Mod Applicant Support!



  • Giggletron wrote: »
    No of course not :) What a hurtful accusation

    Well, looks ilke Captain Fisher Price is in the lobby good sire.
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    Heres a better question. Explain what youve done?

    Hes actually useful.

    "Him getting included in broadcasts really made me irritated."

    The golden quote. Thank you :)

    Natt is useful to Saidin. Not because "He stalked Mods". He was a friend to me and Rory long before we were Mods.

    Keeping this OT. Support for RTOMan because it annoys GodsGunman.

    Lol really? :o Its not really a big secret.. I could have come back at any time I wanted.

    RTOMan is the most useful out the bunch.

    Way to avoid the question, you didn't explain what RTO did to deserve the mod status at all. You probably avoided it because he's done nothing to deserve mod status, aside from maybe helping someone in the forums now and then, but pretty much everybody has done that from time to time.

    I know he was friends with you, and RTO is friendly with the other mods as well now.

    If people really want to know how to become moderator on these forums, I'll tell you:

    Suck up to the current moderators and get into their inner circle, as well as maintaining a relatively decent attitude. Nothing else that you do really matters, but it does help make you stand out.

    Flawless guide to becoming a moderator: Do something to make yourself stand out and become known among the moderators and Saidin. Once that is done, suck up as much as possible to all of the current moderators and any GMs that you see, and you're basically guaranteed a moderator spot eventually.

    There are of course other ways to get mod status, but the above guide is definitely the most sure-fire way.

    I laugh at people that say I want to become moderator sooo badly, because based on what I just said I'm not even trying to become a mod. If for some crazy reason I ever do get mod status, what I've said still stands. That's not the only way to become a moderator, but it is by far the most sure-fire way.

    Just because you made a gun guide doesnt mean that who ever is picked for mods need to of done something along those lines. Its about personality and professionalism what gets a mod picked not just what they have done. That is the reason I dont think they will pick you, you seem to constantly try to cause bother in my eyes but that could just be me.

    Also just be happy for RTO that he was allowed to take part in the broadcast, you say lots of other people would of loved to take part but not everyone could be... RTO was just lucky enough to of been allowed.

    Good luck to you tho.

    Another person who gets my support is simrock :p Always friendly and I like his vids :D

    I'm unaware I said anything about "Just because you made a gun guide doesnt mean that who ever is picked for mods need to of done something along those lines.". So you're a liar, or have some sort of misunderstanding.

    I try to make things as fair for everyone as possible. People seem to like sticking in groups and shunning everyone else (for example, the gentlemen's club hating [MOD]Hi because he had moderator of z8games forums in his occupation).

    I'm not happy that RTO was part of the broadcast, because the only reason he was in it is because he constantly stalks the GMs and moderators when they're online. It would have been a lot better if they had picked someone random, rather than someone in their own little circle.

    Equality is a good thing, nobody here seems to realize that. Unless someone has done something to deserve being regarded as a member contributing to the community, they shouldn't have any more privelidges than anyone else.
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Way to avoid the question, you didn't explain what RTO did to deserve the mod status at all. You probably avoided it because he's done nothing to deserve mod status, aside from maybe helping someone in the forums now and then, but pretty much everybody has done that from time to time.

    I laugh at people that say I want to become moderator sooo badly, because based on what I just said I'm not even trying to become a mod. If for some crazy reason I ever do get mod status, what I've said still stands. That's not the only way to become a moderator, but it is by far the most sure-fire way.

    I try to make things as fair for everyone as possible. People seem to like sticking in groups and shunning everyone else (for example, the gentlemen's club hating [MOD]Hi because he had moderator of z8games forums in his occupation).

    Equality is a good thing, nobody here seems to realize that. Unless someone has done something to deserve being regarded as a member contributing to the community, they shouldn't have any more privelidges than anyone else.

    Sounds pretty damn Tryhard to me. What do you think Ol English Chap Fapplytron?

    Gods, you are just as desperate as RTO is. IF anything I can quote someone in a particular mumble saying "They are all turds, but [RTO] is the most polished"
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    I cant even be bothered to read that....
    Stop going offtopic all of you and stop argue about the who is better who isnt.This is Mod applicant support not some traffic station where 5-6 old ladys start argue about who have blond hair or who have better teeths.
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    I cant even be bothered to read that....

    That's why you're the troll, and I'm the contributing member.
    Sounds pretty damn Tryhard to me. What do you think Ol English Chap Fapplytron?

