Mouse/Keyboard "stuck" Controls freezing Problems SOLVED!

For anyone reading this, chances are this is a problem that has plagued you & has frustrated you to no end, I know it has me. I believe Ive found a fix for this. After months of putting up with this waiting for a fix, I came across another site saying something about issues involving dual core proccesors or higher. So I thought to myself, I have a dual core, let me just try this. I was skeptical going into it but it has worked for me 100%. If you have a dual or quadcore proccesor & your mouse & keyboard controlls freeze up on you during gameplay for 1,2,3 seconds or more at a time at seemingly random intervals, give this a try.

Start up your game, log in and go to whatever server & room you want to.

Then, on your keyboard, press Alt+Cntrl+Delete keys, opening up your Windows Task Manager.

Look for Crossfire.exe. It should be towards the top of the list. If you dont see it, just left click the Image Name tab to sort the processes alphabeticaly.

Right click on Crossfire.exe. From the drop box, left click on Set Affinity

This will open up the Processer Afinity box. You should see CPU 0 & CPU 1 with check marks in both boxes. Or more boxes if you have more then a dual core.

You need to have just one of these boxes check marked.
For some reason for me unchecking CPU 0 & leaving CPU 1 checked doesnt fix it.
I find unchecking CPU 1 & leaving only CPU 0 checked works the best.
Id reccomend having only CPU 0 checked, leave every other box unchecked. Bottom line, make sure only 1 box is checked then left click OK.

Close out of Task Manager & you should go automaticaly back to your game. If not just left click the crossfire tab on your task bar. Play game & enjoy.

This fixed it perfectly for me, hopefuly it will for you too. You might also try to do the same but instead click Set Priority & set it to Low. That has worked for me too.

Hope this helps, if so drop a note here to let others know.
