Why the PUG scene is failing



  • Haven't been around for a month, but I'm guessing PUGs are the same as usual. Last PUG match I played was great, just had a bunch of people together doing Echo scrims against teams. PUGs via PUG Ventrilo Group(s) do not always go badly, but the last few I remember were so bad that I eventually had to just leave and get them a ringer. There really is no point in being there if you are hating every second of it while playing.

    Will it change sometime soon? I doubt it. Starting up your own PUGs with people you know will probably end up much better then joining up straight though the usual Ventrilo hot-spots.
  • loneB wrote: »
    there is really no point in being there for the match if you are hating every second of it while playing.


    bruce how could you put that against me?
  • Tasty I wasn't in your vent chan, how was I to know?

    You got killed, said you were bored, and left. Thats it.
  • Bruce1nR wrote: »
    Tasty I wasn't in your vent chan, how was I to know?

    don't bring things up you know nothing about

  • MOST of the euro's in this game are friendly and mature.

    I'm not too sure about this.
    If you are talking about the people on eu pug vent then probably, but just a random eu player is not more mature than a na imo. Public games there are kicks left, right and centre.
  • I guess we still have to wait for that perfect pug vent lol. I wouldn't hold my breathe though..
  • Better to get a few guys you know and just go scrimming to gether imo
  • don't bring things up you know nothing about
    Thing is, most likely nobody understood why you left the match, so nine people just saw someone quit because it was 'boring'.
    When he could have spent a few extra seconds typing "I'm leaving because there is no vent discipline" or whatever and with that perhaps letting them know how not to behave.
  • Pugging sounds like a form of wanking that makes you cry everytime you do it. THAT's why it's failing.
  • Yeah you pretty much summed most of the issues up. PUG's were really fun back in the day, everybody was pretty mature, and they were actually looked up to as pretty competitive; people actually tried to win (especially the drafts).

    A pug vent in a community like this needs extraordinary discipline/rules. For example Bruce, lets say you make a pug vent (which i think you should) You would choose 1-2 trustable admins (maybe more if you like). Then you would lay down rules (General, Ventrilo, and in game). You would need to permanately ban people after their first offence for example someone you know is annoying in vent and fools around in game come in and does just that. He needs to be banned. Or someone who NEVER talks on vent but is decent in game, he needs to be banned. As these are things that degrade the level of pugs. I also think people who cannot perform in game(bad players), shouldn't be able to play, until they can prove otherwise. i say this because i remember back in lifeline pugs i only remember a few bad players, and they usually didnt get picked so problem was solved. However in "life's pug vent" or "PUGG vent" 80% of the population is bad at the game.
  • Control is 100% correct. PUGs should be of decently skilled players. How can you hope to have any kind of competitiveness (these things should have some) unless the players can actually play? It's not fun watching a bunch of low-skilled players run around and spray, rush, and act stupid.
  • c0ntroLL wrote: »
    Yeah you pretty much summed most of the issues up. PUG's were really fun back in the day, everybody was pretty mature, and they were actually looked up to as pretty competitive; people actually tried to win (especially the drafts).

    A pug vent in a community like this needs extraordinary discipline/rules. For example Bruce, lets say you make a pug vent (which i think you should) You would choose 1-2 trustable admins (maybe more if you like). Then you would lay down rules (General, Ventrilo, and in game). You would need to permanately ban people after their first offence for example someone you know is annoying in vent and fools around in game come in and does just that. He needs to be banned. Or someone who NEVER talks on vent but is decent in game, he needs to be banned. As these are things that degrade the level of pugs. I also think people who cannot perform in game(bad players), shouldn't be able to play, until they can prove otherwise. i say this because i remember back in lifeline pugs i only remember a few bad players, and they usually didnt get picked so problem was solved. However in "life's pug vent" or "PUGG vent" 80% of the population is bad at the game.

    I agree to easier bans in pugs but not the banning of inexperienced players. I say ban the annoying players that flame everyone else and try to bring some good sportsmanship(gamemanship?) to the game. I remember when I used to pug back in the day people tried strats and were actually nice to each other!

    To me flaming is basically the biggest problem right now in pugs. Be nice, try your best and learn new things! It doesn't take a team of good players to have fun, however it does take a team with a good attitude!
  • IMO, Bruce should start a brand new PUG, put some of the oL members as staff, such as loneB/Kahlan/Lolo/Blind Rob/Denxi and voila!
  • IMO, Bruce should start a brand new PUG, put some of the oL members as staff, such as loneB/Kahlan/Lolo/Blind Rob/Denxi and voila!

    ^ this.
    imo, one of the factors that come into a successful pug vent are the staff.
    without a good staff, the pug vent will slowly deteriorate.
  • IMO, Bruce should start a brand new PUG, put some of the oL members as staff, such as loneB/Kahlan/Lolo/Blind Rob/Denxi and voila!