    Gods, you are just as desperate as RTO is. IF anything I can quote someone in a particular mumble saying "They are all turds, but [RTO] is the most polished"

    Apparently you didn't read what you quoted me saying. If I wanted to become a moderator that badly, I would be sucking up to the current moderators and Saidin.

    At this point nearly every moderator hates my guts, and so does Saidin.
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Stop going offtopic all of you and stop argue about the who is better who isnt.This Mod applicant support not some traffic station where 5-6 old ladys start argue about who have blond hair or who have better teeths.

    But I have brown hair

    GodsGunman wrote: »
    That's why you're the troll, and I'm the contributing member.

    Apparently you didn't read what you quoted me saying. If I wanted to become a moderator that badly, I would be sucking up to the current moderators and Saidin.

    At this point nearly every moderator hates my guts, and so does Saidin.

    Yes... troll... Apparently.

    Also yup. Though that doesn't impact a Moderators ability or chances of being picked.
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    I'm unaware I said anything about "Just because you made a gun guide doesnt mean that who ever is picked for mods need to of done something along those lines.". So you're a liar, or have some sort of misunderstanding.

    Yes you seem to be misunderstand me. You never said that I did.... Yo uare asking what has such a person done.... Thats what I was responding to in that part of my message.
    GodsGunman wrote: »
    I'm not happy that RTO was part of the broadcast, because the only reason he was in it is because he constantly stalks the GMs and moderators when they're online. It would have been a lot better if they had picked someone random, rather than someone in their own little circle.

    Equality is a good thing, nobody here seems to realize that. Unless someone has done something to deserve being regarded as a member contributing to the community, they shouldn't have any more privelidges than anyone else.

    Thats like me saying - Why did you get to interview Saidin when lots of other people would of loved to of done that. You didnt seem to care about them picking someone random that time.

    Anyway I think everyone should just chill this thread seems to of gone way off topic lol.
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    But I have brown hair
    then go paint your hair.Until then pls stick with topic -.-
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    then go paint your hair.Until then pls stick with topic -.-

    I was on topic. We are discussing the support of RTOMan. You however are off topic
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    Also yup. Though that doesn't impact a Moderators ability or chances of being picked.

    Yes it does, I can guarantee it.
    Yes you seem to be misunderstand me. You never said that I did.... Yo uare asking what has such a person done.... Thats what I was responding to in that part of my message.

    Thats like me saying - Why did you get to interview Saidin when lots of other people would of loved to of done that. You didnt seem to care about them picking someone random that time.

    Anyway I think everyone should just chill this thread seems to of gone way off topic lol.

    Maybe you should try reading what I posted before commenting on it:
    GodsGunman wrote: »
    Equality is a good thing, nobody here seems to realize that. Unless someone has done something to deserve being regarded as a member contributing to the community, they shouldn't have any more privelidges than anyone else.

    I've put in litterally hundreds of hours into the cross fire community. The reason I got to interview Saidin was because I'm part of CrossFireDatabase, and I'm the only one on there that doesn't have some sort of foreign accent (aside from maybe TGO, but he doesn't talk much).
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Flawless guide to becoming a moderator: Do something to make yourself stand out and become known among the moderators and Saidin. Once that is done, suck up as much as possible to all of the current moderators and any GMs that you see, and you're basically guaranteed a moderator spot eventually.

    WRONG, you suck up to them without it being too noticeable.
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    I was on topic. We are discussing the support of RTOMan. You however are off topic
    oh really dont make me to start using mutiquote how people you did start go off the topic.If you guys support someone,then dont argue.I support all of from those who did applyed,but i dont argue about it anymore.Because like i said this isnt traffic station.This is forums.Also we are showing to people how we are great community by argue who will be better mod and who wouldnt be.Giggle i tought you are better then this.
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Yes it does, I can guarantee it.

    Maybe you should try reading what I posted before commenting on it:

    I've put in litterally hundreds of hours into the cross fire community. The reason I got to interview Saidin was because I'm part of CrossFireDatabase, and I'm the only one on there that doesn't have some sort of foreign accent (aside from maybe TGO, but he doesn't talk much).

    No it doesnt lol. Explain how Talonblaze got Mod if thats the case.

    TGO? Not Talking much? I cant get him to shut up :)
    BlindNate wrote: »
    Giggle i tought you are better then this.

    Lol really?
  • MrShad wrote: »
    WRONG, you suck up to them without it being too noticeable.

    Are you saying that I suck up to them or the person that wants to be a moderator should suck up to them?

    If the latter, then yeah I somewhat agree.
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    No it doesnt lol. Explain how Talonblaze got Mod if thats the case.

    TGO? Not Talking much? I cant get him to shut up :)

    Lol really?

