How to Report A Hacker v. Final



  • You know what...I say stop reporting people and just stop buying ZP until the figure something out.

    What are you guys paying them for, just to sit on their asses all day (I know they DON'T, but the results they are showing leads one to believe otherwise...)?

    I'm sick of reporting people tho I run into 10-40 days later and they are still using the same damn hacks ****ing people off...
  • ...

    And i hope The ppl who Hack get a IP ban,
    most of the hackers told me, "thats my 10. ACC today",
    and that ****ing me off.
    If the one hack and his brother not,
    no matterrr range ban for them all than look for ur brother and tell him to dont hack.
  • I wanna result my reports. And I wanna see what happned about my reports? If I will learn them, I will report much
  • Maka12345 wrote: »
    And i hope The ppl who Hack get a IP ban,
    most of the hackers told me, "thats my 10. ACC today",
    and that ****ing me off.
    If the one hack and his brother not,
    no matterrr range ban for them all than look for ur brother and tell him to dont hack.
    @ Maka12345: From what I've heard, allot more hackers are facing IP bans these days, rather than just an account block. I'm not sure if this has become the new policy, but I can imagine that it has.

    Players weren't being discouraged enough not to use hacks. Instead they were just taught to make as many alts for it as possible, and not to use them on their main account.

    @ Saidin: It's a good change from the old system, although I wonder how much use it has with the current Pub hack outbreak.

    According to a Moderator (who's name I shall not mention, but he knows what he's talking about)
    the current estimate of accounts being used for hacking is about 40% (although hackers usually use/make multiple accounts to hack). That's 2 out of 5 accounts. That's how big this problem currently is.

    On top of this comes the problem of most prayers feeling discouraged of ACTUALLY reporting a hacker, because they don't see the use of it. And to be honest, I can't blame them.

    Now don't take this the wrong way, for this isn't an attack on you and the rest of the staff. Because like most of us, I know you are all doing the best you can to deal with the problem. But when a hacker can make a new account faster than the staff can go through the reports, he'll always be a step ahead of you guys.

    Now, I know you're not a big fan of using IP bans, because as you said, that system isn't perfect. So I would like to suggest something different that might slow the hackers down, and that is issuing a limit to the number of accounts that can be made per IP address to 3. I can't imaging legit players needing more than 3 accounts, so I doubt they'll suffer from such a limit, and hacker won't be able to hope from one account to the next, to continue using their hacks, while the staff is working on blocking their reported accounts and trying desperately to keep track of how often an certain IP address keeps re-entering the database. This way you also don't have to hand out IP bans, because this system would basically do that automatically after all 3 accounts are locked.

  • i saw atleast 10 + hakers yesteday..
    5+ at GM .. .
    2 damage haks at MM.
    1 aim bot at one of the Mexico Td .
    with M60 headshoting every one ..
    wow.. ..
    r they really working on it?
  • lawl

    i know what you mean i sent in a ticket for a guy named dark[wz] clearly he was walling his ass off at downtown shooting ppl thorugh the tunnels getting a 4 k with a scar l and loooking at them and guess what? hes not banned lawl i guess to z8 thats legit

    NoWayOut69 wrote: »
    It's funny Z8Games tell you Report/Teach you how to report a cheater. You report him and three weeks later the kid still isn't banned.. Z8Games is awesome!
  • First I want to ask something. In the last version of this thread there was explanation of how to get .cfr file of the game that you couldn't save. We should rename a file to .cfr to get the replay. Can you put it in the sticky message again please...

    And I think the only way to stop this hack issue is employing many players who are trusted and good enough to decide the players who is hacking (especially wall hack) and give them permission to instantly ban the player who hacks. When the player who hacks is banned; his account and MAC address (if technically able) should temporarily or permanently get banned. May be temporary ban will be enough until Z8 game admins inspect the issue, then the ban should become permanent.

    I wonder if you can resolve player's MAC addresses. It is better than IP banning...

    Thank you...

    (I hope I could express what I ment, my english is not excellent :))
  • Please take swift action, i play this game is almost two years and each time i see more hackers in the game.

    Measures that have been said: 3 accounts per IP, most trusted staff to work are good measures...

