STANDOUT. need 1 rifler
YourNotGood wrote: »You are mustache doesn't make sense. Nice try though. Guess your PhD in English was useless
But I'll explain it you anyways:
You're = You Are - Put together
Your = Shows ownership of the person the speaker is talking to.
He's talking about your forum name... -
YourNotGood wrote: »You talk as if you play sport. Nice try though kid. CF 2 stronk! Keep playing it Rain! If it doesn't get you girls your mustache and hollister clothes definitely will!
I play more sports then most people on this community, and im almost never on cf, nt tho, that alt 2 stronk XD -
YourNotGood wrote: »You are mustache doesn't make sense. Nice try though. Guess your PhD in English was useless
But I'll explain it you anyways:
You're = You Are - Put together
Your = Shows ownership of the person the speaker is talking to.
I'm talking about your name
you'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou'reyou're -
Shut up "Ha/Anthony" who ever the fuck you are. You have no friends and you don't play any sports. All you have is crossfire and you know it. Quit pretending you stopped playing this game when it's fairly evident there's no way someone like you could ever see the light of day and not get bullied, crossfire is your safe haven.
Go back to what ever hole you came from. xo -
Shut up "Ha/Anthony" who ever the fuck you are. You have no friends and you don't play any sports. All you have is crossfire and you know it. Quit pretending you stopped playing this game when it's fairly evident there's no way someone like you could ever see the light of day and not get bullied, crossfire is your safe haven.
Go back to what ever hole you came from. xo -
Shut up "Ha/Anthony" who ever the fuck you are. You have no friends and you don't play any sports. All you have is crossfire and you know it. Quit pretending you stopped playing this game when it's fairly evident there's no way someone like you could ever see the light of day and not get bullied, crossfire is your safe haven.
Go back to what ever hole you came from. xo
Uh who are you? You stay on a f2p game forum trolling and correcting people saying how bad they are. You have no life. I'm 6'0, 15 turning 16 in janurary and I play starting JV for my basketball team. Please get over your ****y self. You keep talking trash over a computer screen, what a man.
BTW those alts aren't me. I was done arguing with such idiotic morons awhile ago. -
Shut up "Ha/Anthony" who ever the fuck you are. You have no friends and you don't play any sports. All you have is crossfire and you know it. Quit pretending you stopped playing this game when it's fairly evident there's no way someone like you could ever see the light of day and not get bullied, crossfire is your safe haven.
Go back to what ever hole you came from. xo
Nice book you wrote there. Your stupidity in this post amuses me. -
Uh who are you? You stay on a f2p game forum trolling and correcting people saying how bad they are. You have no life. I'm 6'0, 15 turning 16 in janurary and I play starting JV for my basketball team. Please get over your ****y self. You keep talking trash over a computer screen, what a man.
BTW those alts aren't me. I was done arguing with such idiotic morons awhile ago. -
Uh who are you? You stay on a f2p game forum trolling and correcting people saying how bad they are. You have no life. I'm 6'0, 15 turning 16 in janurary and I play starting JV for my basketball team. Please get over your ****y self. You keep talking trash over a computer screen, what a man.
BTW those alts aren't me. I was done arguing with such idiotic morons awhile ago.YourNotGood wrote: »Nice book you wrote there. Your stupidity in this post amuses me. -
Uh who are you? You stay on a f2p game forum trolling and correcting people saying how bad they are. You have no life. I'm 6'0, 15 turning 16 in janurary and I play starting JV for my basketball team. Please get over your ****y self. You keep talking trash over a computer screen, what a man.
BTW those alts aren't me. I was done arguing with such idiotic morons awhile ago. -
So you're still a teenager talking trash about having a life. I come on forums once or twice a day and make like 2 posts. You're shit at crossfire and you're clearly not very good socially otherwise you wouldn't spend your friday nights and weekends on crossfire.
It was like 2 sentences, care to point out what stupidity was in my post? I thought I nailed both of your pathetic selves to the wall.
they're like 5, leave them be. It makes them feel like they have balls even though it's a internet forum -
So you're still a teenager talking trash about having a life. I come on forums once or twice a day and make like 2 posts. You're shit at crossfire and you're clearly not very good socially otherwise you wouldn't spend your friday nights and weekends on crossfire.
It was like 2 sentences, care to point out what stupidity was in my post? I thought I nailed both of your pathetic selves to the wall.HEY
they're like 5, leave them be. It makes them feel like they have balls even though it's a internet forum -
YourNotGood wrote: »Please learn to count before you think you're cool.. Every post you make downgrades yourself on this forum. You're shutting yourself down because you basically wrote about yourself and tried to call me that. Sad..
Says the kid still playing CF and acting like people besides the members of nFs actually gives 2 shiits about who you are. Get real Chris.
Who are you again? Oh yeah, the kid who was carried by Josh/snitchez. Says "he quit/sold cf account", what "alt" are you playing on now?
you're real good.. -
Who are you again? Oh yeah, the kid who was carried by Josh/snitchez. Says "he quit/sold cf account", what "alt" are you playing on now?
you're real good..
Alt that my friend farmed on. Nice one... Looks like I played 2 months ago on this account..
You're the kid who Josh constantly bagged on even more then me. You weren't s5 and you couldn't even make subs because of your skill level that doesn't exist. The only reason you weren't cut was because that snitchez told us you actually could frag in tournaments and scrims. And don't believe the bullshiit he tells you about how he didn't say that because Josh and all of the other members can prove him wrong. Ow... Truth hurts... -
So you're still a teenager talking trash about having a life. I come on forums once or twice a day and make like 2 posts. You're shit at crossfire and you're clearly not very good socially otherwise you wouldn't spend your friday nights and weekends on crossfire.
It was like 2 sentences, care to point out what stupidity was in my post? I thought I nailed both of your pathetic selves to the wall.
You say I spend my friday nights and weekends on crossfire.. You troll a f2p forum game everyday. Makes sense. -
sukodaworst wrote: »You guys are still playing this game competitively?
Might as well go to clan server, after WCG there will be no good teams lol.
I don't know about that, nFs obviously think they placed WCG qualifiers and CSN. Obviously they should've went to LAN without me and Josh and won because I'm 100% sure that Chris can lead a team to LAN and place. (:
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