CF Anti Hacking Measures - Z8Games Hates hackers too!



  • I've seen enough hackers, even in clan matches, which really annoys me. Most start hacking when they are losing. Aimbots are easy to detect, since he will be one shotting everyone from whateven distance. Its harder to tell if someone is using a wall hack tho. Sometimes you can see players pre-fire even before you go around the corner, but this doesn't assure you that the player is a waller. So I was wondering how can you guys see if a player is using wall hacks? Oh and how do I report someone that hacked in my game?

    Thing is that it is easier to see hackers in replays of clan wars, especially when (most of) the team moves in a group or coordinated formation and the hacker just waits for them, so yes, the problem may irk some people, yet it is sometimes easier for the GM's who check over the replays to spot.
  • Some guy was walking through walls and teleporting into pillars on Egypt today.

    Fingers crossed they aint returning to the game :/
  • Rizlah wrote: »
    Some guy was walking through walls and teleporting into pillars on Egypt today.

    Fingers crossed they aint returning to the game :/

    Well make sure that you send a Support.png Ticket ;)
  • I have seen a really big decrease in hackers lately, glad to see this is working, keep reporting!
  • c0lder wrote: »
    I have seen a really big decrease in hackers lately, glad to see this is working, keep reporting!

    It's the end of the year (school wise) there will most likely be an increase during summertime, but we can still have hope.
  • c0lder wrote: »
    I have seen a really big decrease in hackers lately, glad to see this is working, keep reporting!
    It's the end of the year (school wise) there will most likely be an increase during summertime, but we can still have hope.

    X-trap seems to have a handle on it right now.
    Last year at this time there were about 3-6 hackers in a room average, right now it is rare to see a hack.

    Most common hack I'm seeing right now is see through walls and chams.
    But most with that hack suck at the game and are rarely going better then a 1.0 KDR.

    I do expect a increase in hacking in the summer but so far there doesn't appear to be any majorly disruptive hacks out yet.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    X-trap seems to have a handle on it right now , so far there doesn't appear to be any majorly disruptive hacks out yet.

    Granted X-Trap was going a good job , but I've seen a few shooting through the walls recently , I 'll keep my hopes up for the next patch
  • PR0PAGANDA wrote: »
    Granted X-Trap was going a good job , but I've seen a few shooting through the walls recently , I 'll keep my hopes up for the next patch

    Really? That is worrying...
    Shoot though walls are the hardest hacks to beat, hate for those to come back into the public.
  • Well make sure that you send a Support.png Ticket ;)

    I always do bro ;)
  • VATAV wrote: »
    Really? That is worrying...
    Shoot though walls are the hardest hacks to beat, hate for those to come back into the public.

    Verified... shooting through walls is back....alot of chams....and either no recoil or auto aim not positive enough to say which one although i am leaning on no recoil..
  • MrSi*** wrote: »
    Verified... shooting through walls is back....alot of chams....and either no recoil or auto aim not positive enough to say which one although i am leaning on no recoil..

    Seniors get out in a few weeks, so we could possibly see an influx there.
  • A few minutes ago a guy was stupid enough to write that hes h4cking in Ingame chat. What happened? His team didnt kick him. -.-
  • Well, shoot through walls hack is back after a long time of peace !!
  • I feel like they did a great job now. It was long time(more than a month), hackers don't show up anymore. This appreciates me so much. I can't thank GM teams enough. Keep up the good work. The better job you do, the less problems you have to face from the community.
  • The crossfire NA looks like a paradise when it is compared to crossfire AL. All the br scum has gone to crossfire AL, and because of that the game is unplayable. Words from a player from Brazil ;D. We have 4-6 hackers per room, it's a completely chaos. You all have the reason to hate us in-game. I hope to live in another country someday .-.
  • And what about VIP HACKING Mr. GM? What is your opinion about this?
  • FilipeP wrote: »
    The crossfire NA looks like a paradise when it is compared to crossfire AL. All the br scum has gone to crossfire AL, and because of that the game is unplayable. Words from a player from Brazil ;D. We have 4-6 hackers per room, it's a completely chaos. You all have the reason to hate us in-game. I hope to live in another country someday .-.

    Z8 Support the Hackers they dont Ban they dont Block Accounts they **** on us Legit Players
  • H3ral3s wrote: »
    Z8 Support the Hackers they dont Ban they dont Block Accounts they **** on us Legit Players

    Accounts are banned, there just isn't a way to keep the hackers from making new accounts.
    X-trap is been doing a very good job for the past couple months, only now is the hacking increasing again and it is catching most of them. Z8 needs to start MAC banning instead of just IP banning to keep hackers away for good.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    Accounts are banned, there just isn't a way to keep the hackers from making new accounts.
    X-trap is been doing a very good job for the past couple months, only now is the hacking increasing again and it is catching most of them. Z8 needs to start MAC banning instead of just IP banning to keep hackers away for good.