    Sounds good to me.

    or an official Z8 PUG with mod admins and the mods get punished by saidin for being biased and/or doing wrong.
  • Pugs are dieing because back when krzy had his vent going, Everyone was mature. Now theirs still the ppl that were their b4 but feel uncomfortable around the blammering 12 yr olds that never shuddup...Atm you can't play without someone going do growler or take a scr shot you have armor I HS YOU...Pug vent to sum it up i failing cause of spoiled brats.
  • CrashAero wrote: »
    Sounds good to me.

    or an official Z8 PUG with mod admins and the mods get punished by saidin for being biased and/or doing wrong.
    But then again, entire MOD staff knows nothing about this game, except dot, BlindRob and Deadeye
  • I feel teh same way.

    PUG'd on ninjakitty's vent once. Die several times. 3rd or 4th round in, kill 2 ppl when last one alive, defuse, RQ cuz i can't stand the kids yelling 'behind you' after everyone's dead and not doing sh1t in general.

    1st experience on WOGL-draft night: vegetablesoup QQ's 1st half cuz he's so high n mighty, goes to eat dinner 2nd half.

    PUG'd on dot's UK vent. Have sum fucl<ing kid in Phillipines breathing on teh fucl<in mic liek a gawdam GHOST. He wasn't doing it on purpose, but it still drove me fucl<ing INSANE.

    Another WOGL-draft night, had Fany, sum other ppl, myself, and I think Kolby on the team (had sum IGN with a 'b' or something forgot wut it was). Each half aside for one (we won 2 or 3 maps i think), Kolby bottomfragging, talkin bout 'i'm not tryn'. I said nothing not to start sum drama, but in my head thinking,"so why the fucl< are you here? GO PUB, SCRUB!".

    I've only participated in like those and 1 other WOGL-drafts, so i guess my experience is 2-ok, 3-bad, but I'll still try to be involved in em next time I hear of one (i usually always miss em unless sum1 tells me about em since every1 makes their own fucl<ing thread instead of there being a pug central) just cuz pub drives me crazy too (plus I've been doing it for almost 2 years), aaand I have so few clan members.

    Whether sum1 is good or not, imo, what matters most in scrim/pug is TRYING, COMMUNICATING, and CHANGING if what you're doing isn't working.
    I don't remember playing with you honestly. :/

    Only time I had Fany on my team was when I picked him my first draft ever.
  • [MOD]Rex wrote: »
    Always liked Krzy's old PUGG vent best.

    you can say that again..but towards the end it got crazy...
  • It's only failing because this game is as well.
  • JustLogic wrote: »
    It's only failing because this game is as well.

    Ignorant statement. PUGs can do just fine with the right owners, even with the game as it is now.
  • Too many 14 year olds who think they're tough sht running around. To be honest, it was only good back then because it was mostly good players from good scrim teams. Now, it just a bunch of stupid kids running around challenging each other to 1vs1s to prove their self-worth to other stupid kids.

    Waste of time IMO.
  • Um... I'm lost. What's a pug vent? From what I'm getting out of this story is kind of like when you join a game, you also joining a Ventrilo with other players in the same room automatically?
  • [MOD]Rex wrote: »
    Always liked Krzy's old PUGG vent best.

    mhm, actually a good vent , less "children" or atleast people who act like children.

    too bad we probably wont have any decent pugs for awhile.
  • K0lby wrote: »
    I was on your team when you called me a "F**king blocker ass".

    Which was honestly unintentional but whatever.

    Fat people have disadvantages.
  • The worst part is when people go 0-9 and they type in chat box "should I try now?" That just embarrasses you more.

    That gets me so mad, If I drop a 4-7 in a pug I tell my team I'm playing like sht and I'll do better next time.
  • c0ntroLL wrote: »
    Yeah you pretty much summed most of the issues up. PUG's were really fun back in the day, everybody was pretty mature, and they were actually looked up to as pretty competitive; people actually tried to win (especially the drafts).

    A pug vent in a community like this needs extraordinary discipline/rules. For example Bruce, lets say you make a pug vent (which i think you should) You would choose 1-2 trustable admins (maybe more if you like). Then you would lay down rules (General, Ventrilo, and in game). You would need to permanately ban people after their first offence for example someone you know is annoying in vent and fools around in game come in and does just that. He needs to be banned. Or someone who NEVER talks on vent but is decent in game, he needs to be banned. As these are things that degrade the level of pugs. I also think people who cannot perform in game(bad players), shouldn't be able to play, until they can prove otherwise. i say this because i remember back in lifeline pugs i only remember a few bad players, and they usually didnt get picked so problem was solved. However in "life's pug vent" or "PUGG vent" 80% of the population is bad at the game.

    Yes, i agree with a majority of this. The older mature players should reform a pug group with strict rules. One instance i can remember on Krazy's vent was one of the rules being no trashtalking yet teams trash talked and were theatened with DQ they ***** and moaned and got the admin in ****. The rules should be strict and enforced no matter what. I however do not agree with this ". i say this because i remember back in lifeline pugs i only remember a few bad players, and they usually didnt get picked so problem was solved. However in "life's pug vent" or "PUGG vent" 80% of the population is bad at the game." Bad players should infact be aloud to play, how else will players improve? If a pug vent gets big enough to infact keep the newer players involved and the older, they should use a bracket method so that "bad" players dont get 18-0'd but still are learning and improving. It just seems to me the point of a pug, should be A) Fun. B) Competative and C) help players grow.