    I see good players stop playing because are to many hackers, i even feel annoyed by entering the game and then take the first room with hackers, soon lose the will to play.
  • problem solved

    x-trap is jokes, get something legit. Ive spent alot of money on this game and until the problem gets solved i wont spend any more. Counter strike doesnt have problem with hackers. What are they doing? Must be something diff than cf is doing. Im sorry but this is just unreal. 40 percent of players are hacking? WTF No point in even playing this game if something isnt going to be done. Im sure that everything isnt being done to fix the problem. Reporting hackers is an after thought. The fact that hackers can even get in the game is ridiculous. If im spending money on this game i shouldnt have to police it and report hackers. I realize this game is free but lets be serious on that issue. This game costs more money in the long run than a paid version of the game. So how long is this issue going to take to resolve? Ive been playing fairly solid for about a year and seen zero progress on the issue. That make me believe that the issue isnt being taken serious. Game play is great. Concept is great. Now lets work on the maintenance issue or people are just going to stop playing. What a waste. Thanks for reading my vent session.
  • x-trap is jokes, get something legit. Ive spent alot of money on this game and until the problem gets solved i wont spend any more. Counter strike doesnt have problem with hackers. What are they doing? Must be something diff than cf is doing. Im sorry but this is just unreal. 40 percent of players are hacking? WTF No point in even playing this game if something isnt going to be done. Im sure that everything isnt being done to fix the problem. Reporting hackers is an after thought. The fact that hackers can even get in the game is ridiculous. If im spending money on this game i shouldnt have to police it and report hackers. I realize this game is free but lets be serious on that issue. This game costs more money in the long run than a paid version of the game. So how long is this issue going to take to resolve? Ive been playing fairly solid for about a year and seen zero progress on the issue. That make me believe that the issue isnt being taken serious. Game play is great. Concept is great. Now lets work on the maintenance issue or people are just going to stop playing. What a waste. Thanks for reading my vent session.

    True. =] >.>
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    Hello Legit CF Gamers!

    This will outline the exact steps to reporting a hacker with our new support system.

    To report a hacker please use the web form (right link) from the support page.


    1. Use the Support System web form ONLY!

    Hack reports from now on will be ignored unless they go through the support system. We have people checking them and issuing bans. Repeat reports through forums and support are not something we can handle.

    2. The Web Form forces you to enter in information

    In order to properly handle these reports and to ensure some level of "double checking", we've made it so you MUST include information.

    The information you MUST include are the following:
    • The IGN (in game name) of the hacker.
    • The Hacking Type.
    • Replay File itself.

    3. This system allows you to upload files

    The system will only accept .cfr files so zips, or avi's or youtube links won't be allowed. No more using Megaupload or other upload websites. You also don't need to rename the files either as our system keeps track of it all.

    4. Add Comments if you have them

    If you have any additional information that might help us track the hacker in the replay or otherwise please add it. Comments are not mandatory, however any additional information provided is worth providing.

    The number one reason we can't handle the amount of hack reports we get are that all reports are in completely different form. Some are very good, some are very poor and some don't even have a replay!

    This new form will ensure that when a player comes to us to report a hacker we get the minimum mandatory information in a report that stays consistent. This way we can be more efficient about checking hackers and issuing bans for results that you guys will actually notice!

    We all thank you for your patience and now we'll work with this new system to get as many hackers removed from the game as possible.

    We also have some further stuff coming soon that will help with the hacking situation. We are aware that hacks are present, and we're working hard to make sure we get rid of as many as possible.


    is this somewhere we can report people who take advantage of in game glitches?
  • So,tried to "test" the new report system,jsut sended in a report with a very obvious aimbotter and waller,hope i see him banned,even if he buys hell'of alot zp's..
  • I suppose I've got a few replays I could submit. Because after two weeks a person is Master Sergeant and has got a RPK getting 130 - 10 in Fortress, lol. Anyone that he shoots with one bullet is a kill, I don't know what it's called but I suppose I better report him lulz.
  • x-trap is jokes, get something legit. Ive spent alot of money on this game and until the problem gets solved i wont spend any more. Counter strike doesnt have problem with hackers. What are they doing? Must be something diff than cf is doing. Im sorry but this is just unreal. 40 percent of players are hacking? WTF No point in even playing this game if something isnt going to be done. Im sure that everything isnt being done to fix the problem. Reporting hackers is an after thought. The fact that hackers can even get in the game is ridiculous. If im spending money on this game i shouldnt have to police it and report hackers. I realize this game is free but lets be serious on that issue. This game costs more money in the long run than a paid version of the game. So how long is this issue going to take to resolve? Ive been playing fairly solid for about a year and seen zero progress on the issue. That make me believe that the issue isnt being taken serious. Game play is great. Concept is great. Now lets work on the maintenance issue or people are just going to stop playing. What a waste. Thanks for reading my vent session.

    couldn't agree more...
  • svanced wrote: »
    So,tried to "test" the new report system,jsut sended in a report with a very obvious aimbotter and waller,hope i see him banned,even if he buys hell'of alot zp's..

