Why the PUG scene is failing

Today, I pugged.

It was perhaps the single most unpleasant experience I've ever had with Cross Fire. At least on the Halloween patch night I had a bunch of cool people in vent staying up until 6am when the patch was supposed to be out like 9 hours earlier to talk with. But here in the pug vent, my problem was WITH the people on vent.

First off, when I come to pug, I don't come to screw around. In every game I played (And I played about 5+) there were people with p90s, people with m16s, and even people with restricted weapons such as gold m4s and gold deags playing.

Then, we had the people who were just playing stupid. A PUG is supposed to be a loose 5v5 competitive enviroment. I know its not a league match, its not an echo scrim, its not a clan server scrim, but come on. Every time we played sub base without fail there were people who would just rush and camp in the vents, or who would just flat out rush and get killed right away. Going 0 - 5 and then typing in team chat "Watching TV, don't care" isn't what I want to see when I go pug. If you want to play like a pub, then go play a 10 man pub. People grenading me and otherwise just being obnoxious is no good.

Then, we have the vent issues. First off, there is the crowd that won't say a word on vent. I could be the last person standing on my team and I don't have a clue where the other team is because nobody says a word. What the hell are we on vent for then?

On the other hand, I'm often stuck with the people who won't shut their mouth. Chatting about nothing at all or talking like a 15 year old halo player, its absurd the amount of crap these people can come up with. Not to mention that when I'm the last person alive, having 4 chatterboxes commentating on my every move is annoying to say the least. If I miss a shot I'm bad/awful/terrible, if I hit a shot its like they can't shut up about it. The f11 jokes were funny the first time I heard them, now its just another distraction. Worse off is the fact that every sentence from this group of players must end in "kid". You're only 15, you're hardly fit to be called a child.

So on top of all this, we then have the people go afk for an excessive amount of time or just flat out leave a game in progress. I can understand ducking out to change bags or whatever, but how shitty is it when both teams are playing a pretty close game only to have a person leave. It ruins the PUG and leaves everyone with a sour feeling.

PUGs are there so that when my team isn't on to scrim I can at least play with people who have a clue. Instead I'm finding pubs to be more fun, as I'm not getting killed from behind because I'm not expecting my teammates to cover the area they're in. I understand that baiting is something that won't go away, but when people make it so obvious it just makes me want to punch them in the face.

tl;dr PUGs just are not as good as they used to be back in the day. Share your experiences with PUGs in this thread.
