Mod Applicant Support!



  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Ty sir :') you made my day more happiest in my life.Now i can die in peace.

    I hate Sherlock Holmes


    It would be a little pointless to support you and see you die 5 seconds after, but I think I could revive you. You're worth 400 ZP (no h...)

    The new Sherlock Holmes knows kung fu!
  • It would be a little pointless to support you and see you die 5 seconds after, but I think I could revive you. You're worth 400 ZP (no h...)

    The new Sherlock Holmes knows kung fu!

    So you hating me :O

  • Come on...

    Are you seriously asking this question?
    I don't think that question was directed at you, clone.

    And yes, it was a serious question. One does not necessarily have to be a rule-breaker to be a troublemaker.
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    So you hating me :O

    I never said I hated you, I said I'd revive you if you died, because otherwise it would have been pointless to support you.

    Me hating a good GMer who thought I was croatian? NEVER!
  • You seem like a really nice guy to me from what I've seen but I think you need to become more known around the forums yet. I think you could be a good mod but everyone needs to know ya first ;)

    Good luck :p
    Why thank so much for your awesome support :D

    Indeed im not 100% known all over forums, but i am In Game. I am always on forums but people requires help A LOT in game. Me being a mod i just wont be on forums but at the Same Time i will dedicate my time as a IG MOD to help people in game :D

    But thank you Ghost_Slayer, & you are a awesome good CF Player
  • I never said I hated you, I said I'd revive you if you died, because otherwise it would have been pointless to support you.

    Me hating a good GMer who thought I was croatian? NEVER!
    Yea sry about that opinion.I was thinking that you are croatian.My appologies,messere(mister)
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    What defines a troublemaker, Delaco?

    Specifically relating to forums, someone who goes out of their way consistantly to break minor/major rules. Especially when they know better and have been contacted by the forum staff to stop.

    I know thats a very broad/general explination, but I imagine you can fill in the granular details from this. Or PM me if you want specifics.
  • Delaco1 wrote: »
    Specifically relating to forums, someone who goes out of their way consistantly to break minor/major rules. Especially when they know better and have been contacted by the forum staff to stop.

    I know thats a very broad/general explination, but I imagine you can fill in the granular details from this. Or PM me if you want specifics.
    deltaco phor mawd
  • deltaco phor mawd

    +5 infraction for backtalk
  • Gods and sim. RTO really hasn't done very much for the community..

    Neither have they really.
    But aren't you "awesome and stuff"? I believed you could :/

    My awesome duties are often needed elsewhere irl.
  • stop trolling//flaming each other.

    we all make mistakes, some people don't even have English as their first language, some that do, spell worse than some that don't.

    if i see more posts like that, I will infract.

  • stop trolling//flaming each other.

    we all make mistakes, some people don't even have English as their first language, some that do, spell worse than some that don't.

    if i see more posts like that, I will infract.


    You didn't capitalise the first letter of each sentence.
  • stop trolling//flaming each other.

    we all make mistakes, some people don't even have English as their first language, some that do, spell worse than some that don't.

    if i see more posts like that, I will infract.

    Just got back on this topic since my last message (early this morning)
    And I think your post makes actually no sense when we can't even see what happened.
    So no this not clear!!
  • Bon_c wrote: »
    Just got back on this topic since my last message (early this morning)
    And I think your post makes actually no sense when we can't even see what happened.
    So no this not clear!!

    If it doesn't make sense then it's not aimed at you.
  • Bon_c wrote: »
    Just got back on this topic since my last message (early this morning)
    And I think your post makes actually no sense when we can't even see what happened.
    So no this not clear!!

    How the hell was that not clear to you?
  • stop trolling//flaming each other.

    we all make mistakes, some people don't even have English as their first language, some that do, spell worse than some that don't.

    if i see more posts like that, I will infract.

    crystal. sorry my hatred for grammar nazi's is off the charts:rolleyes:
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    How the hell was that not clear to you?

    This morning there was no flaming/trolling/insult messages. I came back and saw this message.

    BTW you still haven't told me the story of why you were forced to resign from your MOD job (or were fired?)

    So far I have seen many supports for Lolli, Simrock, RTO, DynoDragon.

    Sorry if I have missed some names.
  • Bon_c wrote: »
    This morning there was no flaming/trolling/insult messages. I came back and saw this message.

    BTW you still haven't told me the story of why you were forced to resign from your MOD job (or were fired?)

