An AK-47...Custom???



  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    2 mods. You forgot Delaco below Giggletron. Both he and Churchez have been mods a lot longer that Giggletron has been.

    Anyway, lets see what I can do with this list of yours here.

    1. An AK47 would have a suppressor BECAUSE it is so loud. That's the whole point of having a suppressor. To take care of the loudness of a weapon. And it works just fine on any rifle, though not to the same extent. Louder rifles would need bigger and heavier suppressors.
    2. First of; its a Avtomat Kalasjnikova 1947 model, and not what ever you just tried to make of it. Second; power and loudness have nothing to do with a weapon being able to have its sound suppressed.
    3. Not quite sure what you're getting at here.
    4. It wouldn't be as loud as an M4A1, but also no where near the spitting sound the M4A1 Adv./Silver/Custom make. Turn the sound of your computer down to 33% of what it usually is now, and you'll know how loud the AK47 Custom is intended to sound.
    5. Have you even watched the videos I posted at the top of page 30? They show you exactly how well it would work to put a suppressor on an AK47. Especially with subsonic ammo.
    6. Like I said before. You clearly have no idea what kind of impact such stats changes would have for a weapon.
    7. Why would it be too many? Seriously? You think that there is a limit to the amount of weapons they can add to this game? You think that just because you get another AK47, some other weapon would have to make room for it? It is what it is. You also go down to the locale supermarket and complain about all the different brands of coffee or soda they have there? Or do you just buy what you want/need and leave?
    8. I don't like the K2 or the Qbz. I like the AK47. However, what I don't like about it, is how the sound of it hinders my fellow Ghost Mode players in their pin pointing, or gives away my fellow S&D players when trying to attract as less attention to themselves as possible.
    9. See H.

    Honestly, I couldn't care less whether or not you hated me. I give my opinion ungarnished. I don't do sugar-coting, just because I'm dealing with easily offended, over-sensitive emo kids, that are likely to hurt themselves or cuddle up in a dark corner and write bad poetry if you so much as raise your voice to them, cause that's their mommy's job.

    When I'm telling someone to uninstall their game, then its because they are suggesting something stupid and selfish, like, oh I don't know, a feature that would stop people from picking up a weapon from the ground, left there by a corpse that can no longer use it anyway or is about to respawn with a copy of the very same gun he dropped earlier.

    I would never use "You suck" as an insult, because that's beneath me. That's typical childish behavior that I'm way too old for. In fact, I don't see it as an insult...AT ALL! What does it mean, "You suck"? That I'm not the greatest player at a computer game? Oh gosh, what ever will I do now? Oh wait, I have a life. I have a husband and 2 beautiful little girls. A mortgage-free house that most people could only dream off of being able to afford. A job that I love, and do more as a hobby, than to make a living. Euh, what did I forget? Oh yeah, unlike 80% of the community here, I do get laid on a regular basis. So why would I give a damn about being the best at something I do in my spare time to entertain myself? Exactly! I wouldn't!

    And this oh-so-wise *couch* 13 year old kids is going to teach me how to treat people right? Kid, have you been paying attention to your own posts lately? I may be rather crude in my manor of projecting my opinions. But unlike you, kid, I don't write posts for the soul purpose of insulting someone. You have neither the life-experience, the intelligence, or even the proper morals values to teach me anything about treating people right. Because you're just a 13 year old little pot, calling a kettle black. Look up the word "hypocrisy", because its got your name written all over it.

