Frost League
No offense, I really appreciate the effort you're giving forth, but, I pay 7 dollars a month for esea, and they have a pug system, match system, scrim system, and an anti-cheat. They also keep all the stats for each.
It wouldn't be logical for me to pay nearly the same amount for something with so much less to offer.
Leagues should be flat fees. -
No offense, I really appreciate the effort you're giving forth, but, I pay 7 dollars a month for esea, and they have a pug system, match system, scrim system, and an anti-cheat. They also keep all the stats for each.
It wouldn't be logical for me to pay nearly the same amount for something with so much less to offer.
Leagues should be flat fees.
i agree, i rather get a runescape monthly sub, endless right/left clicking -
No offense, I really appreciate the effort you're giving forth, but, I pay 7 dollars a month for esea, and they have a pug system, match system, scrim system, and an anti-cheat. They also keep all the stats for each.
It wouldn't be logical for me to pay nearly the same amount for something with so much less to offer.
Leagues should be flat fees.
We would offer stats for pub/matches, something that nobody has done in this game before.
There is a LOT of effort involved to even try and make this happen, it is far easier to track stats/kills/deaths/etc in CSS/CS:GO as you have access to server side with ability to add custom scripts/plugins.
We do not have any sort of access to the CrossFire servers, which will make it VERY difficult to track player statistics.
I will reiterate, if the league is to actually be made it will be one of a kind and a ton of money/time will be put into it.
$5 / month is not a lot considering that you will get a cheater-free enviroment along with various statistics to show your talent along with tournaments that have large prizes ($500, $1000, headsets, graphics cards, mice, etc.)
Keep in mind this is only being considered for the time being, this is why we need community feedback. If there's nobody willing to pay $5 then there would be no point wasting endless hours and thousands on something that nobody will be able to pay for or play. -
We would offer stats for pub/matches, something that nobody has done in this game before.
There is a LOT of effort involved to even try and make this happen, it is far easier to track stats/kills/deaths/etc in CSS/CS:GO as you have access to server side with ability to add custom scripts/plugins.
We do not have any sort of access to the CrossFire servers, which will make it VERY difficult to track player statistics.
I will reiterate, if the league is to actually be made it will be one of a kind and a ton of money/time will be put into it.
$5 / month is not a lot considering that you will get a cheater-free enviroment along with various statistics to show your talent along with tournaments with large prizes.
Keep in mind this is only being considered for the time being, this is why we need community feedback. If there's nobody willing to pay $5 then there would be no point wasting endless hours and thousands on something that nobody will be able to pay for or play.
What I'm saying is that , although appreciated, the amount of work is not taken into that much consideration, at least from my point of view. You would ONLY be keeping stats for matches, there is no way you could do it for scrim/pugs/pubs unless you're doing it a way besides screenshots.
All I'm saying is that crossfire the game is not the actual thing keeping people around. So if people have to $5 to do something in this game, when they can get way more a another game for just two more dollars a month, I just don't see it working. It's not your fault, its just something that can't be done in this game. -
Hey John,
Take the community feedback with a grain of salt. I can guarantee you that some people will pay for a league. Honestly, there is a lot more people involved in the Cross Fire community that aren't part of the forums. Btw, Haven't heard or seen you in awhile, good to see your back in the community, even though I'm rarely around. -
chub is right, stats don't matter but even if you take that out of the equation
a. There's nothing to keep stats for
b. it won't be accurate since you don't have access to servers.
That said, if there's tournaments or a RELIABLE PUG/draft I'm sure people would pay -
No offense, I really appreciate the effort you're giving forth, but, I pay 7 dollars a month for esea, and they have a pug system, match system, scrim system, and an anti-cheat. They also keep all the stats for each.
It wouldn't be logical for me to pay nearly the same amount for something with so much less to offer.
Leagues should be flat fees.
unlike ESEA.. their playerbase is around what? 500 000? -
a. There's nothing to keep stats for
b. it won't be accurate since you don't have access to servers.
That said, if there's tournaments or a RELIABLE PUG/draft I'm sure people would pay
What do you mean it won't be accurate? Do you not know how to calculate fpr?