    MAC banning? O.o What is this? Like banning the whole PC?
  • ElseHiDe wrote: »
    MAC banning? O.o What is this? Like banning the whole PC?

    Pretty much.
    Every computer has a ID number hardcoded into its NIC card.
    It is unique and cannot be changed with out replacing the hardware.
    In order for repeat hackers to continue hacking after a ban they would need to use a new computer or install a different NIC card.

    Right now Z8 only IP bans.
    IP bans are easy to get around. With the right software or know-how it takes less then a minute.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    Pretty much.
    Every computer has a ID number hardcoded into its NIC card.
    It is unique and cannot be changed with out replacing the hardware.
    In order for repeat hackers to continue hacking after a ban they would need to use a new computer or install a different NIC card.

    Right now Z8 only IP bans.
    IP bans are easy to get around. With the right software or know-how it takes less then a minute.

    IMO this is the right way. Z8 has no other force method like CSS.
    Hack once and your account will say goodbye, pay 5-15 € again
    That's steam way of preventing hackers and since CF is a free to play game, they should do this.

    But on the other hand they would loose money, when the hacker wants to buy ZP
    and he can't anymore. I think that's the thing behind it.

    Of course they could change the hardware and start new and buy ZP.
    I lost my ribbon in February because of X-Trap fail, I could play, but was banned at the forums.
    I send in a support ticket and they said, I hacked.

    So, I wouldn't start again. And I think the hacker would think like this too.
    "What? My whole PC banned? CoD here I come!"
  • ElseHiDe wrote: »
    IMO this is the right way. Z8 has no other force method like CSS.
    Hack once and your account will say goodbye, pay 5-15 € again
    That's steam way of preventing hackers and since CF is a free to play game, they should do this.

    But on the other hand they would loose money, when the hacker wants to buy ZP
    and he can't anymore. I think that's the thing behind it.

    Of course they could change the hardware and start new and buy ZP.
    I lost my ribbon in February because of X-Trap fail, I could play, but was banned at the forums.
    I send in a support ticket and they said, I hacked.

    So, I wouldn't start again. And I think the hacker would think like this too.
    "What? My whole PC banned? CoD here I come!"

    MAC banned would be reserved for perm bans. (Caught 3 times by X-trap or a report)
    X-trap does sometimes ban because it thought something has trying to interact with CF.
    Try to avoid having any other programs running well playing CF.

    Hackers buying ZP? Repeat hackers wouldn't be buying ZP because they know they will lose it with the account eventually, fist time hackers tho might make that mistake.

    More hackers means less legit players willing to spend money, so it is in Z8s interest to remove them permanently. Hackers rarely are interest in spending money do to knowing that it only a matter of time before they lose the account.
  • Hackers hack because they can't play legit so they must hack in order to get the satisfaction of owning. They don't need ZP to get that satisfaction, an M16/M700 headshotAim/wall hack is bad enough.

    I have never seen anybody kick an extremely obvious hacker, ever. They only kick pros.

    Today when I played I saw 4 hackers in 18 games!! X-Trap is getting lazy again!
  • Bad

    Saidin! You write well and have a good reputation. I agree, but I've seen hackers in the game thousands of times and 5 times trying to ban hackers - z8games not banned a single one! Is it a good job? Why?
  • i will tell u something

    hakers will never disappear it's a fact.but ppl players pls when someone is put trough vote kik them.twice in a day i play egypt map and on the other team there was a wallshoter.they did not kik him,so i enter his team and put him trough vote ,i exit the game 5 times only so they can kik him,and it's the first time it happened.i have 2000 desertion,and most of them is because of hakers r not the primary issue,PLAYERS R.alpha server is full of them now i saw even in uk 4 server that they appeared.and the same problem players don't kik them.dunno why.and one more think,if u get kiked when u r in room with me is because u lag like a son of u hak or u insult to much or spam to much.ENJOY THIS GAME WITHOUT HAK.
  • There's always going be cheats in game's especially free to play games :(

    What i do now is see how long till the end of the game and decide whether its worth being farmed on to get the replay or not. If the game has just started or only halfway through then i leave the game and move onto the next one.

    As for the people who don't kick or offer a vote kick there are many reasons to it, mostly ( IMO ) because they think they can get more kills with a cheat on their team, but in reality if you check their k/d it usually sucks because the cheat is farming all the kills but for some reason they cannot comprehend that even if you tell them lol.