    We fired him for laughing too much.
  • I've been away for a bit doing irl stuff and I see this thread has really improved, lol.
  • Bon_c wrote: »
    This morning there was no flaming/trolling/insult messages. I came back and saw this message.

    BTW you still haven't told me the story of why you were forced to resign from your MOD job (or were fired?)

    So far I have seen many supports for Lolli, Simrock, RTO, DynoDragon.

    Sorry if I have missed some names.

    I was supposed to tell you?

    Out of them. RTO is the most deserving.. though... too naive
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    I was supposed to tell you?

    Out of them. RTO is the most deserving.. though... too naive

    Explain what RTO has done for the community please. As far as I can tell, he gets included in things like broadcasts just because he basically stalks all the moderators whenever they're online.

    Him getting included in broadcasts really made me irritated. I'm sure there are a lot more people in the game that would have loved to be included in the broadcasts, but they weren't. Same thing with NattNatt before he was mod.
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    I was supposed to tell you?
    Yes! You promessed. I Knew I shouldn't have trusted you.... :D

    Giggletron wrote: »
    Out of them. RTO is the most deserving.. though... too naive
    This makes no sense is you don't explain why he deserves it.
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Explain what RTO has done for the community please. As far as I can tell, he gets included in things like broadcasts just because he basically stalks all the moderators whenever they're online.

    Him getting included in broadcasts really made me irritated. I'm sure there are a lot more people in the game that would have loved to be included in the broadcasts, but they weren't. Same thing with NattNatt before he was mod.

    Heres a better question. Explain what youve done?

    Hes actually useful.

    "Him getting included in broadcasts really made me irritated."

    The golden quote. Thank you :)

    Natt is useful to Saidin. Not because "He stalked Mods". He was a friend to me and Rory long before we were Mods.

    Keeping this OT. Support for RTOMan because it annoys GodsGunman.

    Bon_c wrote: »
    Yes! You promessed. I Knew I shouldn't have trusted you.... :D

    This makes no sense is you don't explain why he deserves it.

    Lol really? :o Its not really a big secret.. I could have come back at any time I wanted.

    RTOMan is the most useful out the bunch.
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Explain what RTO has done for the community please. As far as I can tell, he gets included in things like broadcasts just because he basically stalks all the moderators whenever they're online.

    Him getting included in broadcasts really made me irritated. I'm sure there are a lot more people in the game that would have loved to be included in the broadcasts, but they weren't. Same thing with NattNatt before he was mod.


    Just because you made a gun guide doesnt mean that who ever is picked for mods need to of done something along those lines. Its about personality and professionalism what gets a mod picked not just what they have done. That is the reason I dont think they will pick you, you seem to constantly try to cause bother in my eyes but that could just be me.

    Also just be happy for RTO that he was allowed to take part in the broadcast, you say lots of other people would of loved to take part but not everyone could be... RTO was just lucky enough to of been allowed.

    Good luck to you tho.

    Another person who gets my support is simrock :p Always friendly and I like his vids :D
  • I'm actually going to agree with God's in this situation even though he hasn't done much either. RTO has the same qualifications of [MOD]9.

    It's kind of amusing that you people really want to be have the [MOD] in front of your names. The only thing that you get is free video game cash and items every now and then after dealing with a rowdy community. I guess if that makes you happy then all power to you.
  • I'm actually going to agree with God's in this situation even though he hasn't done much either. RTO has the same qualifications of [MOD]9.

    It's kind of amusing that you people really want to be have the [MOD] in front of your names. The only thing that you get is free video game cash and items every now and then after dealing with a rowdy community. I guess if that makes you happy then all power to you.

    Jafrikan, get on Mumble so I can tell you everything that is wrong with that.....
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    Jafrikan, get on Mumble so I can tell you everything that is wrong with that.....

    Are you going to yell at me in your British accent about how American I am? Will this be a explanation that I can actually listen to without hearing "****" every 25 seconds?

  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Explain what RTO has done for the community please. As far as I can tell, he gets included in things like broadcasts just because he basically stalks all the moderators whenever they're online.

    Him getting included in broadcasts really made me irritated. I'm sure there are a lot more people in the game that would have loved to be included in the broadcasts, but they weren't. Same thing with NattNatt before he was mod.

    Jealousy is a Virtue my friend Godsgunman.
  • Are you going to yell at me in your British accent about how American I am? Will this be a explanation that I can actually listen to without hearing "****" every 25 seconds?


    No of course not :) What a hurtful accusation