    I've xpected the same thing with u, they removed ban list first, then they announced that we will have notifications about our reports, guess what ? nothing...
    they maybe really working hard, but they are wasting effort...then ban after 1-2 months since the report has delivered them, and the cheater takes a new account and goes on with messing whole game... what's the point of this seriously ?

    patch the game ASAP BTW, cuz none of your hack tools working properly
  • Finally! A place to report at last! Good to hear.
  • I've xpected the same thing with u, they removed ban list first, then they announced that we will have notifications about our reports, guess what ? nothing...
    they maybe really working hard, but they are wasting effort...then ban after 1-2 months since the report has delivered them, and the cheater takes a new account and goes on with messing whole game... what's the point of this seriously ?

    patch the game ASAP BTW, cuz none of your hack tools working properly

    ikr,they have 1 more week to view my raport and(its logic that if they view my raport and the replay also,the guy must be banned,btw he changed his IGN)ban that guy,otherwise the whole thing about z8 supporting hard zp buyers even if they hack is true,and prepare for some serios flame @forums with this,lets see then who the hell will ever pay zp for a company who supports hakers,we'll wait and see.
  • Someone is annoying me on crossfire on whisper :/
  • More Guns

    Crossfire should maybe add some of these guns L85A1,F2000,M32 or Mutation M32 would be awesome and UMP45
  • JackyLi wrote: »
    Crossfire should maybe add some of these guns L85A1,F2000,M32 or Mutation M32 would be awesome and UMP45
    This is not a suggestion thread
    please go make a thread on the suggestions section ;p
  • dasnypah wrote: »
    is this somewhere we can report people who take advantage of in game glitches?
    Yes, the same place where you report them for hacking.


    My Suggestions: Ak-47 Custom M110 s.a.s.s. M4A1 Masterkey MAC 10 Suppressed XM110 Spec-ops
  • So I go to Web Form > Select Game > Crossfire > Categories and under that I see "Complains".

    Is there a "t" missing in complaints or did Z8 really want Complains?
  • I reported 1 shot kill, through tunnel 1 shot headshot <---- 2 weeks ago and today, he still playing with that acc
  • i see same thing. This NEW webform is a joke, they dont even read them.
  • more of the same

    I guess id just like to know who is running the show up there in Z8 gameland. I mean, its obvious the admins are working hard at watching the thousands of replays a day but ffs this is just bullcrap. Z8 games doesnt care about this issue. If they did the problem would be resolved minus a few that squeek through the cracks. All they need is something legit instead of x trap. Problem with that is they most likely have some sort of contract with the wortless system and are bound to it for awhile since they have paid for it. I imagine they could easily get a new system but why would they? We all continue to pay for zp and some do these bs surveys that they generate boat loads of cash from. Ban me for saying this if you want or delete message. STOP BUYING ZP UNTIL THIS CRAP GETS FIXED! I BET THEY MOVE ON THIS ISSUE REAL FAST WHEN THEY START SEEING A 25 TO 50 PERCENT DECLINE IN ZP REVENUE. The hackers dont even care about consequences. They laugh at admins. I was in a frickin clan war today to go vs. 4 morons all one shotting. They arent even hiding it anymore. WHAT THE HELL IS Z8 GAMES DOING BESIDES CREATING A DIFFERENT SPOT TO REPORT SO THE ADMINS MAILBOXES ARENT SO CROWED. PLEASE LET US ALL KNOW WHAT STEPS OR PROCESS IS UNDER WAY TO CORRECT THIS. SEEMS LIKE THE PATCHES ARE ALL ABOUT NEW ZP GUNS. MAKES SENSE I SPOSE. YOU MAKE A FEW GUNS AND WATCH ALL THE SHEEP BUT THE ZP TRYING TO GET THEM. OF COURSE Z8 GAMES ISNT GOING TO WASTE TIME PATCHING THESE HACKS. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT WHEN IT DOESNT GENERATE MORE CASH FLOW. ....................................................STOP BUYING ZP UNTIL WE SEE PROGRESS......
  • svanced wrote: »
    ikr,they have 1 more week to view my raport and(its logic that if they view my raport and the replay also,the guy must be banned,btw he changed his IGN)ban that guy,otherwise the whole thing about z8 supporting hard zp buyers even if they hack is true,and prepare for some serios flame @forums with this,lets see then who the hell will ever pay zp for a company who supports hakers,we'll wait and see.