    Also, when I state my opinion, I back it up with sound logic, experience, proof, and occasionally, Z8 rules. What do you use to back up your opinion? More opinions. It is YOUR opinion that this game has too many AK47s, and based on THAT opinion, you base your OTHER opinion that WE (meaning you) don't need another one. Your stat alterations to the AK47 Custom. I based mine on looking at what Crossfire did with the M4A1 when they made the M4A1 Custom, and roughly did the same to the AK47 to create my idea for AK47 Custom. And here you come along, age 13, and ZERO knowledge in game-development, and pull a bunch of crazy stat alterations out of your hat, that make completely no sense what so ever, and insult me for even suggesting mine. And finally, your claim that AK47s aren't suited for suppressors. When you actually fired one? A REAL AK47. Cause I have. I've even fired it WITH a suppressor on it. IT CAN BE DONE! But don't take my word for it. Just look at the video-evidence I posted earlier in this thread. 24eb6zq.jpg


    ok first if you get laid i don't think you would play this game. 2nd what does your daughters think of it. Yet still you can put your opinion but dont say uninstall. Just say "Next time think of a better suggestion". Ha yea the supressor no. Just no. Not gonna happen china doesn't have it. "Well china doesn't have a Ak silver or a DSR-1" Well thats our creation. i highly doubt we will ever make another gun thats not in CF china...

    Yet earlier in the thread you said "opinions can be wrong".. No not really. "Grass is purple" thats a false statement. So i don't think your really bright imo. You say you have a good job... umm would that include flipping burgers at mcdonalds? You use high level words yet you can't get the word opinion right. You can't tell whats the F'in diff between a False statement and a Opinion. So if you don't know what it is don't say it.

    Your saying were sentivite emo kids sitting in a corner? What? Ok you want me to be the worlds biggest A-hole... I can be if I want to. Its easy. You never know whats wrong with a person. They could be very sentivite and hurt them. If your gonna put constructive critism (I learned this from 6th grade teacher he has over 3000hours of psychology he has a doctors degree and hes a athlete) never put "but". Example: That was a great suggestion, "but" it has some flaws in it. then after the word "but" it goes down hill. You can't say. It was a great suggestion, but it had no flaws. Which makes no sense.If your gonna put something just put like No.. just no.. which means it makes no sense what so ever and its not needed. You don't have to put uninstall because then it makes a person feel unwelcome to this community. Your basically saying. Get you and your stupid brain out of here.

    This community is supposed to be a team. TEAM together everyone achieves more. Yet your on the team. Your just screaming at everybody. putting them down. I know its over the internet but still your putting a person down. Thats not right. Tell them to uninstall...

    Yet you should uninstall. Your telling them to uninstall you should, because honestly nobody is gonna like you and mods aren't gonna either. So if your not gonna be nice or help out or just put a neutral opinion then just go. We don't need your judgement.

    You should be ashamed of yourself. Your a grown women yet your picking on little people younger than you. You ever think we have feelings and souls to. No because all you do is say what you wanna say. Sooner or later your gonna have your foot in your big mouth because you "said what you had to say". Your a cruel person in the world. Im trying to be nice and helping this forum because i like this game alot and i know you to.

    So you have a choice. change your attitude, or leave. I know what your gonna say. "ohh even if youu tell me to leave I wont leave" I leave that up to the mods. Ill take a picture its considered as "disrespect".
  • to0l wrote: »
    you fired an AK47? must be pure sex, the feeling right? how .....where?
    are you in the IRA? ok dont tell me, think you d have to kill me afterwards right..hmmm
    why waste so much time on that guy. he is just another lame qqer. nothing to him. zero.

    haha im a lame QQer ok sure... Crying is whining. Im not whining im telling her to change her attitude. If i was cryin I would be calling this gun a noob cannon. Am i noo so get the hell out of the convo.
  • Okay, sorry. I can't think of anything to post right now that wouldn't in some form ridicule you so badly, that it would cause your future children to be born laughing at you. That is if you ever find a girl that would give you the time of day.

    MODs won't like me, you say? Okay, hon, whatever floods your boat. You won't leave without a MOD telling you so? Well, do you want a specific MOD to tell you to get out, or should I pick one among my friends randomly for ya?

  • justininin wrote: »
    haha im a lame QQer ok sure... Crying is whining. Im not whining im telling her to change her attitude. If i was cryin I would be calling this gun a noob cannon. Am i noo so get the hell out of the convo.

    i am not talking about this conversation. in general you tend to cry alot. it s a pain.
    since we are both equally interested in each others opinions, we can just ignore each other. i shall do that from now on. and you do the same so we´re all good.
  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    My husband is ex-military, but still has a lot of friends/connections at his former station. Thanks to him, I was able to fire some real guns. And to be honest, the AK47 knocked me flat on my backside. Then again, I don't think is was intended to be fired by a 100 lbs. woman of only 4'10".

