how to help cf be more competitve
taeyeoNNNNNN wrote: »1. Game won't die until pubstars leave.
2. People don't leave this game because they actually like it, but just looks for attention by posting hate threads.
3. Excuses for them to do bad in this game.
4. I do not treat people like trash, I am just sick of how low their intelligence is.
5. Leagues won't bring better players into this game with the prize being what I carry in my pocket daily.
6. Stupid league rules makes people unable to finish their game smoothly. This is CF, my experience in ESL is people disputing us for "cheating", "insults" just to waste time.
7. Z8 needs to get on Riot's level and advertise hardc0re, have people post videos constantly on their youtube. Host better events. CF is Z8's hit game yet they spend no effort into making it successful.
8. There will most likely be another WCG with CF being popular in asia. They need more countries to participate in WCG. Game will not die, new players will come until new free games surface and just completely outplays CF.
1. Meant competetive community
agree with rest -
ok time for me to give my very important and official input on this matterMy take on this is as follows :
1. Game is not ''dead'' however IMO, it is on the decline. Many old CF players have left, However their continues to be constent source of 5s in e-8. Even I don't play as much (waiting for my old team to get back together) however when I do I never have trouble getting a scrim. That seems to indicate that like its been said, new teams and players are coming in to replace the old.
2. I agree with Pistola, if your done with the game, then your DONE. Thats means you Al(shouldnt you be teching me source).
3. The game hasn't changed, so why is it now that all these complaints of '' the game is broken'' are starting know? CF has always been what its been, but i agree we do need change because it is getting bored. We either need a new competetive mode, or something new that will change the competition from what it is now.
4. Lets face the fact, the CF community is NOT going to change. The maturity level is what it is and nothing is going to change that. We can make all the claims of how we need to change our actions nd blah blah, but its not going to happen. The older and more experience players are ALWAYS going to trash on the less skilled players (Kind of like how seniors treat freshmens, with imputy aand annoyance) and the newer players are always going to be, for lack of better words, noobs.
5. The change that people want in the CF community HAS to start with the leagues. This came up in a convo I had with Hi the other day. I think the reason for everyone leaving and all the cafufflle, can be put put partly to blame on the leagues and their administration. I mean between WOGL being understaffed, unorganised, UNCARING and simply and wreck, and ESL being ***ed over with all of the disbaning teams (due to WCG), this season was horrid. I feel like next season of ESL will be much better because I have full confidence of the staff who I actually know and can contact. WOGL however I have little confidence in. They obviously do not care an ounce about CF but we need them to. They are the league with the most foundations and links to CF and if they step it up, i believe that will attribute in creating a more solid competetive community.
6. As long as the leagues continue to run SMOOTHLY and PROPERLY, people will play. Thats the fact of it. As for the game being boring... deal with it. I don't play the game for the game, i play it for the people.
7. Lastly, i agree with the point being mentioned that we NEED to advertise. I don't know what happens with z8 but we need a bigger player base to make up for the bad community. Don't know if the MODS can help with this since they have the closest connection to the z8 staff.
8. i lied, this is the last one. YOU CANNOT SEE INTO THE F******* FUTURE. People were saying the game was going to die bck when WEM ended, and looki here, we got WCG
-WOGL and oL needs to step it up big time
-ESL will be much better next season as long as teams stick together
1)no doubt about that. new players will always join and older players will leave eventually. that's just the cycle but at this point it's looking like a few good players may leave and even fewer new players will join which will lead to a scarcity of competition.
2)i know i'm wasting my time but as crazy as it sounds i enjoy trolling the forums more than playing this game. i mean when you're used to sh1tting on kids 24/7 like me, you want to take a break. you know what i mean?
3)True the game has been "broken" for a while and z8 doesn't do anything. I'm pretty sure those sticky spots on maps which have been around since day 1 are still present.
4)With all trolling aside... i only act like an ******* to kids who deserve it. I don't talk down to people who have never said anything negative towards me; i'm not the person to start any fights. But i find it extremely hilarious when people get mad and take some of my posts, that weren't meant to be serious, out of context. in terms of calling a low skill player bad for no reason...idk it depends on the individual and if he was provoked. i'm a nice guy but while provoked i act like a fany.
5)I've already said my load about leagues in this game in countless posts. lets just say they are nothing but mere scrims with a bragging hype embedded since lets face it the wogl and esl acs are not very effective
6)IF* they run smoothly. The only thing wogl actually put effort into was the exhibition match and maybe the first couple of drafts as well as s1. At this point many people complain about them cause they're providing poor service and the ac is not serving its purpose(esl at least)
7)i've already stated that advertising is a priority for this game to survive
8)cannot really argue that -
ok time for me to give my very important and official input on this matter
1)no doubt about that. new players will always join and older players will leave eventually. that's just the cycle but at this point it's looking like a few good players may leave and even fewer new players will join which will lead to a scarcity of competition.
2)i know i'm wasting my time but as crazy as it sounds i enjoy trolling the forums more than playing this game. i mean when you're used to sh1tting on kids 24/7 like me, you want to take a break. you know what i mean?
3)True the game has been "broken" for a while and z8 doesn't do anything. I'm pretty sure those sticky spots on maps which have been around since day 1 are still present.
