STANDOUT. need 1 rifler
God calls us bad, then says we cheat, shut the hell up and get over yourselves. Think we cheat? Make a bust video or at least upload it to mediafire and post a link. nFs, Slaya just relax and stop trolling over a f2p game forum, it's pretty clear you guy's have no social life.
God us standout boys are just 2 famous.
#Off Client Team! - suko and nFs PUHAHAHAHA! -
Don't even need to comment on that, slaya already made you his b1tch mr.iplayalldayonweekends. Here is a tip, get off your computer, call some boys from your school / girls and go hang out.
The girls and guys would have to like him for that to happen, how can they like someone who has problems socializing as you can clearly see judging from the fact that he spends his weekends on crossfire. -
The girls and guys would have to like him for that to happen, how can they like someone who has problems socializing as you can clearly see judging from the fact that he spends his weekends on crossfire.
True, true. Anthony take some advice again, here are steps to making friends: -
NoLogic4me wrote: »Then how do you make friends? Oh wait...irmanJroid wrote: »I heard you on mumble last month, doesn't sound like you have friends.
Yeah because I totally spend everyday of my life on these forums and on CF like you.. I didn't know Irman could judge people by their voice! -
MilkMunzta wrote: »I mean, you're totally like the best in CF and you get all the girls from playing it. You play more than me so that must mean you're better and that you have tons of friends through CF. Oh wait..
Yeah because I totally spend everyday of my life on these forums and on CF like you.. I didn't know Irman could judge people by their voice!
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