An AK-47...Custom???



  • AK-47 Cusom = ADV, Scope, Knife. Leave?

    proves the point we are overdoing it... we already have so many "customs"......

    plus ak-camo. if we get this ak-custom, that will be by far the best weapon in the game, an ak with the same infamous power without its drawbacks.

    edit:and i just realized looking through this thread that my points will probably not even matter. since the threadstarter seems to be very biased and flaming/replying in an negative matter to anything that goes against her opinions. if you're gonna do that, why dont you just make this thread with the 1st post and tell mods to close and sticky it? since obviously any other opinion other than yours is "incorrect", i see no point in debating this further. i have only read about 10 pg's of the thread, but thats my opinion on the threadstarter thus far. feel free to prove me wrong.

    the flaws of this gun has been blatantly exposed, m4-custom already has an counterpart to it called ak-scope, we don't need another one. as to the point you said having the m4 custom means that we should also have an ak custom, then it should have reduced power and reduced recoil to make it balanced(which is already made as shown in the akscope). the m4 custom is on the other hand is balanced as it can be. it has recognizable dmg difference(lowered ofcourse), it's recoil was fixed recently to be a bit higher, not too much difference in recoil with original m4-series, although good for spraying and oneshotting than the originals, if you don't oneshot it's worse than the m4 series.

    this(ak custom) on the other hand, is not. i think the ak scope is nearly as balanced already(slightly lowered power for less recoil/better control, better made for spraying, a zoom scope to oneshot easier from far distance), if anything, they should fix a few things on the ak scope and it would the perfect balanced ak, although it already is GREAT(greater than all the other ak's, at least to my experience)
  • Ak-Silver Custom [Over-Powered]


    That's a nice prototype, good job... But I think it's not a good weapon to add in CrossFire, it would be over-powered, because the accuracy of an Ak sucks, but the power is pretty good, so that's quite an equilibrated gun, but with the scope it will have a great acuracy and power, so that won't be equilibrated ! :|

    M4's simply rules ! ;D

    //Thank you, __-][iDream* [Sorry for my bad english].
  • Sick Avatar iDream!

    SO just checking in..

    Hows it all going? a MOD replied yet? :)
  • badmully1 wrote: »
    i think although this idea sounds good, it shouldnt be incorporated in game. first of all, an ak custom? seriously? crossfire seems to be inputting a custom/silencer on every gun on this game at this point, seems to be overdoing it a bit.

    2nd, it is a way too powerful op(overpowered) gun, and in the hands of a good player it will MAKE him hacker-like. its basically a m4-powered up to ak power without much drawbacks/sacrifices. the reason ak is so powerful is because it has drawbacks that make it so: the high recoil and the loud sound(which makes it noticable where they are especially in scrims) are the biggest flaws of this gun, as well as its accuracy when shooting over 2-3 burst shots.

    basically you're throwing all the flaws of an ak and keeping the power, which makes it a powerful gun with little flaws, plus an scope that can help you 1shot opponents easier at farther distances(which is already what the ak was made for, beautiful headshots and powerful body shots)? god, this will be too much of a powerful crazy gun if used properly. although unlike scar lights, it will still require the same skills needed in aiming with a m4/possibly an ak, but it just makes decent players into GOD. i explained my reasons and points to why im against this lol, its pretty valid imo.
    Valid, but flawed. 24eb6zq.jpg
    AK-47 Cusom = ADV, Scope, Knife. Leave?
    Down right stupid. 24eb6zq.jpg
    badmully1 wrote: »
    proves the point we are overdoing it... we already have so many "customs"......

    plus ak-camo. if we get this ak-custom, that will be by far the best weapon in the game, an ak with the same infamous power without its drawbacks.

    edit:and i just realized looking through this thread that my points will probably not even matter. since the threadstarter seems to be very biased and flaming/replying in an negative matter to anything that goes against her opinions. if you're gonna do that, why dont you just make this thread with the 1st post and tell mods to close and sticky it? since obviously any other opinion other than yours is "incorrect", i see no point in debating this further. i have only read about 10 pg's of the thread, but thats my opinion on the threadstarter thus far. feel free to prove me wrong.

    the flaws of this gun has been blatantly exposed, m4-custom already has an counterpart to it called ak-scope, we don't need another one. as to the point you said having the m4 custom means that we should also have an ak custom, then it should have reduced power and reduced recoil to make it balanced(which is already made as shown in the akscope). the m4 custom is on the other hand is balanced as it can be. it has recognizable dmg difference(lowered ofcourse), it's recoil was fixed recently to be a bit higher, not too much difference in recoil with original m4-series, although good for spraying and oneshotting than the originals, if you don't oneshot it's worse than the m4 series.

    this(ak custom) on the other hand, is not. i think the ak scope is nearly as balanced already(slightly lowered power for less recoil/better control, better made for spraying, a zoom scope to oneshot easier from far distance), if anything, they should fix a few things on the ak scope and it would the perfect balanced ak, although it already is GREAT(greater than all the other ak's, at least to my experience)
    Still valid, but flawed. 24eb6zq.jpg
    iDreamPT wrote: »

    That's a nice prototype, good job... But I think it's not a good weapon to add in CrossFire, it would be over-powered, because the accuracy of an Ak sucks, but the power is pretty good, so that's quite an equilibrated gun, but with the scope it will have a great acuracy and power, so that won't be equilibrated ! :|

    M4's simply rules ! ;D

    //Thank you, __-][iDream* [Sorry for my bad english].
    Also flawed. 24eb6zq.jpg
    Sick Avatar iDream!

    SO just checking in..

    Hows it all going? a MOD replied yet? :)
    If you had read this entire thread, you would know.


    Seriously, does anyone in this community read a thread before posting something stupid, like I don't know, stuff that have been addressed, answered or disproved several times before?