    And why waste time on Justin? Well, the 5th grade teacher in me still hopes to educate the stupidity out of him. I wouldn't be a very good teacher, if I did not at least try to smarten this kid up.


    in my country we don´t really have the oportunities to fire such guns. even though the legendary Steyr Aug is manufactured over here :) but i think we don´t have AKs at all.
    a russian friend of mine told me that its a beast of a gun. i can imagine that you really have to lean against the gun when firing. more than anything though i want to use a sniper rifle..hmm
  • justininin wrote: »
    Yet earlier in the thread you said "opinions can be wrong".. No not really. "Grass is purple" thats a false statement.

    How many times will we have to tell you that opinions CAN be wrong.
    For example, if I say "Today, it seems colder than yesterday". It's not a statement, it's an expression of my feelings.
    If you look at a thermometer, you can tell whether this opinion of mine about the temperature is right or wrong. It doesn't change my opinion, it just make it right or wrong based on solid arguments, on facts.
    justininin wrote: »
    So i don't think your really bright imo. You say you have a good job... umm would that include flipping burgers at mcdonalds? You use high level words yet you can't get the word opinion right. You can't tell whats the F'in diff between a False statement and a Opinion. So if you don't know what it is don't say it.

    She said what her job was, so you the one that must not be bright. And I just proved you that an opinion could be wrong, so again, you are the one failing with words.
    justininin wrote: »
    If your gonna put constructive critism (I learned this from 6th grade teacher he has over 3000hours of psychology he has a doctors degree and hes a athlete) never put "but". Example: That was a great suggestion, "but" it has some flaws in it. then after the word "but" it goes down hill. You can't say. It was a great suggestion, but it had no flaws. Which makes no sense.If your gonna put something just put like No.. just no.. which means it makes no sense what so ever and its not needed. You don't have to put uninstall because then it makes a person feel unwelcome to this community. Your basically saying. Get you and your stupid brain out of here.

    Never put "but" in a constructive criticism and preferably use "no, just no" ?
    What the .... ? Your guy is probably more an athlete than anything else...
    justininin wrote: »
    This community is supposed to be a team. TEAM together everyone achieves more. Yet your on the team. Your just screaming at everybody. putting them down. I know its over the internet but still your putting a person down. Thats not right. Tell them to uninstall...

    Yet you should uninstall. Your telling them to uninstall you should, because honestly nobody is gonna like you and mods aren't gonna either. So if your not gonna be nice or help out or just put a neutral opinion then just go. We don't need your judgement.

    OMG. Here's your 2nd post on this thread, the one that started all this Off-topic sterile discussion with you :
    justininin wrote: »
    i thinnk i should smack you.. no opinion is wrong. an opinion is an opinion.. Example "I prefer that tie in pink"... not wrong opinion... you dont need logic to support your opinion because its what you think.. You dont need logic you think it looks nice,ugly,horrible,horrendous,cool, basically it cancels out all logic. It can be the most unlogical opinion yet still its an opinion. No opinion is bad. Thats in the viewers eyes, but you can never say an opinion is bad... because its an opinion, not a fact, an opinion. [Size=+3]Dont try to be wise... seriously just dont *facepalm* seriously you really messed that one up[/size]

    Isn't that full of judgement, isn't that NOT NICE at all ? Are you helping, are you giving a neutral opinion ? Heck, are you giving an opinion at all ?

    First words : "i thinnk i should smack you.." Is that working as a team ?
    That red block of sh*t... isn't YOU screaming at Lolli and trying to put her down (alas, you failed but whatever). Are you contributing to her thread ? Where's you constructive criticism ?
    This post of yours prove that you are the mean and cruel one.
    justininin wrote: »
    Im trying to be nice and helping this forum because i like this game alot and i know you to.

