Attention Z8Gamers and Cross Fire fans!
Please explain more, having trouble understanding (Can "Germans, Egyptians", Turkish") play on the servers or there a block or will you be adding more servers? e.g.
Germany Server 1
Germany Server 2
Turkish Server 1
Turkish Server 2 etc..
Also will you be adding a UK Rookie Server for us brits. -
Niceee. Less qqers, no more foreigners spamming rubbish and surely a great decrease in hackers. This is great ^^
QQ, Spam and cheaters will continue, the only thing that will be probably reduced are those 2acc's made only for using speeds and aimbots -
Okay.. You know what.. Infraction coming...
FFFUUUUUCCCCCC******K YYYYEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH YEAH! ABOUT DAMN TIME THIS CAME HERE! Now we can play without having 10 times more BR's signing up for the game every two seconds. -
Aimoperative wrote: »
I lol-ed a bit :P
This discussion has been closed.
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