Why the PUG scene is failing



  • [QUOTE=Pooking22;1096661
    challenging each other 1vs1s to prove their self-worth to other stupid kids.

    Waste of time IMO.

    are you calling me stupid?
  • Bruce1nR wrote: »
    people in the community gave a damn.

    This community has turned to sh1t. Well at least the semi-competitive side.
  • Epic truth. Ever since krzy's died all pugs have been going wrong.
  • J0sef wrote: »
    It's a bunch of 13 year old boys who run it and a bunch who play in it, that's why i don't pug anymore, the only one worth showing up to is wogl.

    i bet ill own u at LoL with a=panth XD

    on topic, even i like to fool around with randomers in puggs somtimes, i have to admit this gets annoying.. i dont take it that far and most ppl dont , but the ones who just yell ur bad the whole pug....ya
    what i hate is wen ppl constantly rejoin.. its like who gives a crap what ur score is ur skill isnt going to change wen u rejoin
  • Bruce should just make pug vent.
    pro's only.
    Play as if you're in WOGL trying to win.
    Mics needed. you know the basics
  • A lot of you guys are assuming Bruce would be willing to put his time into this community. I highly doubt that.
  • Bad players should infact be aloud to play, how else will players improve? If a pug vent gets big enough to infact keep the newer players involved and the older, they should use a bracket method so that "bad" players dont get 18-0'd but still are learning and improving. It just seems to me the point of a pug, should be A) Fun. B) Competative and C) help players grow.

    You can learn and improve in the game by pubbing (TD, EM, SnD) are all good for improving your aim, general game knowledge, weapons. basic game sense, etc. etc.

    You then join a team of you;re own caliber or higher to improveo n your teamwork skills, strategy, map knowledge/control, communication, etc. etc.

    Then you are ready to be an avid player in a PUG as you have all around knowledge and skill to be able to perform well in enough both in game and act mature on ventrilo (i.ie knowing when to talk and when to stay quite).

    Pug's shouldn't be medium in which bad players go to for improvement. It should be a place where skilled/mature players can get together and have a competitive game without the seriousness factor of a scrim or match where you get mad if you lose (this factor should not however degrade performance or play style).

    Also to add this this, playing bad in pugs and trying to improve seems frustrating as your team wants to win and expects you to do good (i.ie them picking you). this may lead to problems both expressed in game and on ventrilo. This is why players should stick to improving in game individually for aim etc. and with a team for teamwork/communication etc. where the frustration of pressure(players who don't really care if you're trying to get better or not as opposed to a team that would WANT you to improve therefore having that patience and not pressuring you) isn't there and you're free to improve at you're own pace.
    zoomx2 wrote: »
    A lot of you guys are assuming Bruce would be willing to put his time into this community. I highly doubt that.

    He was a moderator of these very forums not too long ago, and is constantly making threads about improving this game/community. What part of you thinks he's not up for it?
  • c0ntroLL wrote: »
    He was a moderator of these very forums not too long ago, and is constantly making threads about improving this game/community. What part of you thinks he's not up for it?

    Enough. If I had the time I'd be more than willing to take this on. However, I don't. The best I can do for you guys is be active on the forums and hopefully hopefully get involved with WOGL casting somehow. Running a vent the way I want to do it would take too much time.
  • He was a moderator of these very forums not too long ago, and is constantly making threads about improving this game/community. What part of you thinks he's not up for it?

    @control :
    Bruce1nR wrote: »
    Enough. If I had the time I'd be more than willing to take this on. However, I don't.
  • c0ntroLL wrote: »
    Pug's shouldn't be medium in which bad players go to for improvement. It should be a place where skilled/mature players can get together and have a competitive game without the seriousness factor of a scrim or match where you get mad if you lose (this factor should not however degrade performance or play style).

    Pugs actually improve bad players exponentially. Before I played Day of Defeat competitively, I didn't know some spots for grenades or where people pre-fire logically, or how to walk without making noises from steps, things like that. Of course I would die a lot at first, but using the spectator after death would help me learn spots/game sense/experience in scrims faster than I would have on my own.

    Baddies would turn into goodies pretty soon in this game if they just pugged a little more. We already know it only takes about a week of hard scrimming to get good at this game.
  • c0ntroLL wrote: »
    Yeah you pretty much summed most of the issues up. PUG's were really fun back in the day, everybody was pretty mature, and they were actually looked up to as pretty competitive; people actually tried to win (especially the drafts).