    Whatever you try to do on this forum isn't what you did on this particular thread. You came here with bad and cruel intentions, "smacking" Lolli. I don't even understand why because she was never harsh with you on this thread before your red block of hatred.
    justininin wrote: »
    So you have a choice. change your attitude, or leave.

    Tell that to yourself. You're the one that need to change his behaviour. Contribute to the thread or leave.
    Perez2395 wrote: »
    It's already. The AK Scope.

    Have you read all the thread before posting sir ? Because you are wrong.

    AK47-Custom has a silencer, AK47-Scope doesn't.
    AK47-Custom has a reflex scope, AK47-Scope has a crappy zoom-in.
    AK47-Custom has a semi-auto mode while scoped, AK47-Scope doesn't.
    And to end it, their stats are differents.

    Why did they add AK-Silver, AK-Gold is enough ? Why did they add AK-Gold, AK-Camo is enough ? While the differences between those 3 weapons are less significant than the differences between the AK47-Custom idea and the AK47-Scope, they still added them.
    Conclusion, nothing, especially the AK47-Scope being already there, prevents this idea to come in our CF.
  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    I was able to fire some real guns. 24eb6zq.jpg


    Personally, I fired with .22 revolver, .22 rifle, .308 rifle, 30/30 winchester and a remington shotgun.

    My favourite was the remington shotgun ^^
  • I think its a good idea but AK got some streght who M4A1 doesnt have but M4A1 have more precision then AK i think that ill not match but i know thats a good gun!!!
  • I think its a good idea but AK got some streght who M4A1 doesnt have but M4A1 have more precision then AK i think that ill not match but i know thats a good gun!!!
    The AK's power gets balanced out as always by its massive recoil. It always has and always will, and not even a suppressor will change that.

    With the M4 its the other way around. What it lacks in power, it lacks in recoil as well.

  • iNapsteR wrote: »
    Sounds kinda gay for an AK..


    and lolli go make some sandwiches and stop QQing on the forums

    I said there is AK-S,the surppressor is a bad ideea why do you need it everybody will see you nvm where u are in EAGLE EYE,LABORATORY it doesn't worth any zp
  • Agreed

    and lolli go make some sandwiches and stop QQing on the forums

    I said there is AK-S,the surppressor is a bad ideea why do you need it everybody will see you nvm where u are in EAGLE EYE,LABORATORY it doesn't worth any zp

    Have you been shot with a silencer from behind or the sides from long range maps? It scares the out of you...
    I hope you were joking about the sandwich part. If you're not, FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU
  • umm Lolli your not that good at CF imo...u got a even k/d not to good. Also 1 man clan? isnt that boring?
  • justininin wrote: »
    umm Lolli your not that good at CF imo...u got a even k/d not to good. Also 1 man clan? isnt that boring?

    She doesn't rage quit from games when there's hackers/laggers/glitchers like most of us do. ^^

    Therefore she suffers from them.
  • Have you been shot with a silencer from behind or the sides from long range maps? It scares the out of you...
    I hope you were joking about the sandwich part. If you're not, FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU

    I did but ak isn't acurate enought to kill them from a long range :)

    Sandwich !!!!
  • I did but ak isn't acurate enought to kill them from a long range :) Sandwich !!!!

    You're joking right?...

    The AK-47 is the most accurate rifle in the game...

    If you can't use it at long range, you're a freaking noob...

  • Agreed

    and lolli go make some sandwiches and stop QQing on the forums

    I said there is AK-S,the surppressor is a bad ideea why do you need it everybody will see you nvm where u are in EAGLE EYE,LABORATORY it doesn't worth any zp

    Seriously, can't a MOD do his job and clear a well written and bright suggestion thread from this kind of pathetic messages. Clearly it's trolling...

    Bogdan learn to read, because, for the umpteenth time, AK47-Scope has nothing in common with this idea of AK47-Custom except they are both AK47.