  • AjkeN wrote: »
    Just because it is popular doesn't mean it is good. Just like Justin bieber :D:D

    Anyway, I personally feel Ak-47-Custom is just... *sigh*... Silencer on an AK? It would totally destroy one of it's weakness... We already got plenty of AK's. I still remember when we only had regular M4 and Ak and everything was perfect, no overpowered stuff.

    nice man EMINEM RULES and AK is the most gayest wep
  • *cough* burn!

    I still want an AK-47 Custom. It'd give me something more to play with instead of my AK silver.
  • We need nuts shot badge and MICROTAVOR not another ak
  • nice man EMINEM RULES and AK is the most gayest wep
    Just because you can only use a scrub light doesn't mean an AK is gay, just means you're bad, so you can't use one. =)
  • hehe read what wep's I have .............. Tar and DSR (I mean I'll Buy DSR)
  • hehe read what wep's I have .............. Tar and DSR (I mean I'll Buy DSR)
    Oh.. my.. fricken.. god.. you've got a tar?!?!?! So you mean you think you're good when you have a gun that people say are like the scrub light? Go use a real gun.
  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Valid, but flawed. 24eb6zq.jpg

    Down right stupid. 24eb6zq.jpg

    Still valid, but flawed. 24eb6zq.jpg

    Also flawed. 24eb6zq.jpg

    If you had read this entire thread, you would know.


    Seriously, does anyone in this community read a thread before posting something stupid, like I don't know, stuff that have been addressed, answered or disproved several times before?


    44 pages of long posts.

    Yeah im gunna read it.
  • p1mping wrote: »
    44 pages of long posts.

    Yeah im gunna read it.
    Yeah, that is the general idea. To prevent looking like a jackass, you read whether ot not certain things have already been discussed. 24eb6zq.jpg
    DDNinja wrote: »
    why isnt this gun implanted already.
    Because some people in this community keep crying that lowering the sound of AK47 makes it OP. 24eb6zq.jpg

  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Yeah, that is the general idea. To prevent looking like a jackass, you read whether ot not certain things have already been discussed. 24eb6zq.jpg

    Because some people in this community keep crying that lowering the sound of AK47 makes it OP. 24eb6zq.jpg


    I really won't read 44 pages just to not look like a "jackass"
  • sn1peyou wrote: »
    Oh.. my.. fricken.. god.. you've got a tar?!?!?! So you mean you think you're good when you have a gun that people say are like the scrub light? Go use a real gun.

    Use tar after we will talk about it the fire rate makes it rock it has a badass look I love it
  • I highly doubt this will happen, but i got an idea. But first of all, I'd like to say this idea is very good, but it does add another Ak to like how many Ak's we have. And the Ak Custom is basically going to be the Ak Scope , but with a silencer. Now back to my idea. Maybe they can change the Ak Scope to the Ak Custom, and change it's settings (Power, recoil, weight, etc..) to what LolliRoger intended to.

    Wow i left my computer for 10 mins, i feel like this idea is better said in the head...Oh well, One more post means one more post higher to another forum rank.
  • p1mping wrote: »
    I really won't read 44 pages just to not look like a "jackass"
    And that's why this community has so many "jackasses". Cause some people can't be bothered to do some reading, but have no problem shooting their mouths off about subjects they can't possibly have any knowledge off, because they never bothered to read up. 24eb6zq.jpg

  • Lolli, how about switching the ak-47 camo for something more useful, i think it's stats are too much like the ak-47 silver, so, change it for the ak-47-c, wich shall include your upgrades, but the sound should be a smaller but still a little loud cracking sound (it sounds like this when you shoot with an ak-47 silenced, but they've used low quality silencers, then idk if you can reduce the ak47- sound to an m4a1-cish ptfew sound) then make it an zp crate gun, and give it to the one who had the original idea as a bonus for the implement to the game, so, it wouldn't be OP

  • You obviously seem to have your heart in the right place for persistence and not giving up on the topic. As for my post, the point of my opinion is what i didn't want you to take to heart. I Apologize for the effect it had on you.

    Giving up may be for losers, but the power of knowledge and looking at past of these threads on crossfire and its vacancy in other versions go a long way in the discussion of this thread.

    Given the circumstances i do not believe Crossfire US will add such a gun, but if you can prove me wrong, so be it.

    Good Luck with the continuation of this thread and well see if knowledge defeats persistence.


    -Sage it's me Metal. Don't say it here! You'll just get banned xD
  • \

    Use tar after we will talk about it the fire rate makes it rock it has a badass look I love it
    No thanks. I prefer to use REAL guns. You know? The kind that has somewhat of a recoil?
  • sn1peyou wrote: »
    No thanks. I prefer to use REAL guns. You know? The kind that has somewhat of a recoil?
    You saying TAR has no recoil? lulz
  • idk, we already have so many ak versions and the ak is already such a good gun
  • idk, we already have so many ak versions and the ak is already such a good gun
    Let's make it better.
  • High recoil guns can NEVER have suppressors like DE and AK
  • Mr_ABySs wrote: »
    High recoil guns can NEVER have suppressors like DE and AK
    I want to know why.
  • Catalysttt wrote: »
    I want to know why.
    read more about suppressors, its highly challenging to make mechanical suppressor for high-recoil weapons. Not to mention that high recoil guns overheat more then regular guns, and has MAD muzzle climb.
  • Mr_ABySs wrote: »
    read more about suppressors, its highly challenging to make mechanical suppressor for high-recoil weapons. Not to mention that high recoil guns overheat more then regular guns, and has MAD muzzle climb.
    This is a game. Like we have mutants and teleporters in real life.

    But oh well, that was a real let down.
This discussion has been closed.