Why the PUG scene is failing



  • Joined a Pug once did really bad (long time ago) but i liked it playing with ppl you just meet and seeing how fast you can adapt
  • u will get older as the community stays the same age or likely gets younger and the older players who stay on care less so it can only get worse
    thats just an uneducated opinion, but i dont pug so maybe idk
  • LifeLine's pug vent was the best, when everyone try harded and everyone who came on had a clue. Now it sucks =l
  • Too many people try to re-create the "Pug Scene". Maybe if some of the original people that hosted the pugs came back to start it again, then it would be a lot better. Same with some of the original people who were GOOD come back and play them.
  • you wrote too much, so i just read some of it :)
    but from what i read, this is what i say
    1. some people in this game are just stupid. even people who got good aim, but no game sense
    2. some people rush and go on their own because of their egos. they think their the best and dont need the team
    and most importantly
    3. people dont wanna try cause they dont want to accept failure (against good people) at least if they dont try and they fail, they can say "oh i wasnt trying, i dont care"
    when most of the time, even when they try, they still fail.
  • Downside of having everyone and their mom "pug".
  • Bruce1nR wrote: »
    Not to mention that when I'm the last person alive, having 4 chatterboxes commentating on my every move is annoying to say the least. If I miss a shot I'm bad/awful/terrible, if I hit a shot its like they can't shut up about it. The f11 jokes were funny the first time I heard them, now its just another distraction. Worse off is the fact that every sentence from this group of players must end in "kid". You're only 15, you're hardly fit to be called a child.

    This describes 95% of the crossfire community.
  • K0lby wrote: »
    I was on your team when you called me a "F**king blocker ass".

    Which was honestly unintentional but whatever.

    I wasn't really honestly mad at you, I was just fed up in general. I was going to plant and you were chasing a frag, which got us both tangled up and killed. Sorry.

    And at all the tryhard comments: Exactly what I'm trying to say. People act like its a bad thing to tryhard in a pug. If you want to jack around, go pub. The first round of every pug is just like a match to me, I'm 100%.

    Yes, back in the day on LL vent was the best. I came up in CF on that vent (I miss my Bro-dega), playing with players who today are absolute monsters in the game. And there was a lot less trash talking and bad play, people in the community gave a damn.
  • The fact of the matter is, alot more kids play this game now. kids tend to be immature. i feel its one of those things were its gonna get worse. There will always be people who remember this game in its glory. (ive been playing since the game was fully released) But i think this game is growing in popularity but dieing in overall skill and maturity. I mean its one thing to **** around with your buddies in pubs but in regards to pugs, whats the point of pugging if your just gonna flame other players for missing a shot and not try. It just seems to me, that alot of these new players have this elitest attitude. This attitude is what kills the pugs. The only way to get better is to practice and play, who the **** is gonna wanna play and get better when they are constantly spammed for being bad?
  • Exactly. You don't get good by playing pubs, and you can't get experience and get on a good team when every time you pug people are flaming you and playing shitty.
  • all the pug vent were actually decent except kobly but lifeline was the best ur just all following bruce
  • EU pug was fun i hope it will be back soon :)
    U_U wrote: »
    I was called a child by some one who sounded like justin bieber...
    I lol'ed
    Bruce1nR wrote: »
    people in the community gave a damn.
    THIS ^^
  • yup, its one of the reasons i dont play in any competative form anymore. You play one bad game or for a bad team your black listed for life. I partially blame the fact the community is so small, especially in the competative scene. one well known player sees you play a bad game, and they in turn spread the word your bad. The fact of the matter is, this game is very very team orientated, how one player performs in a random match should not be the determining factor.
  • all the pug vent were actually decent except kobly but lifeline was the best ur just all following bruce

    You're too young to understand what I'm saying.
  • Pugging here was never fun. Day of Defeat or Counter-Strike pugs are way more chill.

    I tried pugging twice, once after x2 broke-up, and it was lame because everyone just ran around trying to get known and be the hero, and just the other day, and it was whack because they were horrible. How do I not play for over 1 year and still almost topfrag? Jesus.

    I've always preferred playing Area51 over pugs, because all we did was play, and leave. It was good aiming practice and nobody chased a frag. Not to mention top-caliber teams never play like idiots and rush B every round.
  • Well actually I found pubstar's pug vent to be somewhat fun, but then again that was because usually it was 3 x2's on the same team, so it was basically x2+ringers vs randoms.
  • i liked the part were we played games for fun.
  • Bruce1nR wrote: »
    people who won't shut their mouth. Chatting about nothing at all or talking like a 15 year old halo players

    i concur, at least every pug i go to i have some preteen baddie talking trash about me. whether it's about me apparently cheating, or how they are better than me, etc. what's even worse is, when i try and discuss it in vent.. they don't say a single word, kind of like they only have the ability to talk in-game chat but not upfront in ventrilo. these pugs are sad, and what makes them bad is the immature kids.