    AK47-Custom has a silencer, AK47-Scope doesn't.
    AK47-Custom has a reflex scope (red dot), AK47-Scope has a crappy zoom-in.
    AK47-Custom has a semi-auto mode while scoped, AK47-Scope doesn't.
    AK47-Custom is entirely black, AK47-Scope has red drawings.
    And to end it, their stats are differents.

    Did anyone needed an AK47-Gold when we already had AK47-Camo ?
    Did anyone needed an AK47-Silver when we already had AK47-Camo ?
    Clearly, the answer is NO. Except minor stats change (and +3 bullets for the golden one) those 3 AK47 are identical.

    Clearly, while staying an AK47 in terms of power, recoil and accuracy, the AK47-Custom is a whole new weapon in term of how you would play with it. A red-dot scope with semi-auto mode is new to the AK (it's even new to the rest of the assault rifles btw). A suppressor is new to the AK.
    justininin wrote: »
    umm Lolli your not that good at CF imo...u got a even k/d not to good. Also 1 man clan? isnt that boring?

    Another troll. What's that got to do with her idea ? Besides, despite what most of the noobs tends to think, KDr means NOTHING.
    I did but ak isn't acurate enought to kill them from a long range :)

    Never come back on this thread talking about AK47 please, you don't seem to know how to handle one. I hardly see how you could judge the interest of an AK47-Custom in this case...
  • @ Jurdey ;)

    I think every weapon is unique in it's own way.

    AK-47 Regular....regular.

    AK-47 Camo....More rounds and badass looking.

    AK-47 Silver....It fcking shines! Lol and it feels like it has less recoil.

    AK-47 Gold....Amazing skin, lower recoil and the extra ammo.

    AK-47 Scope....Amazing paintjob, and IMO, the one with the lowest recoil.

    Adding this would make my dreams come true. It's a FTW gun.
  • Seriously, can't a MOD do his job and clear a well written and bright suggestion thread from this kind of pathetic messages. Clearly it's trolling...

    Bogdan learn to read, because, for the umpteenth time, AK47-Scope has nothing in common with this idea of AK47-Custom except they are both AK47.

    AK47-Custom has a silencer, AK47-Scope doesn't.
    AK47-Custom has a reflex scope (red dot), AK47-Scope has a crappy zoom-in.
    AK47-Custom has a semi-auto mode while scoped, AK47-Scope doesn't.
    AK47-Custom is entirely black, AK47-Scope has red drawings.
    And to end it, their stats are differents.

    Did anyone needed an AK47-Gold when we already had AK47-Camo ?
    Did anyone needed an AK47-Silver when we already had AK47-Camo ?
    Clearly, the answer is NO. Except minor stats change (and +3 bullets for the golden one) those 3 AK47 are identical.

    Clearly, while staying an AK47 in terms of power, recoil and accuracy, the AK47-Custom is a whole new weapon in term of how you would play with it. A red-dot scope with semi-auto mode is new to the AK (it's even new to the rest of the assault rifles btw). A suppressor is new to the AK.

    Another troll. What's that got to do with her idea ? Besides, despite what most of the noobs tends to think, KDr means NOTHING.

    Never come back on this thread talking about AK47 please, you don't seem to know how to handle one. I hardly see how you could judge the interest of an AK47-Custom in this case...
    Dude AK Gold isnt like AK camo at all. They all have a different feeling if your a real AK user like me and metal dragon and lolliroger you would understand. The only thing is a suppressor but yet no scope red dot sight?.. If i was a troll I would just say No f**k it throw this idea out. I went a bit off topic ok noob so shut your mouth your apprentice on here. You talk like your a viscount but yet you don't know much probably. The AK with a suppressor AKA AK Black should be included but yet a powerful and quiet gun also accurate? hm... Great gun, but then like how much will it cost? More than a AK gold. AK camo is way more worth getting than a AK gold you have to spend 100coupons for a gold weapon. yet its only +3 bullets. I dont think those 3 bullets are gonna save your life 100x.
    @ Jurdey ;)

    I think every weapon is unique in it's own way.

    AK-47 Regular....regular.

    AK-47 Camo....More rounds and badass looking.

    AK-47 Silver....It fcking shines! Lol and it feels like it has less recoil.