    well they can still find him from the name change sales, it must be on their database.

    these days are nightmare and I guess I will quit playing for 6months or a year as well, when I am doing good score I am getting kicked, 0 exp!, not hacking of course...other hand, game is full of hackers and messing my ratio...trying to play on clan server it's again full of hacks...
    I am playing this game almost since it's been launched and buying a lot of (SP) ZP, many ppl are supporting too...but they never tried to change the bad parts, just going on, u know...this is kinda annoying...

    if they keep giving the advantage of making multiple accounts that what happens, you get banned ? simple get another account then hack more...u may mess up the game till u are banned ( which never happens on right time ) or they patch the game...

    * they have to change many things...a legit member doesn't need 10 or 100 cf accounts.

    * I know they are receiving non stop hack reports that slows em down, just little kiddos hunch mostly, but when a hack tool released, when they catch real hacking issues patch the game immediately!! cuz these stupid hack tool outspread like a disease, for the last week game isn't playable for a legit member anymore, that legit member always pays as well at least 17$ monthly(over 2 years!) for crates sometimes much much more... so of course I am getting ****ed and trolling on forums...cuz I am sick of the same and unfixable issue over 2 years!!!!
  • i dont post often so this is a bit

    you guys know its gonna get overloaded

    your game is being OverRun extremely with hackers
    and now its like every other game i had a 3 games in a row with a blatent
    hacker back to back to back
    they dont even try to hide it anymore

    so ill give some ideas
    You Should track
    how often players are being kicked for suspected hacks
    id say if a player is booted 3 times for suspected hacking in a hour

    then the rep should automatically be forwarded to z8 for review
    chances are very good that this guy being kicked all over for hacking is
    got a really nasty hack runing

    stop the worst offenders first the ones who are
    blatently hacking not even trying to hide it

    sort the reports you get
    so that multiple reports of the same named Person are reviewed first
    like i said their are some very blatent hackers many of them

    even if you force the hackers to dumb it down to make it hard for you to tell
    thats like forceing them to use a hack that is crapier thus
    takeing away the whole point of them useing it
    these guys want to make you give up
    and get you to the point were you do nothing at all to stop them
    then they can run rampant and run the game into the ground

    like a war you must do what you can first and not give up or you will be defeated
  • [GM]Saidin wrote: »
    Hello Legit CF Gamers!

    This will outline the exact steps to reporting a hacker with our new support system.

    To report a hacker please use the web form (right link) from the support page.


    1. Use the Support System web form ONLY!

    Hack reports from now on will be ignored unless they go through the support system. We have people checking them and issuing bans. Repeat reports through forums and support are not something we can handle.

    2. The Web Form forces you to enter in information

    In order to properly handle these reports and to ensure some level of "double checking", we've made it so you MUST include information.

    The information you MUST include are the following:
    • The IGN (in game name) of the hacker.
    • The Hacking Type.
    • Replay File itself.

    3. This system allows you to upload files

    The system will only accept .cfr files so zips, or avi's or youtube links won't be allowed. No more using Megaupload or other upload websites. You also don't need to rename the files either as our system keeps track of it all.

    4. Add Comments if you have them

    If you have any additional information that might help us track the hacker in the replay or otherwise please add it. Comments are not mandatory, however any additional information provided is worth providing.

    The number one reason we can't handle the amount of hack reports we get are that all reports are in completely different form. Some are very good, some are very poor and some don't even have a replay!

    This new form will ensure that when a player comes to us to report a hacker we get the minimum mandatory information in a report that stays consistent. This way we can be more efficient about checking hackers and issuing bans for results that you guys will actually notice!

    We all thank you for your patience and now we'll work with this new system to get as many hackers removed from the game as possible.

    We also have some further stuff coming soon that will help with the hacking situation. We are aware that hacks are present, and we're working hard to make sure we get rid of as many as possible.


    whats the point of reporting a haacker, because if their account gets terminated, they can easily just make a new account and hack on that one, so it doesnt even solve the problem, it only postpones it from happening again! WDF!?!
  • Need In Game Mod's

    Need to start having players in game able to instantly ban hackers, Im getting tired of all the glitchs, chamers, and even the plain as day one shoot guys who dont even hide it. This is why i quit playing 6 months ago. You wanna put an end to hacking make me a mode it will stop in a week....
  • Love the new webform I've reported like 30 people by now.. <3


This discussion has been closed.