Honorable ribbon second chance?



  • e33ffws23 wrote: »
    You didn't even answer my post
    So many points were brought up and you picked only one (and not a full one but only a half of a sentence)
    and I have my hsr ribbon I only protect "Pyrex against the entire world".like really kids calm down why the whole forum vs him?
    Btw nobody cares about your story,every one have their own way to live and make decisions(whatever they're good or bad)
    and greed is a sin my boy . you and the rest of the "trash bunch" on this thread want to keep everything to yourselves(guns/ribbons/vips/crates/ranks)

    You missed my point.What I tried to say is that people were just a kids and didn't really realized what they're doing
    The game and the hack situation were at such a bad state and game management didn't give a damn cookie about it

    7-8 hackers in every room
    Support only copypasted to people that "They forwarded it to the correct department"
    Saidin spammed forums with "We're working on it" for years while he did sh1t to fix his own game

    I never used hacks but I can understand the people strong passion to use these kind of programs when the game state was in such a trash and the game management don't give a **** about the players nor their own game after they put their own money into the game time after time

    made an account just for this thread? cute. try posting on your actual account and its also nice to see you support hackers and hacking :).

    -1 to the idea. i have been through most of cf's hard times. yet i never once considered cheating. if you could not control yourself/your account/ or other people on your account. then that is also your fault.
  • DarkArtZ wrote: »
    -1 to the idea. i have been through most of cf's hard times. yet i never once considered cheating. if you could not control yourself/your account/ or other people on your account. then that is also your fault.

    What can you do when you basically get hacked. I really don't see the harm in giving the players back their ribbon if they have not been banned for cheating in atleast 3 years. Cut us some slack.
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    Frankly, I'm rather torn.

    I can see why people would argue that they should deserve a second Chance after having (hopefully) been clean for so and so many years.

    But I also can understand the other Side which argues that if you want to have an HSR, simply don't lose it in the first place. After all, many others made it through the years of constantly getting Aimbotted with it intact.

    Naturally, the latter argumentation gets a bit tricky when you look back on that little fiasco with XTrap, of which the victims most likely aren't distinguishable from people who actually did cheat anymore. But those cases nowadays are probably few and far between.

    One could say that it's a mere Game, and that you guys having a chance to obtain that Ribbon again is no big deal, but it was stated in the past that there simply should be no second chances when it comes to the HSR.

    I can't really help but continue to be an onlooker with this. Both sides do have merit, in my opinion. Perhaps they can find a compromise, one of these days?

    Kriish, both of them are actually giving you rather sound advice. Buying Accounts, or "Account Sharing" can lead to your Account getting flagged, and make it ineligible to receive any kind of support.
    I've seen it happen to some that they needed something from the Support, which they outright refused, simply because the Account got flagged for account sharing. At the very least, it'd probably be best to not make such a thing public knowledge.

    My friend and I we'rent sharing acc, it was his acc for the first place, then he got probs and sold it to me.
    When I got the acc, it hasn't HSR already. I aint arguing for this kind of issue. I'm just giving suppport to thoese players like me that
    it wasn't our fault why he got no HSR right now. But then, I know admins wouldn't allow this.
    I'm happy with or without HSR, as long as I have my true friends around.
  • My friend and I we'rent sharing acc, it was his acc for the first place, then he got probs and sold it to me.
    When I got the acc, it hasn't HSR already. I aint arguing for this kind of issue. I'm just giving suppport to thoese players like me that
    it wasn't our fault why he got no HSR right now. But then, I know admins wouldn't allow this.
    I'm happy with or without HSR, as long as I have my true friends around.

    Well in some cases not saying anything is the best solution. Now in your case it's not going to help you. You shared the account at first and then bought it from him. Which what a surprise is against the rules. So guess what going to happen now since you admitted that you have broken rules?!
    Right it will lead to a closure of your account.

  • Well in some cases not saying anything is the best solution. Now in your case it's not going to help you. You shared the account at first and then bought it from him. Which what a surprise is against the rules. So guess what going to happen now since you admitted that you have broken rules?!
    Right it will lead to a closure of your account.


    Why does this put a huge smile on my face? Oh right, because of my personality...
  • This thread should named to [ If you want fight plz fight here :3]
    • IGN Ezio
  • Danah wrote: »
    Why does this put a huge smile on my face? Oh right, because of my personality...

    Awesome. Now if you could stop derailing my thread that would be great thanks.
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    Awesome. Now if you could stop derailing my thread that would be great thanks.

    It's hasn't really derailled tbh it's just becoming into one big debate to which one side is wanting the chance to get their HSR back and the other side feeling that if you have hacked/bought an account that has hacked and lost your HSR you don't deserve another chance. I think at this rate the chances of this suggestion actually happening is very very low with the amount of reasons on why it shouldn't happen it overcast the people who are suggesting it to happen.

