it in a thread when I argue with someone? NO LOL. You just made such an idiot out of yourself LMFAOO.
Bad players are bad.
EDIT: The admins in that draft confirmed only me and Erick were properly running UAC3 btw, moron. -
Anthony respects STEAMROLL very much as a teammate
He went huge in this tournament, negative both halves.
btw my other forum accounts are banned so...
and I wouldn't care about you if you didn't talk sht about me and my team the whole day in-game
The only player I have some respect for in your team is godzilla, who is by far the best player in your team.
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