4)With all trolling aside... i only act like an ******* to kids who deserve it. I don't talk down to people who have never said anything negative towards me; i'm not the person to start any fights. But i find it extremely hilarious when people get mad and take some of my posts, that weren't mean to be serious, out of context.
5)I've already said my load about leagues in this game in countless posts. lets just say they are nothing but mere scrims with a bragging hype embedded since lets face it the wogl and esl acs are not very effective
6)IF* they run smoothly. The only thing wogl actually put effort into was the exhibition match and maybe the first couple of drafts as well as s1. At this point many people complain about them cause they're providing poor service and the ac is not serving its purpose(esl at least)
7)i've already stated that advertising is a priority for this game to survive
8)cannot really argue that
Well thank you. Appears likes its completely out of the hands of the actual competetive players. Either z8, WOGL, or ESL has to fix something. And not as many people have left the game as you think. Really only LPK and pCp -
Well thank you. Appears likes its completely out of the hands of the actual competetive players. Either z8, WOGL, or ESL has to fix something. And not as many people have left the game as you think. Really only LPK and pCp
only those may have left but the game has lot more players with negative mentalities. i quit, not because of wcg or anything like that but due to not having much time. I only posted a lot today cause i'm off and had nothing to do most of the day. LL has the mentality of quitting. Whenever i talk to roth he always has negative comments about this game and asks himself why he hasn't quit yet. mick quit cause he failed ot win a qualifier and many others.
These individuals make up the teams and i'm just curious to see how many people leave after wcg is over. -
only those may have left but the game has lot more players with negative mentalities. i quit, not because of wcg or anything like that but due to not having much time. I only posted a lot today cause i'm off and had nothing to do most of the day. LL has the mentality of quitting. Whenever i talk to roth he always has negative comments about this game and asks himself why he hasn't quit yet. mick quit cause he failed ot win a qualifier and many others.
These individuals make up the teams and i'm just curious to see how many people leave after wcg is over.
I heard from Kaz that LL might quit after WCG. Only the teams who have made the qualies will quite, guess time will tell -
1. EU scene been ridiculously small always, new version doesnt really make any differency.
2. Whos willing to teach english for kids ?
3. rather have small pug community whit decent ppl than huge commynity whit average age of 14.
4. Its not going to get fixed, handful of "competive" players have QQd several times about terrible reg, lag, **** game. But pub nubs which we have more than enough thinks its "Hack" when you die behind wall instead of ****ty game lag. So no, its not going to be fixed. Ever. never.
5. teh pub AC xtrap ( or what ever it is ) doesnt really matter in competive side, the admins behind AC / banhammer should be more active or get more admins.
6. Its game designed for pubheros that rather spend theyr time dressing theyr character whit cool outfits and makeups, instead of playing and focusing into shooting, advertisement wouldnt matter at all. All of those pub heros would either rage for the rules cause they aint allowed to use SL and SPOP or QQ how everyone hack at competive side.
7. theres barely 10 active teams / league, wouldnt either do anything.
8. this game never had reg and there will never be one.
9. Teams usually split up cause
a) Players doesnt come along.
b) Half of team went to another team cause there is a REAL FEMALE.
c) get mad each other cause 1 or 2 maybe even 3 of players either QQ / rage / *******s.
d)X amount of players left cause Boo or vlad pm'd thru xfire how they created most awesome new top1 ultimatesupremesatanslayerkillermuderdragonrider666+69 clan that will be new allstars team.
e) would be stupid to stick whit team thats completely ******ed, or just dont like them. after all playing should be fun, whit 14yrs old kids ( or whit boo ) its not fun.
10. Most of admins are just fine, ofc theres ******ed ones too. Even admins have personal lifes which > CF. Those who would be active admins are either 14 or ******s, not much what you can do bout it.
11. Aint bothering to sign up for any websites cause of CF / pug.
12. No, just no. I wouldnt ask any of my friends good or bad ones to play this game. Lieing to friends how "awesome" game this is should be considered and judged as attempted murder.
13. As such minor things as interp and reg aint going to get ever fixed, I higly doubt that they aint developing separated client either.
lol kive note what i said at the bottom of the post about this falling on deaf ears, already knew everything you said lol. i was just stating an opinion, the fact it will never change is a constant in this game, always has been always will be.
as for the pug the whole point of the sign ups is so as we can stay organised and add people accordingly so people can play in an environment where no kids will spam vent etc, measure on vent are already in place aswell now. so alls people need to do is sign up and post i cant understand why its so hard for something to spend 2 minutes signing up while at the same time posting there team and ign. people say " sure i wanna play competitive in pugs and stuff and help the community" yet they are to lazy to simply sign up to something and make a post. i really cant understand why its so hard for people to grasp.
as for the advertising i did mean multi language advertising, seeing as the community is pretty diverse and most communities have the community website.. so yeah its not that hard to do.
FYI i know Real life takes priority over any game however it doesnt take much to do what i said tbh. -
Well thank you. Appears likes its completely out of the hands of the actual competetive players. Either z8, WOGL, or ESL has to fix something. And not as many people have left the game as you think. Really only LPK and pCp
lol specific long standing teams will probably stay as they have a pretty strong foothold in the game. as for the rest its mainly decent individual players not really teams that have left this game though it doesnt seem that bad, its ALOT of individuals.
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