    Think about it, everyone that has defended this idea either:
    Bought an account that doesn't have HSR
    Did something to lose their HSR

    While the people who don't want this suggestion to happen are people who:
    Have their HSR
    Has never hacked before ( or well not been caught )
    Has battle through many hacking waves to keep their HSR
    Most likely made their own account to have their own HSR

    The only people who would like this to happen are people who deserved not to have their HSR anyway so why would Z8 want to give back people who has broken the rules their HSR while the whole point of the HSR is for people who haven't broken the rules ( Certain rule breaking doesn't include you losing your HSR but you get the drift )

    And let's just talk about the worth of the HSR... It's nothing but one ribbon and a badge to say that you are a clean player and that's all it's not like you are missing out on anything in the game like you are given the same gameplay as anyone else with the HSR so if you don't have it then it isn't really a big deal. Sure it looks nice to have one but at the end of the day whoever lost their HSR ribbon probably did something to lose it unless some kind of bug happened that ended up losing someone's HSR then sure I am completely fine with them being able to get it back but if in the system you are caught hacking then in no way should you be able to get the HSR back.

    There's always the chance of making an new account and being more careful...
  • -1

    HSR is for player who have never hacked the game before (or at least have never been caught on it). So if you did use a hack tool on your account then you should be thankful you can still use it without HSR 'cause you should have been perm banned.

    What is that? You didn't do it but your brother did you say? Well, it's still your account the one who got caught while hacking so, too bad. Also, sharing accounts is a violation of terms & conditions, so you should be REALLY thankful you can still use your account even after you broke the rules not once but TWICE. smh.

    By this point you should have noticed I don't empatize with you at all for making up all those cheap excuses; I started playing this game in 2012 and I've never shared my account nor used any hack tool with it, so why should you have the same status as an Honorable Soldier as me? Hell no, you got what you deserved. Actually, you got off easily...

    It's a BIG -1 from me.

    If you so desperately desire a ribbon for NO LONGER using any HACK TOOLS on your account, then you should be awarded with a 'Second Chance Ribbon' (which should NOT count as a ribbon on your profile 'cause it's a pity ribbon after all) instead of HSR, which is meant for player who HAVE NOT VIOLATED THE GAME RULES BEFORE.
  • nelson28 wrote: »
    If you so desperately desire a ribbon for NO LONGER using any HACK TOOLS on your account, then you should be awarded with a 'Second Chance Ribbon' (which should NOT count as a ribbon on your profile 'cause it's a pity ribbon after all) instead of HSR, which is meant for player who HAVE NOT VIOLATED THE GAME RULES BEFORE.[/color]
    No thanks. There's no point of adding this. We want our HSR back for the ones who stopped hacking a long time ago. We're just like you now. Stop the selfishness!
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    No thanks. There's no point of adding this. We want our HSR back for the ones who stopped hacking a long time ago. We're just like you now. Stop the selfishness!

    anyone who hacked deserves the punishment. why should they be rewarded just cause they decided to try going legit just to avoid a perm ban?
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    No thanks. There's no point of adding this. We want our HSR back for the ones who stopped hacking a long time ago. We're just like you now. Stop the selfishness!

    No, you're not like us. Please stop comparing hackers to legit players. You're anything but a legit player, whether you decided to stop hacking or not.
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    No thanks. There's no point of adding this. We want our HSR back for the ones who stopped hacking a long time ago. We're just like you now. Stop the selfishness!

    I agree there's no real point in adding a 'Second Chance Ribbon'. But to be fair....those who have lost it, to the few exceptions of those by a glitch in the system, are not and will not be just like those who never lost theirs because they never hacked or never allowed their account to be hacked.

    I'm kinda with Preset on this...on one hand I can understand the want for this '2nd chance' and the desire to have the ribbon back....but the ribbon is suppose to serve a purpose of showing those who are and always have been honorable. And to be honest....being too young or blaming the issue on someone else doesn't justify it alone especially when said things can't be proven. MAYBE a 5 year minimum time needed as being 'hack', 'insult', etc etc free can open the door to restoring it. But I really feel that the restoration of an honorable ribbon should be a VERY hard to get thing.

    i'll also state that....how is this topic not closed? It's just been one giant word war that's been going nowhere. This should have been closed like 5 pages ago if not sooner...especially considering there's a stickied topic concerning this exact topic...
  • Danah wrote: »
    No, you're not like us. Please stop comparing hackers to legit players. You're anything but a legit player, whether you decided to stop hacking or not.

    Can you please stop stalking me in game (you weird)?
    I don't know why you use those alts to insult me or why you use vpn for mask your ping and continue to stalk an insult...but it really pathetic..plz stop it ><"
  • You know what? Close topic! I don't want this ribbon anyways. Leave it for the selfish people.
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    You know what? Close topic! I don't want this ribbon anyways. Leave it for the selfish people.

    You misspelled legit.
  • Danah wrote: »
    You misspelled legit.

    It's only selfish when you can't follow the rules and retroactively want the HSR
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    What I learned is that some people are only respected for how much money they have and not for their self. Not saying any names though :o

    What I learnt from this thread is that people don't understand the simple rules for Online Video Games and that no one actually bothers to read the rules so they don't get themselves in trouble plus not only has no good reasons to defend their suggestion but rather attack people who don't see the same view since they are being " harsh ".

    Maybe next time you are willing to suggest something maybe tone down the comments and indirects and hopefully people will actually try to side with you that are not in the same boat as you.
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    What I learned is that some people are only respected for how much money they have and not for their self. Not saying any names though :o

    i have respect for everyone Apart from cheaters sooo hackers and glitchers
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    You know what? Close topic! I don't want this ribbon anyways. Leave it for the selfish people.


    Also, people who disagreed are NOT selfish. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. There is no right or wrong here when it comes to personal opinions, I hope everyone understands that.
This discussion has been closed.