    AK-47 Gold....Amazing skin, lower recoil and the extra ammo.

    AK-47 Scope....Amazing paintjob, and IMO, the one with the lowest recoil.

    Adding this would make my dreams come true. It's a FTW gun.
    Kinda.. Not really. I would like to see it in CF but if it gets outta control like SL and M12 yea remove it
  • Seriously, can't a MOD do his job and clear a well written and bright suggestion thread from this kind of pathetic messages. Clearly it's trolling...

    Bogdan learn to read, because, for the umpteenth time, AK47-Scope has nothing in common with this idea of AK47-Custom except they are both AK47.

    AK47-Custom has a silencer, AK47-Scope doesn't.
    AK47-Custom has a reflex scope (red dot), AK47-Scope has a crappy zoom-in.
    AK47-Custom has a semi-auto mode while scoped, AK47-Scope doesn't.
    AK47-Custom is entirely black, AK47-Scope has red drawings.
    And to end it, their stats are differents.

    Did anyone needed an AK47-Gold when we already had AK47-Camo ?
    Did anyone needed an AK47-Silver when we already had AK47-Camo ?
    Clearly, the answer is NO. Except minor stats change (and +3 bullets for the golden one) those 3 AK47 are identical.

    Clearly, while staying an AK47 in terms of power, recoil and accuracy, the AK47-Custom is a whole new weapon in term of how you would play with it. A red-dot scope with semi-auto mode is new to the AK (it's even new to the rest of the assault rifles btw). A suppressor is new to the AK.

    Another troll. What's that got to do with her idea ? Besides, despite what most of the noobs tends to think, KDr means NOTHING.

    Never come back on this thread talking about AK47 please, you don't seem to know how to handle one. I hardly see how you could judge the interest of an AK47-Custom in this case...

    I find the combination of the lower rate of fire and the zoom scope on AK47 scope pretty sweet. And AK47 Scope looks awesome.

    And as for your K/D comment, it does mean something. Honestly, if I see a guy with an 800/100 K/D, I just know it's going to be an easy match. But then again, if you see a guy with a 15k/5k K/D, with 10k knifes, you also know it's going to be an easy match.

    And, AK47 camo, AK47 Silver and AK47 Golden were put in, because the developers didn't have to make a new weapon/skin. AK47-custom isn't that much work, but it's pretty much unnecessary. I don't think developers would even consider something like that.
  • Agreed

    and lolli go make some sandwiches and stop QQing on the forums

    I said there is AK-S,the surppressor is a bad ideea why do you need it everybody will see you nvm where u are in EAGLE EYE,LABORATORY it doesn't worth any zp
    First off; Learn proper English. I find the way you write your insults more offending, than your pathetic insults themselves.

    Secondly; Oh f'it! Learn better insults. Yours are so old that they went out of fashion the day dinosaurs went extinct. Get Good.

    And finally; I don't know how you play this game, but I usually shoot and take cover. Shoot from behind, and I doubt your opponent will be able to see you. Furthermore, a suppressor on AK allows others to be able to pin point around you in Ghost mode.
    Actually, yes, it is. However, that's how it was intended. 24eb6zq.jpg
    justininin wrote: »
    umm Lolli your not that good at CF imo...u got a even k/d not to good. Also 1 man clan? isnt that boring?
    First of all, I don't play the modes a lot that guaranty a high KDR, like TDM or S&D. Instead I play Ghostmode with Pan[TH]erS. And usually as ghost.

    Secondly, I have over 200 replays of CONFIRMED hackers, glitchers and otherwise cheaters on my computer. And that's just this year's catch. I don't mind sacrificing something as silly as a high KDR for the good of the community, if that means I can get writ of another dumbass that is incapable of playing this game fairly.

    So, like Metal said; KDR means d*ck!

  • You're joking right?...

    The AK-47 is the most accurate rifle in the game...

    If you can't use it at long range, you're a freaking noob...


    m60 it is 2 I mean it's first 2 bullets
  • justininin wrote: »
    Dude AK Gold isnt like AK camo at all. They all have a different feeling if your a real AK user like me and metal dragon and lolliroger you would understand.