I'm not sure what you mean by "there's nothing to keep stats for", we're trying to do something that has never been done before and I'm pretty sure people would like to see a stats system implemented. -
Hey John,
Take the community feedback with a grain of salt. I can guarantee you that some people will pay for a league. Honestly, there is a lot more people involved in the Cross Fire community that aren't part of the forums. Btw, Haven't heard or seen you in awhile, good to see your back in the community, even though I'm rarely around.
Negative feedback is better than no feedback at all.chub is right, stats don't matter but even if you take that out of the equation
a. There's nothing to keep stats for
b. it won't be accurate since you don't have access to servers.
That said, if there's tournaments or a RELIABLE PUG/draft I'm sure people would pay
Reliable statistics on players would be a nice feature, was even thinking about giving away prizes for highest FPR/highest KDR in matches. (Pubs will not count against statistics because they can be farmed, matches will be monitored&verified by administrators)
We wouldn't offer statistics at all unless they were reliable, I've already got some ideas how to track kills/bomb defuse/bomb plant/headshot/deaths 100% accurately.What I'm saying is that , although appreciated, the amount of work is not taken into that much consideration, at least from my point of view. You would ONLY be keeping stats for matches, there is no way you could do it for scrim/pugs/pubs unless you're doing it a way besides screenshots.
All I'm saying is that crossfire the game is not the actual thing keeping people around. So if people have to $5 to do something in this game, when they can get way more a another game for just two more dollars a month, I just don't see it working. It's not your fault, its just something that can't be done in this game.
I can think of plenty of ways to track pubs/matches accurately, scrims and pugs are not totally out yet but would be much harder to do.
Entry fees can be considered, lets say we decide a season is 3 months and the entry fee is $10.. at that rate $3.33 montly fee would be exactly the same as paying the entry fee. -
Gotta pay your swag bills.
That would be totally sweet if you could somehow get permission on the creation of some kind of 'extra client'. You know...have some synergy with z8 games or the producers... As long as they would get some of the profits, ya know? They love making money... just look at all of those goofy new patches for proles to spend more ZP on...........dotdotdotdot. -
I can think of plenty of ways to track pubs/matches accurately, scrims and pugs are not totally out yet but would be much harder to do.
Entry fees can be considered, lets say we decide a season is 3 months and the entry fee is $10.. at that rate $3.33 montly fee would be exactly the same as paying the entry fee.
If there is a way to track stats in everything, then I would be more than willing to pay the fee's.
My point in the previous posts didn't have much to do with the amount of the money. The original post essentially described esea.Hey John,
Take the community feedback with a grain of salt. I can guarantee you that some people will pay for a league. Honestly, there is a lot more people involved in the Cross Fire community that aren't part of the forums. Btw, Haven't heard or seen you in awhile, good to see your back in the community, even though I'm rarely around.
Why would they ask for community feedback just to take it with a grain of salt? I wasn't rude in any way, I stated my opinion and gave FEEDBACK. -
If there is a way to track stats in everything, then I would be more than willing to pay the fee's.
My point in the previous posts didn't have much to do with the amount of the money. The original post essentially described esea.
Why would they ask for community feedback just to take it with a grain of salt? I wasn't rude in any way, I stated my opinion and gave FEEDBACK.
I wasn't referring to you in anyway. I'm just telling him why because there will be trolls (which we already should know). -
Entry fee
12 week minimum season
2 matches a week or 1 BO3(7rounds) On a default day
Prize pool for 1st-6th (4th-6th league fees back)
Stats would be sick
League leaders (Most frags, best kdr, ect)
Individual awards are the end of the season
that's the plan. -
Good idea. I think it'll come down to whether or not teams will be committed to stay until the end of the season. From what I heard, a lot of teams broke up mid season (WOGL) and that might affect the league in a way. I think $10 entry fee would be good, with some sort of contract or committment making teams stay for the length of the league, or you get like a ban for a period of time or something. My 2 cents
Good idea. I think it'll come down to whether or not teams will be committed to stay until the end of the season. From what I heard, a lot of teams broke up mid season (WOGL) and that might affect the league in a way. I think $10 entry fee would be good, with some sort of contract or committment making teams stay for the length of the league, or you get like a ban for a period of time or something. My 2 cents
If they decide to disband that's their own problem, no refunds.
Hence the point of having an entry fee in the first place.
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