    i could see the EU pugs being better, seeing as how the average european actually knows how to act properly.
  • i concur, at least every pug i go to i have some preteen baddie talking trash about me. whether it's about me apparently cheating, or how they are better than me, etc. what's even worse is, when i try and discuss it in vent.. they don't say a single word, kind of like they only have the ability to talk in-game chat but not upfront in ventrilo. these pugs are sad, and what makes them bad is the immature kids.

    i could see the EU pugs being better, seeing as how the average european actually knows how to act properly.

    unfortunately the eu pug vent hasn't been active recently, and yes.
    the european side of crossfire (competitively speaking) is a lot more mature and respectable than the NA side of crossfire. only a majority of people in the competitive NA side have any intellect.
    but i can't speak about intellect when i'm dumber than a rock.

    MOST of the euro's in this game are friendly and mature.

    @Bruce: you shouldn't of got your hopes up if you were going to pug in life's vent.
    LL's old pug vent and krzy's first pug vent, those were the days.
  • Gurppp wrote: »

    I hate this try hardin excuse really annoys me.

    Also pug's are inactive people with stupid guns that just do stupid **** is stupid

    you match the criteria of bruces entire post, you and trellz are probably the two most annoying ******'s i have ever came upon in pugs.
  • I've done like 2 pugs on Life's vent and ..... I dunno if i'll go back lol.

    Eu Pug was really good back in the day,I wish it was back to its best again :/
    It's used for clans these days that don't have their own vent.
  • you match the criteria of bruces entire post, you and trellz are probably the two most annoying ******'s i have ever came upon in pugs.

    Tastylimes: This is boring find a ringer.

    Tastylimes has left the game.
  • I feel teh same way.

    PUG'd on ninjakitty's vent once. Die several times. 3rd or 4th round in, kill 2 ppl when last one alive, defuse, RQ cuz i can't stand the kids yelling 'behind you' after everyone's dead and not doing sh1t in general.

    1st experience on WOGL-draft night: vegetablesoup QQ's 1st half cuz he's so high n mighty, goes to eat dinner 2nd half.

    PUG'd on dot's UK vent. Have sum fucl<ing kid in Phillipines breathing on teh fucl<in mic liek a gawdam GHOST. He wasn't doing it on purpose, but it still drove me fucl<ing INSANE.

    Another WOGL-draft night, had Fany, sum other ppl, myself, and I think Kolby on the team (had sum IGN with a 'b' or something forgot wut it was). Each half aside for one (we won 2 or 3 maps i think), Kolby bottomfragging, talkin bout 'i'm not tryn'. I said nothing not to start sum drama, but in my head thinking,"so why the fucl< are you here? GO PUB, SCRUB!".

    I've only participated in like those and 1 other WOGL-drafts, so i guess my experience is 2-ok, 3-bad, but I'll still try to be involved in em next time I hear of one (i usually always miss em unless sum1 tells me about em since every1 makes their own fucl<ing thread instead of there being a pug central) just cuz pub drives me crazy too (plus I've been doing it for almost 2 years), aaand I have so few clan members.

    Whether sum1 is good or not, imo, what matters most in scrim/pug is TRYING, COMMUNICATING, and CHANGING if what you're doing isn't working.
  • EU PUG is coming back when Famous gets back from his holiday.

    Also, the ping limit for EU PUG is 150 so maybe the mature NAs can play on it too seeing as NAs get around 90-120 on UKS.
  • yeah its annoying, i'd enjoy pugs if people would play semi-serious and not with downs. You can play in pubs to do that and not waste every1's time. I usually just kick people on my team that are being stupid, hence why i'm temp banned.

    To be honest alot of it is the management's fault. t's simple, ban the repeat offenders who ruin games. If a competent group of top competitive players started one it would be 100x better. Should run your own for good competitive fun bruce.
  • Denxi and Bruce host a vent, casual PUGS, no bads.
    OT: Very true points, as for gold weapons they should be allowed maybe not the SL, kris etc etc.
  • Treneyez wrote: »
    Denxi and Bruce host a vent, casual PUGS, no bads.
    OT: Very true points, as for gold weapons they should be allowed maybe not the SL, kris etc etc.

    you're the kind of people to keep out, bad players should definitely play, how else do they get better? It's the immature children such as yourself gurp trellz haze whoever "HELLNOWTF" is. you people make it a waste of time not players who are inexperienced.
  • Bruce1nR wrote: »
    Tastylimes: This is boring find a ringer.

    Tastylimes has left the game.

    kids on my team were crying and being pests so i made the excuse of being bored and left. sorry that i have no interest in finishing a pug when i cant even hear the game.
  • 0zz wrote: »
    you're the kind of people to keep out, bad players should definitely play, how else do they get better? It's the immature children such as yourself gurp trellz haze whoever "HELLNOWTF" is. you people make it a waste of time not players who are inexperienced.

    I can act normal around decent players, i respect few in this community.
    You don't know me at all to judge me.