    What you call "feeling" is what I call stats changes. Of course those three weapons have different power, recoil and accuracy values. But all in all, you play with them the same way.
    At least the AK47-Scope has something new but I really don't like zoom-in scope, it's ugly.

    If the stats change between the three "identical" AK47 (Camo, Silver and Gold) are enough to justify their existence in CF, then, rest assured, the AK47-Custom also have his stats changed. Its "feeling" would be different, hence, it has its place in CF.

    And as a bonus it has a silencer, changing how you would play with it, and a red-dot scope a la M4A1-Custom, changing the way you play with it, and a semi-auto mode while scoping, changing the way you play with it. But these are only bonuses, the change in "feeling" should be sufficient. /sarcasm
    justininin wrote: »
    The only thing is a suppressor but yet no scope red dot sight?.. If i was a troll I would just say No f**k it throw this idea out.

    If I was a troll I would say : please speak english. It's not even my native tongue yet I make efforts to speak understandably. Half of your sentences are full of typos and the other halfs full of non-sense. If you speak as you read, that should explain why you have such a hard time understanding what we say.
    justininin wrote: »
    I went a bit off topic ok noob so shut your mouth your apprentice on here. You talk like your a viscount but yet you don't know much probably.

    Look who's talking. I don't call insulting people for nothing "going a bit off topic". Screaming and yelling at someone just to prove them they failed (even though they didn't) like you did on your 2nd post on this thread, shows who should shut his mouth.
    justininin wrote: »
    The AK with a suppressor AKA AK Black should be included but yet a powerful and quiet gun also accurate?

    If I talk like an apprentice, can you explain me the sense of this sentence. Because, as far as I'm concerned, it's an utter non-sense. Either you don't know how to speak english, or you're trying to make grammar-nazi kill themselves after reading your post.
    Either way, I can't understand bs, I'm sorry.

    If it's just to spit garbage and hypocritically call other noobs, just stop posting on this thread. I have nothing against you (I just answered one of your post where I agreed with you on some matters and I took time to write it) but please, what you show here is pathetic.
    MEDI0CRE wrote: »
    I find the combination of the lower rate of fire and the zoom scope on AK47 scope pretty sweet. And AK47 Scope looks awesome.

    Never said the contrary. I'm just saying Lolli's idea of AK47-Custom would be totally different from AK47-Scope thus justifying its addition to CF.
    MEDI0CRE wrote: »
    And as for your K/D comment, it does mean something. Honestly, if I see a guy with an 800/100 K/D, I just know it's going to be an easy match. But then again, if you see a guy with a 15k/5k K/D, with 10k knifes, you also know it's going to be an easy match.

    Yeah, but what's the difference between a 2.0 and 1.0 KDr ? Can you say for sure the first is a beast, the second a noob ? No.
    Besides, if you play with AWM, you're most likely to end up with higher KDr than say, if you storm the front lines MP5 in hands. What you talk about are farmers and even that means nothing. You can farm and have ludicrous KDr while being either a very good player or a total noob.
    MEDI0CRE wrote: »
    And, AK47 camo, AK47 Silver and AK47 Golden were put in, because the developers didn't have to make a new weapon/skin. AK47-custom isn't that much work, but it's pretty much unnecessary. I don't think developers would even consider something like that.

    One of the first, if not the first, argument against that idea, that makes sense. Indeed, with the lazy developers we have to deal with, it's an issue. Yet, it doesn't mean we shouldn't support this suggestion. Who knows.
  • il only agree with this if its not totally silenced but lower on sound <- like the anaconda, but a little less sound
    the sound will not be cancelled out after 15 meters like the silenced m4's
    and the m4 silencers get nerfed a bit to like atleast 30 meters

    i mean really not hearing a loud gun over 30 meters would be kinda BS dont ya think
  • AK47? What about the AKM?

    It seems ridiculous to mention an outdated alpha-style gun.. why not the AKM? :)
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