Mod Applicant Support!



  • Frecklez wrote: »
    What woman's mood is? They are not called Psychotic Mood Swings for nothing... :rolleyes:

    I support ya :D

    imo, I will go with Frecklez would be nice to see a female added to the mod team.
    And not because she is a female she should get the job but she is also informative,knows the rules,is respected by most of the community and has a good attitude.

    P.s I just thought of something.......if the made you mod you would get some free weapons sometimes.
    The would make less of you than.... that would be a good reason for them not to make you a mod :P

    (Joking joking joking)
  • KingOuma wrote: »
    I played this game 4 years, but not on same accounts, so does that mean I become a mod o.o
    Jokes, but I really did play for 4 years.
    Looking at your post count, I can say you haven't been very active on the forum those 4 years. At least not from this account. At that time, dDoTt, Dot and I were all pretty active on the forum.

    There is more to it than just being a player for a long time. You also have to be an active poster for a long time, and your posts actually need to have an positive impact on this community. A mod needs a "face" that people recognize, and (hopefully) respect. If you rarely show your "face" on the forum, people aren't going to know you and know what you are able to do for them when they need help.
    P.s I just thought of something.......if the made you mod you would get some free weapons sometimes.
    The would make less of you than.... that would be a good reason for them not to make you a mod :P

    (Joking joking joking)
    Not really. Like Danah, I buy ZP to support the game, and not to get weapons. Getting something in return for it, other than a better game, is just an extra. So I doubt I'll be buying less ZP just because I was a Mod. Heck, I don't even care about the perks of the job. I would do my job as moderator for free.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Looking at your post count, I can say you haven't been very active on the forum those 4 years. At least not from this account. At that time, dDoTt, Dot and I were all pretty active on the forum.

    There is more to it than just being a player for a long time. You also have to be an active poster for a long time, and your posts actually need to have an positive impact on this community. A mod needs a "face" that people recognize, and (hopefully) respect. If you rarely show your "face" on the forum, people aren't going to know you and know what you are able to do for them when they need help.

    I only been in forums in less than 2 months out of my 4 years...
  • KingOuma wrote: »
    I only been in forums in less than 2 months out of my 4 years...
    That's why it would be unlikely they would pick you. Not a lot of people will know you on this forum.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    That's why it would be unlikely they would pick you. Not a lot of people will know you on this forum.

    But they know me in game ;)
  • KingOuma wrote: »
    But they know me in game ;)
    That's not going to mean much when you are a forum mod.
  • KingOuma wrote: »
    But they know me in game ;)

    Two parts of being a MOD, in-game and also here on the forums. They make a presence known in the game itself, so players remember that they're here and watching, but more importantly they're here on the forums and actively enforcing the rules. So them knowing you in-game means nothing when it comes to consideration for a MOD spot.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    That's not going to mean much when you are a forum mod.
    We have a winner.
  • ((STYX)) wrote: »
    We have a winner.
    Again, its not a competition.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Again, its not a competition.
    You were going back and forth with KingOuma, also, you've already explained this to me.


    u r mah bff <3
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    They both had been playing longer than I had. That was the main reason why they got picked over me. Which in my book is a pretty solid reason.
    Let's look at polleus, was on the forum for like 2 months, had 200-300 posts, became a MOD. But he has been playing since 2009, not sure on the actual date.
  • MrShad wrote: »
    Let's look at polleus, was on the forum for like 2 months, had 200-300 posts, became a MOD. But he has been playing since 2009, not sure on the actual date.
    Not sure what Polleus' story is. Most likely the quality of his posts was more important than the quantity.
  • Want to show your support for certain MOD applicants? Do it here! My picks:


    Post your favorites here!
    I know im not always around but im always IG (In Game) helping the community out. I catch any Broken violation based IG. I do help & answer best i can on the Forums so i just maintain myself IG. Hopefully one day i'll be a IG MOD.

    Of course indeed i'll help others on here & keep our In Game System (IGS) a best & better place in our world for our CrossFire Community.

    And i endorse This message
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Not sure what Polleus' story is. Most likely the quality of his posts was more important than the quantity.
    Exactly, so why would the the account registration date come into a huge factor? Unless like.. the person just registered last week or something.
  • [MOD]Hi wrote: »
    My list with critique [my opinions do not represent those of any other party other than myself] in the order of who I feel is most fit for the position for moderator from my perspective as a spectator I]Not making the list doesn't mean you're not fit to be a mod, it just means that I didn't put you on my list, I just took my top 10[/I :

    • Denxi
      Wait what? Did I just choose Denxi, the person who I've argued endlessly for ages with?

      Yes, I did. The reasoning is simple. Denxi brings something that I haven't seen in a long time in anybody including myself, crowd control. Denxi brings along a pro-competitive, but anti-idiotic / pro-logic, mindset that I feel the community needs.

      We don't need 100000 posts, nor do we need 24/7 hours on these forums. What the community needs is another rock hard moderator that can hold his own ground while keeping the forums clean.

      Oh, you say he's been infracted before? I've been infracted and banned on this and other accounts before. Problem?
      Denxi said it best, "why not?"