    Talon's one of the exceptions, but even with him most of the moderators didn't hate his guts. I wasn't around much at that time so I can't say for sure, but I'm willing to bet he wasn't hated by the moderators.
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Are you saying that I suck up to them or the person that wants to be a moderator should suck up to them?

    If the latter, then yeah I somewhat agree.
    I don't ever recall directing it towards you.
  • MrShad wrote: »
    I don't ever recall directing it towards you.
    MrShad wrote: »
    WRONG, you suck up to them without it being too noticeable.

    It was kind of ambiguous.
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Talon's one of the exceptions, but even with him most of the moderators didn't hate his guts. I wasn't around much at that time so I can't say for sure, but I'm willing to bet he wasn't hated by the moderators.

    How? You can apparently guarantee it. Not exceptions in guarantees.

    Also, how about Greycloak. Deadeye. Blindrob?

    Do you not ever think WHY you have to say that?

    GodsGunman wrote: »
    It was kind of ambiguous.

    Lol you're so defensive
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    It was kind of ambiguous.
    GodsGunman wrote: »
    Flawless guide to becoming a moderator: Do something to make yourself stand out and become known among the moderators and Saidin. Once that is done, suck up as much as possible to all of the current moderators and any GMs that you see, and you're basically guaranteed a moderator spot eventually.

    I thought we were just using 'you' as a general term.
  • I think RTO would make a good moderator.. ^^' Being a MOD is more than being useful, as far as I've seen he is helpful when he can be, and nice and polite to others most of the time. Active as well. So how would not being "useful" make someone a bad mod?
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    How? You can apparently guarantee it. Not exceptions in guarantees.

    Also, how about Greycloak. Deadeye. Blindrob?

    Do you not ever think WHY you have to say that?

    I wasn't around when those guys got picked for the moderator spots, but it doesn't really matter. They weren't hated by the mods or Saidin, and the little guide I made still stands.

    Giggletron wrote: »
    Lol you're so defensive

    I was telling him why I said what I did, if explaining myself is against the rules then ban me.
  • MissWolf wrote: »
    I think RTO would make a good moderator.. ^^' Being a MOD is more than being useful, as far as I've seen he is helpful when he can be, and nice and polite to others most of the time. Active as well. So how would not being "useful" make someone a bad mod?


    Errr you're looking too far into that ;) I meant it in the way you just explained... not someone who can just be used.

    GodsGunman wrote: »
    I wasn't around when those guys got picked for the moderator spots, but it doesn't really matter. They weren't hated by the mods or Saidin, and the little guide I made still stands.

    I was telling him why I said what I did, if explaining myself is against the rules then ban me.

    Why not? Saidin doesnt pick Mods on how much he likes them. I bought he knew who they were when he picked them. He picked them on their ability to Moderate... which you lack.
  • MrShad wrote: »
    I thought we were just using 'you' as a general term.

    I was, but you were talking to me when you were talking, whereas I was talking to everyone that read it; meaning when you said "you" it could have been directed at myself or at everyone that reads it, like my other post that you quoted originally.

    I'm not sure why you're getting worked up about this, it was just ambiguous so I had to include both possiblities in my original reply.
  • Giggletron wrote: »

    Errr you're looking too far into that ;) I meant it in the way you just explained... not someone who can just be used.

    Yeah.. I mean you can make videos every week, or do interviews or whatever anyone here considers useful, and still be a power hungry jerk. I prefer friendly MODs who can get along well with the community. ^^'
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    I was, but you were talking to me when you were talking, whereas I was talking to everyone that read it; meaning when you said "you" it could have been directed at myself or at everyone that reads it, like my other post that you quoted originally.

    I'm not sure why you're getting worked up about this, it was just ambiguous so I had to include both possiblities in my original reply.
    Please provide an example of how I'm getting all worked up :confused:
    And no, I was correcting your guide; not speaking directly towards you.
  • MissWolf wrote: »
    Yeah.. I mean you can make videos every week, or do interviews or whatever anyone here considers useful, and still be a power hungry jerk. I prefer friendly MODs who can get along well with the community. ^^'

    Yaaaay Highfive-

    RTOMan gets along with people :D
  • MrShad wrote: »
    Please provide an example of how I'm getting all worked up :confused:

    Making 2 or 3 posts explaining why when you said "you" wasn't ambiguous at all infers you're getting worked up in my opinion. It was clearly ambiguous, which was my only point; no need to argue with it.
    MrShad wrote: »
    And no, I was correcting your guide; not speaking directly towards you.

    Yes I realize that now :P