Mouse/Keyboard "stuck" Controls freezing Problems SOLVED!
Hey, TimStreaker, thanx for your efforts but....
With last X-trap autopatch yesterday, stuck bug has gone for me.
I havent changed anything on my Pc and game works fine for first time since june 2010!!
Thanx to whoever fixed it, but... almost a year late, man! -
LleidaPowa wrote: »Hey, TimStreaker, thanx for your efforts but....
With last X-trap autopatch yesterday, stuck bug has gone for me.
I havent changed anything on my Pc and game works fine for first time since june 2010!!
Thanx to whoever fixed it, but... almost a year late, man!
Well thats good to hear. I dont know if its just cooincidence or what. I contacted tech support with this info 11 days ago & havent heard a thing back from them yet. Maybe they looked into it & finaly patched it Idk. I would find it very hard to believe they just happend to finaly find a fix for this on their own 11 days after I did & told them about it after its been over 6 months of them not fixing this. And theres a history of game working fine after patch and then messing up again with lots of players over that time. So well see what happens. Anyway glad to hear you can play now. ( : -
TimStryker wrote: »For anyone reading this, chances are this is a problem that has plagued you & has frustrated you to no end, I know it has me. I believe Ive found a fix for this. After months of putting up with this waiting for a fix, I came across another site saying something about issues involving dual core proccesors or higher. So I thought to myself, I have a dual core, let me just try this. I was skeptical going into it but it has worked for me 100%. If you have a dual or quadcore proccesor & your mouse & keyboard controlls freeze up on you during gameplay for 1,2,3 seconds or more at a time at seemingly random intervals, give this a try.
Start up your game, log in and go to whatever server & room you want to.
Then, on your keyboard, press Alt+Cntrl+Delete keys, opening up your Windows Task Manager.
Look for Crossfire.exe. It should be towards the top of the list. If you dont see it, just left click the Image Name tab to sort the processes alphabeticaly.
Right click on Crossfire.exe. From the drop box, left click on Set Affinity
This will open up the Processer Afinity box. You should see CPU 0 & CPU 1 with check marks in both boxes. Or more boxes if you have more then a dual core.
You need to have just one of these boxes check marked.
For some reason for me unchecking CPU 0 & leaving CPU 1 checked doesnt fix it.
I find unchecking CPU 1 & leaving only CPU 0 checked works the best.
Id reccomend having only CPU 0 checked, leave every other box unchecked. Bottom line, make sure only 1 box is checked then left click OK.
Close out of Task Manager & you should go automaticaly back to your game. If not just left click the crossfire tab on your task bar. Play game & enjoy.
This fixed it perfectly for me, hopefuly it will for you too. You might also try to do the same but instead click Set Priority & set it to Low. That has worked for me too.
Hope this helps, if so drop a note here to let others know.
Finally, a solution.
Thank you, I only thought this was happening to me, but clearly not.
Thanks again.
-WKD. -
I had this problem found running game booster fixed it for me will try this way too just to see thnx
Yeah, Ive heard mixed reviews on Game Booster, some swear by it, others say it doesnt do much for them or even makes the gameplay worse. Just out of curiosity, do you have a multi-core processor? And does GB fix it 100% for you? If you have the chance to try just my method without GB & post back here your results VS. GB Id be interested to know. -
TimStryker wrote: »For anyone reading this, chances are this is a problem that has plagued you & has frustrated you to no end, I know it has me. I believe Ive found a fix for this. After months of putting up with this waiting for a fix, I came across another site saying something about issues involving dual core proccesors or higher. So I thought to myself, I have a dual core, let me just try this. I was skeptical going into it but it has worked for me 100%. If you have a dual or quadcore proccesor & your mouse & keyboard controlls freeze up on you during gameplay for 1,2,3 seconds or more at a time at seemingly random intervals, give this a try.
Start up your game, log in and go to whatever server & room you want to.
Then, on your keyboard, press Alt+Cntrl+Delete keys, opening up your Windows Task Manager.
Look for Crossfire.exe. It should be towards the top of the list. If you dont see it, just left click the Image Name tab to sort the processes alphabeticaly.
Right click on Crossfire.exe. From the drop box, left click on Set Affinity
This will open up the Processer Afinity box. You should see CPU 0 & CPU 1 with check marks in both boxes. Or more boxes if you have more then a dual core.
You need to have just one of these boxes check marked.
For some reason for me unchecking CPU 0 & leaving CPU 1 checked doesnt fix it.
I find unchecking CPU 1 & leaving only CPU 0 checked works the best.
Id reccomend having only CPU 0 checked, leave every other box unchecked. Bottom line, make sure only 1 box is checked then left click OK.
Close out of Task Manager & you should go automaticaly back to your game. If not just left click the crossfire tab on your task bar. Play game & enjoy.
This fixed it perfectly for me, hopefuly it will for you too. You might also try to do the same but instead click Set Priority & set it to Low. That has worked for me too.
Hope this helps, if so drop a note here to let others know.
Doesn´t Work!! i cant play crossfire anymore.. i cant shoot, i cant walk right, i cant aim... it sucks... -
If you cant access the affinity selection, then see if there is a box called "Set Priority"
Just follow my Instructions up until you would choose "Set Affinity" & instead, hover your mouse over "Set Priority" & a side box will pop up. Left click on "Low" & try that during game play. If that doesnt work, then try setting it to "High" or "Real Time" as maybe your processor needs more priority to the CF program. If all else fails do some google research. Good luck. -
is it just me or did the new xtrap patch brought this bug back again...-____-
For the half a year or so that I put up with this, many times after an Xtrap patch would come, Id notice lots of people would say Ohh its fixed now graet, no problem any more. Then a day or two or a week later, same people would be back stating is was messed up again. -
TimStryker wrote: »For the half a year or so that I put up with this, many times after an Xtrap patch would come, Id notice lots of people would say Ohh its fixed now graet, no problem any more. Then a day or two or a week later, same people would be back stating is was messed up again.
sucks xtrap can't get it right. Thanks for your fix though -
Thanks.. this fix worked for me.. for now... i guess using all cores just made it lag that little bit as against using 1 core... thanks for the fix once again
Very welcome, glad I could help you. ( :
I just got a message from tech support, finally. Theyre reviewing the data I submitted & referring everyone with similar probs to this thread now, so hopefully no one else has to deal with this anymore, till they find a permanent in-game fix. -
Support directed me to this thread, having a problem with using the Esc button. Can not use in game for leaving a game or bringing up a kick vote. Tried the affinity settings. Worked a couple of times, but, it goes back to the way it was. Freezes the game until Esc is clicked again.
Support directed me to this thread, having a problem with using the Esc button. Can not use in game for leaving a game or bringing up a kick vote. Tried the affinity settings. Worked a couple of times, but, it goes back to the way it was. Freezes the game until Esc is clicked again.
When you say it goes back to the way it was, is that after youve completely exited the game & restarted it? You do have to follow the steps every time you exit out of & restart the game. If you mean it goes back while youre still playing the same game, make sure you have only "CPU 0" check marked and nothing else, then hit ok and close out of Windows Task Manager & go to game.
Otherwise if thats not working, make sure you also try adjusting the priority settings as earlier described & see if that helps.
Good luck.
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