    • aRusher
      aRusher also is a unique character. He wishes to help out others, while being super active on the forums. Now, one thing that he could improve is his confidence. He seems to bow out when confronted by others.

      Confidence is key, I personally hate people who hide behind a ban hammer. If he could find that confidence, I'm sure he'd be a very outgoing person. He's already very knowledgeable, and I'm sure that he would be able to help out others.

    • Simrock
      Simrock is the epitome of Cross Fire forumer fame. With his YouTube channel, he reaches thousands of viewers. But fame obviously doesn't cut it. His experience in the forums gives him every right to stand there as a solid prospect.

      He's active, and knows what he's talking about. Not to mention his guides are filled with intelligence and help tons out.

    • [FG]Jon
      Jon is unknown, but known, but unknown. He's the face and mind behind the organization that has brought us thing such as weekly drafts, the CFFAs, and FGC, a new mini-league / tournament.

      He has experience working with moderators and even had the pleasure of working with Saidin. He's known by the competitive community.

      The downside, his experience and activity. While we aren't looking for it, it could turn out to very be a "Who's he" moment, in which nobody knows him. Just a bit of time for others to know him and for him to know the community will turn this grape into fine wine.

    • Sebbern
      Somebody that's actually been there as long as I have. He's an old-timer. We've been delighted by his vacation hotspots and educated by his knowledge.

      His crutch is activity. He needs to be on more to share that knowledge.

    • MrShad
      Essentially the same as Sebbern. Knowledgeable and helpful, just needs more activity.

    • Thisgameowns
      He's active and willing to help. He knows the moderators and seems to know the game. He'll get there after a bit more involvement in community.

    • RTOMan
      Similar to TGO, he needs a bit more experience. I only met him a few months ago. Only in special cases [look at Polleus] do people get in after that few of a time here.

    • GodsGunman
      I'm going to be blunt. The moderating team is a family. You have to be able to work with EVERYONE, and vice versa. This isn't a seniority / popularity system. Everyone gets equal respect.

      He has the will to help, but apart from statistics, there isn't much that I see from the help factor.

    • Ayce1
      Ace has administration experience with WOGL, ESL, and CCC. His resume is very impressive, but the downside is that's his only plus.

      He wants to help, but only does so at some times. He needs to help out others as well as the competitive community.
    I want to congrats to all the following members. Hope I come around as i help In Game & out of Game & ideas i want to bring to the table to better of & have our CF users such a enjoyable moment in our world of In Game & on Site.

    As myself being both side of Gaming or & on site willing to offer my ideas, my duty's, being committed & many more beyond to do any work to see our world of CF get bigger by the & continues it growth day by day.

    I agree to Hi, awesome choice & i know it's hard but well done on your choice & everything you have done.
  • No one here is superior to anyone.. get off your imaginary throne.
  • Danboard wrote: »
    No one here is superior to anyone.. get off your imaginary throne.

    Favorite post in this entire thread.
  • [MOD]9 wrote: »
    Spelled friends wrong on his app. -.-

    The guy is nice though.

    Remember everyone; I'm supporting all applications!

    Are you sure?
    Im on of them too u know :p
  • [MOD]9 wrote: »
    Spelled friends wrong on his app. -.-

    The guy is nice though.

    Remember everyone; I'm supporting all applications!
    ESPECIALLY mine.
  • MrShad wrote: »
    Exactly, so why would the the account registration date come into a huge factor? Unless like.. the person just registered last week or something.
    I didn't mention the registration date. I mentioned post count. 200 or 300 high quality posts seems to be good enough to make the mod position. But have you noticed that a lot of the applicants have rarely posted on the forum before? In fact, some only posted in the Mod Application forum, and no where else.

    Quality trumps quantity. But no matter how great the post was, 1 or 2, or even a dozen post is not going to make you well known with the public.

    A lot of factors are at play here, and some will weigh heavier than others. But its the sum of all these factors that is going to decide who is the best suited for the job.
  • [MOD]9 wrote: »

    Remember everyone; I'm supporting all applications!

    I don't want your support ;) Just kidding :)
  • I cant really decide on a person who I believe deserves it the most. To be honest a lot of you deserve it, but like lolli said, quantity does not equal quality. May the best applicant be destined as his/her role as a modeartor, and help this community. I also submitted an application, but I have a sliver of achance of being chosen...
  • I cant really decide on a person who I believe deserves it the most. To be honest a lot of you deserve it, but like lolli said, quantity does not equal quality. May the best applicant be destined as his/her role as a modeartor, and help this community. I also submitted an application, but I have a sliver of achance of being chosen...

    For a better amurrka
  • ((STYX)) wrote: »

    For a better amurrka

    I probably deny moderator. I'm too devoted to meta and I'm one of the people keeping them alive at the moment.
  • ((STYX)) wrote: »
    Cupcakes for all.
    and a side of sprinkles!!!
  • and a side of sprinkles!!!
    Only for you my secretary.
  • Why do you people argue here.This is Mod applicant support.It doesnt matter who wins or lose.It matters that people post here only those who support.But from my side i'm guessing you are all "hungry" for being a mod.I dont care at all.If they accept me for mod,it will be my honor to do that job.If not,good game.There is allways next year.You should all take chill pill and start to help community instead argue.