    A pug vent in a community like this needs extraordinary discipline/rules. For example Bruce, lets say you make a pug vent (which i think you should) You would choose 1-2 trustable admins (maybe more if you like). Then you would lay down rules (General, Ventrilo, and in game). You would need to permanately ban people after their first offence for example someone you know is annoying in vent and fools around in game come in and does just that. He needs to be banned. Or someone who NEVER talks on vent but is decent in game, he needs to be banned. As these are things that degrade the level of pugs. I also think people who cannot perform in game(bad players), shouldn't be able to play, until they can prove otherwise. i say this because i remember back in lifeline pugs i only remember a few bad players, and they usually didnt get picked so problem was solved. However in "life's pug vent" or "PUGG vent" 80% of the population is bad at the game.

    Except you didn't PUG and was bareley known back then.
    Thanks Fuse, kthnx.
  • Treneyez wrote: »
    Except you didn't PUG and was bareley known back then.
    Thanks Fuse, kthnx.

    i love you and your voice.

    on topic: the main reason pug vents continue to die out is the fact that the pug vents aren't exactly disciplined, ozz explained this too me on xfire. instead of having admins, it's run on mIRC.

    let me explain.

    -you use a pug bot in irc
    -type .join
    -to join when 10 people fill it.
    -you all connect to the vent
    -and captains pick
    -and no-one crys and everyone plays seriously.

    courtesy of ozz
  • I think 0z should be given the Life pug vent, and he runs it.
  • dRENNERRRR wrote: »
    I think 0z should be given the Life pug vent, and he runs it.

    why should that happen?
  • Bruce1nR wrote: »
    Chatting about nothing at all or talking like a 15 year old halo player,

    i love those 15 year old kid trashtalking after each game in halo 3 :D OMG FAI LBR LEARN AIM OMG ME MLG PRO 5STARZ BR YAA
  • i love you and your voice.

    on topic: the main reason pug vents continue to die out is the fact that the pug vents aren't exactly disciplined, ozz explained this too me on xfire. instead of having admins, it's run on mIRC.

    let me explain.

    -you use a pug bot in irc
    -type .join
    -to join when 10 people fill it.
    -you all connect to the vent
    -and captains pick
    -and no-one crys and everyone plays seriously.

    courtesy of ozz

    i have a "gather" bot like that just !on !add and !del command and bot randomize the teams of you leave you get banpoint east and simple only no one use irc ...
  • dRENNERRRR wrote: »
    I think 0z should be given the Life pug vent, and he runs it.

    I'm willing to bet that 0z isn't willing to put that kind of effort up, and I can't blame him.
  • Treneyez wrote: »
    Except you didn't PUG and was bareley known back then.
    Thanks Fuse, kthnx.

    Nearing the end of fuse, i had the privilege to be able to pug on lifelines vent for about a month or two.
  • i love you and your voice.

    on topic: the main reason pug vents continue to die out is the fact that the pug vents aren't exactly disciplined, ozz explained this too me on xfire. instead of having admins, it's run on mIRC.

    let me explain.

    -you use a pug bot in irc
    -type .join
    -to join when 10 people fill it.
    -you all connect to the vent
    -and captains pick
    -and no-one crys and everyone plays seriously.

    courtesy of ozz

    That works because people idle IRC in other games. People here don't idle IRC anymore. Even if we were to use a bot, nobody would be there to join it.
  • zoomx2 wrote: »
    That works because people idle IRC in other games. People here don't idle IRC anymore. Even if we were to use a bot, nobody would be there to join it.

    nor do we have any scrim irc's with more than 15 idlers.
  • Reading this makes me feel bad. I am 15 and my goal especially in playing the game ( which i have been doing for over 1 year) has been to act mature and show people that im not some immature stuck-up kid. Although im not the best player and my comp isnt very good i was hoping to get involved in puggs. All this looking back into the good days of puggs makes me wonder why not try making a pugg to fit that the mindset of this thread. yeah someone would have to volunteer and stuff but hey it seems like all the people posting in this thread carry a similar mindset of what a good pugg would be like. Maybe it could actually become true.... Its is obvious that there are still people in the community that want to pugg the right way, this thread proves it.
  • It's PUG without the extra G, if you insist on talking about "the old days". Just for future reference.
  • Rivkin wrote: »
    It's PUG without the extra G, if you insist on talking about "the old days". Just for future reference.

    My bad, as i said i've never been to a pug* and I dont mean to taint the name or anything
  • nor do we have any scrim irc's with more than 15 idlers.

    That's not the problem. It can be easily fixed if we just advertised a little more.
  • zoomx2 wrote: »
    That's not the problem. It can be easily fixed if we just advertised a little more.

    been tried, can't happen.
  • I know I was there when we made the channels before. It can happen. I'm not saying it will though. Kids are too ignorant and self-righteous.
  • Trippy is probably the most annoying person I have ever heard on ventrilo. Besides that pug's today were actually not bad.