How to Report A Hacker v. Final

Hello Legit CF Gamers!

This will outline the exact steps to reporting a hacker with our new support system.

To report a hacker please use the web form (right link) from the support page.


1. Use the Support System web form ONLY!

Hack reports from now on will be ignored unless they go through the support system. We have people checking them and issuing bans. Repeat reports through forums and support are not something we can handle.

2. The Web Form forces you to enter in information

In order to properly handle these reports and to ensure some level of "double checking", we've made it so you MUST include information.

The information you MUST include are the following:
  • The IGN (in game name) of the hacker.
  • The Hacking Type.
  • Replay File itself.

3. This system allows you to upload files

The system will only accept .cfr files so zips, or avi's or youtube links won't be allowed. No more using Megaupload or other upload websites. You also don't need to rename the files either as our system keeps track of it all.

4. Add Comments if you have them

If you have any additional information that might help us track the hacker in the replay or otherwise please add it. Comments are not mandatory, however any additional information provided is worth providing.

The number one reason we can't handle the amount of hack reports we get are that all reports are in completely different form. Some are very good, some are very poor and some don't even have a replay!

This new form will ensure that when a player comes to us to report a hacker we get the minimum mandatory information in a report that stays consistent. This way we can be more efficient about checking hackers and issuing bans for results that you guys will actually notice!

We all thank you for your patience and now we'll work with this new system to get as many hackers removed from the game as possible.

We also have some further stuff coming soon that will help with the hacking situation. We are aware that hacks are present, and we're working hard to make sure we get rid of as many as possible.



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